A conceptual framework for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) practices among banks from the customers perspective
The objective of this paper is to propose a framework on the Customer RelationshipManagement (CRM) practices among banks. The conceptual framework is design based on two marketing theories: (i) Relationship Marketing Theory; and (ii) Customer Relationship Management Theory. In this study, the concept of CRM is based on six important dimensions. These dimensions are (i) customer acquisition, (ii) customer response, (iii) customer knowledge, (iv) customer information system, (v) customer value evaluation and (vi) customer information process. Review of the past literatures will be done to enable us to establish the theory and finally propose the conceptual framework to be used in this study.
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A Novel Thermal Image Encryption using Histogram Diffusion and Chaos Map
In a recent years, security for the thermal images are more necessary due to fast growing information technology. Here proposed an thermal image encryption based on histogram diffusion and permutation using chaotic map. As we know that histogram of thermal image distributed towards right (towards white pixel) and towards left (towards black). First step of proposed algorithm shift the histogram by mixing a random number. After that resultant image undergo permutation process with the help of chaotic map followed block wise histogram diffusing. In next level, apply the bit plane permutation. At last XOR operation with random image to get thermal encrypted image. The simulation results shows that proposed algorithm achieves high security.
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A Preliminary screening of the Medicinal Plant Couroupita guianensis for its Antimicrobial Potential against Clinical and Fish-borne pathogens
In the present investigation the methanol extract of the flowers of the medicinal plant Couroupita guianensis was evaluated for its antimicrobial efficacy and phytochemical contents. The results of the antimicrobial activity showed effective inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Plesiomonas shigelloides, Vibrio mimicus, and Proteus vulgaris. Moderate antimicrobial activity was recorded against E.coli, Salmonella typhi and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of the flower extract of this plant showed the presence of phytoconstituents such as carbohydrates, protein, alkaloids, terpenoids, phenolic compounds, reducing sugar and triterpenoids. The alkaloids present in the crude flower extracts of this plant Couroupita guianensis is profoundly expected for its potential antimicrobial activity.
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A three phase function generator
A variable frequency and variable phase function generator with three outputs of (1) reference fO (2) lead phase fO + Æ1 and (3) lag phase fO - Æ2, is described in this paper. The leading phase difference Æ1 is continuously adjustable over 0 to 180o by an input control voltage VC1 and the lagging phase difference Æ2 is also continuously adjustable over 0 to -180o by an another input control voltage VC2, independent of frequency of operation of the function generator which can be set by a third control input dc voltage –VI
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Acquiring patents in Nigeria- A legal Appraisal
This paper is designed to educate many Nigerians and and foreigners alike on the meaning, relevance and modalities for acquiring patent rights in Nigeria because of the ignorance displayed by many Nigerians and foreigners resident in Nigeria in this area of the law. Patents rights depend for their recognition on compliance with certain formalities. Patents are registered rights and these rights are only enforceable when they have been granted. Registered patent rights, may be proved simply by producing the certificate of grant. The onus rests on the person who wishes to attack the validity of the registration of a patent to prove the invalidity. In Nigeria, legislation on patent rights is obsolete. Ineffective implementation is another problem. As a result, Nigeria is a choice destination for counterfeit products from all over the world. Consequently inventors are discouraged and the government loses revenue from taxes. The flaws in the system have been examined and recommendations have been made.
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Acute colonic pseudo obstruction (Ogilvie’s syndrome): A case report and CT findings.
Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction named Ogilvie’s syndrome, is a distinct form of colonic dilatation without evidence of underlying mechanical or anatomic cause. Despite the absence of an obstructing lesion, colonic distention can be rapidly progressive and lead to necrosis and perforation of the large bowel. CT scan is the most useful imaging CT images helps to differentiate colonic pseudo obstruction from other causes of obstruction. We present a case of Ogilvie’s syndrome, with typical imaging features.
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Adsorption of Fe, Cu and Mn from Waste Waters of Al-Mohet Drain west El-minya by Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Coated by TiO2 and Poly Vinyl Alcohol
Iron oxide nanoparticles with TiO2 with PVA were synthesized by co- precipitation. Removal efficiency of iron, manganese and copper in wastewater by nano iron oxide after treatment was 91.10 %, 82.66 % and 94.03 %, respectively. Removal efficiency of Fe, Mn and Cu in synthesized solution after treatment was 91.42 %, 92.96 % and 90.81% respectively. Reduction percent of nitrate and phosphate in wastewater after treatment was observed to be 87.65 % and 91.07 % respectively. B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) indicated that PVA became more reactive as metals oxides are interacted with it as blending and complexing or both types of interaction.
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Adsorption of methyl orange using manganese (IV) oxide coated activated carbon: kinetic, thermodynamic and isotherm studies
An activated carbon modified by impregnation with manganese (IV) oxide nanoparticle was prepared and used in for the adsorption of methyl orange (MO) from aqueous solution. Effect of operational parameters such as initial solution pH, contact time, initial dye concentration was studied. The prepared adsorbent shows good adsorption at a wide range of pH (2-10) beyond which adsorption reduces significantly. The maximum adsorption capacity was obtained at 60 min (37.00mg/g). On the thermodynamic point of view, the adsorption process was found to enthalpy-driven. Pseudo-second order kinetic model with Langmuir isotherm model best describe the adsorption process.
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African culture, globalization and sustainable development
Globalization have become “unavoidable” African nations are Compelled to join in. It is now a new form of universal history, that is fast integrating the developing countries into the contemporary global capitalist system. However, most of their old problems still persist. Infact, globalization has aggravated most of the problems of African countries, while adding new ones. The result is the development of a complex new society, a “pre-modern” “modern” and “post-modern” society. This paper examines African culture in the face of this radical transformation, its consequences and the challenges facing African nations.
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An empirical evidence of international fisher effect in Bangladesh with India and China: a time-series approach
This paper is an attempt to examine the empirical evidence of International Fisher Effect (IFE) between Bangladesh and its two other major trading partners, China and India. The IFE uses interest rate differentials to explain why exchange rates change over time. A time series approach is considered to trace the relationship between nominal interest rates and exchange rates in these countries. The estimated value, by applying OLS, is used to determine the casual relationship between interest rates and exchange rates for quarterly data from 4th Quarter, 1995 to the 2nd Quarter, 2008. The empirical results suggest that there is a little correlation between exchange rates and interest rates differential for Bangladesh with China and Bangladesh with India, and the relationship between the variables is also not noteworthy for Bangladesh. Further, the trends advocate that the forecasting of exchange rates with the hypothesis of IFE is not realistic for these countries.
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