Employee Perceptions of Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Study on Public and Private Banks in Dire Dawa City Administration, Ethiopia.
This study investigates the comparative perception of employees toward their job satisfaction in the selected public and private banks in Dire Dawa City Administration of Ethiopia. The respondent employees have been randomly selected from both banks based on proportion to population size. Primary cross-sectional data was collected from 120 sample respondents through structured questionnaire. Inferential statistics analysis showed that employees of private banks are more satisfied in provision of payment and benefit packages as well as social acceptance and working environment aspect than that of public bank employees. However, regarding to job security, the result indicated that public bank satisfies its employee more than their counterpart. Concerning personal growth and development, employees of private banks reported that they perceive more satisfied than employees in the public banks. Thus, concerned bodies may emphasis on the aforementioned variables to enhance employees’ perception towards job satisfaction in order to receive the efficient services of their employee and to improve overall performance of both banking sectors.
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Endoscopic treatment in acute acromioclavicular dislocations by ligamentoplasty with semi-tendinous (About five cases)
The acromioclavicular disjunction is a very frequent reason of consultation which concerns the young subject and which is favored by the sport practice.Our study is a retrospective study of a series of 5 patients who underwent endoscopic surgical treatment with coraco-clavicular lacing by ligamentoplasty within the orthopedic trauma department over a 24-month period between 01/2016 and 12/2017. The postoperative Constant score was 92 on average.No infectious or early or late cutaneous complications were found in the patients of our series.On the radiological level, the measurement of the coraco-clavicular distance in pre- and immediate postoperative, which was on average 30 mm against 18 mm postoperatively. The rapid recovery and the possibility of performing other arthroscopic therapeutic gestures represent the main advantages of this type of treatment.
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Energy use analysis in rice milling: a case study of lafia rice mill nasarawa state, Nigeria
The study examined the energy used for milling rice in Lafia rice mill. A sample of 50 randomly selected rice mills were used for the study. Simple descriptive statistics, production function analysis and correlation analysis were used for data analysis. The result shows that the average total energy used daily for rice milling was 2427.44MJ/mill with diesel energy having the largest share (54.66%) of the average total daily energy used. Furthermore, to mill a bag of paddy about 211.06MJ of energy was required. The energy productivity was 0.37MJ/mill. Diesel and paddy were the most significant inputs that influenced the output of milled rice. The elasticity value range from 0.19 to 7.37 for paddy and diesel respectively. Rice milling in the research area was observed to be dependent on direct and non renewable energy forms especially diesel. The study recommends development of cleaner and safer energy forms such as solar energy for rice milling in the study area.
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Enhanced removal of Free Fatty Acid from waste oil for Biodiesel production
Free Fatty Acid (FFA) was removed from waste oil and favorably employed for the production of high quality biodiesel. FFA extraction minimizes the drawbacks encountered with alkaline catalysts in biodiesel production. Three combinations of reagents (methanol-benzene, methanol-toluene and methanol-xylene) were used for extraction purpose and a rapid extraction of FFA has been obtained. The composition of non-polar solvent (benzene, toluene and xylene) in each of the above mentioned reagents was varied from 1% to 10% by weight. An optimal ratio of (0.8:1) reagent and oil by weight was found to reduce the FFA concentration by 43.3% in single step. Equilibrium study for the extraction of FFA was also carried out. The experimental data obtained were presented on the basis of amount of FFA extracted, with respect to time required for extraction (25 to 300 min) and stirrer speed (50 to 300 rpm). The optimum value for the time required for extraction was obtained at 150 min. the optimum value for the stirrer speed required for the extraction of FFA was obtained at 150 rpm.
