Evaluation of Effectiveness of Social Skills Training on the Reduction of Loneliness of single parents (led families) in Yazd, Iran
Loneliness is the result of defect in individuals' social communications qualitatively and quantitatively, and also inaccessibility to close and desired relationships with others. So the aim of this research was to analyze effectiveness of social skills training on the reduction of loneliness in single parents (led families). The research design was quasi-experimental with pre-test post-test and control group. The research population was all the single parents (led families) supported by Komite Emdad institution. For this, 30 single parents (led families) aging from 35 to 55 were selected based on purposeful sampling method and were assigned to the two groups of experiment and control groups. Subjects of the experiment group went under eight sessions of 1.5 hours of training, while the subjects of the control group did not. Instrument used in this study was the Revised Questionnaire of Loneliness (UCLA). Data were analyzed with analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The findings showed that social skills training results in the reduction of loneliness in single parents (led families) (p<0.05). Social skills training results in the reduction of loneliness in single parents (led families). And using such trainings we can help single parents (led families) to feel less lonely.
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Exhaust emissions of a single cylinder diesel engine with addition of ethanol
The effects of ethanol addition to the intake air manifold (ethanol fumigation) with percentage 10% and 20% on CO, HC, smoke and soot emissions of a single cylinder diesel engine have been investigated experimentally and compared with each other and with the original diesel engine (100 % diesel fuel). The results show that the optimum percentage for ethanol fumigation is 20%. This percentage produces an increase in CO emissions, HC emissions and reduction in engine smoke and soot mass concentration.
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Extraction and procession of agbono cotyledon for long shelf-life
This research work is an investigation into how agbono cotyledon extracted from the seed of a specie of the agbono plant (irvingia excelsa) can be processed for long-shelf life. The agbono chaff extracted from agbono cotyledon through solvent extraction using petroleum spirit(60-80)oC was preserved in desiccators and also in black polyethene bags. The findings showed that agbono cotyledon can be processed and preserved to retain the cherished characteristics (sliminess, taste, aroma, etc ) without moulding or fungal growth. The processed agbono was welcomed by the general public. It is recommended that agbono cotyledons be processed by defatting and preserved for food preparations.
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Factors Influencing Women Political Participation in Somali
This study was investigated the factors influencing Somali women in political participation in Mogadishu, Somalia. The main objectives of the study was to determine the influence of culture on women?s political participation in Mogadishu, Somalia, to find out the influence of economic resources on women?s political participation in Mogadishu, Somali, to determine the influence of religious beliefs on women?s political participation in Mogadishu, Somali. To achieve the objective of the study, case study was employed as research design, the target population of this study was Somalia women those involve political activities; therefore, the total target population of this study was stand 147. This study concern Somali women on political participation in Mogadishu, Somalia. The sample size of the study was 129. The sampling procedure of this study was non-probability sampling procedure particularly purposive sampling to select the respondents based on these criteria. The questionnaire was used for collecting data. The frequency and percentage distribution was used to determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents. The mean and standard deviations was applied for the levels of Somali Women and small Political participation. The main finding of the study was that the cultural factors are the main causes of stereotypes influencing women?s political participation. Also finding revealed that economic resources are obstacles that influencing women?s political participation. Finally the study revealed that religious misperception hold women back to participation political activities. The study recommended government and the judiciary should ensure the enactment of family law and enforcing any other law intended for women?s political participation and emancipation.
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Fecundity of edible marine crab Portunus sanguinolentus (Herbst, 1783) (decapoda : brachyuran : portunidae)
Brachyuran crabs used in the present study were collected from the Salem fish market (Lat. 110 39 NS and Long. 780 12 EW) on south east Tamil Nadu, India. A random collection of berried crabs Portunus sanguinolentus were taken and their fecundity were studied from the year of 2013. The number of eggs in Portunus sanguinolentus ranged from 1, 42,413 to 6, 44,533eggs the lesser number of eggs observed in small size group of carapace width 50-59mm and more number of eggs in large size group of carapace width 120-129mm. The study indicated that with an increase in carapace width there was a definite increase in the total number of eggs. There was a direct a relationship noticed between the weight of the animal and diameter of the ovary. Variation in number of eggs was observed within the same class probabily indicating synchronous spawning within the same reproductive period. The present investigation suggested that the ovigerous female of large size is suitable for brook stock collection and maintenance for production of more number of seeds in aquaculture practice.
