Analysis of Test Case Prioritization in Regression Testing Using Genetic Algorithm
Testing is an accepted technique for improving the quality of developed software With the increase in size and complexity of modern software products, the importance of testing is rapidly growing. Regression testing plays a vital role for software maintenance when software is modified. The main purpose of regression testing is to ensure the bugs are fixed and the new functionality that are incorporated in a new version of a software do not unfavorably affect the correct functionality of the previous version. So to revalidate the modified software, regression testing is the right testing process. Though it is an expensive process which requires executing maintenance process frequently but it becomes necessary for subsequent version of test suites. To evaluate the quality of test cases which are used to test a program, testing requires execution of a program. In this paper we propose a new test case prioritization technique using genetic algorithm. The proposed technique separate the test case detected as severe by customer and among the rest test case prioritizes subsequences of the original test suite so that the new suite, which is run within a time-constrained execution environment, will have a superior rate of fault detection when compared to rates of randomly prioritized test suites. This experiment analyzes the genetic algorithm with regard to effectiveness and time overhead by utilizing structurally-based criterion to prioritize test cases.
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Application of Flipped Classroom in Physical Education
The traditional physical education teaching mode limits the main demands of students and cannot meet the requirements of the society for physical education. Flipped classroom teaching mode, as a new teaching mode, has its advantages fully reflected. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of flipped classroom teaching mode and traditional teaching mode are compared by means of literature data method and logical analysis, and the specific steps and principles for attention are integrated into physical education teaching, hoping to improve the level of physical education.
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Bacillus Subtilis Bacteria as a Biosorbent for Dye Removal from Industrial Water Effluents
World population growth and increasing needs to various industries have led to the accumulation of a wide variety of contaminants in the environment and natural resources. The use of synthetic dyes is increasing in many areas. More than 10,000 chemically different dyes are being manufactured. Synthetic dyes have been widely used in many industries such as textile, tannery, food, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, paint, plastics, electroplating, and cosmetics industries.The effluent discharge from these industries has destructive effects on the environment and human health; reducing sunlight penetration and gas solubility in aqueous ecosystems and mutagenic and carcinogenic effects in living organisms. Interest in the pollution potential of textile dyes has been primarily prompted by concern over their possible toxicity and carcinogenicity. Even though physico-chemical methods are effective in dye removal, problems such as the overall cost, regeneration, secondary pollutants, limited versatility, interactions with other wastewater constituents, and residual sludge generation limit their usage. As an alternative, biological treatments are a relatively inexpensive way to remove dyes from wastewater. The use of biological methods such as bioaccumulation and biosorption through bioflocculation technique is suitable for the removal of such dyes from wastewaters. In this study, bacterial strain of Bacillus subtilis has been used for the removal of methyl violet dye from an Egyptian textile effluent. More than 98 % removal is achieved through application of bioflocculation technique. Complete characterization for the textile effluent before and after treatment with bacterial strain has been done including TSS, TDS and turbidity. At the same time, physicochemical characterization of Bacillus subtilis bacterial strain was studied.
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Big Data Analytics Services for Enhancing Business Intelligence
Business Analytics (BA) have provided remarkable opportunities for organizations to implement new techniques to face competitive challenges.. However, the effect of BA’s contribution would be increased through the mediation role of data-driven culture in the organization. Business analytics have gained popularity in recent times to analyse complex data and derive meaningful solution. It is an emerging science and technology which involves multidisciplinary information in diversified areas. An optimum strategy is possible for any company through Big data analytics. This paper focus on how business intelligence can be enhanced through big data analytics.
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Chemical Analysis of Wild Edible Fruits of Azanza garckeana in Sudan
Azanza garckeana is a wild edible indigenous fruit tree species in western Sudan locally named (Jakhjakh). The physiochemical and analytical study of Azanza garckeana fruit, physical parameters of fruits determined length ranges 2.52 – 3.52 cm, Width 2.07 – 2.68 cm, Thickness 2.00 – 2.72 cm, Weight 4.05 – 7.98 g, Edible part + peels 2.89 – 5.92 g, Seeds 1.15 – 2.06 g. The chemical contents Crude Protein 9.21%, Moisture 3.82%, Fat 1.19%, Crude Fiber 45.23%, Ash 22.2%, Carbohydrates 42.17%, Energy Value 219.28%, Total Sugar 31.36%, Reducing Sugars 17.72%, Total treatable acidity 0.13%, Vitamin C 41.92%, B-carotene(IU/100g) Vitamin A 18.50% and Pectin 0.26%. The elements determined using ICP-OES the metal levels are decreasing in order Sr > Mn > Ti > Ba > As > Zn > Cu > Cr > V > Co. And essential elements found in higher level order degrease as Ca > K > Mg > P > Na > Si > Fe > Al > Li = Be.
