Isolated right ventricular myocardial infarction due to occlusion of acute marginal artery: An easily missed diagnosis.
Isolated right ventricular myocardial infarction is a rare entity in the spectrum of acute coronary syndrome. It is often overlooked during the assessment of patients suspected to have acute coronary syndrome.A 49 years old male presented with atypical chest discomfort associated with vagal symptoms. The initial ECGs were not supporting. The Echocardiography revealed an isolated right ventricular myocardial wall motion abonrmality that was initially missed. Coronary angiogram revealed a dominant right circulation and a selective occlusion of an acute marginal branch. Successful angioplasty was done .Cardiac MRI performed 48 hours later confirmed isolated character of the infarction by showing hyperenhancement of free wall of right ventricle.In the current report, we illustrates the importance of looking carefully for isolated right ventricular infarction during echocardiography in all cases of suspected myocardial ischemia.
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Isolation and spectroscopic characterization and molecular modeling of novel compounds obtained from latex of calotropis procera
Calotropis procera R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) is a well-known medicinal plant with leaves, roots, and bark being exploited by popular medicine to fight many human and animal diseases. This work deals with the fractionation of the crude latex produced by the green parts of the plant and aims to evaluate its toxic effects upon egg hatching and larval development of Aedes aegypti. The whole latex was shown to cause 100% mortality of 3rd instars within 5 min. It was fractionated into water-soluble dialyzable (DF) and non-dialyzable (NDF) rubber-free materials. Both fractions were partially effective to prevent egg hatching and most of individuals growing under experimental conditions died before reaching 2nd instars or stayed in 1st instars. Besides, the fractions were very toxic to 3rd instars causing 100% mortality within 24 h. When both fractions were submitted to heat-treatment the toxic effects were diminished considerably suggesting low thermostability of the toxic compounds. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of both fractions and their newly fractionated peaks obtained through ion exchange chromatography or desalting attested the presence of proteins in both materials. When submitted to protease digestion prior to larvicidal assays NDF lost most of its toxicity but DF was still strongly active. It may be possible that the highly toxic effects of the whole latex from C. procera upon egg hatching and larvae development should be at least in part due to its protein content found in NDF.
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Issues of Indian Dalit elderly require different perspective for study
Population ageing is the most significant emerging demographic phenomenon in the world today. In 1950, the world population aged 60 years and above was 205 million (8.2 per cent of the population) which increased to 606 million (10 per cent of the population) in 2000. By 2050, the proportion of older persons 60 years and above is projected to rise to 21.1 per cent, which will be two billion in number. Old age presents its special and unique problems but these have been aggravated due to the unprecedented speed of socioeconomic transformation leading to a number of changes in different aspects of living conditions. The needs and problems of the elderly vary significantly according to their age, socioeconomic status, health, living status and other such background characteristics. The most of the study is only considering all elderly same factors for study of the issues and problems of elderly. The Indian society structure is form on the basis of the caste of the people. The whole society divided as per their role and function in the society. The allocation of the resources also divided as per the caste, the Dalti in India are the most vulnerable communities in the India due to various reasons. The women condition of the Dalit women elderly are facing multi level exclusion on the basis of the gender, caste, economic, caste atrocities and social exclusion. The paper is demanding that while studying the issues of Dalti elderly need different perspective for studying the issues and problems of the Dalti elderly.
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K – Even Mean Labeling of Cn ? Pm
Mean labeling of graphs was discussed in [10] and the concept of odd mean labeling was introduced in [9]. k-odd mean labeling and (k, d) - odd mean labeling are introduced and discussed in [5], [6], [7]. In this paper, we introduce the concept of k-even mean labeling and investigate k-even mean labeling of C
n È P
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Kinetic Approach to Biodegradation of Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon Polluted Soil using Mushroom Substrate
Bioremediation of poly aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) contaminated soil was investigated using micro scale land farming. The mushroom species: namely saprophytic, symbiotic and parasitic were applied by broadcasting them to the relevant cell at 10 cm depth. 100 g of mushroom substrate was applied once in 6 weeks to the cells. These quantities of mushroom supplied enough nitrogen to the cells for the 10 week remediation period. The biodegradation rates of PAHs contaminated soil in the presence of the mushroom were studied using chemical kinetics approach. The reaction orders were studied using the differential method but the reaction rate constants were computed using the integral method. -1Results show that reaction rate constants were 0.0503, 0.0536 and 0.0515 day-1, for saprophytic, parasitic and symbiotic mushrooms respectively. The reaction orders and rate constants show no significant difference. However, parasitic mushroom degrade the PAHs faster than the other species.
