Theory of Religious permission in Imami Jurisprudence
The prevailing spirit in doctrine and Sharia of Islam, from the beginning to tolerance, mitigation and disposal Distress and constriction, focused and grounded. Necessity to reductionist, in practice the provisions, variable and universal religion, in accordance with the principles of freedom and liberty, and the necessity of conflict with existing laws, including the reasons underlying the rule Religious permission, the legitimacy of the state of some of the laws, apply. Foundation legitimacy of discharge, the rules «Distress and constriction», and «no- damage» is Located. This study, in the light of legal texts, rules and principles, explain the rule Religious permission, as an important, focuses on Islamic law. In this regard, in addition to explaining the concept, and the status of the above, the expression and show some of it, of transactions, punishments and suspension provisions in the law, and the rules of civil law, criminal law and family law, encourages. The results of this study indicate that, approach the permissions, at present, according to the positions of «Obstruction of religious knowledge», and «Absence of religious texts», etc. necessity in solving «Updated issues» , with a new approach in «Demands of the time», is considered.
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Tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis using screws in the treatment of equinovarus deformity of the foot in adult: a retrospective study of 42 cases
The authors have retrospectively studied 42 cases of tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis using large cannulated AO screws, staples and iliac crest graft mixed in treatment of fixed equinovarus deformity of the foot in adult patients. There were 25 men and 17 women aged 22 to 70 (mean, 45) years. All patients were reviewed with an average of 5 years. The operations were performed between 2005 and 2012.Preoperatively, all patients had 50° of the mean calcaneal varus deformity and 75° (60-90°) of equinus deformity on Meary’s radiological. There were 24 idiopathic, 8 post traumatic,6 neurologic associated with IMC,4 polio. Clinical and functional outcome was assessed with the kitaoka score, the x-rays included an AP and lateral view of the ankle and Meary view .Resultats were excellent in 73% , good in 18 % , fair in 9%. X-rays showed 3 nonunions after 2 years and were reported. We noted 2 postoperative cutaneous necrosis; the shortening was an average 2 cm. After a mean follow-up duration of 5±2.93 years; All patients stated that they improvement of pain and function. 40 patients returned to independent ambulation, wearing custom-made shoes with molded insoles. We belive that the tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis should be used to treat the fixed equinovarus deformity in the adult whatever its etiology.
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Trade practice and consumers’ protection: its legal and economic impact in eastern Tigray zone
The new Trade Practice and Consumer Protection Proclamation of Ethiopia come into effect in Ethiopia in August 2010 i.e. Proclamation No. 685/2010. Therefore, that, after three years of the effective period, Proclamation No. 813/2013 repealed it. The Trade Practice and Consumer Protection Authority is the regulatory body, which also has a judicial mandate, oversees the implementation of the law. The law regulates trade practices by protecting businesses from anti-competitive and unfair trade practices to ensure a competitive business environment. Henceforth, this research analyses the effectiveness of these two proclamations since their ultimate goal is to secure the healthiest trade environment in the territorial hemisphere of Ethiopia. On the other side, since the two laws have their own positive impact on the economy of the country, substantially this research gives due consideration for the empirical effect of these two proclamations extraordinarily in the Eastern Zone of Tigray.
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Vibrational and optical characterization studies of Diphenyl ketone by single crystal
Diphenyl ketone (DPK), a semi-organic nonlinear optical material, has been synthesized and single crystals were grown from alcohol – ethanol solution at room temperature up to dimensions of 4.5cm×4.5cm×4cm. The unit cell parameters were determined from single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction studies. The structural perfection of the grown crystal has been analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) study. The variation of dielectric properties of the grown crystal with respect to frequency has been investigated at different temperatures. Microhardness measurements revealed the mechanical strength of grown crystal. The relative second harmonic efficiency of the compound is found to be 1.4 times greater than that of KDP. And the theoretical studies were conducted on the molecular structure and vibrational spectra of diphenyl ketone (DPK). The FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of DPK were recorded in the solid phase. The molecular geometry and vibrational frequencies of DPK in the ground state have been calculated by using the density functional methods (B3LYP) invoking 6-311++G(d,p) and 6-311+G(d,p) basis set. The optimized geometric bond lengths and bond angles obtained by DFT method show best agreement with the experimental values. A detailed interpretation of the FT-IR and FT- Raman, Mullikan spectra of DPK was also reported. NBOs are localized electron pair orbitals for bonding pairs and lone pairs. UV–VIS spectrum of the compound was recorded and the electronic properties, such as HOMO and LUMO energies, were performed by time dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) approach. Finally the calculations results were applied to simulated infrared and Raman spectra of the title compound which show good agreement with observed spectra. And the temperature dependence of the thermodynamic properties of constant pressure (Cp), entropy (S) and enthalpy change (?H0?T) for DPK were also determined. Keywords: DPK, HOMO- LUMO, UV, NBO, Mullikan, MEP.
