Public order and good morality, in the employment contract
Labor rights, in most cases, based on public order, public order in work law, including minimum and maximum that, in law and government regulations have been introduced, and the employer cannot, even with the consent of workers, through individual contracts, or agreements mass, at least reduce, the maximum increase. Review of the legal system, in the face of a situation that, freedom of contract is used to justify the imposition of systematic, widespread and unfair clauses in contracts has become. Public order and good morality, by limiting freedom of contract, may be in the process of labor contracts in the Iranian legal system, are effective. Study on the law applicable to the employment contract, taking into account the public order and good morals, using descriptive-analytic method and library study has been done, and the results, including that one of the consequences of the increasing the use of standard contracts, the inclusion of the conditions unfair contracts, particularly contracts of labor, corporations and businesses a strong economy, using the bargaining power of its superior design contracts unilaterally, and to win writing, these plans are full the covenants contained, the workers, or the weak contractual party, harmful and It is unfair, in law, worker protection entails certain rules, not dealing with unfair terms.
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Radiation Preparation of Smart Hydrogel Has Antimicrobial Properties for Controlled Release of Ciprofloxacin in Drug Delivery Systems
The objective of the present work was to synthesize co polymer hydrogel composed of (PAAc) and (PAAc / Pectin) which are very sensitive to environmental stimulus, this feature is important for their application in biomedical applications, due to its unique Properties which can resemble human living organs, Wound dressing, drug delivery systems. Gamma radiation induce synthesis and modification of monomer to polymer hydrogel was studied. The effect of different parameter onto preparation of smart hydrogel such as monomer concentration, radiation dose on to swelling percent of the prepared copolymer hydrogel have been studied, gel fraction have been studied as a function of swelling ratio. Structure characterization of the prepared copolymer hydrogel have been investigated using fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, The morphological structure using X–ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been studied. The swelling properties of the prepared copolymers have been studied at different time and pH. It was found that the swelling percent increases as the time increase and increases as pH increase and the maximum swelling occurs at pH 6 with the value of 19000 % for (PAAc) hydrogel and 10000% for (PAAc/pectin) hydrogels after 24 h. Drug loading measurements using ciprofloxacin drug at pH7 for (PAAc) hydrogel after 24 h and at pH11 for (PAAc/pectin) hydrogels. Studies of drug releasing of ciprofloxacin as drug model have been investigated, at different time and pH and it was found that the drug release incases as pH increase and the maximum release occurs at pH4 for (PAAc) and pH ( 3 , 8) for (PAAc/pectin) hydrogels, the antimicrobial activity of the synthesized co polymeric hydrogel under study was evaluated based on the diameters of clear zone surrounding the polymeric substance ( disk diffusion test ) this proved that polymeric hydrogel can be used as antibacterial agent.
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Radio wave propagation at 900 and 1800MHz bands in Lagos, Nigeria
The role accurate measurement and reception of electromagnetic signal play in telecommunications cannot be over emphasized. These measurements and reception are a function of terrain/topology, level of infrastructural development, vegetation and other factors. Wave propagation models are very important and necessary tools for determining the radio wave propagation characteristics of a user environment or area. The research handles site specific measurements for Lagos at frequencies of 900MHz and 1800MHz and comparison done with standard calculated values. From the analysis of data collected, the mean square errors (µe) ranged from 5.39dB to 13.60dB for Okumura Hata at 900MHz. For COST 231 Hata at this frequency, it was from 5.06dB to 13.52dB. This agrees with the acceptable International range. The acceptable range lies between 1? µ ? 15dB (Wu and Yuan 1998). The mean square error at 1800MHz varied from 4.66dB to 5.06dB.
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Relationship between university managements’, and teachers’ demographic factors on university students’ satisfaction
This study includes, comparing management, and teachers’ demographic factor on private and public sectors universities. It was descriptive in nature. It focuses on teachers’ demographic variations of grade, income, experience in determining students’ satisfaction, to measure the effects of students’ demographic variations of family income, parental qualification and profession in determining their level of satisfaction. As managements’, and teachers’ demographic variations were also taken as independent variables while their scores of respondents on research instruments were taken as dependent variables. For sampling a stratified random sample of 700 respondents was collected from respondents of three distinct groups’ i.e. students, management, and teachers. Three different tools were developed and use to get the views of students, management and teachers in public and private sector universities. Collected data was analyzed statistically (descriptive and inferential statistics). Various statistical tests such as mean, Standard Deviation, Analysis of variance, correlation and regression were used to explore research variables with the help of SPSS 21. It revealed that the university students are more satisfied from experienced and highly paid professors.
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Removal of Mn+2 and Fe+3 ions from waste water and underground water using Calcium Silicate (CS)
The determination of heavy metal ions are limited by two difficulties, very low concentration of heavy metal ions which may be lower than the detection limit of many traditional analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectrometry, colorimetric, and voltametry. And the interfering effects of the matrix. Calcium silicate (CS) is obtained as mentioned in the literature, This synthesized material, which have many applications in various walks of life will be under study in this research. In a new area of the most important areas of life and the environment, a water treatment and removal of some heavy ions such as Mn+2 and Fe+3 ions present in waste water and underground water were efficiently removed by (CS).
