Chemical Reaction Effect on Unsteady MHD Flow through Porous Medium Past an Impulsively Started Inclined Plate with Variable Temperature and Mass Diffusion in the presence of Hall current
Chemical reaction effect on unsteady MHD flow through porous medium past an impulsively started inclined plate with variable temperature and mass diffusion in the presence of Hall current is studied here. The fluid taken is electrically conducting. The Governing equations involved in the present analysis are solved by the Laplace-transform technique. The velocity profile is discussed with the help of graphs drawn for different parameters like thermal and mass Grashof Number, Prandtl number, chemical parameter, Hall parameter, permeability parameter, magnetic field parameter and Schmidt number, and the numerical values of skin-friction and sherwood number have been tabulated.
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Comparative Study of post-colonial Elements in The works of Jhomapa Lahiri and Mehrnoosh Mazarei
East with ancient civilization and reconciliation culture always had been the centre of crisis and unrest. While the West especially The USA with a few antiquities has reached to an unbelievable development. It is possible to say that after the world war second, after a while it achieved a degree of development and stability. This achievement was a kind of temptation to the people of the East in order to travel and get some of these gifts. Immigration for having a better life was one of the concerns of eastern people and also is. Not only Eastern immigrant will face some economical and political problems, but also the crisis of Identity. According to Erick Erickson’s idea (1902 –1994 ) one of the biggest part of human’s identity is the social and cultural part, which prepare the opportunity to express and recognize two other optimal factors such as: biology and inner feeling. The cultural and social backgrounds are formed and grown in the family foundation and bigger one the society. If we take account the society foundation where the person grow as a main part so we can accept the social identity of a person as a national identity. For example: Iranian, Indian, Afghan and others. Eastern immigrants always faced the challenge of East and west culture and most of them had to accept the two identities which lead to Transnational-identity. Some of these immigrants with passing the level of adaptation with a new culture, suspended their national identity and adapted to the new identity while in others this process has not completed yet. It means their inner feelings do not accept this process. Keywords: Identity, Culture, and costum
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Corrosion inhibition effect of arial parts of euphorbia caducifolia for aluminium in Hcl
Corrosion is one of the most damaging and costly naturally occurring events seen today. The most common kinds of corrosion result from electrochemical reactions. It can be prevented if the metal is coated with something which does not allow moisture and oxygen to react with it. It can be controlled by either alloying or by anti rust solutions. The naturally occurring plant products are eco-friendly, compatible, nonpolluting, less toxic, easily available, biodegradable and economic to be used as corrosion inhibitor.Euphorbia caducifolia has been selected to study its corrosion inhibition efficiency. It is easily available in any season. It is native to Thar Desert of India and located on rocky terrain, hills. It is used for treatment of bleeding wound, cutaneous eruption, urinary problems, kidney stones, rheumatic pain, bronchitis, jaundice, diabities, stomach pain, hernia etc. It is also called “Thor” and “Danda-thor”. It contains caudicifolin) norcycloartane type triterpene, cyclocaducinol, triterpenes euphol, tirucallol and cycloartenol. Corrosion inhibition efficiency of arial parts of Euphorbia caducifolia was studied for aluminium in HCl. Maximum inhibition efficiency was found 99.47% in 1N HCl acid with 0.8% leaf corrosion inhibitor whereas it was 94.21% for stem and 90.51% for flower with same concentration of inhibitor i.e. 0.8%. Inhibition efficiency was studied in different concentration of acid (1N, 1.5N, 2N and 2.5N) with different concentration of inhibitor (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8%). Weight loss and thermometric methods were used. Inhibition efficiency was found to be increase with increase in concentration of inhibitor and decrease with increase in acid strength.
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Cubic graphs with equal complementary tree domination number and chromatic number
A set D of vertices in a graph G = (V, E) is called a dominating set of G, if every vertex in V-D is adjacent to some vertex in D. The domination number (G) of G is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set in G. A dominating set D of a graph G is a complementary tree dominating set, if the induced subgraph is a tree. The minimum cardinality of a complementary tree dominating set is called the complementary tree domination number of G and is denoted by ctd(G).The chromatic number of G is the minimum number of colours assigned to the vertices of G such that no two adjacent vertices have the same colour and is denoted by (G).In this paper we investigate cubic graphs for which ctd(G) = (G).
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Design and Fabrication of Friction Stir Welding Fixture with a New Approach
Friction stir welding is a relatively new solid-state joining technique which is widely adopted in different industry fields to join different metallic alloys that are hard to weld by conventional Fusion welding. FSW welding of material ( like aluminium stainless steel copper etc.) with good weld quality it is essential to manufacture specified fixture having accurate clamping capacity, heat resistance, compressive strength of base plate, flexibility in the welded plate dimension and easy to operate before and after FSW process. In this paper everything is calculated properly with complete design criteria to fulfill above mentions requirement
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Design considerations in stand alone solar photovoltaic system
This paper presents sizing and control methodologies for a lead-acid flow battery-based energy storage system fed by Solar Photovoltaic system. The results show that the power flow control strategy does have a significant impact on proper sizing of the rated power and energy of the system. This paper focuses on the development of a control strategy for optimal use of the battery storage system through sliding mode controller. The effectiveness of this control strategy has validated through experimentation.
