Enhancement of Dropwise Condensation Heat Transfer of Steam by Oleic Acid
Thisstudy compares the heat transfer coefficients for film and dropwise condensation of steam.Copper tube was coated with oleic acid to promote dropwise condensation of steam rather than a continuous film. Excellent dropwise condensation was observed when the cooling surface was coated with oleic acid, and this helps to enhance droplet formation without wetting the surface.The experimental results shows that the value of overall heat transfer coefficient is 50000 W/m2K in dropwise and 12500W/m2K in filmwise condensation.Thus, theoverall heat transfer coefficients during dropwise condensation are approximately four times greater than those during filmwise condensation at the same surface subcooling degrees.
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Entrepreneurship in SME sector
In India nature and pattern of industrialization has been undergoing complete change in the post reform era. In a market driven economy, survival and growth of entrepreneur will mean continuous up gradation and creation of the competitiveness in a globalised world, challenges of development of competitiveness are many. For this , the new age entrepreneur needs building up core capabilities constantly in order to improve quality of products, penetrate into new markets, creating brand images, sourcing new resources, upgrade skills and innovating new technology. While success of entrepreneurship much depends upon the technical and managerial skills, it also depends on his/her capability to process and organize resources efficiently. At present there are 350 SMEs clusters in India spread over traditional as well as modern sectors. Fast growing industrial states such as Gujarat, Tamilnadu and Delhi and NCR region have witnessed a large number successful SMEs induced by favorable state policies, market growth, both domestic and international market. Yet in vast majority of the areas, SMEs are not viable due to lack of technical knowledge, inability to access changing mood of the market, inability to bear financial and market risks. All these have constrained them to share the benefits of market economy. Due to inherent constraints embedded in size of operation, development of entrepreneurship in the SME sector is conditional to the development of favourable Government policies creating external economic environment.
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Ethno botanical Survey of Medicinal Plants of Nagaur district in Rajasthan, India Used in traditional medicines for Rural people
Plants are an integral part nature. These are the life sustaining force on the earth. Local communities regularly use medicinal plants for treatment of diseases, wounds, fractures and other ailments. Tribal areas in the district of Nagaur were visited to collect informations on ethnomedicinal plants used by local people, Vendors, Ojha, Bhopa, Bhagat, Vaidyas and Sadhus. The preset investigation in aimed to create awareness about the ethnomedicinal value of the plants and their uses to draw the attention of pharmacologists, phyto chemists and pharmaceutical.
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Experimental Investigation of Partially Reinforced Concrete-Filled Plastic Tubular Columns
Previous tests on PVC-concrete composite columns showed that most of tested columns had failure regions near the top or bottom of the columns. Therefore it is intended, in this study, to reinforce the ends of these columns in an attempt to improve their behavior. A series of unreinforced and partially reinforced PVC-concrete composite columns were tested under axial compressive loading. It was found that the strength of partially reinforced PVC-concrete composite column is greater than that of corresponding unreinforced column by about 3%, and that the ultimate strain of partially reinforced PVC-concrete composite column is less than that of corresponding unreinforced column by about 4.4%. Although the increase in strength was unnoticeable, the steel reinforcement at the ends was adequate to prevent failure to occur at these ends.
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Experimental investigations on the mechanical properties of coconut coir and egg shell powder polymer composites
In recent days most of the automotive parts are manufactured with different materials which will increase the weight of the vehicle and the materials also cannot be recycled. But with the European union and Asian countries stringent norms on automotive end life i.e the parts should be recycled. This made the researchers to use natural fibers in composite materials. With their low cost, low density, stiffness, high specific strength and biodegradable characteristics, they are considered as perfect replacement for conventional fibers. This has resulted in creation of more awareness about the use of natural fibers based materials mainly composites. The properties of the composites mainly depend on the interfacial adhesion between the matrix and the fibers. The present study aims at the mechanical properties namely tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength of the composites. In the present work the composite is produced with good compressive strength (Egg shell) and tensile strength (coconut coir) materials and is further tested for various mechanical properties. The results indicated that these composites are very good for automotive applications.
