Hierarchy of Cultural Identity in Town Square, Iran
The culture contains components including deeds, beliefs, arts, faiths and other social findings that are inherited through the society and form life context. These social activities are generally being formed within public and urban areas. One of these public areas is Town Square that expands cultural identity within society by users. Hierarchy also helps this study through investigation for ways of areas arrangement near each other. The main research question is how and where cultural areas of Town Square have been formed. In this study we practiced to investigate cultural identity hierarchy within Iranian Town Square to realize this question. This research aims at studying Iranian Town Square hierarchy and to extend and promote their culture. The research method applied in this study is explanatory – analytical and is a kind of field studies. Data collection method is of library and field type through observation and using schemes and figure. The study first introduced literature subject and then practiced to investigate cultural, physical and social activities within Iranian prominent Town Square including yazd, tehran, and Isfahan. In this research, cultural activities position within Town Square and their effects on social stability regarding components like cultural identity, function and framework have been investigated. Results of this paper practiced to provide effective strategies for cultural activities stability and to promote cultural identity.
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High frequency unsteady peristaltic flow of a Jeffrey fluid in uniform and tapered tube
High frequency unsteady peristaltic flow of a Jeffrey fluid in uniform and non-uniform tube has been investigated. The governing equations has been solved numerically and investigations are made for two cases for uniform and tapered tubes. The velocity distribution and the pressure rise is obtained. The effect of Jeffrey parameter, Womersley parameter on the flow characteristics are discussed and are analyzed through graphs for both uniform and tapered tube. Furthermore, the results obtained for the flow characteristics reveal many interesting behaviors that warrant further study of the peristaltic transport models with physiological fluids.
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Ibopamine in Ophthalmology.
Ibopamine is currently used in ophthalmology. This molecule acts on both adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors. The adrenergic receptors are responsible for a marked mydriasis without accommodative paralysis, while the dopaminergic receptors promote the production of aqueous humor. That’s the reason why ibopamine may be useful for diagnostic purposes in ophthalmology. This short communication aims at presenting the most intriguing evidence on ibopamine and discusses the profile of patients who may be best suitable to this molecule.
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Identification of Wiener Systems
Wiener systems identification is studied in the presence of possibly infinite-order linear dynamics and nonparametric nonlinear element. The latter can be noninvertible and of arbitrary-shape. Using simple constant and sine excitations, and getting benefit from model plurality, the problem identification problem is made. All estimators are shown to be consistent
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Impact of Bat Guano on the pH of Purna Water
The word guano originated from the “Quichua language” of the Inca civilization and means the droppings of bat. The bats forage at night for insect over a particular area, and they return to the old temples during the day to sleep and care for their young’s. They attach themselves to ceiling, and their excrement accumulates on e floor below. In some situation the guano can reach a depth of feet in many years and appeared as guano-hip, and it has a valuable importance. Bat guano was collected from the temple of Lonar crater Lonar, Buldana District, Maharashtra. The bat guano, it dissolved in water of Purna River, (10:100) concentration was prepared and kept undisturbed till 30 days and parameters was noted at an interval of 2 hour and thereafter 5 days for about 24 hour and 30 days respectively. Resulted into increasing in the pH content of Purna water after the addition of bat guano. Our investigation results indicate that bat guano used for bioremediation of aquatic ecosystem.
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Implications for professional development of pre-service teachers for ICT use in mathematics instruction in Kenya
Mathematics teachers are expected to integrate technology in their teaching to enhance pedagogical practice and student achievement. However, importance has not been placed on preparing teachers to use ICTs in their instruction. This paper reports on a study conducted to explore the feasibility of ICT use in mathematics teaching at the secondary school level. Based on an expanded variation of the Technology Acceptance Model, a survey of student teachers were collected at local universities in Kenya. It explores the factors affecting the integration of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in instruction. A questionnaire was administered to 110 student-teachers of mathematics seeking to get their attitudes to ICT in learning and teaching and their initial experiences of the application of ICT in mathematics instruction. In-depth interviews with the student-teachers, as well as university lecturers and teachers, revealed a range of issues that reflected how student-teachers perceive integration of ICT’s in mathematics instruction. Recommendations are offered for the improvement of the ICT experiences for student-teachers during training and improved ICT infrastructure in schools. The overriding conclusion is that schools must be supported and resourced properly, and pre- service teachers must have effective ICT training.
