A Critical Analysis of the Legal Framework for Copyright Protection in Nigeria and the United States of America (U.S.A.)
This paper examines the legal framework for copyright protection in Nigeria and the USA. This work critically analyses laws in both countries for copyright protection. The USA and Nigeria Copyright Acts extend protection to computer software by treating software as a literary work. Copyright based industries operating in the country contribute trillions of naira to Nigeria’s gross domestic product. Despite the enormous benefits which the country has derived from computer related products, Nigeria remains the largest piracy destination and markets in the world though these same products are ostensibly protected by the Copyright Act, Similarly, according to a study titled: “Addressing global software piracy” conducted by Microsoft in partnership with the US government agencies and consumers in 2010, software piracy recorded $750 billion dollars in lost revenues and millions of lost jobs in software industries. Causes of piracy and counterfeiting have been discussed and recommendations have been made on how to eliminate them.
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A multi-technique evaluation of the groundwater resource potentials of wuro juli well field, gombe subbasin, upper Benue basin, northeastern Nigeria
Hydrostratigraphic mapping and results of pumping test analysis were used to investigate groundwater occurrence and the hydraulic properties of the aquifer systems in the Wuro Juli well field, near Gombe Metropolis, Gombe Sub Basin. The well field is comprised of a set of 13 deep boreholes developed to improve public water supply to Gombe Township. The delineated aquifers have several formation boundaries that inhibited lateral continuity of groundwater flow. At a discharge rate of between 43.20 m3/day and 613.44m3/day, the specific discharge (q) and Hydraulic Conductivity (K) values varied in the range of 1.17-2.03m3/day and 2.75 x 10-2 - 2.06 x 100 m2/day, respectively. The Application of both Chow’s method of Drawdown Analysis and Jacob’s Residual Drawdown Method to drawdown measured during multiple pumping tests in the well field yielded very low Transmissivity (T) and Storativity (S) values. T and S varied in the range of 3.13 x 10-5 - 3.50 x 10-4 m2/sec and 4.40 x 10-8 - 4.00 x 10-7, respectively. The analysis of the distance-drawdown data indicated that a resultant drawdown due to simultaneous pumping of two wells for about 200 minutes ranged from about 30m near the pumping wells to 0.50m over the more distant segments of the radius of influence. The low Transmissivity (T) and Storativity (S) values of the water supply aquifers in the well field caused very low range of cone of depression, culminating in huge drawdown values within some of the pumped wells. This tight cone of depression would limit the actualization of the projected abstraction rate of 4492.80m3/day (187.20m3/hr) required to temporary solve water supply problems in Gombe Town. Structural discontinuities and in particular very low aquifer recharge through rainfall were other important parameters that contributed to the limitation of the groundwater potentials of Wuro Juli well field.
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A Simple and Efficient Visual Cryptography scheme for Sharing Secret Image
Visual cryptography is special type of technique for encipher the confidential visual information (e.g. printed text, handwritten notes, and picture) in such a way, that decipher can be performed by human visual system (HVS) without any complex process, providing high security. In this paper a simple but robust visual cryptography scheme is proposed. In this scheme the secret is encrypted using symmetric key encryption algorithm, and then this encrypted data will be hidden into an image file, divided into parts called shares and then they are distributed to the participants. Thus accomplishing both data encoding and hiding. Only piling of shares does not revile the secret until shares are stacked together in a particular fashion and provided with the key. It can be used to hide the original secret information from an intruder or an unwanted user. The shares are very safe because separately they reveal nothing about the secret image. The algorithm proposed by this scheme reduces a considerable time for encryption and decryption in a much easier way and ensures the lossless transmissions of images. The proposed encryption algorithm in this study has been tested on some images and showed good results.
