Genetic pairwise distance matrix analysis in the clones of Casuarina equisetifolia L. using RAPD Markers
Development of molecular markers for various desirable traits related to disease resistance, drought tolerance, compact canopy, higher yield, etc hold great potential for crop improvement of Casuarina equisetifolia L. This work focuses on the analysis of genetic relationship between 24 first generation colones of C. equisetifolia. Total genomic DNA was isolated by CTAB method and amplified with random oligonucleotide primers (Ten arbitrary 10-mer primers from Oberon Technologies Primer, USA) using PCR. The polymorphic bands were detected on agarose gels. Each random primer used in this study produced distinct bands. These were used for the final analysis. Six primers (OPM-05, OPM-13, OPB-18, OPE-06, OPE-07 and OPE-08) yielded 39 scorable bands. These bands were then constructed using the RAPD distance v1.04 package. Following this, SHAN method in NTSYSpc v2.02 was used to generate a pair wise distance matrix between various clones of C. equisetifolia. The highest genetic similarity co-efficient value (0.91) was observed between clones APSKLM-25 and APVSP-14 while the lowest co-efficient value (0.04) was seen between clones APKKD-11 and APKKD-9. The RAPD study was helpful to establish clonal identify.
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Green synthesis and antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles from ripened fruit pulp of Diospyros chloroxylon Roxb
Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Diospyros chloroxylon Roxb. ripened fruit pulp of extract was investigated and the effect of broth concentration in reduction mechanism and particle size is reported. The rapid reduction of silver (Ag+) ions was monitored using UV-visible spectrophotometer and showed formation of silver nanoparticles within 20 minutes. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that the synthesized silver nanoparticles are varied from 10-25 nm and have the varying in shapes like spherical, round uneven. Further the XRD analysis confirms the nano-crystalline phase of silver with FCC crystal structure. FTIR examinations confirms the Silver particles. The present study, it was found that the increasing broth concentration increases the rate of reduction and decreases the particle size.
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Growth and characterization of Pure and L-alanine doped ZTC Crystals
Single crystals of pure Zinc Tris-thiourea Chloride (ZTC) and L-alanine- doped ZTC were grown from aqueous solutions by slow evaporation technique. The grown crystals have been subjected to single crystal x-ray diffraction to determine the unit cell dimensions. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectra has been recorded in the range 400-4500 cm-1. Morphological alterations have been observed when L-alanine was doped into ZTC crystals. UV-Visible spectrum shows that the grown crystals have wide optical transparency in the entire visible region. The grown crystals were also subjected to other characterizations such as micro hardness, thermal and NLO studies.
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Horseback riding activities helps in co-curricular development
An equestrian sport is one of the interesting outdoor activities. This sport is one of the expensive co-curricular activities but the benefits are undeniable either to normal people or disable. The purpose of this study is to enlighten on the advantages that we get from participating in this sports, in terms of health, personal skills and even horses were used as a medium to help people with disabilities. This co-curricular activities also can help us to improve our skills either generic skills or technical skills.
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How to communicate and teach the European Union after Brexit
Brexit is a fact and Bulgarian political scientists are left to answer the question, how EU after Brexit should be communicated to citizens and especially to students. What will the impact be in the spheres of politics and economic. There is a need for political changes on our everyday life and the need of mor? solidarity, cons?nsus and compromis? in political d?cision making. Events such as Br?xit ar? n?w in th? ?U Studi?s. One way to analyze them better in class is with the stud?nts engaging in th? act of "making politics". This chapter explains the chall?ng?s faced by political scientists which is to ?nsur? that th? stud?nts will b? provid?d with th? n?c?ssary toolset to pr?par? th?m to b? activ? European and global citiz?ns.
