Placement generation units using ant colony algorithm (ACS) to improve the reliability of the distribution network
One of the key issues in assessing the reliability of power systems. Studies and projects to improve the reliability of the distribution network has mostly been focused on changing the structure of the distribution system or transmission the Executive them even more expensive and is not available. In this work, the development of DG units in distribution networks the presence of these materials ensure that the indicators qabylt distribution network will pay. In this thesis, the main goal of distributed production system effects on the reliability of the system with regard to limitations related parameters such as voltage profiles and losses in the distribution network. Concepts and indicators of the reliability of the network and the ongoing impact of DG units on the reliability of the distribution network will be investigated. Finally, the intelligent ant colony algorithm to determine the optimal location generation units in order to achieve the best reliability indices by including restrictions have been charged. The proposed algorithm is tested on 34 bus IEEE network simulation, simulated and results are compared.
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Prevalence of anemia among the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and diabetes – in and around Ongole -India
The infectious disease pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and the non-infectious disease diabetes mellitus (DM) constitutes major health problem in the society. Many research studies acknowledging the negative health impacts of DM on patients with PTB. In this study 500 PTB patients with DM had been subjected to screen for anemia. Hb % had been studied to evaluate their anemic status. The study results had been strongly proving about…% of the PTB patients were found to be affected by anemia. From this study results, it has been concluded that the patients with DM and PTB had been documented with mild to severe type of anemia . These patients require special care to treat anemia which in turn helps in the management of PTB and DM.
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Prevalence of Depression among university students in Nairobi County, Kenya: A comparison of two public universities
Depression is a serious mental disease that affects both young and old people in the society. Depressed people harbor negative thoughts, and this makes them perceive life issues negatively. Depression is common among university students and despite the methods provided for its intervention, the prevalence of depression among university students remain higher than in the general population. The objective of this study was to determine and compare the current prevalence of depression among engineering students at the University of Nairobi and at the Technical University of Kenya. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted, where two Kenyan public universities were conveniently sampled. Engineering students from the University of Nairobi and those from The Technical University of Kenya who were studying undergraduate degree in any engineering courses were sampled for the study. The study data was collected using questionnaires and the Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI). The prevalence of depression was determined through proportions obtained from the data from the BDI in the two different universities. The findings indicated that 66.4% of the respondents from University of Nairobi had no depression, 16.9% registered moderate depression levels, 15.5% had mild depression, while 1.2% of the respondents exhibited severe depression. Further, results revealed that 67.1% of the respondents from Technical University of Kenya exhibited had no depression, 16.9% registered mild depression levels, 14.8% had moderate depression, while 1.2% of the respondents exhibited severe depression. The study concluded that about a third of the students studying engineering degree courses at the University of Nairobi and at the Technical University of Kenya are currently going through different levels of depression ranging from mild, moderate and severe depression. The implication of the findings is that depression is a serious concern among university students and therefore should not be ignored.
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Prevalence of Depressive Disorder and the associated social and demographic characteristics in a post-conflict setting: Maai Mahiu IDP in Nakuru, Kenya
Trauma can have long-term effects on the survivors’ mental health. In addition, levels of mental disorders reported among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugees globally vary considerably. The disputed 2007 presidential election in Kenya eventually resulted in violence. The survivors were left with heavy psychosocial and economic burdens. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of depression at baseline among IDPs resident in Maai Mahiu camp after the 2007/8 Post Election Violence (PEV) in Kenya. This study was pretest-posttest quasi-experimental and used purposive sampling to select a sample of 139 respondents out of the target population of 196 households. The respondents gave informed consent and filled out socio-demographic and Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI-11) questionnaires. Analysis was conducted using SPSS, whereby univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistical tests were done. The findings indicated a high prevalence of Depressive Disorder (DD) at 63.3% among the respondents. These findings are significant for clinical practice and could be used to update strategies and policies governing IDP’s health. Therefore, the study recommended that psychosocial interventions should be provided to the PEV survivors and other vulnerable populations in Kenya to avert their suffering.