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A study on biopotential of PGR producing bacterial species isolated from Vermicompost
Vermicompost sample was produced by Eudrilus eugeniae in cowdung was collected from the Department of Biology, Gandhigram Rural Institute- Deemed University, Gandhigram. The sample was serially diluted and bacterial cultures were isolated and they were identified based on their characteristics as Micrococcus sp., Alcaligens sp., Tricoccus sp., Azomonas sp., and Paracaccus sp. These five bacterial isolates were subjected to screening for Indole acetic acid (IAA) production and all the bacterial colonies showed positive results for IAA production. Among the five isolates, Alcaligens sp. produced more amount of IAA (10µg/ml) when compared to all the other organisms. Hence Alcaligens sp was chosen for plant growth studies at 1 to 5 ml concentration. The isolate at 5 ml showed improved germination percentage of Vigna unguiculata seeds and it also showed improved shoot length (13.25 cm), root length (4.99 cm), number of leaves (5.0), chlorophyll content of leaves a-(0.0025 mg/g), b-(0.177 mg/g), total chlorophyll (1.351 mg/g), fresh weight (1.07 g) and dry weight (0.08 g) on the 7 day when compared to the control and the lower concentrations (1,2,3,4 and 5 ml).
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A survey on Vulvovaginal Candidiasis or Vulvovaginitis - A Vaginal yeast infection by the fungus Candida albicans
A survey on fungal diseases shows that vaginal yeast infection is most common fungal disease in Raipur city. A general survey on vaginal infections or urinary tract disorders showed that 75% of ladies suffer from vulvovaginal Candidiasis at some point in their life time. Though Vaginitis is usually not a serious disease but it can be annoying and uncomfortable. The main objective of this paper is to get acquainted with the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment procedure with some home remedies involved in Vaginitis and to study the main fungus responsible for this disease Candida albicans. As 8 out of 10 women in India according to WebMD and other parts of country get this infection and sometimes if not properly diagnosed takes a serious form which is more dangerous. During survey it was found that 40% of women report to their doctors and 20% of women go for self medications. This infection is less common in girls before puberty and post menopaused women. It is common in women of reproductive age group between 20- 45 years and therefore reproductive hormones, particularly estrogen, is thought to enhance the proliferation and attachment of Candida to the vaginal inner lining. Sometimes however, thrust can occur in post menopausal women if they have uncontrolled diabetes, hormones replacement therapy, severe chronic disease or if they use antibiotics, immunosuppressive agents or Tamoxifer a drug used in breast cancer. Hence it is very important to recognize and differentiate the symptoms and consult your physician. Vaginal yeast infections can be cured with proper diagnosis and treatment. At present time it is not possible to predict reoccurrence of this disease but a comprehensive management plan incorporating medical and immunological care remains the most likely means of providing long term disease control for yeast Vaginitis.
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Active/Active failover using VPN.
In any business network most important things that need to be addressed is up time. It depending on the size of the business and business network also, every minute downtime can more affect the productivity of the business employee and the business system that use the network. The address this within the adaptive security appliance (ASA) product line, Cisco offers high availability through a series of failover capabilities. When configured, they allow a deployed ASA to be mated with another ASA, which combine to offer little downtime if one of them encounters of failure [1]. This paper introduces the replication of data, it means both units carry data traffic and it also introduces how to secure our interesting traffic over the internet. VPN mainly used for security purpose we use VPN in many thing and many fields. It provides the secure and private network connection through the public internet; the VPN protects our data in many ways. VPN tunnel is an encrypted connection between our device and VPN sever.
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Analysis of Community Based Tourism in Latpanchar, Darjeeling (India)
Community based tourism is taking its place in the world as an alternative to traditional tourist destinations, especially in developing countries. This form of tourism allows for greater contact with the local community and for the tourist to experience new sensations while enabling the economic and social development of the geographic area. In this paper, the results of fieldwork carried out in the Latpanchar Village (Darjeeling District of West Bengal, India) is presented, assessing the opinion and perception tourists visiting this area have of both the quality of the services offered by community based tourism enterprises, as well as the potential of the tourism resources in the area. The main results of the investigation endorse the quality of services offered to tourists by local businesses and highlight the hospitality of the local community, a key element for the development of this kind of tourism, particularly in different villages of this district. Similarly, it highlights the tourist satisfaction with services received and the need to strengthen the training to tourism staff through aid. The originality of this research comes from analysis of the demand made on a concrete base for Latpanchar, a village which is producing a huge economic development through the community based tourism approach.