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Formal Training of communication skills for dental undergraduates….need of an hour
It is observed that formal training given on basic communication skills (CS) during medical undergraduate years can help to develop better doctor patient relationship throughout the clinical practice. Developing communication skills was felt as a need through formal training as well as in assessment, hence Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, India, incorporated it in curriculum. To sensitize and train third year BDS students for communication skills and evaluate the module through their feedback. 55 third year BDS students were sensitized for communication skills through a module. The module was divided into four important aspects; 1) Components and barriers of effective CS while dealing with patients2) Training for effective communication viva voce examination 3) communicating effectively with different types of patients, 4) Improve Prescription writing as communication skill Knowledge gained by the participants through the module was statistically analyzed by comparing pre and post test results. At the end module was evaluated by the feedback obtained from students. Wilcoxon signed rank test used for comparison of responses before and after the implementation of module, showed highly significant differences. 98% students wrote in the feedback that the module was a key to learn nuances in routine clinical practice and guide to communicate well in viva. Sensitizing and training third year BDS students for communication skills was effective and would remain as an important component of University curriculum.
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Formulation and evaluation of captopril microencapsules: a sustained release approach
The aim of the present study is to formulate and evaluate Captopril micro-encapsules. Microspheres and micropellets of captopril prepared with different polymers through the techniques of microencapsulation were found to have a good spherical shape, and were non-aggregated exhibiting good flow properties. In addition, all the formulations prepared, showed a good drug incorporation efficiency and an extended release of the drug, thereby enhancing the duration of action. The different techniques used in the preparation such as, emulsion-phase separation, solvent-evaporation and ionotropic- gelation techniques were found to be simple and reproducible. All the polymers used viz, chitosan, ethyl cellulose, sodium alginate and HPMC were economic, easily available and biocompatible. And hence, the industrial applicability of the methods would be simple and rapid, provided the work being extended to in-vivo studies. It is obvious from the above work that, the study has engineered a drug delivery profile in which the drug release is controlled to a great extend and that the formulations in therapy can minimize untoward side effects, thus improving patient compliance.
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Formulation and evaluation of sustain release matrix tablets of carvidolol phosphate
The purpose of the present study was to formulate and evaluate once daily sustained release matrix tablets of carvidolol phosphate. Carvedilol Phosphate is a nonselective beta blocker indicated in the treatment of mild to severe congestive heart failure Various formulations of sustained release tablets of Carvidolol phosphate were developed using various polymers Guargum, SCMC, HPMC100M in different concentrations by direct compression method. Observations of all formulations for physical characterization had shown that, all of them comply with the specifications of official pharmacopoeias and a standards reference. Results of in-vitro release profile indicated that formulation(F9) was the most promising formulation as the extent of drug release from this formulation was high(100.75 %) as compared to other formulations.From the above results and discussion it is concluded that formulation of sustain release tablets of carvidolol phosphate containing Guar gum (33.33%) ,formulation F9 can be taken as an ideal for optimized formulation of sustain release tablets for 24 hours release as it fulfills all the requirements for sustained release tablets.
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From pulmonary cystic lesions to tuberous sclerosis syndrome
LAM or Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis is an uncommon disease that predominantly touches women in their reproductive years. The disease is usually discovered in an incidentally way and detected in a high resolution thoracic CT scan. Its progress could lead to respiratory failure. This article is about a patient in our ward that got a chest CT scan in which the final diagnosis was a lymphangioleiomyomatosis in a case of tuberous sclerosis complex.
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Heavy Metal Removal From Electroplating Wastewater by Modified Whey Protein (diary waste) and other Agricultural Waste.
The dairy waste, whey protein was modified by reaction with phthalic anhydride. The phthalated whey protein (PWP) and its mixture with bagasse, and corn cob were prepared. Such mixtures were used for removal of heavy metals (Pb, Cr, Cd, Ni, Cu, Fe and Zn) by batch adsorption method from electroplating industrial wastewater. In such a batch adsorption process the above adsorbent materials were used as bed and the parameters; effect of contact time, dosage, a temperature and pH were evaluated. The finding of this investigation reveals that the product natural adsorbents have excellent capacity to remove heavy metals from industrial effluents.
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