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Determination of stability constants of (e)-n-(2-ethoxyphenyl)-2-(mercapto-phenylamino- methylene)-3-oxo-butanamide (EPMPB) complexes with some transition metal ions
New transition metal [V(V), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Pd(II) and Cd(II)] complexes of (EPMPB) have been investigated in solution using Potentiometric and spectrophotometric methods. The composition of the complexes was determined to be 1:1 and/or 1:2 (M: L), the optimum conditions favouring the formation of the coloured complexes were studied extensively; protonation constants and their stability constants of the complexes were calculated. The stability constants of the formed complexes increase in the order Pd (II) > V (V) > Cu (II) > Co (II) > Ni (II) > Cd (II). Adherence to Beer's law was observed for the µgmL-1 concentration range form 0.31- 3.49 and 1.06 - 4.25(?gml-1) for Cu(II) ion and Pd(II) ions, respectively, Molar absorptive was 6,899 and 10,788 L mol-1 cm-1 for Cu(II) and Pd(II) ions, respectively.
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Determining suitable probability distribution for estimating wetting front in surface and subsurface Drip Irrigation
Drip irrigation systems have a preference in selecting a suitable irrigation method in arid and semi-arid regions because of its high potential in uniform applying water in through a field. A proper management of drip irrigation system is, to some extent, dependent upon accurate understanding of wetting patterns distributions in soil under different combinations of soil type and emitter discharge rate. Using statistical distribution to estimate wetting front pattern in drip irrigation systems can improve their performance in different conditions. In this paper, the wetting area and water distribution on light, medium and heavy texture homogeneous soils in subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) and surface irrigation (DI) were evaluated. Experimental tests were carried out in a plexiglass lysimeter container with transparent walls. Emitters were buried at 15, 30 and 45 cm depths and discharge rates of 2.4, 4 and 6 L/h were applied. In this research, data of water front was divided into tree hourly periodic lengths of 2, 4 and 6. Then, with analysis of data in time series according to HYFA software output and goodness fit of Relative Residual Square Mean, suitable frequency distribution function for different conditions was evaluated. Based on relative frequency, the best fitted distribution for DI and SDI was found to be Normal and Pearson type III distribution (Moment method) and Normal distribution (maximum likelihood method).
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Developing a bead geometry based criterion for selection of process parameters of metal inert gas (mig) welding using taguchi techniques
Metal inert gas (MIG) welding is a fusion welding process having wide applications in industry. In any welding process, proper selection of input parameters is necessary to obtain good quality welds and consequently, increase the productivity of the process. Invariably, quality of welds is specified in terms of their ability to meet the service load requirements, zero-defect condition and/or cost-effective production. However, it is observed that a ‘Good Weld Bead Geometry’ can often be used to stipulate the weld quality as well as ensures one or more of the former considerations. The weld bead geometry is expressed in terms of six output parameters (called responses), viz., height of reinforcement (R), depth of penetration (P), weld bead width (W), per cent dilution (%D) and shape relationships such as weld penetration shape factor (W/P) and weld reinforcement form factor (W/R). This paper reports the experimental work with regard to developing a bead geometry-based criterion for acceptance of weldments prepared by MIG. Taguchi design method, comprising L16 orthogonal array (OA) was used to conduct the experimental with two replications and graphical method of analysis was used to arrive at the optimum combination of process parameters. The Responses were expressed in terms of six input process parameters, namely, wire feed rate (WFR), arc voltage (V), welding speed (WS), stand-off-distance (SOD), shielding gas flow rate (GFR) and parent material plate thickness (PT). Influence of the six main factors and their two-factor interactions were studied and the results are presented. It is observed that an increase in parameters like wire feed rate, welding speed, SOD and plate thickness will also result in a corresponding increase in reinforcement while they affect penetration in a negative way. On the other hand, a decrease in arc voltage results in an increase in reinforcement, but penetration decreases. The effect of GFR is typical, in the sense, as it is increased reinforcement decreases, but penetration shows an increasing trend. Further, weld bead width shows a positive correspondence with almost all input parameters. But, it has a negative relationship with SOD while it is unaffected by GFR. Also, the effect of 2-factor interactions have been studied and presented in this paper.
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Development and validation of stability-indicating assay method for lacosamide by RP- HPLC
The present study describes degradation of Lacosamide under various conditions like, oxidation, hydrolysis, and thermal stress conditions. The drug was found to hydrolyse in acidic and alkaline conditions and no degradation was found in thermal stress condition and oxidation. The separation of the drug and degradation product was successfully achieved on a C18 column utilizing water (0.1 % triethylamine and pH 3.0±0.05 was adjusted using Orthophosphoric acid 85%v/v) and methanol in the ratio of 70:30 v/v. The detection wavelength was 215 nm. The method was validated with respect to linearity, precision, accuracy, and specificity. The response was linear in concentration range of 1 - 20 µg/mL. The value of slope and correlation coefficient found to be 42506 and 0.9996 respectively. The R.S.D value for intra- and inter- day precision studies were <1.169 and <1.263, respectively. The recovery of the drug ranged between 98.81 and 101.76% from a mixture of degradation sample.
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