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Estimation and phytochemical screening of Tridax procumbens (L.): plant parts grown-In vivo & In vitro
Plants have been an important source of medicine for thousands of years. Recently, the world health organization estimated that upto 80% of people still rely mainly on traditional remedies such as herbs for their medicines. In the present study various plant parts of Tridax procumbens were evaluated separately for the presence of primary metabolites. Tridax procumbens Linn belongs to family Asteraceae, and commonly known as Dhaman grass, is a common herb. It is employed as an indigenous medicine for variety of ailments including Jaundice. The plant also has hepatoprotective activity and it is used in Ayurveda in various liver disorders. Phytochemical screening and quantification of primary metabolites in different plant parts i.e leaf and stem (in vivo) as well as its callus (in vitro) quantification revealed the presence of total soluble sugars, proteins, lipids chlorophyll and proline. It showed higher concentration of total soluble sugar, lipid and protein in leaves whereas chlorophyll content and proline was found higher in callus as compared to other parts of plant.
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Evaluation of primary metabolites from selected medicinal plants
The developing countries mostly rely on traditional medicines. The traditional medicines involve the use of different plant extracts or the bioactive constituents. This type of studies provides health applications at affordable costs. Biochemical studies of the individual plant parts is a necessary prerequisite in order to evaluate their importance in the over all metabolism of the plant. In the present study various plant parts of selected medicinal plants were evaluated, separately for their metabolite content. Maximum amount of total soluble sugars and lipids were present in leaves of Rumex vesicarius, starch in stem of Sisymbrium irio. The leaves of Rumex vesicarius showed more content of metabolites as compared to the other plant parts.
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Evaluation of some Fungal Pathogens associated with Tomato plant in Mbaise Southeast Nigeria
A great yield of tomato is lost to disease of varied causes annually. This underscores the need for continuous study of factors affecting the epidemiology and prevalence of these diseases for effective management. This study was conducted in two environments of Aboh and Ahiazu Mbaise local Government Areas of Imo State Southeast, Nigeria. The aim was to investigate the fungal pathogens associated with tomato plants. The plant leaf samples were cultured on Saboraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHIA) and incubated at room temperature for 3-5 days. Result revealed that the most prevalent species were Fusarium (75%) and Curvularia (55%) while Alternaria (15 %) was least .The pathogenecity test carried out showed that Fusarium species were the most pathogenic ; followed by the Aspergillus and Curvularia Species . The data generated from this study will help local farmers in Mbaise in minimizing yield losses.
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Evaluation of total flavonoid, and total Phenolic contents of dried calyx preparations of Bissap (Hibiscus Sabdariffa)
The dried calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa L., have gained importance as local soft drink and medical herb in Ghana. There are speculations it has anti-cancer property, and that the decoction is better than the infusion. In view of these the Total Phenolic and Flavonoid content of both preparations was investigated. The decoction method gave the highest % yield of crude extract (76%) and of total flavonoid content (5887.5?g QE/g) while the infusion method gave the highest TPC value (46.123mg GAE/g). Also higher values of TPC and TFC were obtained from the S. samples compare to the B. samples. All the TFC values obtained from the decoction method were higher than the infusion values. Out of the 8 samples, TPC values of 3 (Kaneshie.S, Madina.S, and Nima.B) of the decoction method were lower than that of infusion. As flavonoids play vital role in scavenging free radicals in organisms, the decoction process can be recommended. Since the differences in the decoction and infusion’s data are not big, both preparations can be used.
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Exploratory analysis of success factors in green building research: A survey
The present study offers an exploration of the success factor used in green building construction in the Bhopal area. The specific objective includes assessment of the factors relation and its impact. How these factors will play the role and awareness among public as well as in builders of Bhopal region. In total 54 builders is interviewed face to face with the help of semi structured questionnaire. Responses are tabulated and descriptive analysis is performed. Correlation analysis is done for the received data on success factors. It is being found that most of the success factors are related and having impact in the success of green building research.
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Exploring the Impact of Recruitment and Selection, and Compensation on the Performance of Employees
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of recruitment and selection, and compensation on performance of employees. Two hypotheses are developing to see the impact of the independent variable on the performance of employees. Results of the study showed that there are high positive correlations between the variables based on responses 152 respondents from Perak state based private firms in Malaysia. The result of regression analysis showed that recruitment and selection, and compensation have significant positive impact on performance of employees. This can be concluded the hypotheses show that all these have significant effect on performance of employees. Hence, the successful organization must understand the importance of recruitment and selection method as well as the organization compensation system as a critical factor to produce positive results.
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