Performance Analysis of PSO and GA Algorithms in Order to Classifying EEG Data
In this Research, a new method has been proposed in order to classify the mental tasks which represent the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal as time series. Time series are kind of data format which depict signal voltage varieties in time domain. Different parts of the different signals have different powers, so in first step and in the preprocessing, signal partitioning into several fixed windows is needed. Toward the extracting appropriate features from each EEG signal window, PCA algorithm is used. So for each window, a feature vector is made by PCA, and a general vector is created from these primary vectors. In order to refuse redundancy caused by non-important windows, the best combination of such vectors, that have the best results in classification, should be probed. Toward this goal, two feature extraction methods, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA), are applied. K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) was used as fitness function for PSO and GA. These methods select such windows whose combination of feature vectors are best and increase TP (true positive) of the classifier. The results show that GA and PSO improve the power of classification, but GA is more efficient.
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Performance analysis of TCP and TCP- Fin Ad-Hoc network
Many applications use TCP as the transport layer for reliable data transfer for wireless connections to integrate seamlessly into the Internet. Some of the assumptions made during the design of traditional TCP may not be suitable for an infrastructure-less network environment, because TCP invokes the congestion control mechanism even if the packet loss is due to the link failure. On the other hand TCP-F that is able to distinguish link failure from congestion through feedback from the intermediate nodes and takes appropriate action. This paper compares the performance of TCP-F with traditional TCP through simulation.
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Performance Evaluation of Moving Bed Bio-Film Reactor Technology for Treatment of Domestic Waste Water in Industrial Area at MEPZ (Madras Exports Processing Zone), Tambaram, Chennai, India
MEPZ, an industrial unit installed at Tambaram, Chennai, developed by the Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Government of India is discharging domestic waste water generated by the workers and treated in the 1.0MLD capacity Sewage Treatment Plant with Moving Bed Bio-film Reactor. In this study, the performance of MBBR technology in removal of Biological Oxygen Demand and suspended Solids have been evaluated by testing the raw sewage and treated effluent at various situations like normal weather condition, heavy organic shock loading, dilution with storm water, when artificial aeration is disturbed due to power failure. The test results showed that the removal efficiency of BOD5 and SS from the domestic waste water in normal weather condition in more than 98%, the efficiency of MBBR has not been affected due to heavy Organic shock loading and the efficiency is about 90% in the disturbance of artificial aeration. The efficiency has been brought to this level by improving the surface area per unit volume of the carrier element as designed by the M/s Anox Kaldnes, a Norway company. It is suggested that the Moving Bed Bio-film Reactor technology could be used an ideal and efficient option for the treatment of domestic waste water, when the available area is minimum
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Permissions based malware detection system for android a review and surveys
Number of smartphones users is increasing rapidly and Android is currently the most popular Smartphone operating system. However, users feel their private information at threat, facing a rapidly increasing number of malwares for Android which significantly increasing that of other platforms. There are large number of apps available for the ease and use of the smartphone users. When a user installs any application from the google play store he/she is asked to grant some permissions to function the particular application properly. User either has to accept all those permissions in order to install the application on his/her device or he/she has to deny all those permission and terminate the installation of the application. A normal smartphone user is not aware of most of the permissions asked during installation so he/she tends to accept those all permissions in order to use the application. This introduces a potential threat to the users device. With this smartphones usage, mobile malware attacks are also growing. The application that we are developing will help user to identify the malicious applications that are installed on the device. And if a user finds any malicious activity being performed by any application then he/she can change the necessary permissions to avoid the malicious activity being done by the application. All this will be done post the installation of any application. So user will first have to accept all those permissions and get the app installed on his/her device from the Google play store. And then user can modify (allow/deny) the permissions the application is using. Our proposed application will have a scanning activity which will tell the user which applications are malicious and may harm the device. The application will use machine learning approach to some extent for scanning the applications to determine the application is malicious or not.
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Phytochemical screening of african mistletoes Tapinanthus globiferus (A.Rich) Tieghem (loranthaceae) on some host species in Birnin-Kebbi, Nigeria
African mistletoe (Tapinanthus globiferus (A. Rich) Tieghem) is a hemi –plant parasite belonging to the family Loranthaceae. It grows as a partial parasite on the branches of many trees and has various ethnomedicinal uses. Qualitative screening of extracts obtained from 10 different host species in (Fadama Area) Birnin-Kebbi Local Government, Kebbi State revealed the presence of biologically active compounds. Quantitatively. Presence or distribution of phytochemical substances in T. globiferus appeared to be partly dependent on the host plant species. The current study is aimed to make aware about the presence of certain bioactive compounds in plants which attribute them medicinal values & can provide alternative pathway for the replacement of synthetic drugs. Effort should be directed to the phytochemical screening and pharmacological potentials of T. globiferus in order to unlock the full medicinal potentials of the species.