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‘No war, No Peace’ Situation and implications for Eritrea
The Algiers Peace agreement signed on June 18, 2000 between Eritrea and Ethiopia has ended the two years border war of 1998-2000. The terms of the agreement, however, have not yet implemented although a fresh rapprochement initiatives have started since July 8, 2018. The main problem is the controversies surrounding the Eritrea-Ethiopian Border Commission’s (EBCC) final and binding decision on disputed territories due to competing positions by Eritrea and Ethiopia. It is almost 18 years since disagreement has embroiled the two countries into a state of ‘no war, no peace’ situation, marked by socio-economic and political disarrays. This article, therefore, seeks to examine the main underpinning factor of the problem and its implication for Eritrea. The author argues that the stalled peace talk was an obstacle to Eritrea in its effort for state institutionalization and democratization processes
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“Coarctation of aorta”- embryological basisand its clinical significance.
The term Coarctation can be defined as the stricture or narrowing of the aorta, it affects both child and adult, but is seen mostly in children. Coarctation can be either be preductal or postductal. Depending on the severity of the condition and the time of diagnosisthe treatment can be determined in an individual.Identifying this condition very early in life is also beneficial to the patient even though there would be a few complications that would be faced depending on the form of treatment one choses. The present study aimed to understand the embryological basis and its clinical significance.
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A analysis of minority people persecuted by their own government and ruling people
This article is about the unending pain of an minority ethnic group deprived of citizenship by the majority ruling class of the nation. It has no citizenship rights in their own nation. The man of this ethnic minority group has to work with no pay but with their own food a day a week for the dominated power. This ethnic group has no birth rights even to travel in their nation. They have to apply to travel with certain dates and must go back in the date otherwise they would not be return to the place they live even this is the place they are born. If they want to get marry, they have to apply to the local government to do so but it takes about six to seven years to get the approval. After getting the approval, they are not allowed to have more than two children. They are not allowed to work under the public services. … They are deprived of all means to live. This is the ethnic group known as Rohingyai in Myanmar.
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A comparative study an experimental investigation on performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine using bio-diesel as an alternate fuel
The utilization of liquid fuels such as biodiesel produced from various sources by trans_esterification process represents one of the most promising options for the use of conventional fossil fuels. The properties such as aniline point, density, fire point, flash point, viscosity, Cloud point and Pour point were found out for bio fuels. The same characteristics study was also carried out for the DF. Tests carried out to evaluate the performance, emission, and combustion characteristics diesel engine fuelled with 10%, 30%, 50% and 70% of alternative fuel (oil) Neem, Madhuca, Jatropa, Diesel, Laurel blended with diesel fuel (DF).
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A Critical Survey of Energy Efficient Methods for Cognitive Radio
Cognitive Radio (CR) is an imaginative innovation that goes for huge upgrades in productivity of range utilization. CR will change the way the radio range is managed, additionally requires new empowering technique s, for example, enhanced range detecting and element range task. Cognitive radio (CR) systems are shrewd systems that can naturally sense the earth and adjust the correspondence parameters in like manner. These sort of systems have applications in element range get to, conjunction of different remote systems, obstruction administration. They are touted to drive the up and coming era of gadgets and applications. Noticeably, the subjective radio system worldview postures numerous new specialized difficulties in convention outlines, control effectiveness, range administration, range recognition, environment awareness, new circulated calculation point, conveyed range estimations, Quality of administrations certifications, and security. Conquering these issues turns out to be considerably all the more difficult because of non-uniform range and other radio asset designation plans, monetary contemplations, the inborn transmission debilitations of remote connections, and client portability. Psychological radio is a rising innovation that empowers the adaptable improvement and arrangement of profoundly versatile radios that are based upon programming characterized radio innovation. Psychological radio has been considered as a key innovation for future remote interchanges and portable figuring. We see that the subjective radios can shape Cognitive radio systems (CRN) by extending the radio connection elements to network layer capacities or more.
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A mathematical model of two phase Newtonian layered renal blood flows in capillaries remote from the heart and proximate to the kidney with special reference to Diabetes
In the present paper we have formulated the renal blood flow along the capillaries in case of renal disease Diabetes . keeping in the view the nature of renal circulatory system in human body. P.N.Pandey and V.Upadhyay have considered the blood flow has two phased one of which is that of red blood cells and other is plasma. According to Fahreaus-Lindqvist effect the blood flow in two separated layers while passing through capillaries. The plasma layer which flows along the surface of the capillaries contains almost no blood cells. The second layer the core layer containing blood cells which flows in plasma along the axis of capillary. We have collected a clinical data in case of Diabetes for hematocrit v/s blood pressure. The graphical presentation for particular parametric value is much closed to the clinical observation. The overall presentation is in tensorial form and solution technique adapted is analytical as well as numerical. The role of hematocrit is explicit in the determination of blood pressure drop in case of renal disease Diabetes
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