Anti-inflammatory activity of Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv. Leaves against Carrageenan induced Paw Edema
The Present study, methanol and aqueous extracts of Spathodea campanulata leaves were tested for anti-inflammatory activity (paw edema induced by carrageenan) in rats. The methanolic extract in dose of 200 mg/kg bw showed the significant inhibition of paw edema at the end of 180 min was 0.431% followed by aqueous extract (0.593%). Among the two extracts tested, the methanolic extract showed remarkable activity at 200 mg/kg dose level whereas aqueous extract was not able to show such remarkable significant activities. The extract exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity, which supports the traditional medicinal utilization of the plant.
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Applications of Super Absorbent Polymer: A Review
One of the amazing inventions of science is super absorbent polymers capable of absorbing liquids. Super absorbent polymers (SAP?s) are materials that have the ability to absorb and retain large volumes of water and aqueous solutions by swelling. Various applications of super absorbent polymers are being explored by various experiments across the world. The mechanism of absorption by these polymers and their few applications are being discussed.
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Assessment of human specimen heavy metals of some selected E-waste miners in Ghana
The purpose of this study was to assess the heavy metals in blood and urine samples of some selected electronic miners (e-miners) in Accra-Ghana. An assessment of heavy metal concentrations in exposed workers is essential in order to monitor and reveal the impact of these metals on human health. Fifty (50) samples of human blood and urine were taken to the laboratory and stored at 4°C until digestion and analysis processes. The results obtained showed that, generally, respondents had more amounts of Cu in their urine (Mean = 0.1844, SD = 0.1245), Cr (Mean = 3.373, SD = 0.8229) in their blood. The study concluded that there is the need for immediate intervention by government and stakeholders for the sake of the community and environment at large. Based on the findings it was recommended immediate government intervention in terms of controlling and regulating the activities of the metal scrap miners with regards to both means of collection and disposal/burning. Further, NGOs, corporate organisation and individuals with the necessary resources can provide capacity training for the elderly involved with such trades. Finally, the capacity of the metal scrap recycling plant has to be enlarged or more of such plants should be built by the government.
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Assessment of organochlorine pesticides residues in cocoa beans from Ghana
Pesticide may be a necessary evil. They protect crops including cocoa from pests attack, and thus maximize productivity in agricultural businesses. However, if pesticide residues are found to be above their maximum residue limits, they pose adverse health effects to humans. Exporting nations also tend to lose foreign exchange, if produce are found to contain high residue levels. The main objective of this study was to monitor and assess residue levels of 15 organochlorine pesticides in cocoa beans from Ghana, against their various maximum residue limits. Cocoa beans were sampled at random in two cocoa storage stations located in Tema and Takoradi, cities of Ghana. The extraction method uses acetonitrile as the extracting solvent. Two solid phase extraction clean-ups were employed; bond elut C18 cartridge, followed by envi-carp/LC-NH2 cartridge, using acetonitrile and a mixture of toluene/acetonitrile in the ratio 1:3 as eluting solvents, respectively. The investigated pesticides were beta-HCH, lindane, delta-HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, gamma-chlordane, alpha-endosulfan, beta-endosulfan, endosulfan sulfate, p,p-DDT, p,p-DDD, p,p-DDE and methoxychlor. The percentage recoveries ranged from 70-110 percent, with method determination limit of 0.01µg/g. The widest range of organochlorine pesticides detected was from endosulfan (0.01 – 0.10 µg/g); however none of the detected organochlorine pesticides exceed their various maximum residue limits.
