Lecturers view on the adequacy of Physics curriculum contents
This study sought to assess the adequacy and appropriateness of the contents for the attainment of the NCE Physics curriculum objectives. The study covered 24 Colleges of Education and 60 lecturers. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze the data gathered in the study. The results showed that the contents of the NCE Physics curriculum are adequate and appropriate for the attainment of the stated objectives. It was recommended that sufficient courses and periods are allocated to practical lessons and laboratory management adequately.
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List of articles published in the month of May 2022
Table of contents for the month of May 2022
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List of articles published in the month of October 2021
Table of contents for the month of October 2021
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Local Binary Pattern for Effective Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Video
Object detection, tracking and recognition currently generated much attention in computer vision community due to their real time applications. The main goal is to detect and track specific instances of an object or broader object classes, such as cars or pedestrians in images sequence. Due The potency of processing video database lies on the search techniques employed in the video processing system. Usage of improper search techniques will make the processing system feeble. This paper proposes unique object detection and tracking system where Local Binary pattern are employed to detect moving object and track them in successive frames. Detecting a specific object from video suing Local Binary Pattern is more suitable when, objects information is not available. Initially, the database video clips are segmented into diverse shots before the feature extraction process. The proposed system comprises two stages: (i) feature extraction and (ii) tracking of object in the video clips. In the feature extraction stage, the color feature is extracted first based on the color quantization. Next, the edge density feature is extracted for the objects present in the query video. Subsequently, the texture feature is extracted using LGXP (local Gabor XOR patterns) technique. Eventually, the object is detected based on those features extracted and the detected object is tracked by utilizing both forward and backward tracking method. The proposed methodology is proved to be more effectual and precise in object detection and tracking.
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Looking through the Eyes of the Cognitive Impaired in Ghana – the Creative Connections and the Expressive Arts in Context
This paper takes a closer look at how the components of the Expressive Arts; dance, drama, music, visual art etc., disclose enormous potential in effecting positive attitudinal and behavioral change in its users. This research explores creativity, as a potential for change in three different special needs Schools in Ghana. The study also juxtaposes the creative connections of Rogers, (2004) with the Expressive Arts to attain thriving results. The Expressive Arts are therefore potential teaching tools for intervention to achieve change and transformation in these users. In these creative processes, the children are encouraged to develop their artistic potentials regardless of their intellectual shortfalls to allow development to proceed so that, the innate latent capacities of these special needs children are extracted and improved raptly to achieve healing, empowerment and self- development.
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Man and environment
Human Evolution is traced to a period of about two million years. The early evidence comes from East Africa. Gradually human occupation spread to other parts of the world. With the invention of making and controlling fire, man could adopt himself to cold environments. In. the course of his adaptations, many inventions made his life comfortable and enjoyable. Man's activities have considerable impact on the earth. It may be quite difficult to isolate the contribution made by man for the changing environment. The expansion of holes in the protective layer of Ozone in the atmosphere IS attributed to the release of certain chemicals produced by man for the purpose of cooling used in refrigerators, many observations regarding the temperature of the earth indicate that slowly the atmosphere is getting warmer which may lead to the melting of ice and rising of water levels in oceans and endangering a larger populations which lives in low¬-laying coastal areas of the world. Part of the warming is traced to the release of emission gases resulting in farm fuels. There are moves to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels so that the global warming can be checked to a great extent. An evolution of the state of environment and the measures taken to maintain the balance is presented in the paper.
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Managerial Factors Influencing Churches to Sponsor Public Schools in Turbo Division, Uasin Gishu County
The purpose of the study was to investigate managerial factors influencing churches to sponsor public schools in Turbo Division, Uasin Gishu County. The specific objective of the study was to establish the influence of managerial roles of church sponsors. The research question was; do managerial roles influence churches to sponsor public schools in the study area. The literature review was guided by the objective of the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design .The target population of the study was 97 public schools. The study involved 41 church sponsored schools involving 23 primary school and 18 public secondary schools. The respondents were school management committee, Head Teachers and Board of Management. Data was collected using questionnaires, oral interviews and observations. The data were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Researcher presented data using tables and figures. The results from the principals indicated that; there is undue interference in the day to day running of the school by the sponsors, the sponsor also promote the unnecessary transfer of head teachers. The sponsors on the other hand constantly harass and intimidate the principals resulting in bad working relationship between the school and the community and finally the sponsor do not understand their mandate and respect the jurisdiction of the principals. The findings indicates that the majority of the public church sponsored schools administrators do not enjoy good working relationship with sponsors. It was recommended that the church sponsor should evaluate the academic qualifications of the persons nominated to the school management for competency.
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Measurement of Natural radioactivity levels in Rock samples collected from Dallanj Mountains - South Kordofan State, Sudan
This research was carried out to monitoring natural radioactivity level in rock samples were taken from Northern Nuba Mountain, Dallanj region - South Kordofan State. Gamma ray spectroscopy technique was used to evaluate radioactivity level to establish background radiation level. Measured activity concentrations of radionuclides 226Ra,232Th and 40K ,absorbed dose and annual effective dose were found 23.56±2.11, 29.57±4.33 and 330.58±37.06 Bqkg-1 and 33.34±3.39 nGyh-1 and 40.92±4.16 µSvy-1 , respectively. The obtained data shown that values are far below than reported global data. Estimation of the relative contribution of the 226Ra, 232Th and 40K to the overall absorbed dose in air discovered that the main contribution comes from 232Th 53.57 %.
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Mems resonator for Transreceiver
A micromechanical 221 MHz silicon resonator is designed and demonstrated. The vibration mode can be characterized as a 2–D plate expansion that preserves the original square shape. The prototype resonator is fabricated of single-crystal silicon by reactive ion etching a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer. The measured high quality factor and current output make the resonator suitable for reference oscillator applications. An electrical equivalent circuit based on physical device parametersis derived and experimentally verified.
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Mercury hotspots in tailings from artisanal gold mining areas of the Asutifi district, Ghana
As mercury (Hg) amalgamation is an inexpensive, quick and simple way to extract gold, it is currently the method most commonly used in Artisanal gold mining in Ghana and most developing countries. However, the activities of these Artisanal miners result in the release of Hg into the environment by amalgamation tailings and amalgam burning. These amalgamation tailings often left behind forms Hg “hotspots” in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem, forming the main source of Hg dispersion. An investigation was conducted in the Asutifi district, hosts for several artisanal gold mining centres to ascertain the levels and the degree of mercury contamination in amalgamation tailings. The degree of contamination were assessed using mathematical model index approach, geoaccumulation index (Igeo) and enrichment factors (EF). The average Igeo for Hg in tailings (0.5) denoted uncontaminated to moderately contaminated, whilst the EF indicated very high to extremely high enrichment.
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