Antibacterial Activity Screening and HPLC Analysis of Crude Extract from Diacure a polyherbal formulation
The antibacterial activity of methanolic crude extract of Diacure, a polyherbal formulation was investigated against Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, Micrococcus luteus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans as test strains at different concentrations (80, 90 and 100?l/disc). Better antibacterial activity was observed with the extracts of diacure, that showed excellent inhibitory activity against Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans at concentration of 100 ?l/disc. Among different bacteria tested Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans were found to be more sensitive to crude extract when compared to others. HPLC analysis of the crude extract of diacure, a polyherbal formulation of 11 medicinal plants showed four different Phenolic acids (Tannic acid, Gallic acid, Ferulic acid and Caffeic acid). The results of the study provide scientific basis for the use of the plant extract in the future development as antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent.
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Assessing the effect of job rotation on organizational performance a case study on management trainess of unilever Ghana limited, Tema
Job rotation is a movement of employees from one job to another within the same organization and eventually returning to the original position. Job rotation enables employees to gain additional skills, knowledge and insight about the organization, this in turn helps the organization to fill future vacancies within the organization and reduce turnover. The study accessed the impact of job rotation on organizational performance at Unilever Ghana Limited using Tema branch as a case study. Both primary and secondary data were sourced for the study. The data collected were analyzed qualitatively using descriptive analysis like charts and tables. The major findings of the study were that Unilever Company Limited, Tema has a policy on job rotation and it’s been practiced. The practice of Job rotation in the Company had a moderate effect in helping the company’s performance. The recommendations are that, maximum productivity can be attained when employees are adequately and properly trained and motivated and management should handle issues by identifying and correcting errors, irregularities, personal collusion, safeguarding assets and maintaining a sustainable internal control system by implementing its policy on job rotation system.
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Association studies among yield attributes in erect and semi-spreading pigeonpea (cajanus cajan l)
The correlation and path coefficient analysis among seed yield and its components in pigeonpea were worked out in 25 erect and 25 semi spreading genotypes separately during 2007-08. Results of the correlation coefficient analysis revealed that seed yield plant-1 was positively correlated with seeds plant-1 in erect group whereas, pod clusters plant-1, pods plant-1 and 100 seed weight in semi-spreading group. Path coefficient analysis of various characters towards seed yield indicated that the maximum positive direct effect on seed yield was exhibited by seeds plant-1 in erect group and days to 50% flowering in semi-spreading group. Whereas, path coefficients for 100 seed weight revealed the maximum positive direct effect due to days to 50% flowering in erect group and days to flower initiation in semi-spreading group.
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Case Hardening: A Heat Treatment process for Hardness and Toughness, Necessary for Some Spare Parts Manufacture/Production
Numerous industrial components or spare parts require a hard resistant surface, known as the case and relativity soft, tough and shock resistant inside called the core. This paper therefore runs through all the processes that are necessary in heat treating steels and alloys and finally case hardening which is required for structures of parts needed in the industries. It is the application of this heat treatment known as case hardening that we can obtain a structural member that is hard and soft, i.e. strong and tough. Hardness refers to the ability to resist wear while toughness is the ability to resist tear. Therefore a steel or alloy piece that contains these amazing qualities has its special applications in gears and cams, etc. A combination of the ability to withstand shock and serration makes this topic case hardening attractive for heat treatment of steels and alloys.
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Characterization of the fishing in Lake Ndjale in Kibombo territory, Maniema DRC
The present article test to analyze the present state of the fishing in the Ndjale lake in order to take out again the positive and negative points capable to allow the different actors intervening in this sector to get the necessary information capable to serve to a possible improvement of this economic circuit. While referring to the code of fishing and the aquaculture in RD - Congo, the document achieved by the FAO and to the practices of fishing that achieve themselves in the Ndjale lake by the fishers of this entity and the contraptions of fishing used, he/it observes himself/itself on the subject a deficiency of the state of fishing on land; the management of the lake is opaque and is held by the customary power where only the natives can reach there and especially fish captured at the time of the fishing are not weighed, and without any surveillance, the price of fish varies according to customer's type in presence and no regulation is to return it - you. The fishing is artisanal of subsistence and at a time commercial, the men are the main actors; the various nets, the cannons and the palangres are the materials the more used by the fishers, the transportation often gets used at bicycle and by motorcycles; dragging a lot of mediators between the fishers and the consumers, from where him ya place to organize this circuit in order to make this activity more profitable.
