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       2341. Isolated right ventricular myocardial infarction due to occlusion of acute marginal artery: An easily missed diagnosis.
Bourzine Nadia, Hajar Chouaib and Pr .Mohamed Cherti
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy
       2342. Isolation and spectroscopic characterization and molecular modeling of novel compounds obtained from latex of calotropis procera
Parashuram Mishra
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Chemistry
       2343. Issues of Indian Dalit elderly require different perspective for study
Santosh Birwatkar and Megha Nikam
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies
       2344. K – Even Mean Labeling of Cn ? Pm
B. Gayathri and R. Gopi
Abstract | Pdf Category : Mathematical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Mathematics
       2345. Kinetic Approach to Biodegradation of Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon Polluted Soil using Mushroom Substrate
Olatunji, O.M, Horsfall, I.T and E. Ukoha-Onuoha
Abstract | Pdf Category : Environmental Sciences    |   Sub Category : Pollution
       2346. Knee stiffness explained by a neglected giant synovial chondromatosis (Historical Case)
Kharraji Abdessamad, Mounir Yahyaoui, Abdelhafid Derfoufi, Abdelkarim Daoudi, Omar Agoumi, Hicham Yacoubi, Abdeljaouad Najib Nisserine Hida, Imane Skiker and Fouad Zouaidia
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Orthopedics
       2347. Life transitions of women workforce: a review
Poonam Singh Sangwan
Abstract | Pdf Category : Business and Law    |   Sub Category : Management Arts
       2348. Location intelligence - a strategic tool for retail location planning
Vinod N. Sambrani and M.S.Subhas
Abstract | Pdf Category : Business and Law    |   Sub Category : Management Arts
       2349. Maintenance analysis: a case in ore handling plant
Sakhardande, M. J, Bhatkar, S., Mariappan, V and Prabhu Gaonkar, R
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Mechanical Engineering
       2350. Metacognitive awareness and comprehension among Malay secondary school students
Mohamad Jafre Bin Zainol Abidin, Majid Pour-Mohammadi, Chin Chee Leong and Lim Chieng Ping
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies