Common fixed point theorems for four mappings in complete 2-banach space
This paper deals with few fixed point theorem for four mappings and some results on 2-Banach space.
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Comparative analysis of glacier classification for land remote sensing satellite images
Geospatial information gathered through different sensors and geographic objects is generally indistinct, vague and uncertain. The ambiguity turns out to be obvious due to the multi-granular formation of the multisensory satellite images and that directs to error accumulation at every stage. The main aim of this paper is to compare the K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means classification algorithm and find out the change detection in glacier classification by processing images taken over different time frames. The LANDSAT images correspond to the Himachal Pradesh region, one dated June 2005 and the other dated June 2010. To estimate the quality of remote sensing data the non-linear objective assessment parameters are used. Though the classification of glacier cover calculation, by improving the accurate geological classification, might be in a crude form but when projected on a larger scale, it can act as a great tool for research and analysis on a particular geographical location. The environment related bodies around the globe are deeply benefited from the valuable images provided by satellite imagery and their analysis help strategize different methods for environment protection in general and curb global warming in specific.
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Comparison of Cohen, British and Gagel Method of Approach to the Determination of Black Carbon in Nucleapore and Teflon Filters Using the M43D Smokestain Reflectometer
The Objective of this project is to compare the three methods of analyzing Black Carbon in the atmosphere that is British, Cohen and Gagel method. Samples were collected from Ashaiman and Kwabenya in the Greater Accra Region and analysed using mention method. It was observed that there is a good correlation between the Cohen and British method. This is because in most all areas where the Cohen method measures high values for the elemental carbon concentrations; the British method also does the same and the vice versa. This pattern has been observed for both methods in the separate analysis carried out on samples from both site. The Gagel method however, displayed results which did not compare in pattern to either the British or the Cohen methods.
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Comparitive study of ultrasound and electrolytes on polyaniline base and salt form
Polyaniline (PAni), shows a unique feature, that it can be modified in a controlled manner by adding electrolyte. The effect of electrolytes like LiCl, NaCl and KCl on the doping behaviour of Polyaniline emeraldine base (EB) has been investigated. The study of the effect of ultrasonic waves on electrolyte - Polyaniline picrate (PAPI) mixture and their interactions were compared.
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Cost Accounting Information and Price determination in Nigeria Manufacturing companies: Evidence from Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Enugu
This study set out to ascertain the nexus between Cost Accounting Information and Price Determination in Nigeria manufacturing companies. Specifically; it establishes the relationship between Information of Unit Cost, Information of Overhead cost, Information of Production cost and selling price of products in Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Enugu. A survey research design approach was adopted and data collected using five point likert-scale questionnaire which was administered on sample of 293 out of 1100 staff and management of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, 9th Mile Corner, Enugu. Three hypotheses were formulated and were tested using Karl Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. Findings unveil that there is significant relationship between Information of Unit Cost and Price determination in Nigeria manufacturing companies. The findings further revealed that there exists a significant relationship between Information of Overhead cost and Price determination in Nigeria manufacturing companies. Finally, the result established also that there significant relationship between Information of Production cost and Price determination in Nigeria Manufacturing companies. Consequent upon the findings, this study recommends among others; that Managers should consider improving their overhead costs apportionment system from the traditional method to the ABC method in order to have accurate calculation of the total costs per unit of their products. Again, that the management of Nigeria Manufacturing companies should pay more attention on reducing cost of productions without having any negative impact on product quality.
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1676. Cryptorchidism and infertility
Dergamoun Hamza, Abdallah Hussein, Kadouri Youssef, Hachem Al Sayegh, Benslimane Lounis and Nouini Yassine |
Abstract |
Category : Medical Sciences | Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy |
Cryptorchidism and infertility
Cryptorchidism is an anomaly of testicular migration. It is a congenital pathology that is the subject of many controversies. Its major risks are represented by malignant degeneration and male infertility. The purpose of this manuscript is to better understand the physiopathological implications of the undescended testicle in infertility through a review of the literature.
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Customer value of shampoo
Customer Value is a topic of growing interest to managers and researchers in business marketing. Traditionally, research on Value in business markets have been oriented towards the assessment of how suppliers create value for their customers and how customers perceive superior value in a suppliers offering compared to competition (the buyers perspective) Anderson & Narus (1999), Ulaga and chacour (2001). In recent years both academics and managers have increasingly emphasized the need to consider customers as a key asset of the firm Rust & Lemon (2000).
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Deciphering the discipline of clinical psychology through the eyes of faith: An integrational approach
Being a Christian and clinical psychologist our worldview must be determined by Scripture because all truth is Gods truth. Our understanding of mental illness and disorder should also be based upon a biblical worldview. Our therapeutic practice will utilize Scripture to heal our clients for the glory of God. Psychology, then, in the Christian framework, is not an independent activity that operates apart from God; it is dependent upon Gods mercy to illuminate human understanding on therapeutic intervention and research. Human spirituality is a source of great strength. Christians recognize that psychological observations illuminate our understanding of human cognition, emotionality and experience. The Bible gives some very specific instructions on how one might become more emotionally and spiritually healthy, psychology gives us insight into the emotional and mental dynamic of our experience and provides us with tools to enact the Bible?s instructions. This article will therefore focus on Deciphering the Discipline of Clinical Psychology through the Eyes of Faith.
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Deeper Insight into Pathophysiology and Pharmaco Therapy of Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the rectum and colon. Results from many studies in people and animals of intestinal inflammation suggest that ulcerative colitis results from environmental factors triggering a loss of tolerance for normal intestinal flora in genetically susceptible individuals. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory chronic disease primarily affecting the colonic mucosa; the extent and severity of colon involvement are variable. In its most limited form it may be restricted to the distal rectum, while in its most extended form the entire colon is involved. UC belongs to the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which is a general term for a group of chronic inflammatory disorders of unknown etiology involving the gastrointestinal tract. UC is usually associated with recurrent attacks with complete remission of symptoms in the interim.. The leading initial symptom of UC is diarrhea with blood and mucus, sometimes with pain. Fever and weight loss are less frequent. Extra intestinal symptoms can be an initial manifestation or can occur later in the course of the disease. Eighty percent of the patients have only proctitis or proctosigmoiditis, and only 20% have extensive colitis. However, in about 50% of patients with initial proctosigmoiditis, proximal extension occurs later, and in some patients the opposite takes place. Depending of the stage of the disease, endoscopy reveals reddening of the mucosa, increased vulnerability, mucosal bleeding, irregular ulcers, pseudopolyps, granularity, and loss of vascular architecture. Several drugs interacting with various points along the immune and inflammatory cascades are currently available for the treatment of UC. Corticosteroids, aminosalicylates, immunomodulators are the mainstay of medical treatment.
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Demand response based real-time scheduling for household electrical appliances
This work carries a novel method that uses demands response strategies to develop and evaluate the consumer’s perspective through a computational experiment approach. The price of electricity is assumed to be a time-varying parameter. The proposed method describes an optimization model that adjusts the hourly load level of consumer with response to hourly electricity prices. This approach has a home energy consumption simulator and a demand response mechanism obtained through optimization, particle swam method, and an integrative computing platform that combines the home energy simulator and MATLAB together for demand response development and evaluation. A lot more number of demand response strategies are developed and evaluated through computational experiment technique. This work investigates and compares characteristics of different demand response strategies and how they are affected by dynamic pricing tariffs, seasons, and weather. A simple bidirectional communication device between the power supplier and the consumer enables the implementation of the proposed model.
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