Comparative study of the performances of different Silicon-based photovoltaic technologies
In a dynamic of protection of the environment and sustainable development, solar energy is one of the essential solutions to the energy problems of developing countries and to limiting greenhouse gas emissions. In this work, we compare the energy productivities of photovoltaic installations in four cities of two countries (Morocco and Burkina Faso). Government energy policies in both countries place a strong emphasis on solar photovoltaics. We then chose to make a detailed evaluation of the performances of the various photovoltaic technologies under various climatic conditions in these countries. PVsyst software is used to model the performance of a photovoltaic solar power plant connected to the 6kWc network (2kWc per technology) using three silicon-based photovoltaic technologies, namely: polycrystalline (pc-Si), monocrystalline (mc-Si) and amorphous (a-Si) in two cities per country. The comparative analysis included annual energy efficiency, performance ratio, annual energy density and system efficiency. From these performances, it can be observed that PV installations with a-Si have the highest energy yields and performance ratios (Er-Rachidia, Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso), while in Mohammedia, energy efficiency and maximum performance ratio are given by pc-Si technology. The mc-Si installation has the maximum overall efficiency of the system as well as the annual energy density in the cities selected for this study. The production of the city of Mohammedia is validated by the actual production of a 6kWc installation (2kWc per technology) made up of three mini-power plants, one with polycrystalline silicon, one with monocrystalline silicon and the other with amorphous silicon. Comparing the data validates our results.
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Compare the quality of life in patients with diabetes type 1 and non-diabetic individuals
Diabetes is a chronic disease that has widespread effects on individual performance and social. The purpose of this study was to compare the quality of life in patients with diabetes type 1 and non-diabetic individuals. The design of this research was ex-post facto. The sample consisted of all patients with diabetes type 1, who were members of Diabetic Association in the city of Ahvaz in 1390. The sample was selected by convenience sampling method. Among the patients who referred to the Diabetic Association, 50 type 1 diabetic patients and 50 non-diabetic relatives of clients who were matched for sex and education were selected. Then the Quality of life Questionnaire were distributed among these three groups. The data resulted from the research were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multivariate Variance Analysis Method (MANOVA). Results indicated that there were significant difference in quality of life between two groups (p<0.001). Also there is significant difference between groups in all areas quality of life. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects patients' quality of life.
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Comparison of breath holding capacity between Indian classical and contemporary singers using breath hold test: Observational study
Breath Management is currently a very important topic in the singing community. Taking into consideration the earlier studies, singing requires a higher rate of breath energy than speaking does, as well as the elongation of the breath cycle and breath holding capacity. Breath holding capacity was measured using Sabraze’s breath hold test. Methods: 94 subjects, In group A: 47 subjects and in group B: 47 subjects were recruited in this study by convenient sampling. Measuring tool: Stopwatch. Results: Our results reveal better breath holding capacity amongst Indian classical singers than contemporary singers (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Indian classical singers were found to have better breath holding capacity than contemporary singers
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Comparisons of different beamforming algorithm for beamformer
A linear adaptive beamforming structure consists of an antenna array and a digital signal processor to adjust adaptively its weight according to the particular criterion and adaptive algorithm. There are many criteria and adaptive algorithms to minimum co-channel interference (or multi-access interference).Different Algorithms (S.Strergiopoulos, 2001& Joseph C. Liberti, et al, 1999) are employed to determine the complex weights of the signal and to produce narrow beams toward intended users and deep nulls in the direction of interference.
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Configuring GRE Over IPSEC VPN With Certificate Authority Using GNS3
There are many protocols which are used to secure the data transfer between the computing devices in a network. Increase in the use of internet is also increase the demand of security and privacy in a communication and communication channels. To secure the networks there are some protocols which will be used for encryption and authentication for all IP packets of a session. In this research paper will include the advantages and all possible solutions of some techniques which are used to increased security of the network like scalability and data confidentiality. This paper analysis of two most widely used tunneling protocols in secured transmission of data the GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) and also the IPSEC (IP Security) established the comparison between them and evaluate the capabilities for security or privacy of the web internet network and for increasing and adding more security and privacy we are going to also contain and used CA (Certificate Authority) for increasing the network security. We use GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator 3) for traffic analyses
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Constructed wetlands: an approach for wastewater treatment
Constructed wetlands (CWs) have a great potential for the treatment of wastewater. These systems consist of beds or channels which have been planted with helophytes (water loving plants), which rely upon physical, chemical and biological processes to remove contaminants from wastewater. CWs are generally classified into two categories: surface-flow and subsurface-flow. Both the systems are capable of removing nitrogen, phosphorus, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, metals and pathogens from different types of domestic and industrial wastewaters. This paper provides a review of the mechanism of removal of contaminants from wastewaters in the root zone of constructed wetlands which includes both aerobic and anaerobic microbiological conversions, sedimentation, mineralization, chemical transformations, physicochemical adsorption, chemical precipitation and ion exchange. This technology act as a natural and low cost treatment facility for wastewaters of different origin.
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Constructing strongly regular graphs from skew-hadamard matrices
In this work, a new algorithm is proposed and that can be used to construct strongly regular graphs from skew-Hadamard matrices. The proposed method is based on matrix manipulations and is similar to the construction given by Jayathilaka A.A.C.A. et al., where they considered Hadamard matrices. Two strongly regular graphs have been constructed by using skew-Hadamard matrices of order 2 and 4 and are drawn using a Java programme. Considering skew-Hadamard matrices of higher order, larger strongly regular graphs can be obtained and those can be used as networks with several nodes.
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Construction of Variance and Efficiency Balanced Designs using 2n-factorial design
A method of constructing equireplicate Variance Balanced (VB) and Efficiency Balanced (EB) design with unequal block sizes is proposed using 2n-symmetrical factorial design by deleting the control treatment and merging all the main effects with highest order interaction separately. Further optimality of the constructed design has been checked and found it to be universally optimal.
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Corona Mortis and ilioinguinal approach to acetabular fracture: A case report
The corona mortis, or crown of death, is described as an abnormal vascular connection between the obturator and external iliac or inferior epigastric veins or arteries located at the back of the superior pubic ramus in the space of Retzius. The corona mortis has been said to cause massive uncontrolled or profuse bleeding and even life-threatening hemorrhage. Detailed anatomical knowledge of its prevalence, variable anastomotic connections, and morphological characteristics is therefore crucial to reduce the risks of possible iatrogenic errors in surgical procedures in the pubic region, especially the ilio-inguinal approach to the acetabulum. Every surgeon dealing with superior pubic ramus fractures and acetabulum fractures needs to be aware of these anastomoses and avoid undue hemorrhage.
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Cultivating Strategies of Creativity for College Physics Students
Creativity plays an important role in learning and life for undergraduates who major in physics. There are many factors in physics help teachers to train students’ creativity. Teachers should have advanced education ideas about physics creativity education. There are several methods to foster students' creativity in physics instruction, such as strengthen the training of creative thinking, implement experiments and scientific practices, and grasp the principles of creativity.
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