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Revitalization of Nakshi Kantha through Modern Stitching Technology
Nakshi Kantha is a traditional cloth most widely used in Bangladesh. User of this cloths feels a divine pleasure during use. If modern stitching technology can be used keeping the traditional value intact and variation in design can be introduced than this cloth type may be marketed around the globe. Local NGOs and Bangladesh Government is pursuing for a wide range of marketing. There are not much of researches carried out as to how best this product can be marketed around the globe. The researchers tried to identify the possibilities about how best the Nakshi Kantha can be produced using modern stitching technology, variation in the design and use of the concept in modern fashion.
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Role of Information and Communication Technology for Teaching and Learning inTanzania: Use and availability of ICT facilities in TVET
This study investigated the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for teaching and learning in TVET institutions in Tanzania. The study intended to fill in the knowledge gap, whether available ICT facilities in TVET institutions had positive or negative role in teaching and learning. The findings expected to lay the foundation for proper guidance to use ICTs in line with the national ICT policy on proper way and get their actual contribution in teaching and learning for the development of the nation in general. The background information indicated that availability of ICT facilities is essential in teaching and learning in all learning institutions worldwide. The study used a cross section research design with a total sample size 403 respondents and applied a mixed approach of research method for data collection. Questionnaires with open ended and closed ended questions were mainly used to collect quantitative data while observation checklist, documentary review checklist, interviews schedule, and focus group discussion guide, with semi-structured questions respectively, were used to collect qualitative data. Data were analyzed using content analysis and IBM Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 then presented in terms of percentage, Chi-square, mean, and frequencies. The study discovered that ICT facilities were not enough by 83(39.3%), however available ICT facilities were used by 85% in teaching and learning. Yet, about 48.82%, of the students had limited time to use computers in their laboratories as such 78.2% of the students used smart phones to access internet for various use anytime. In general insufficient ICT facilities and limited time for students to use the same affected negatively the teaching and learning in TVET institutions. It was recommended that stakeholders such as the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training as well as NACTE be responsible in delivery of sufficient ICT facilities and encourage its use in all TVET institutions. More specific, further studies should examine proper innovation ICT use in line with curriculum change in global perspectives.
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Security Enhanced RSA Public Encryption System
In our paper , we have suggested a variant of the RSA public cryptosystem, it is more effecient than the traditional RSA algorithm which uses the Euler’s Totient Function .The discussed RSA variant is very much similar to the traditional RSA. It also is a block cipher like the traditional one but it uses a different Ø(n) function. In the suggested scheme the range of Ø(n) is so high that it increases the security manifold. This makes cryptanalysis very difficult. Methods like brute force attack will fail as the range is very high and such attacks consume a lot of time. We represent Ø(n) as f(n,h) where n can be a Positive Integer(Z). As the value of h keeps increasing the range of values of Ø (n) also keeps increasing exponentially which in turn increases the security exponentially. This is the reason why the proposed scheme can be assumed to be more efficient, reliable and scalable.
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Sense of community and rule enforcement in community afforestation programme development in yobe Nigeria
This paper focuses on 17 local governments in savannah Sahel of Yobe State Nigeria. The level of community participation, in afforestation programme development for rural communities is attributed to sense of community. A Sense of community and rule enforcement is a necessary condition for community afforestation programme development. This paper provides an approach for sense of community and rule enforcement in relations to community afforestation programme development. The main purpose of the study was to assess the sense of community and rule enforcement in community afforestation programme development in Yobe State, Nigeria. Sense of community and rule enforcement has been identified as bridge to effective community participation in afforestation programme development. The study used survey design in which questionnaire was used to collect the data from the selected communities and villages. The result shows that about 89 percent change in afforestation programme development was as a result of changes in rule enforcement and sense of community. It can be concluded that the use of this domain allows community leaders to scrutinize their achievements, address their constraints and measure their progress.
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Simulating the profitability of state transport undertakings using artificial neural network
State Transport Undertakings (STUs) are established with the major objective of providing economic, coordinated, efficient and adequate bus services to the society. The STUs are also bound to carry on their operations on business principles due to the recent Government policy of self sustain in the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). Due to this duality in its objectives the STUs are swinging on both sides (i.e.) social objectives on one side and the commercial objectives on the other side. In this process of conflicting goals the profitability and the public services were unsolved. In this paper an attempt has been made to simulate the profitability of STUs in terms of Total Cost/Bus (on Road)/Day and Total Revenue/Bus (Held)/Day using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). For this study as many as 29 performance indicators of 37 STUs with 11 years data were used to train the network. The results and statistical tests are very much encouraging. Therefore ANN is a better tool to map an unexplainable relationship between the input and the output variables. And this can also be used for future predictions and optimization.
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