Optimization of an inventory model considering the cost of green research and green analysis of the product in multi dimensional aspect using Decagonal Fuzzy Number
In recent times the production sectors (PS) have started to concentrate not only on product production but also on an additional perspective that is research and product analysis in multidimensional aspects. The PS before commencing the production process have now started to find the ways and means of enhancing the product’s features and also they have began to analyze the propagation extent of the product that is the level of the reach of the product. The main notion of carrying out such activities is to produce novelty products. To achieve this PS seek the assistance of many consultancies or they establish research centre in their production environment. Conventional Inventory models do not satisfy the present needs of PS therefore inventive inventory model considering associated costs of research and product analysis have to be formulated. To fulfill this, inventory model is formulated with Decagonal Fuzzy Numbers to overcome the existing uncertainty. In this paper a new approach of Pascal’s Triangle Graded mean Approach is used for Decagonal Fuzzy number. Also Decagonal fuzzy number gives a better optimal value than all other types of fuzzy number.
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PID type multiple stabilizers design using elitist gravitational search algorithm
This paper proposed the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) type multiple stabilizers to damp inter-area and intra-area low frequency oscillations in power system utility. To improve power system stability, optimal tuning of the PID type stabilizer gains and non-smooth nonlinear parameters is importance and a challenging task to accommodate variations in the power system dynamics, mainly when multiple PSSs are applied. Because, it is a computationally expensive combinational and nonlinear optimization problem. In this paper, Elitist Gravitational Search Algorithm (EGSA) is proposed to optimize multiple PID type PSSs gains tuning problem, simultaneously in order to reduce stabilizer design effort and find the best possible solution. The EGSA is a novel meta-heuristic stochastic optimization algorithm and simulates the masses cooperate using a direct form of communication through gravitational force to find the best possible solution within a reasonable computation time. It provides both global and local search by changing the velocities over time to determine distance and direction of agents (masses) for significant increasing the probability of finding the optimal solution and efficiently avoiding local optimum to a large extent. To optimize of multiple PSSs gains a nonlinear time domain-based objective function under various operating conditions is considered. It is solved using EGSA technique that has strong and robust search capability than the other heuristic optimization algorithm, as well as is being easy to implement. The effectiveness of the proposed EGSA based stabilizers is investigated on a two-area four machine power system through the nonlinear time domain simulation and some performance indices under different operation condition and system configurations. The performance of the proposed stabilizer is compared with those of standard Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and PSO with time variant acceleration coefficients based designed PSSs to illustrate its robustness and damping quality. The results analysis reveals that the EGSA based tuned PID type PSS is effective and achieves good low frequency oscillations damping capability. Moreover, it is superior that of the PSO method in terms of accuracy, convergence and computational effort.
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Preference of rural, semi-urban and urban Meat consumers about the meat purchasing locations in karnataka
In Indian context, culture, traditions, customs and taboos influenced meat consumption to a great extent especially in rural societies. The cultural differences within a state and between states are also accountable for variations in meat consumption patterns. A study was performed to ascertain the preference of consumers towards the meat purchasing locations among rural, semi-urban and urban households in Karnataka with sample size of 90 meat eating respondents and 30 non-meat eating responds. The Garrett’s ranking technique was adopted for the present study. The results showed that the respondents of rural and semi-urban area had better opportunity to purchase meat at retail shops whereas the respondents of urban area had opportunity to purchase meat at supermarkets due to their living conditions, standard life style and work nature.
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Preparation and microbial evaluation of RTS beverage (punch) prepared with lactic acid fermented carrots and sweet lime juice
RTS beverages were prepared using fermented carrot juice and sweet lime. Carrots were fermented with Streptococcus lactis and Lactobacillus plantarum at ambient temperatures with 2 percent bacteria and 2.5 percent salt for 24-48 hours. Juice of the fermented carrots was combined with sweet lime juice in 50:50 (V1 and V4), 75:25 (V2 and V5) and 25:75 (V3 and V6) ratios. The beverages were prepared as per FPO specifications and organoleptically evaluated. The TSS value of RTS beverages ranged between 140B to 210B. There was no microbial growth in RTS beverages prepared with fermented carrots up to 30 days of storage. The increase in microbial load after 45 days of storage was negligible and safe for consumption; however the increase was substantial in the standard.