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Analysis of Physicochemical Properties of Lake Beseka; “The Ever Growing Lake of Ethiopia’s Great Rift Valley”
In this work we reported the status of one of Ethiopia’s Great Rift Valley Lakes; “The ever expanding Lake known as Beseka” in respect to water quality parameters. A composite sample was prepared by combining equal volumes of water samples taken from five Sampling sites. Five physical parameters (pH, DO, EC, T° and Turbidity) were determined for all samples at the spot of sampling while other physical parameters such as TSS and TDS were determined in the laboratory. AAS was used for the determination of heavy metals Pb, As, Cd, Cr, Fe, and Pb while spectrophotometer was used to determine water hardness, total chlorine, NO3-, PO43-, NH3, SO42 Alkali metals Na and K are determined by Flame Photometer. The findings indicated that the lake was found to be alkaline with pH above nine and brakish with TDS value of 2569.70 mg/L. The measured higher values of EC and turbidity resulted from higher values of TDS and TSS. Also these values are much higher than the acceptable values for surface water such as lakes. Similarly Pb, Cd, As, F- and total Cl are above the permissible values while other Physical and chemical parameter are within the acceptable limit of both WHO and FAO Guidelines for drinking and irrigation water.
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Analysis of the causes of deforestation and degradation of the forest of katako village
We conducted a study on the causes of deforestation and forest degradation in KATAKO village. Our problem had revolved around the following questions: what is the most active activity in the village KATAKO? Where are the fields of the population of the village KATAKO? What are the causes of deforestation and forest degradation in KATAKO village? What are the socio-economic impacts of anthropogenic activities in the KATAKO village forest? Does the population of KATAKO village know the ecological consequences of deforestation and forest degradation in their environment? To better understand the different issues of our investigation, we formulated the hypotheses according to which: the activity most exercised by the population of the village KATAKO would be the itinerant agriculture on brulis; the fields of the population of KATAKO village would be located in the forest; the causes of deforestation and forest degradation in KATAKO village would be shifting cultivation and logging; the socio-economic impacts of human activities in the KATAKO village forest would be the subsidy to the needs of the families and the payment of the costs of studies; the population of KATAKO village would notice the climatic disturbance as one of the ecological consequences of the deforestation and the degradation of the forest in their environment. To achieve our objectives, we used the retrospective method based on the documentary technique and the prospective method, which had focused on the technique of questionnaire survey, carried out in three stages including a pre-survey, the choice of sampling and the counting. Sampling was determined by interviewing 50 randomly selected people in KATAKO village. After analysis, the following results were obtained: the activity most exercised by the population of the village KATAKO is itinerant agriculture on brulis with 48%; 92% of the respondents prefer to install their fields in the forest; 44% of respondents say that deforestation and forest degradation in the village of Katako are caused by itinerant agriculture on brulis; 52% of respondents say that anthropogenic activities in the forest allow them to provide for their families; 40% of respondents admitted that deforestation and forest degradation in KATAKO village is causing climate perturbation.
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Antibacterial Efficacy of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Mentha spicata Essential Oils against Eikenella corrodens-Induced Halitosis
Eikenella corrodens (E. corrodens) is one of the main bacteria responsible for halitosis due to its metabolism of amino acids, which produces volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). High demand for new antibiotic formulations, due to increased resistance to the available types, has triggered attempts to find plants with antibiotic properties. This study aimed to assess the antibacterial effects of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (EC) and Mentha spicata (MS) essential oils on E. corrodens. The antibacterial efficacy of EC and MS against E. corrodens was evaluated using the well diffusion technique. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of EC and MS essential oils against E. corrodens were determined using the broth microdilution method. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney and Student’s t tests. The mean diameter of the growth inhibition zone was 8.8 ± 0.837 mm for MS and 16 ± 4.637 mm for EC. The MIC values were 0.55 and 0.45 mg/mL for EC and MS, respectively. The MBC values were 1.8 and 2.4 mg/mL for EC and MS, respectively. Based on our findings, MS and EC essential oils possess bacteriostatic properties against E. corrodens. Mouthwashes containing EC and MS essential oils may effectively eliminate bad breath.
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