The secondary school social environment and student violence in Kenya
Student violence has been a problem in the Kenyan educational system for a long time now. The first case of student unrest in Kenya was reported at Maseno School at the beginning of the 20th century (1908). To date, the situation is still unabated. The trend is rather alarming and the magnitude of violent acts by students is high and worrying. The paper therefore using a random sample of 251 students who were selected from five purposively chosen secondary schools in Njoro division were interviewed using a standardized research questionnaire. The students were selected using a combination of stratified random sampling and the systematic sampling techniques, which are probability sampling procedures. The data collected was analysed using both the descriptive and inferential statistics. It was found out that three factors related to the school social environment determined the students’ participation in violence in secondary schools as discussed in this paper. The paper recommends that there should be a better understanding of the school social environment factors as aggravators of student violence in secondary schools.
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The study of relation between the level of using internet among juveniles and their tendency to delinquency
This study is relating to the study of relation between the level of using internet among juveniles and their tendency to delinquency. In this study that has been performed as one field we study meaningfulness of the relation between the juveniles who use internet and non users based on the tendency to the delinquency and it is determined that there is a meaningful relation between the level of using internet among juveniles and their tendency to delinquency
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The study of the relation between organizational justice and knowledge management
The main aim of this study is analysis of relationship between organizational justice and knowledge management. This analysis is based on descriptive analysis and from survey branch. Information gathering means is questionnaire, and in order to organizational justice analysis Chester and Ted (2007) 20 scores questionnaire is used and for knowledge management evaluation is the 21 questions questionnaire of Proset et al. For determining acquired data Kolmogorov -Simonov test is used and results confirm data normality. Used test in this analysis are correlation spearman test, line regression test, T-test and Friedman test and with using related test confirmed research propositions; results shows that in the aim community with improving organizational justice and knowledge management in staffs is increased too, line-regression results between organizational justice and knowledge management shows that between inter organizational justice as a independent variable and knowledge management there is linearity relationship.
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Theoretical foundations of business intelligence: from theory to practice
Business intelligence systems combine operational data with analytical tools to present complex and competitive information to planners and decision makers. The objective is to improve the timeliness and quality of inputs to the decision process. Business Intelligence is used to understand the capabilities available in the firm; the state of the art, trends, and future directions in the markets, the technologies, and the regulatory environment in which the firm competes; and the actions of competitors and the implications of these actions. The emergence of the data warehouse as a repository, advances in data cleansing, increased capabilities of hardware and software, and the emergence of the web architecture all combine to create a richer business intelligence environment than was available previously. Although business intelligence systems are widely used in industry, research about them is limited. This paper, in addition to being a tutorial, proposes a BI framework and potential research topics. The framework highlights the importance of unstructured data and discusses the need to develop BI tools for its acquisition, integration, cleanup, search, analysis, and delivery. In addition, this paper explores a matrix for BI data types (structured vs. unstructured) and data sources (internal and external) to guide research.
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Theoretical Solution of the Diffusion Equation in Unstable Case
The diffusion equation is solved in two dimensions to obtain the concentration by using separation of variables under the variation of eddy diffusivity which depend on the vertical height in unstable case. Comparing between the predicted and the observed concentrations data of Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) taken on the Copenhagen in Denmark is done. The statistical method is used to know the best model. One finds that there is agreement between the present, Laplace and separation predicted normalized crosswind integrated concentrations with the observed normalized crosswind integrated concentrations than the predicted Gaussian model. One gets that the four models are inside a factor of two with observed data. Regarding to NMSE and FB, the present, Laplace and separation predicted models are well with observed data than the Gaussian model. The correlation of present, Laplace and separation predicated model equals (0.52, 0.64 and 0.60 respectively) and Gaussian model equals (0.80).
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Thermal Performance and Efficiency of a 6063 Aluminium Alloy Thermosyphon with Cerium IV Oxide Nanofluid using Response Surface Methodology
The use of nanofluids as the operating fluid in the TPCT (two phase closed thermosyphon) significantly improves the heat transfer. In the present study, the performance enhancement of 6063 AA TPCT container material with cerium IV oxide nanofluid is investigated by RSM using Box-Behnken Design (BBD). According to BBD design, the process parameters are heat input (A), inclination angle of TPCT (B), and the flow rate of pure water in the condenser section (C). This work resulted in identifying the optimized set of input parameters and output response of the 6063 AA TPCT.