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Preparation, Characterization and Biological Screening of Novel Imidazoles
The 4-benzylidene-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)oxazol-5(4H)-one (B) has been prepared from cyclocondensation reaction between hippuric acid (A) with p-anisaldehyde. A series of 4-benzylidene-1-(substitued-2-benzothiazolyl)-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1H-imidazol-5(4H)-one (D1-6) have been synthesized from 2-amino substituted benzothiazole (C1-6) by condensation reaction with 4-benzylidene-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)oxazol-5(4H)-one (B). The synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and Mass spectral data. All the compounds were screened for their antibacterial and antifungal activities.
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Prestige: The hidden factor in motivating Iranian IELTS Candidates
IELTS, International English Language Testing System, is designed to assess the language ability of candidates who intend to study, work, or live where English is used as the language of communication. Highly significant growth in candidature particularly in South Asia and the Middle East clearly illustrates how globally IELTS is recognized currently. Statistics demonstrate that Iran was among the top 25 locations in which candidates took IELTS in 2003 (IELTS Annual Review, 2003). Surprisingly, there seems to be a deviation from the communicative into prestigious purposes. The aim of the present study is to investigate the underlying hidden factor motivating Iranian IELTS candidates to prepare for the test. The target population of this study consisted of 300 IELTS candidates and 20 IELTS teachers. They were given a questionnaire and subsequently 30 of the participants underwent a semi-structured interview to elicit more information on what motivated them to go for IELTS. After the qualitative analysis of the data, the findings indicated that the hidden factor underlying all the motivating factors for the majority of Iranian IELTS candidates is prestige.
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Pretreatment of Lignocellulose on Palm Oil Stems for Bioethanol Production
The second generation bioethanol production (G2) is made from cellulose and hemicellulose. This research aim was to determine the concentration of 1-3% NaOH solution and the best immersion time in the pre-treatment process in the manufacture of bioethanol from lignocellulose raw materials of palm oil stems. NaOH concentration (1%, 2% and 3%) and immersion time of oil palm lignocellulose stem had no significant effect on bioethanol levels. The bioethanol levels produced were still very good. The best treatment was X4.
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Prevalence of Dengue in Dehradun City, Uttarakhand
Mosquito-borne disease, especially malaria and Dengue fever causes serious public health problems in district Dehradun, one of the most populous district of Uttarakhand states after Haridwar. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes act as the major vector of Dengue fever in this city. The present study on prevalence of dengue in Dehradun city was undertaken between January 2012 and December 2012 to assess the distribution pattern of dengue vectors and their seasonal variations. Indoor resting mosquitoes were collected from four selected localities by aspirator and torch light in morning hours (06:00-08:00hr). A total of 971 houses were searched during house to house larval and adult survey. Aedes breeding could be detected in 226 houses. In all, a total of 684 domestic water containers were searched, out of which 93 were found positive. The overall house index (HI), container index (CI), Breteau index (BI) and pupal index (PI) were 23.27%, 13.60%, 9.58% and 5.87% respectively. The study revealed that Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are well established in Dehradun city with most of the areas showing high adult and larval indices.
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Primary tuberculous abscess of the liver: A case report and literature review
Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a common bacillary infection in our population but primary tuberculous liver abscess in a non-immunocompromised patient is an extremely rare occurrence. Only a few cases have been reported in the literature to this day to our knowledge. Its management often requires medical treatment or in combination with percutaneous drainage, but it may take on a surgical appearance. We report here a new case of an isolated tuberculous liver abscess extended to the chest wall in a 32 years old female which was successfully managed with surgical approach and anti tubercular therapy. This location presents a considerable diagnosis challenge. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of liver cystic lesions, especially in a high tuberculosis prevalence country.
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