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Plant dispersal by Indian flying fox Pteropus giganteus in Madurai region, India
Pteropus giganteus is a largest fruit bat in India, belongs to the order suborder Megachiroptera and it is widely distributed in Indian subcontinent. Four different day roost sites of P. giganteus were surveyed in Madurai district. One single tree roost camp and three multiple trees roost camps were observed in the surveyed roost sites. Among the four roost sites, totally 21 species of plant saplings were identified under the day roost camps. Seed dispersal by this fruit bat shows that they disperse variety of seeds of different plants species in the vicinity of the roosting trees apart from the foraging trees. Borassus flabellifer, Anacardium occidentale, Nerium indicum, Phoenix dactylifera, Prosopis juliflora and Madhuca indica were dominated in the surveyed roost sites and that species saplings were recorded as maximum in the roosting vicinity confirming that P. giganteus indeed helps in seed dispersal to maintain the heterogeneity in the Madurai region.
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Polar and ecliptic solar wind during solar maximum.
In this paper we would like to explore observations of solar wind in both the polar and equatorial regions simultaneously at the same time during 23rd solar maximum, in order to compare the similarities and differences in solar wind between two regions. The observed period roughly coincides with polarity reversal phase. The comparative study relates polar and equatorial solar wind using observed data. The polar wind has been extensively investigated by Ulysses, the first spacecraft to perform in-situ measurements in the high-latitude heliosphere and ecliptic solar wind was observed by ACE were used to examine solar wind parameters. The solar wind parameters – temperature, density, speed and solar magnetic field are taken for evaluation. This study elucidates the solar wind variations in equatorial, southern and northern hemisphere in maximum phase. Both slow and fast solar winds are characterized in southern polar hemisphere but fast wind is prevails in northern polar hemisphere. Key words: Solar wind parameters, solar maximum code: EIJAPX 2017
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Potential of Consortium of Banana, Orange and Potato Peels as Bio-sorbents in the Purification of Paint Industrial Wastewater
The research aimed at evaluating the potentials of consortium of banana, orange and potato peels as bio-sorbents in the purification of paint industrial wastewater, using column adsorption technique. The experimental conditions observed were pH 4 and 8 and adsorbent doses 1 g and 2 g. Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometric method was adopted to evaluate the physicochemical properties of the wastewater samples. Results showed that the consortium were effective in the removal of COD, BOD, total solid, colour, turbidity, nitrate, chloride, copper and cadmium while the values of lead, sulphate and phosphate was observed a noticeable increase on the treated wastewater samples. The best experimental conditions according to the adsorption capacity were pH 4 and 1g adsorbent dose. The efficacy of the percentage removal for heavy metal and inorganic anions in the wastewater samples after treatment were in this order: Cl- ? Cd? NO3– ? Cu. It can be deduced that all models can be used reasonably well to describe the behaviour of the adsorption of cadmium, copper, chloride and nitrate. The best model for the column adsorption process was observed to be Yoon – Nelson isotherm model which have the highest correlation coefficient values of the study. The results of this study showed that the agrowastes consortium has the potentials in the treatment of industrial wastewater, which is cost effective, economical and eco-friendly.
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Practice and exploration of higher physics teaching reform
Higher physics education can cultivate students’ science literacy, experimental ability and creative ability. According to the current situation of students and our university, we have paid more attention to the absorption of current advanced education ideas and implement into teaching behaviors. We carried out some reform measures to improve the quality of higher physics education. By teaching reform, we have effectively improved the quality of advanced physics education.
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Prediction of risk of thoracic outlet syndrome based on x-ray imaging in subjects with transversomegaly in Owerri, Nigeria
Compression of the neurovascular structures crossing the thoracic outlet usually causes severe pain at the neck and this is called thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). Elongated transverse process (ETP) of the 7th cervical spine (C7) (transversomegaly) is one of the risk factors of TOS. The aim of this study was to measure the length of transverse process (TP) of C7 on plain x-ray of AP cervical spine in order to determine and predict risk of TOS. A cross sectional study carried out on 126 subjects with neck pain referred to the radiology department, Federal Medical Centre, Owerri, Nigeria. Stratified technique was used. Prominent TP rating scale was taken as > 4.12 cm on x-ray cervical spine AP view. Data was subjected to descriptive statistics and relative risk was determined.Mean age of subjects was 54.5 + 2.1 years. Subjects with normal right TP (< 4.12cm) was 105 (83.3%) {males = 48.6% (51) and females = 51.4% (54)}. Prevalence of left transversomegaly (> 4.12 cm) was 7.9% (10). The relative risk patient with transversomegaly is 3.0 times more likely to develop TOS Transversomegaly is 3.0 times more likely to develop TOS compared with a patient whose TP is not enlarged. Male subjects are at more risk than females (p < 0.05). The prevalence of transversomegaly is 12.3 % in the studied population. True AP cervical X-ray projection is implied to patients suspected of having TOS.
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