Prevalence and epidemiological aspect of iron-deficiency anemia in children aged 7-24 months at HGR-kindu
this is a public health problem, because of a total of 546 infants aged 7 to 24 months, anemic explored, and 38.1% had iron deficiency anemia; 40.3% iron deficient without anemia and 21.6% of non-deficient anemic infants based on the following indicators: Hb ? 11g/dl; VGM ? 74 fl and low serum iron ? 37ug/dl. Among the risk factors observed in this study: age (7-12 months), low level of education of mothers, large household size in relation to household income and early and late partial weaning with food supplements not suitable. This study tends to show the major place of sociodemographic factors in the genesis of iron deficiency anemia in our environment and especially the role that breastfeeding plays in avoiding the early onset of iron deficiency anemia in children.
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Principle of equity and convenience under the federal income tax regime of Ethiopia
A tax system refers to a legal system put in place by a government to assess and collect taxes from taxpayers. Governments have a desire to collect as much money through taxes as possible from their taxpayers to finance their various programs. On the other extreme, taxpayers would want to avoid paying taxes as much as possible as this reduces their wealth without receiving a direct benefit. To strike balance between these divergent interests of the government and the taxpayers, Adam Smith in his famous books "The Wealth of Nations” enunciates four main principles of taxation for the first time that a sound tax system should incorporate. The principles relate to the rate, fairness, method of levy and collection of the tax. This article mainly focuses on assessing employment and business income tax under the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (hereinafter FDRE) income tax laws against the principle of equity and convenience. This article does not directly address issues of the principle of equity and convenience in rental income taxation and other income taxation although these are part of the income tax laws. The paper culminated with a short conclusion and recommendations on the matters discussed under the main body. Accordingly, the employment income tax (schedule A) lacks equity since it only considers income as a base to impose tax regardless of other circumstances of the taxpayer. However, it is convenient to pay tax for the government since there is a withholding system. The business income tax (schedule C) on the other hand is neither equitable nor convenient due to assessment and other defects.
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Quality of primary education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan
Education plays an illuminative role in the development of a country. It is widely acknowledged that quality education is the single most important instrument in enhancing human capabilities and achieving the desired goals. The major purpose of the study was to check out the quality of Primary education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The main objectives of the study were: To analyze the teaching methodologies used at Primary level. To check the appropriateness of curriculum at Primary level. To examine the physical facilities available at primary level. To analyze the evaluation and assessment system used at Primary level. To suggest some recommendation for the improvement of quality of education at Primary level. All the head teachers and teachers of the Primary schools of Southern Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were the population of the study. The sample of the study was consisted of 100 head teachers (fifty male and fifty female) and 300 teachers (one hundred & fifty male and one hundred & fifty female). The study was survey type in nature. The researcher personally developed the questionnaire to collect the data. Collected data was tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted in the light of the objectives of the study. Statistical tools were used to analyze the data. In the light of conclusions it is recommended that curriculum at Primary level must be comprehensive. Examination and assessment system must be impartial and transparent. Computer facility also directly affects the quality, so it is recommended that this facility must be provided to all schools at primary level. Infrastructure also affects quality of education; it is recommended that proper physical facilities should be provided to the institutions on priority basis for quality education.
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Rapunzel’s Syndrome: A bezoar like no other
Rapunzel's syndrome is a rare form of gastric trichobezoar extended to the bowel. The diagnosis may be oriented by the findings of the conventional radiography and echography, but the computed tomography remains the gold standard as it confirms the diagnosis and provides crucial informations on it's gravity
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Relationship between Patient Factors and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy by Adults Living with HIV and AIDS in Kisumu County, Kenya
Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is an important survival factor for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs). However, patients on ART in Kenya still miss routine check-ups, and get lost to follow up. Research on the factors influencing ART adherence among different populations in Kenya have yielded inconsistent results. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between patient factors and adherence to ART by adults living with HIV/AIDS in Kisumu County, Kenya. Facility based cross-sectional survey was carried out on patients receiving ART from all the seven Sub-Counties in the County. Systematic random sampling was used to recruit a sample of 386 patients. Data collection tools were pre-tested and piloted to ensure validity and reliability. Chi-square statistic was used to analyze the data at ?=.05. Findings indicated that the relationship between age and ART adherence was statistically significant (?2= 8.064, df= 2, p = 0.034). Similarly, the relationship between alcohol use and ART adherence was statistically significant (?2 = 5.331, df = 1, p = 0.009). Knowledge of ART also had a statistically significant relationship with ART adherence (?2 = 7.799, df = 1, p = 0.0028). However, marital status, level of education, employment status, stigma, and psychosocial support did not exhibit statistically significant relationships with ART adherence. The study concludes that patient age, use of alcohol and knowledge of ART are patient factors related to ART. It is recommended that these factors should be considered in the treatment of PLWHAs to ensure ART adherence.
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Research on the cultivation of the enterprise’s sustainable competitive advantage
The organizational learning theory and the competitive advantage theory are hot focuses in academia recently. But both of them are always expounded respectively and connective researches are rare. This paper is to attempt to combine the two together and carry on the research. Relative models of organizational learning have been introduced in the process of cultivating the enterprise’s sustainable competitive advantage. On this basis, an integrated organizational learning model has been put forward as an effective tool to cultivate the enterprise’s sustainable competitive advantage.
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School management practices and Pupils’ performance in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in Kakamega central District, Kenya
Research done in various industries has consistently shown a strong link between management practices and organization performance. However, very little if any empirical research has been done to investigate such in the education sector. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between management practices and performance of pupils in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in Kakamega Central District (KCD), Kenya. Specifically the study determined how performance in KCPE was affected by the following management practices: supervision, staff development and communication. To realize the purpose of the study, a survey was done to collect primary data by use of questionnaires. The unit of study was the School.
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Spatial Traceability of Irrigation Sources for Urban Agricultural Hotspots in Ghana
This paper examines the traceability of irrigation water sources and its distribution in a spatial context for some selected vegetable production hotspots at the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis in Ghana. The need for such a study had been a global call by food safety organizations, local consumers, commercial buyers, and suppliers of vegetable crops. The objectives were, therefore, to conduct preliminary spatial traceability on sources and distribution of water for Irrigation. GPS receiver and complimentary Satellite imagery (orthophotos) served as primary data to delineate spatial attributes. The study revealed that human-generated wastewater from homes/settlements was identified as the major source of water used for irrigation to augment rain-fed Agriculture for the all the three (3) study areas. The proximity of other landuse such as industries; whose effluents were discharged from their premises joined the same receiving open drain as that of the human generated wastewater. Thus, the study identified interconnectedness to the main drainage systems from which vegetable crops were irrigated with in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis of Ghana. The study concludes that adopting GIS techniques in irrigation scoping studies of major or minor scales could enhance and inform decision making for improving Agriculture infrastructure access in Ghana
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Spectral Decomposition of matrix
In this article, we study one of the matrix analysis methods, which is the spectral decomposition method of the matrix, which is a very special case for the square and symmetric real matrix.
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Structural, thermal, optical and electrical studies of nonlinear optical tribismuthnonakisthioureanonachloride dihydrate crystal
Semi-organic nonlinear optical crystals of Tribismuthnonakisthioureanonachloride dihydrate has been grown by single diffusion gel growth technique. Powder XRD study reveals that the grown crystal belongs to triclinic system. Decomposition mechanism and melting point of the sample were deliberated in TGA/DSC analysis. Band gap energy value was calculated from photoluminescence spectrum. Dielectric constant of the crystal is premeditated as a function of frequency.
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