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Ideological Intersection: Virginia Woolf and Hélène Cixous with reference to Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own and Cixous’s “The Laugh of the Medusa”
Like almost every other writer, Virginia Woolf and Hélène Cixous were also products of their respective times and cultures, and had their own ideologies as to how to ‘liberate’ women through writing. Writing apart by about fifty years, both of these European writers have felt for and contributed to the cause of women upliftment. This submission evaluates their stances in terms of their commonalities as well as differences. Though, their prime concern, fight and hopes remain the same – emancipation of women and her writing, both standing free against the shackles of patriarchy. A Room of One’s Own, often called the ‘Feminist Bible’ stresses largely on economic independence and privacy as crucial pre-requisites for a woman-artist to be able to write fiction of any merit, rising beyond psychological obstacles. Cixous in “The Laugh of the Medusa” employs a more revolutionary tone, asking for women to bring their bodies, hearts and minds into speech and writing. Women must shatter the framework of institutions, blow up the law and re-define truth. Only then, the dreaded Medusa, on closer inspection, will appear both, beautiful as well as laughing.
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IIR digital filter design through genetic algorithm
The Paper presents a simple computer-aided design approach for designing infinite-impulse response (IIR) digital filters. IIR filter is essentially a digital filter with Recursive responses. Since the error surface of digital IIR filters is generally nonlinear and multimodal, global optimization techniques are required in order to avoid local minima. There are many ways for the design of IIR Digital filters. This Paper Presents heuristic way for the designing IIR filters. In this Paper, Genetic Algorithm (GA) base evolutionary is proposed for design of IIR digital filter. GA is a well-known powerful global optimization algorithm, introduced in combinatorial optimization problems. The Simulation results for the employed examples are presented in this paper and can be efficiently used for IIR filter design.
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Impact of War, in Swat Region (Social and Environmental perspective)
The main objective of the study is to assess the nature, magnitude and extent of the environmental and social impacts of the conflict in swat valley. Current study is conducted in order to assess the damage done to the social lives of the local population and to local environment. For this purpose number of field visits was conducted in the area and two sampling campaigns were done in wet and dry seasons. Surface and Ground water samples were collected in dry and wet seasons from the affected villages in order to determine the damage done to water quality due to the conflict. Soil samples were collected from six different villages in the Mata district of Swat Pakistan. Six different impact points of bombing were selected which were still undisturbed by the local residence. Total of 270 questioners were also filled on the basis of 94% confidence level and 6 % error from the six selected villages. The negative impacts of military operation on the social lives of local residents were very much evident from the current study. Environment has also paid its price in term of burned forest and decrease in local wild life but overall the water and soil quality is not been disturbed and no traces of TNT were found in the soil and water.
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Impacts of Floor Levels and Geological Formation on the Concentrations of Indoor Radon and its Progeny of Iraqi Kurdistan Hospitals: Case Study in Spring Season
An impact of floor levels and geological formation on the concentrations of indoor radon and its progeny studied inside 8 hospitals, and for three floor levels: ground, first and second. Locations of the selected hospitals had different geological formation and located in three main governorates: Erbil, Duhok and Sulaymaniya. Nuclear track detector type CR-39 (CR-39NTDs) used to measure track density of alpha particles that emitted from radon and its progeny. During spring season, 72 pair of exposure chambers (open-close chamber) equipped with 144 pieces of CR-39NTDs installed inside 24 rooms for three floors. After 90 day of exposure, exposed detectors etched in 6N NaOH at 70 ?C for 10 h. The highest and lowest radon concentration was in the hospitals of Shaheed Aso (Sulaymaniya city: 71.09±4.32 Bq.m-3) and Erbil Teaching ( Erbil city : 48.02±3.77Bq.m-3) .This depended on the geological formation, type of building material, and the floor level. Therefore, the results showed that the average radon concentration and annual effective dose decreases gradually as the floor level increases. The highest and lowest of annual effective dose was found in ground and second floor, respectively. Thus, according to the annual exposure dose data, the workers are safety in most of the hospitals. More details about the type of building materials of the hospitals are listed in full paper.
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Income smoothing and industrial sector
This paper discusses the results of a study that was conducted to investigate the income smoothing behavior in differences industries. Eckel’s Income Smoothing Index (1981) is used to determine the presence of artificial income smoothing behavior. The descriptive statistics are used to develop a profile of the sampled companies. Then the univariate test is conducted to investigate any significant systematic differences between companies that smooth their reported income and companies that do not. Finally, this study use logistics regression to investigate the factors associated with income smoothing practices.Results shows that industrial and technology companies smooth income more than other types of industries. The findings also indicate that income smoothers tend to be large companies with high ownership control.
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