To assess the level of employee satisfaction on HRIS usage in select software companies in Bangalore Karnataka, India
Implementation of Human Resource Information Systems in an organization facilitates information flow, reduces cost, saves time and enables employees to take effective decisions. It reduces the burden of employees and creates a stress free work life. With this background, an attempt has been made to assess the level of employee satisfaction on HRIS usage in selected software companies in Bangalore. For this research, 50 companies were selected based on purposive sampling method through a structured questionnaire administered. The sample included 350 IT professionals from different designations. The analysis of the research was shown to be reliable and valid. Statistical tools like descriptive statistics, ANOVA and t-test were used. The results of the data analysis demonstrates significance between HRIS and designation wise, HR processes, time & cost, information flow, decision making, in the organizations. The scope of the study is restricted to only HRIS usage in the selected software companies and measures the impact of HRIS on HR processes, time & cost, information flow and decision making across various designations. The results of this research would help software companies to better understand the satisfaction level of employees towards the usage of HRIS.
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To Determine the Best Wavelet by the Compression of an Image (Fingerprint) Using two Types of Wavelets Base on Wavelet and wavelet-packet
Image compression has become a necessary step for making better use of available storage requirements and transmission bandwidth during the past decades. For image compression it is desirable that the selection of transform should reduce the size of resultant data set as compared to source data set. For continuous and discrete time cases, wavelet transforms and wavelet packet transform has emerged as popular techniques. This thesis paper aims to determine the best wavelet to compress the still image (fingerprint) at a particular decomposition level using wavelet transforms and wavelet packet transforms. Number of Zeros (NZ) and Retain Energy (RE) is determined for different wavelets at different threshold values ranging from 10 to 100 for decomposition level 3.
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To determine the smoking habits and its effect on physical activity levels in adolescents and early adults aged 18-23 years in King Khalid university, Khamis Mushayat, Saudi Arabia
Smoking causes immediate and long-standing effects on exercise and physical activity. In addition to increasing the well-known risks for cancer, heart and respiratory diseases, smokers have less endurance and poor physical performance. To determine the smoking habits and its effect on physical activity levels in adolescents and early adults aged 18-23 years of King Khalid University Khamis Mushayat, KSA. Khamis Mushayat area near Abha city has been selected for the study. In this area, King Khalid University was selected as the population. One hundred and eighty seven female subjects 18 to 23 years from King Khalid University who smoked cigarettes and 187 females who were non smokers were selected for the study. GPAQ (Global physical activity questionnaire) was used for the survey to assess the level of physical activity (given in Appendix). Also data on height and weight were collected. With respect to body mass index of the smokers and non smokers, a significantly higher percent of the non smokers (57.5%) were of normal weight, while only 28.8% of smokers had normal weight. A majority of the smokers (45.9%) had the smoking habit for 2 years and less, whereas, 27.7% of the smokers smoked for 6 years or above. A significant majority of the smokers (63.2%) underwent physical activity only for 2 days and less, whereas the non smokers involved in physical activity for 6 days or more. Only a very small percent (8.1%) of the smokers exercised for 6 or more days in a week. Among non smokers, a minimum of 16.1% involved in physical activity, three to five days a week. All the participants in the study had mean years of smoking of 9.75 years. We found out that smokers relatively spent less time for physical activity and were more sedentary. In the present study it's clear that the students going to University are moderate smokers but their physical activity level is decreased. They usually have trends towards less physical activity and less awareness regarding the ill effects of smoking.
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Transforming Metric on Knot Types
Knot theory is a branch of topology which is important in studying of the 3 dimensional geometry. In this study, we have proved a theorem which is related to Knot theory. Also, using some known results, one theorem has been well developed and adapted to Knot Theory.
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Upper gastrointestinal lesions in patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases: What particularity?
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a widespread and advancing condition that disrupts renal function, yet its influence extends beyond the kidneys. In this article, we investigate the complex interplay between CKD and the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), highlighting the often overlooked and diverse digestive disorders that affect CKD patients. We conducted a study involving 506 CKD patients admitted between January 2008 and January 2024. Our findings revealed that 89% of these patients experienced various gastrointestinal symptoms, with upper GI bleeding and vomiting being the most prevalent. These symptoms could stem from the accumulation of urea and metabolic waste products or from dialysis-related effects. Endoscopic examinations uncovered abnormalities in 85.6% of cases, primarily in the stomach and bulb, with congestive gastro-bulbaritis emerging as the predominant lesion. Our findings indicate a potential correlation between the severity of renal failure and the likelihood of upper gastrointestinal lesions. In summary, CKD significantly impacts the gastrointestinal tract, leading to a spectrum of symptoms and potential complications, including underreported upper gastrointestinal tract injuries. Early detection through upper GI endoscopy and prompt management are crucial in mitigating morbidity and mortality among CKD patients. This study underscores the importance of heightened awareness and vigilance in managing the intricate interplay between CKD and the gastrointestinal tract, ultimately benefiting patient outcomes.