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Import and Export Strategies for Business Sustainability Under Economic Sanctions
Economic sanctions can result in more than a 70% decrease in business activities in a sanctioned country. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to identify the strategies import and export small business owners use to sustain businesses under economic sanctions. The population for this study was import and export small business owners in the state of Khartoum, Sudan. General systems theory served as the conceptual framework and underpinned the study. The data collection included semistructured interviews and government financial reports. Adhering to an interview protocol, conducting transcript reviews of participants’ interviews, member checking, and methodological triangulation represented the measures to ensure dependability, trustworthiness, creditability, transferability, and confirmability of the research. The thematic data analysis involved data cleaning, uploading the transcribed interviews into qualitative data analysis software, reorganizing the data, coding relevant information, and methodological triangulation against financial reports from the Central Bank of Sudan and the World Development Bank Indicators. The results from the thematic data analysis led to the identification of some major themes, notably, innovative strategies to secure funding and increase business sustainability despite the unfavorable economic climate consequent to the prevalent economic sanctions. The consensus among participants denoted that creative strategies presented the only choice to overcome the adverse business climate. The study findings may contribute to positive social change as the knowledge from it may aid in the improvement of employment, the living standards, and the prosperity of small businesses and societies in Sudan.
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Incidence of Thermophilic Fungal Consortium From Different Temperature Gradation Level On Different Organic Substrates
Present study revealed that thermophile fungal species richness on different substrate in different temperature gradients like room, 35,45,55,650C.Total 23 fungal species were found from six different organic substrate. Among six substrates, vermiompost (57) and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) (52) were recorded highest species richness and % incidence while less in ash (14). Among isolated thermophilic fungi, Aspergillus species found abundant in all the substrate and temperature ranges while poor incidence in case of Trichoderma harzianum, Rhizoctonia, Geotrichum, Alternaria species, Aspergillus tamari and Peniillium cinnamon. Among the thermophiles Aspergillus niger and A. flavus were found on all the substrates itself act as thermotolerent. Every temperature gradient showed the growth incidence in all substrate but room temp and 350C showed richness of fungal incidence. Even some species showed the growth on some substrate at higher temp (65•C) in some extent.
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Infrastructural concerns hindering the implementation of performance contracting in public primary schools in Nandi – North Sub – County, Kenya.
As part of the comprehensive reforms in Kenya, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) introduced performance contracting initiatives to counter the unsatisfaction in services delivery systems. Thus, the study sought to explore the infrastructural challenges facing headteachers in the implementation of performance contracting in public primary schools in Nandi North Sub-County, Kenya. The study adopted an exploratory design with a sample size of 123 respondents sampled through stratified sampling. Data collection procedures involved the use of interviews. The headteachers are facing challenges that include inadequate training, lack ICT skills, etc. The study concluded that these concerns have impeded the implementation process and recommend that the headteachers be trained and facilitated.
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Inhibitive effect of new class of Pyrazole derivatives for the control of corrosion of copper-nickel alloy in marine environment
The corrosion behavior of copper-nickel alloy in the presence of two organic inhibitors that belong to the pyrazole derivatives namely 1,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)methylamine and 1,3-Dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)acetic acid has been investigated in natural sea water. Weight-loss measurements, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were applied to analyze the effect of the organic compounds on the corrosion inhibition of copper-nickel alloy. Polarization studies showed that these inhibitors were found to act as mixed type for alloy in chloride solution. It suppresses the cathodic and anodic reactions rates and it renders the open circuit potential to more noble directions. Measurements of values of charge transfer resistance (Rct) and the double layer capacity (Cdl) have been carried out. Accelerated leaching studies revealed that the inhibitors control the dissolution of copper and nickel in the alloy.
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