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Problems of the aged persons in urban area and role of familial relations
The need of social gerontological studies is increasing due to rapid changes in life styles especially in urban area. With increasing facilities available in urban environment, the aged people can live without much support of other family members to certain extent. But after certain age and after some period of isolation, they feel dejected and this feeling of dejection leads to many physiological and psychological problems. While economically well to do aged ones are not having economic problems but they have other problems common to poorer people. A survey of the aged persons in Hubli-Dharwad Corporation Area including samples across different religious and economic groups is proposed to be undertaken. The proposed study will follow questionnaire method. It has been observed that the aged males feel more insecure about their future than the female counterparts, especially in getting help from children in their day-to-day life. There appears to be sex-wise difference in the economic impact, as females do not face much of problems as do the males. The married ones face less age related problems than the single ones. The role of family relations in solving the age-related problems has been discussed.
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Pseudo-Ludwig's phenomenon: A case report and literature review
Pseudo-Ludwig's phenomenon, a rare clinical entity, is characterized by non-infectious upper airway obstruction resulting from spontaneous hematoma in the sublingual area. We describe a case of pseudo-Ludwig's phenomenon in patient on anticoagulants with deranged coagulation profile.
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P_{2k}- Factorization Of Complete Bipartite Symmetric Digraphs
Min-li Yu [1] gives the necessary and sufficient conditions on path factorization of complete multipartite graphs and earlier for path factorization of complete bipartite graph Kazuhiko Ushio [2] gave the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the P_k-design when k is odd. However, for the odd value of k the path factorization problem of complete bipartite graphs i.e. P_k-factorization of complete bipartite graphs, have been studied by many number researchers[3,4,5,6,7]. For any positive integer p, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the P_2p-factorization of a complete bipartite graph were studied by Hong Wang[8]. Beiliang Du [9] extended the work of Hong Wang [8] and gave the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of P_2k-factorization of the complete bipartite multigraphs. In path factorization of complete bipartite symmetric digraphs B. Du [10] already discussed the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of P ?_3-factorization of complete bipartite symmetric digraphs. Here in this paper, we will discuss necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of P ?_2k- factorization of complete bipartite symmetric digraphs, and also in this paper, we construct the P ?_2k- factorization of complete bipartite symmetric digraphs K_(m,n)^*.
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Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the Context of Performance Models: The Case of Pakistan
The study provides a conceptual overview of the quality assurance models as a tool for higher education and presents a set of performance indicators for its assessment in case of Pakistan. It is interesting to note that different models are in use in different countries to ensure a provision of quality education in their Higher Education Institutes (HEIs). In Pakistan, Higher Education Commission (HEC) is also following a set of different models for the uplift of the higher education. However review reveals that performance funding and budgeting model is more effective as compare to its counterparts as it encourages universities to increase output to get performance-based funding because it constitutes 15% of total recurring grant provided by the HEC to the HEIs. However, the model can be improved by reshuffling the composition of the recurring grant. The share of performance based funding should be increased from 15% and share of base grant may be decreased from 65% to create space. Furthermore the study suggest that much more is required to enhance quality of education in HEIs in Pakistan for which HEC has to take drastic measures to modify and improve the quality assessment model keeping in view the socio-cultural environment of Pakistan.
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Quantum Chemical Computational method for the role of GH and CRH regulation on anxiety symptoms and response to treatment
The purpose of this paper is to utilize several classes of bivariate distributions whose conditionals belong to the two and three parameter lognormal distribution, and to some of their extensions. In this paper, the most general bivariate distribution with lognormal conditionals is fully characterized. The new distribution is very general, and contains as a particular case the classical bivariate lognormal distribution. We present quantum chemical computational method based on the conditional specification. In the application part, we have found the values for salivary cortisol of shy and non-shy adults by using the lognormal distribution and the corresponding mathematical figures are obtained in section 3. From these curves, computational results have been analysed and compared with medical conclusion.
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Relationship Marketing in the Iranian Hotel Industry
Relationship marketing has occurred as a vast new impression for many organizations in the West. Yet, due to standards and racial alterations, the same concept cannot be applied in the local situation. This study focused mainly in Isfahan as Isfahan as always been the heart of tourism industry in Iran. The researcher has adapted questionnaires, which were used by past researchers of relationship marketing. The population for this study include all clients of hotels in Isfahan. The sampling design for this study is a non-probability convenient sample and sample size was 220 and represents North, South, West and East of Isfahan to avoid possible local bias. There are 55 samples in each region. The Cronbach’s Alpha used to measure the reliability and for discussing about validity, content and face validity used. The result shows that there is positive significant between customer satisfaction, personal connection and customer retention. Besides that, strong senses of purpose of personal connection effect on retention in hotels and this result supported by the research findings.
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