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Knee stiffness explained by a neglected giant synovial chondromatosis (Historical Case)
Synovial chondromatosis of the knee is a benign synovial dystrophy characterized by the formation of cartilaginous nodules (chondromas). Their early diagnosis and treatment are primordial to preserve the joint and prevent its degeneration. Its treatment remains controversial, adopting many attitudes, arthroscopic chondromas extraction or arthrotomy, arthroscopic synovectomy, high tibial osteotomies or even a prosthetic replacement. The literature reports many sporadic cases of synovial chondromatosis of the knee each one with its clinical and therapeutic particularity ; In this sense we report our historical case of giant synovial chondromatosis neglected source of knee stiffness, operated by open surgery anterior and posterior approachs allow to extract 600 grams of chondromas agglomerated into several diffuse masses.
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Life transitions of women workforce: a review
Woman by virtue undergoes various life transitions in her entire life which has a direct bearing on her career and health. Ever changing patterns of working and competition have gradually increased pressure on woman’s health and productivity at work. Women working in industries where more time is required like media, advertising, entertainment, and fashion is obliquely pushing them towards a synthetic lifestyle which will ultimately pose question on their identity at large. This report can be further extended towards the workplace domains on working women who are constantly under one or other life transitions in the context of their productivity at work and resultant stress.
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Location intelligence - a strategic tool for retail location planning
To gain competitive advantage and stay ahead in today’s highly competitive retail environment, retailers need to know their customers with respect to their outlets, monitor the performance, assess the impact of competition, drill down into a trade area to identify customers and choose new store locations strategically. Location Intelligence with its ability to manage, display, and analyze business information spatially, is emerging as a powerful tool to help retailers achieve all the above. Location Intelligence is the ability to take organizational data and apply location to allow effective decision-making. The organizational data comes from the Business Intelligent system (BI) and the location (spatial) support is derived from the Geographic Information System (GIS). BI systems handle the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘when’. GIS is a powerful location tool, which enables the analysis of the “where ”Retail location analysis deals with the collection, analysis and dissemination of spatially referenced information, which is ideally handled by location intelligent systems. Location Intelligence allows easy visualization of the geographically influenced behaviors, activities, trends and processes, communicate the same for improved analysis and decision making. The focus of this paper is to understand the use of location intelligence system on retail location decisions.
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Maintenance analysis: a case in ore handling plant
The Mechanical ore handling plant in Goa, India comprises of receiving and shipping section. Receiving section deals with the unloading of ore from barge. This is accomplished by wire rope operated grab un-loader. Since the unloading is being done round the clock, frequent failure of wire rope is observed. The unloading process gets disrupted when the wire rope fails. This results in significant loss in unloading hours. Detailed investigation is carried out to reduce the down time and recommendations regarding maintenance are made in this paper. Details of the maintenance policy model and results and discussions carried out are presented in this paper.
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Metacognitive awareness and comprehension among Malay secondary school students
This study investigates the relationship between metacognitive awareness and comprehension of an expository text among secondary school students. It also determines the relationship between the students’ level of metacognitive awareness and their gender, school type, stream and language achievement. A quantitative approach using an Index of Reading Awareness and a set of comprehension test based on an expository test was administered to 110 Form Four students from a national and a national-type schools in Penang Island, Malaysia. The gathered data revealed that metacognitive awareness and comprehension had weak correlation. Besides, no significant relationship was detected between metacognitive awareness and gender, or school type and stream. However, there was a relationship between metacognitive awareness and language achievement. The study underscored that students who score high in the level of metacognitive awareness may not necessarily score as high in comprehension. Furthermore, metacognitive awareness can also be applied to a variety of texts of different subject matters as well as different languages.
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