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Assessment of the influence of the local culture on land administration and its effects on farming competitiveness in Chepyuk Ward of Bungoma County
The unresolved land issue in Chepyuk ward for decades had adversely affected farming competitiveness in spite of the region being fertile and viable for competitive farm production. Lack of security of tenure on the untitled land had a direct bearing on investment (farm inputs) and therefore to a large extends affected farm output. Despite many researches that had been undertaken on Chepyuk land issue, land and conflict had been widely studied rather than farming competitiveness. The studies on farming competitiveness in Chepyuk ward remains scanty and therefore justify more research on the aspect of farming competitiveness. The main objective of this study was to assess the influence of the local culture on land administration and its effects on farming competitiveness in Chepyuk Ward of Bungoma County. A descriptive survey research design was used in this study. The study was guided by theory of land ownership in a free society advanced by Ingalls (2012). The target population was 3120, households, 10 land officers and 10 agricultural officers located at the county level. Multistage sampling technique was used in this study where Simple random sampling was employed when selecting 312 respondents among the households. Five Land officers and Five Agricultural officers were respectively and purposefully sampled for this study. The researcher used questionnaires, interviews and document analysis as the main tools for collecting data. The data from the questionnaires, interviews and document analysis was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The researcher used frequencies and percentages in summarizing data. Information obtained through interviews was discussed to support or dispute the findings from the questionnaires. Tables were used to present the data for purposes of interpretation. The study informs Ministry of lands on the existing gaps in the fight against irregular allocation of land. The study also enables land policy experts in the government review existing mechanisms and systems set to support the Chepyuk area residents in dealing with cases that bring about land conflicts in the area and entire nation. Cultural norms of the community also denied women land ownership rights. The Land officers and Agricultural officers gave similar opinion. Lack of land documentation denied people opportunity to seriously venture into farming with sole aim of attaining food security and profit negatively affecting livelihood of the residents. The government should reposes illegally acquired plots and re-issue to the rightful owners, it should also process land titles for the scheme. The community should also be sensitized to embrace gender equity on land allocations. This will enable residents to actively engage in farming activities hence enhance farming competitiveness in Chepyuk ward.
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Attention span and refocus time in MCQ for elementary school’s students
Performance of students in MCQ examination depends on the attention span of students. Students’ understanding on test item depends on their focus time. Small attention span means students will attempt fewer item of test tools as they will face problem is understanding them. It has been found that attention of students is best at the start of the MCQ test and minimum towards the last items of the test tool. It has been found that there are refocus peaks in regular interval, where students regains their focus during MCQ test. It has been also found that pattern of attention span and refocus time doesn’t depend on difficulty level of test tool.
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Availability and use of selected instructional materials in the teaching and learning of English reading comprehension skills for effective communication in public primary schools in Keiyo North Sub-county, Kenya
The inability of the pupils to read and comprehend in English language effectively remains a challenge to learners of English as a second language particularly at primary school level. This calls for early intervention in teaching through use of instructional materials that enhance high levels of retention. The purpose of this paper therefore was to establish the extent to which the instructional materials are available for use in the teaching of English reading comprehension skills in public primary schools. The Research Design used was descriptive survey design. 8 public primary schools were selected through purposive sampling. A total 16 teachers participated in the study. Information was collected using questionnaires and classroom observation checklist. Findings reveal that English language course books were the main resources available in the classroom in most schools with 14 out of 16 teachers indicating that they were available and adequate. This study suggests that the government should increase Free Primary Education Funding allocations to allow schools purchase a variety of teaching resources other than course books.
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Averaged Equations of Flow of Fluid with Pressure-Dependent Viscosity through Porous Media
Equations governing the flow of a fluid with variable viscosity through an isotropic porous structure are derived using the method of intrinsic volume averaging. Viscosity of the fluid is assumed to be a variable function of pressure, and the effects of the porous microstructure are modelled in terms of Darcy resistance, Brinkman shear term, and Forchheimer effects.
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Basic Reproductive Number of an Seivr Epidemic Model among Infants in a Vaccinated and Temporary Immune Protected Population
In this article, we proposed an SEIVR mathematical model of the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases among infants taking into consideration passive immunization, treatment of the exposed infants at latent period and the infectious diseases treatment. The basic reproductive number of the mathematical model was obtained using the next generation matrix method. It is generally known that if the number is less than one, the infectious disease will die out with time and if it is greater than one, the disease will spread and become endemic in the community. The epidemiological interpretation of this threshold parameter (basic reproductive number) is connected to the local and global stability of a disease – free equilibrium.
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Bio-Monitoring of metal deposition in ranthambhore national park (Rajasthan), India using Riccia aravalliensis pande et udar
In the present study the level of S, Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb and Cr was estimated in samples of the common thalloid liverwort Riccia aravalliensis Pande et Udar, from Ranthambhore National park, Rajasthan (India). High metallic load was observed both in substrate as well as in plant tissue at locations adjacent to higher vehicular load, during winter the metallic content is highest, followed by summer and monsoon season. Elemental concentration in substrate for R. aravalliensis was in the order of Zn> S> Pb> Cu> Cd> Cr, while in plant tissue it showed S> Zn> Pb> Cu> Cd> Cr which is indicative of air borne trace elemental load. Quantitative analysis of these elements in vegetative thalli of R. aravalliensis and the substrate showed an increase in metallic content during winter, which reveals the significance of this liverwort as a biological sink of mineral elements present in the soil and air and may provide an important tool in estimation of both aerial pollution and mineral enrichment in soil.
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