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Chemical speciation and mobility of heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Zn, Mn) pollutants in crude oil contaminated soils of Niger Delta, Nigeria
Chemical speciation and mobility factor indices of Pb, Cd, Zn and Mn were assessed in a crude oil contaminated soil and compared with control (uncontaminated) soil. The assessment was done to evaluate the impact of crude oil contamination on the bioavailability of metals in a soil matrix. Soil was collected in triplicate from four locations (three reflecting the crude oil impacted area and one uncontaminated soil as control). Soil was collected around a crude oil transfer pipeline within Bdere community in Ogoniland, Nigeria, within the month of August 2017. Fractional concentration of metals was determined using a GBC Avanta PM6600 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. In the oil contaminated soil, Zn (41.13%) and Mn (77.54%) were predominantly associated to the residual fractions while Pb (29.45%) and Cd (25.53%) were prevalent in the amorphous Fe-oxide and plant available fractions respectively. Similarly, the uncontaminated soil depicted the residual fractions of Zn (49.43%) and Mn (48.63%) to be the most important while Pb (56.17%) and Cd (62.16%) were both predominantly affiliated to plant available fractions. Heavy metal mobility factor indices reflected the order: (Zn>Cd>Pb>Mn) and (Cd>Mn>Zn>Pb) for crude oil impacted and uncontaminated soils respectively. Despite the prevalence of heavy metals to the inert fractions, the significant affiliation of metals to the readily mobile fractions of crude oil contaminated soil reflected the order: Pb (10.71%), Cd (25.53%), Zn (40.22%) and Mn (3.52%) which further suggested that these metals may have emanated from the introduction of crude oil into the soil matrix.
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Comparative study of transesterification processes for biodiesel production(A review)
Energy demand is increasing while fossil fuels, the main source of energy, threaten their depletion and consequently their market value increases. In addition to this crisis, climate change and air pollution caused by the combustion emissions of fossil fuels pose problems of increased greenhouse effect. Due to the environmental problems caused by the use of fossil fuels, attention has been paid to the production of biodiesel as an alternative to petrodiesel. Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly alternative diesel fuel made from renewable resources made from vegetable oils and animal fats. It is a renewable energy source that seems to be an ideal solution for global energy needs. The current method of biodiesel production is the transesterification of the inedible oil with an alcohol (methanol or ethanol) in the presence of a catalyst or not. The transesterification reaction is very sensitive to the parameters and oil nature such as the acid composition and the free fatty acid content. Other variables include reaction such as temperature, ratio of alcohol to vegetable oil, catalyst, and intensity of mixing, purity of reagents. The development of biofuels creates new agricultural sectors and could offer new niche markets for farmers in exploitable areas. This study aims to make a comparative study transesterification processes for biodiesel production.
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Congenital flange occlusion: About a case and literature review.
Congenital bridle is a rare cause of inclusion in children. It remains difficult to diagnose and is often only confirmed during surgical exploration. We discuss the literature through the case of a 40-day-old girl admitted to the emergency room for an occlusive syndrome and in whom surgery confirmed this rare entity.
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Connected Total Dominating Sets and Connected Total Domination Polynomials of Extended Grid Graphs
Let G be a simple connected graph of order n. Let Dct(G, i) be the family of connected total dominating sets of G with cardinality i. The polynomial Dct (G, x) = dct (G, i) xi is called the connected total domination polynomial of G. In this paper, we study some properties of connected total domination polynomials of the Extended grid graph Gn. We obtain a recursive formula for dct (Gn, i). Using this recursive formula, we construct the connected total domination polynomial Dct (Gn, x) = dct(Gn, i) xi , of Gn, where dct(Gn, i) is the number of connected total dominating sets of Gn with cardinality i and some properties of this polynomial have been studied.
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