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Experimental study on reading comprehension in English as a second language (ESL) of children with and without cognitive and meta- cognitive strategies in Pakistan
This research has cautiously reviewed past studies on Meta cognitive strategies encompassing on planning, monitoring and evaluating learners. The basic purpose of these reviews was to identify strategies to assist children in enhancing their reading and understanding potential. On basis of those reviews seven well defined strategies were formulated for the teachers to apply in a group of 8-9 years old learners for developing reading comprehension by an experiemnt.Study indicates that if proper strategies applied during reading sessions, positive change in the learners is significant. This study is helpful for readers specially teachers to consider cognitive and metacognitive strategies as a mean to plan their reading lessons on vocabulary building, making connections, questioning, summarizing, predicting, visualizing and monitoring. Therefore, it is recommended that these strategies be incorporated for teaching English reading lessons.
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Exploring Entrepreneurial Potential of Engineering Students in Islamic Azad University (IAU)
Iran, nowadays, is in dire need of entrepreneurs like never before. Entrepreneurs are the people who use their investments to produce new products or provide services to the public that eventually boost up the level of service to the community, employment and capital assets to avoid stagnation in the economy, which means improvement in the public welfare. The role of the university, as an organization with the tasks of education and training, is very important. Entrepreneurship is a new phenomenon that has played an important role in the economy of developing countries. Entrepreneurship has a key role in the competitive economy based on the current market situations. In this study, the entrepreneurs’ capabilities of entrepreneurship (success-seeking, tendency to take risk, tendency to creativity, internal and external control and independence) have been evaluated and the influence of them in operating a business has been analyzed. The survey method and the questionnaires were used to collect data for this research. Participants in this study were selected from undergraduate students in Islamic Azad University of Tafresh, Iran. The stratified sampling has been used in sampling design and the total number of 220 questionnaires were distributed among the students. The results showed that the scores of entrepreneurial capabilities in students seeking success, tendency to creativity and locus of control were found to be above average and, on the other hand, tendency to take risks and independence were below average.
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Factors affecting on the job satisfaction of the public sector university teachers
The study was designed to identify various factors which affect the job satisfaction of the public sector university teachers. Population of the study comprised of all teachers teaching at the public sector universities of Islamabad. A stratified random sample of 100 male and female teachers was collected from 3 leading universities of Islamabad through a 35 items research questionnaire with six dimensions. Collected data was analyzed through SPSS, results revealed that overall university teachers are satisfied with opportunities of advancement in their profession, satisfied with their management and coworker, but they are unsatisfied with workload, physical work environment and with their present pay structure. Analysis of demographics depicted that female teachers are satisfied with their job as compared to male teachers. Younger university teachers have higher job satisfaction as compared to older ones whereas married teachers are less satisfied with their salaries and unmarried are less satisfied with physical work environment.
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Factors affecting the job performance: In case of Pakistani banking sector
One of the key issues in management today is the lack of Job Involvement in employees. This lack ultimately leads to lack of Performance in employees. The study was conducted to see the impact of Job Involvement on the Job Performance and the difference between the females and males with respect to Job Performance. The data was collected using questionnaires. The respondents were mainly from the Banking sector of Pakistan. The results show that there is a positive correlation (r=0.705, p<0.01) between Job Involvement and Job Performance. Moreover, the results for group statistics show there is no significant difference between performance of males and females (µm=48.6744, µf=47.2432) at confidence Levels of almost 35%. The reasons for such results are then discussed.
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Finite element model for a viscous incompressible fluid flow
In this paper, finite element model for flow of a viscous lubricant in a slider bearing is considered as a problem. For this problem, two different types of finite element models have been presented which are the velocity-pressure finite element model, with (u,v,P) as the primary nodal degrees of freedom and the penalty finite element model with (u,v) as the primary nodal degrees of freedom. Quadrilateral elements are used since they are more reliable for pressure as well as for velocity fields in the penalty finite element model.
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