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Chemical reaction and MHD effcets on flow past an exponentially accelerated vertical plate with variable temperature and uniform mass diffusion
An exact solution of unsteady flow past an exponentially accelerated infinite isothermal vertical plate with variable temperature and uniform mass diffusion in the presence of chemical reaction of first order has been studied. The plate temperature is raised linearly with respect to time and concentration level near the plate is raised uniformly. The dimensionless governing equations are solved using the Laplace-transform technique. The velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are studied for different physical parameters like magnetic field parameter, chemical reaction parameter, thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, Schmidt number, time and a. It is observed that the velocity decreases with increasing magnetic field parameter.
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Children insurance plans: a collative and analytical study
It is the primary responsibility of all parents to fulfill the child’s dreams and aspirations. With mounting inflation and hence a higher cost of living, parents have to ensure that their child is able to lead a life of respect and self-esteem with a financially secured future. Children’s plans offered by life insurers have emerged as a smart way to propose financial security to the children. The study examines the children’s plans offered by selected life insurers in India. It is found that plans floated by insurers are unique in providing financial means to children to pursue their goals, and these plans are the best available alternative to save and invest for the safe and bright future of the child. However, it is problematic for an individual to comprehend the trick of inherent and latent charges in these plans. The study observed that children’s plan SMART Steps Plus of Max New York Life and Young Star Plus II of HDFC SL are worth considering to save for child’s better future. On the basis of study it can be inferred that Young Star Plus II of HDFC SL is better in terms of inherent features and diverse charges as compared to SMART Steps Plus of Max New York Life.
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Clinical images in medicine; Giant bladder stone
Urinary stones are frequent. Prevalence rates vary from 1% to 20%. Young adults are the most frequent affected with about 11% of male and 7 % of female population. Stone incidence depends on geographical, climatic, ethnic, dietary and genetic factors. Diagnosis is based on imaging, biochemical laboratory work-up and stone analysis via infrared spectroscopy. Bladder stones are generally of small sizes caused by bladder outlet obstruction and their treatment is relatively easy via endoscopic instrumentation. Giant bladder stones are rare in current urological practice. We here-in report a case of a 80-year-old male patient who presented to our department with lower urinary tract symptoms mainly pollakiuria and dysuria evolving for 5 years. Clinical examination revealed hypogastric pain at palpation and an enlarged prostate. Computed tomography bladder imaging showed a 6-cm giant bladder stone and 150 g enlarged prostate. Open cystolithotomy was performed to concomitantly extract the stone weighing 400 g and treat the enlarged prostate.
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Combined Effect of Organic Fertilizer and Vermicast for Organic Onion (Allium cepa L.) Production in Fully Converted Organic Area
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of organic fertilizer application in the production of organic onion. The study was conducted in a fully converted organic field at CLSU RM-CARES using the following treatment; treatment 1 was the control or no fertilizer, treatment 2 was the organic fertilizer at 8 t/ha applied before transplanting, treatment 3 was the vermicast at 8 t/ha applied before transplanting, treatment 4 was combined organic fertilizer and vermicast at the same rate of 4 t/ha applied before transplanting, and the treatment 5 was combine organic fertilizer at 4 t/ha and vermicast at 4 t/ha, half of each fertilizer material was applied before transplanting and another half was applied 30 days after transplanting. Results revealed that combined organic fertilizer vermicast application as biofertilizer had no influence on the diameter size and weight of individual bulb after harvest. However, application of combined organic fertilizer and vermicast at the rate of 4 t/ha of each fertilizer materials applied before transplanting significantly increased the production of marketable bulb, yield per plot and computed yield per hectare. On the other hand, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake of onion was observed a comparable results to all fertilizers applied. Moreover, plants fertilized with combined organic fertilizer and vermicast at the same rate of 4 t/ha each of fertilizer materials applied before transplanting significantly obtained the highest potassium uptake with 2.36 t/ha . Follow up studies on the effect on growth and yield of combined fertilizer material should be conducted to confirm and further explain our findings.
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Comparative effect of various photo-substituted transition metal complexes derived from hexaminecobalt(III) chloride on thermal properties of polyaniline nanocomposites
The present paper reviews the comparative effect of different transition metal complexes derived from hexaminecobalt(III) chloride metal complex on the thermal properties of polyaniline nanocomposites. These metal complexes are obtained through photo-substitution route in which some of the amine ligands of the hexaminecobalt(III) chloride metal complex are photochemically substituted by different organic ligands like 1,10 phenenthroline, pyrazine and imidazole. It is observed that the metal complexes thus synthesised containing both organic and inorganic moieties enhance the thermal stability of polyaniline to a great extent as compared to simple hexamine metal complex filled nanocomposite. However, as far as the role of different incorporating organic ligands of metal complexes on the thermal properties of polyaniline nanocomposites are concerned, there seems to be little or no effect.
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