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Using Transformation of Variable for Treating Autocorrelation in Simple Regression (First Difference and Cochrane-Occutt methods)
The aim of the study is to examine it is sometimes necessary to use transformation of variable for treating autocorrelation of regression or time series model. Different there are many methods have been used for this purpose. This paper uses the first difference method and the Cochrane-Orcutt method in autocorrelation of malaria data in Khartoum State, treated in out-patient clinics. The data collected from the Federal Ministry of Health, National Health Information Centre, and annual reports during (2001 – 2015). By calculating the estimates for each method and errors, the paper showed that the method of differences is better in the treatment of auto-correlation, and there are limits of negatives error, because reducing these errors from least square method.
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Violence issues and child well-being: A study on incarcerated families in elantan
Children and youth today seem to have more stressor and difficulties in their everyday life especially when a parent goes to prison. Children with incarceration issues receive little attention, but the issue so widespread; concern for the well-being of the effected children has been raised. Incarceration brings long term effects to family members by increasing violence among children; impeding children to have a better picture of their life which directly and indirectly affects children’s well-being. Growing up with violence issues surrounding them is a crucial and devastating experience for the children. Using six selected domains based on the suggestion from Land and colleagues (2001), we assessed the effects of violence issues on children’s well-being with incarceration issues in Kelantan. There are four items of violence being correlate with child well-being score; bullying, disturbance, stigmatization and isolation. These were selected based on the current literature related to children violence. The relationship between children’s well-being score and violence affects were examined in 75 children aged 8 to 17 years with family incarceration issues in Kelantan. Through the findings indicated that children with a higher level of isolation, stigmatization, bullying and disturbance tend to have a low score of the child’s well-being. Children simultaneously indicated that isolation, stigmatization, bullying and disturbance always occurred and was related to their parent’s incarceration status. The negative perception they received also made the children a victim of bullying and thus more isolated.
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Work principle method for elastic buckling and postbuckling behaviour of all edges simply supported thin rectangular plate
All the previous studies on buckling and postbuckling loads of plate having all four edges simply supported (SSSS) have been limited to the use of assumed double trigonometric functions of displacement and stress. This has constrained further studies on practical plates’ problems, as the buckling and postbuckling load equation derived thereafter by this approach lacked practical interpretation and application because major associated parameters such as the displacement parameter, Wuv, stress coefficient, Wuv2 and load factor, Kcx were not determined. Hence, this paper obtained the displacement and stress functions of buckling and postbuckling loads of SSSS plate by applying the direct integration theory to the Kirchhoff’s linear buckling governing differential equation and Von Karman’s non–linear governing differential compatibility equation consecutively. Work principle was applied to the Von Karman’s non–linear governing differential equilibrium equation to obtain the buckling and postbuckling loads of the plate. Yield/maximum stress of the plate was also obtained by imposing the bending stress influences of the in-plane loads on their direct stress influences. Wuv, Wuv2 and Kcx were also defined. Therefore, the buckling/postbuckling load and critical yield stress characteristics of SSSS plate under uniformly distributed uniaxial loads could be analyzed completely.
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A Comparative Assessment of the Quality and Industrial Applications of Lessel and Korinya Baryte Deposits, Benue Trough, Nigeria
An assessment of the quality of Lessel and Korinya baryte deposits was carried out by analyzing their geochemical properties using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The results shows that the mean concentrations of BaO, FeO, Cao, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and SiO2 of Lessel baryte were 77.22, 0.07,1.03, , 0.03, 0.03, 2.25 and 19.08% respectively while at Korinya, the mean concentrations of these parameters were 83.96, 0.04, 2.24, 0.02, 0.03, 2.35 and 11.25% respectively. The result also show that the mean specific gravity of Lessel and Korinya barite depositswere 4.25 and 4.31 respectively. Although the two baryte deposits exhibits close chemical relationship, the Korinya baryte is relatively better in quality in terms of BaO, FeO , SiO2 and specific gravity values. On the basis of BaO,FeO and specific gravity, the two baryte deposits can be used as a weighting material in oil and natural gas drilling. The two barytes are also suitable for glass, paint, and paper production on the basis of their Bao and Al2O3 contents. However, in terms of FeO and SiO2, the two baryte deposits would require beneficiation before being used for glass production. The two barytes would also require beneficiation in terms of FeO contents before being used forfor paint and paper production. The results also indicates that the Lessel and Korinya barytes can be used in the cosmetics, construction and pharmaceutical industries as well as filling materials in the ceramics industry.
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A Comparison of Two Kidney Stone Segmentation Techniques
Kidney stone disease is very common among Indians and approximately 5-7 million patients suffer from stone disease.The most popular imaging modality for its treatment is ultrasound imaging.Segmentation accuracy determines the eventual success or failure of computerized analysis procedures. Traditional methods available for segmentation of kidney stones are not accurate. We use the evolutionary techniques for segmentation of the kidney stone ultrasound images for the first time based on electromagnetism optimization algorithm and harmony search algorithm for determining multilevel threshold of images. In most cases, the optimal thresholds are found by the minimizing or maximizing an objective function, which depends on the positions of the thresholds. We identify a class of objective functions for which the optimal thresholds can be found using algorithms with low time complexities. The Kapur’s entropy function and Otsu’s between class variance is maximized using these algorithms and an optimal threshold values at different levels are found out. The area of extracted stone is calculated and compared with the area given by the expert radiologist. The other metric used to compare the segmented image and the original image is the peak signal to-noise-ratio (PSNR) value. The relative error is also calculated to show the segmentation accuracy of each method.
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