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To study stability constants and thermodynamic properties of complexation of Paracetamol with with Co2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ by PH metrically
: The equilibrium constants for metal complex formation have been employed from long as an effective measure and parameter of the affinity of a ligand for a metal ion in solution. PHmetry is one of the most convenient and successful technique employed for metal complex equilibrium measurements. pHmetric measurement of hydrogen ion concentration may be employed when the degree of complex formation is sensitive to the hydrogen ion concentration thus the degree of complex formation undergoes increase/ decrease with change in pH. In the present work, we investigate the stability constants of Paracetamol complexes with Co2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+pHmetrically using pH metric technique at three temperatures (25 ±0.1, 30 ±0.1 and 35± 0.10 C) and at an ionic strength of 0.1 mol L-1 (KNO3). The method of Calvin and Bjerrum as adopted by Irving and Rossotti has been employed to determine log K1 values. The thermodynamic parameters ?G, ?H and ?S are calculated. System tend to progress in the direction of increasing entropy as entropy is a measure of a system’s tendency towards spontaneous change. KEYWORDS: pH metry, Stability constant, Thermodynamic parameters, Entropy
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Transforming Nigerian universities into entrepreneurial universities: formulation of a roadmap
Universities have always had three key roles to play: teaching, research and community service. However in recent times, they have been expected to excel in a fourth and pivotal new role, that of developers of the economy. In order to achieve this new and important role, they have had to become entrepreneurial in nature and become what has been termed “entrepreneurial universities”. This paper had as its objective the development of a roadmap for Nigerian universities to follow if they truly wanted to excel as developers of the Nigerian economy by becoming entrepreneurial universities. The roadmap covered six critical factors namely government policy, top-management buy-in, availability of finance, availability of infrastructure, quality of staff and entrepreneurship education which are considered vital for any university with aspirations of becoming entrepreneurial in nature. A critical analysis of these six factors as to their prevalence in the Nigerian context revealed that in all six critical factors, Nigerian universities had a lot of work to do to attain the minimum standard required by each of the six critical factors. Most importantly, the analysis revealed that the biggest problem among the six factors lay in the issue of sincere leadership. The authors were of the opinion that until and unless the top management of Nigerian universities put the betterment of these universities as the most important priority rather than their personal self-enrichment, none of the other five factors would be attainable, and the dream of Nigerian universities contributing positively to the development of the economy by become more entrepreneurial in nature would remain forever unfulfilled.
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Transient Response Performance Improvement of a Plastic Extrusion Process
This paper has presented a control strategy for improving transient response performance for a plastic extrusion process.. A dynamic equation of a single screw plastic extruder was obtained. The main control variable is the screw speed in relation with the pressure and the temperature. A high degree of speed accuracy is required to ensure the optimal performance of the extrusion process. In order to adequately control the screw speed in relation to the pressure, a model reference adaptive control (MRAC) which combines a proportional integral and derivative (PID) control strategy was developed and integrated with obtained dynamic equation of a single screw plastic extrusion process considered in this context. The gain parameter of the MRAC was selected for different values and simulations were performed in Matlab/Simulink environment by altering the adaptive gain. The implemented system in Matlab/Simulink shows that the developed controller improved the transient response performance of the process. This resulted to a fast response, near zero-overshoot, and improved transient performance.
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Translation of Marked Word Order from English into Persian: Nida’s Dynamic Equivalence in Literary translation
This paper investigates how marked structures in an English literary text are translated into its Persian equivalents. The research questions in this paper focus on the problematic differences between the translation of thematic sentences from English into Persian. In doing so, a corpus of English novelistic prose (The Heart of Darkness) was investigated along with its Persian translation. The model guiding the analysis was Nida’s notion of dynamic equivalence, which specifically emphasizes the effects that a translated text has on its target audience. To conduct the analysis, five categories of thematized sentences (passive, adjunct front, cleft, pseudo-cleft, topicalized) were considered. Results showed that passivation was the most frequently used thematized structure among the categories. Furthermore, it was found that translator had rendered original marked structures in the English text into both marked and unmarked Persian structures.
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