Fund mobilization role of cooperative thrift and credit societies in Nigeria
The study looks into the fund mobilization role of cooperative thrift and credit societies in Nigeria .The cooperative thrift and credit society of Ajayi Crowther University Oyo State of Nigeria was used as a case study. Primary data were coalated from the workers of the university serving as the respondents through the questionnaire instrument. The responses were analysed with the use of simple percentages. Two hypotheses were also tested to confirm the analysis. It was discovered that every member of staff consulted belong to one or two cooperative societies due majorly to the easier access of getting loan from the societies than from the banks. The loans given by the societies were also derivable from the savings contributions from members. It can therefore be concluded that cooperative thrift and credit societies in Nigeria are good in mobilizing funds from the surplus unit (the savers) to the deficit unit (the borrowers), the activity that has led to economic development of the co-operators and their societies at large. It is therefore good for government to give more recognition to the societies and should be extending grants and loans to them to boost their activities. This would help in filling the financial gap which has been existing within the whole range of financial intermediation process in the country.
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Fungi Associated with Seeds of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Rajasthan and their Phytopathological Effects
Sixty four seed samples of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) collected from different districts of Rajasthan revealed 35 fungal species of 18 genera in addition to Alternaria alternata, A. longissima, A. tenussima, Aspergillus candidus, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, Bipolaris spicifera, Curvularia lunata, Drechslera graminea, D. tetramera, D. rostrata, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium graminearum, Rhizopus nigricans, Trichothecium roseum which were dominant and affected seed germination, seedling vigour and seedling diseases.
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Growth and characterization of MPHB nonlinear optical single crystal
Single crystals of methyl para hydroxyl benzoate a nonlinear optical (NLO) material were grown by slow solvent evaporation technique at room temperature. Acetone was used as solvent. The MPHB crystals obtained by the above technique were subjected to different characterization analysis. Unit cell parameters were evaluated by single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. The lattice dimensions were determined from the powder x-ray diffraction analysis. The functional groups and optical behaviour of the crystals were identified from FTIR and UV-vis analysis. Micro hardness, thermal and etching studies were also carried out on the sample respectively. The SHG efficiency of the grown crystal was measured through NLO studies.
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Identifying the Effectiveness of Student Voice in Teaching and Learning
International Baccalaureate World Schools are in constant development on how to enhance the teaching and learning. One of the strategies they employ is to get the students voice to examine if the pedagogical approaches of the teachers were appropriate in bringing the desired learning outcome from the intended students. The results of this study constituted an initial step towards the development and improvement of the teaching and learning processes in the Middle Years Programme of International Baccalaureate World Schools. Student’s comments were captured on how they were impacted by teaching and learning and in turn teachers reflection were also captured based on the comments received from students. Data collection also involved teacher interviews and testing of the procedure. Evidence revealed the importance of utilization of student voice in improving teaching and learning. Further, student voice promoted self-assessment of teachers’ practice and that student voice perceived to be a transformational experience for teachers, students and the whole school community. Thus, this study attempted to identify the effectiveness student voice in teaching and learning.
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Impact of gender difference on performance failure appraisal among inter collegiate volleyball players
Besides studies on psychological characteristics are evidencing that sports are differed significantly in terms of level, gender, type of sports and living conditions. Within the presumption, the present study has been taken on examine the influence of performance failure appraisal on volleyball players. The Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) is a multidimensional measure of cognitive-motivational-relational appraisals associated with fear of failure (FF). To achieve this purpose, as subjects, male and female volleyball players were selected randomly from Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu. Besides, as the main purpose of findings the influence of performance failure appraisal on volleyball players performance. In such a way as samples, for this study sixty volleyball players were selected. From the subjects (male = 30 and female = 30). The age of the subjects ranged from 18-25 years. They were hailed from various socio-economic conditions. Selected subjects were completed the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI). It consists of 25questions that has been divided into six subscales. The collected data were statistically analyzed by using independent ‘t’ test. From the results of this study showed significance difference between men and women volleyball players on Performance Failure Appraisal
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Impact of head teachers on the performance of secondary school teachers in District Vehari
Head teacher is a vital part of any school. A school works as an organization in which Head teacher, teachers and students play their role for its effective performance. Head teacher is responsible for designing the whole framework of school and implementing the educational plan to achieve the set goals. Head teacher and teacher relationship is an effective part of school administration. It does affect the effectiveness of school management and its performance. In this way, it also affects the results of the institutions. The good performance of school shows how much effective Head teacher and teacher relationship exists in school. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a five-point scale was developed. It consisted of twenty-five statements for Head teachers as well as teachers of secondary schools. For each statement in the questionnaire, five options were given which were strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree. The respondents were asked to tick the one option among the given five according to their free will. The questionnaire was validated and pilot tested. The questionnaire was administered to the sample and responses were collected. The data collected through questionnaire was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. The results of the study show that different school’s head teachers adopt different type of strategies in the same situation but their main aim is to run the system of school smoothly. They effectively play their role in motivating and facilitating the teachers for effective functioning of school.
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Impact of Occupational stress on pharmaceutical employees in Bangalore Industries
Our study explores the influences Impact of Occupational stress on pharmaceutical employees in Bangalore Industries how work load, lack of proper job training to the employees increases job stress and effect the productivity in the organization. The present study aimed at i) To understand the impact of company culture and work load, on stress and Absenteeism ii) to study the relationship between Stress and work load,. III) to know the factors causing of stress in pharmaceutical companies. The study was conducted in Bangalore , Karnataka with a sample of 250 women pharmaceutical professionals. The sample selection was done by convenience sampling method. The data was analyzed using descriptive one way analysis of variance and Pearson’s correlation test . Results showed that the pharmaceutical employees experienced moderate level of stress and stress dimension. This study reveals that 85 percent of the respondents experience medium level of stress and stress dimension also suggested the Work culture and workload significantly influence the over all stress and depression experienced by the employees. Our study shows that there might be a strong relationship between over all stress and Company culture.
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Impact of WhatsApp messenger on the Performance of Students at Tertiary Institutions in Southern Sierra Leone.
It is now evidently clear that with the emergence of social network and advanced technological messaging functionalities, students in Njala University Department of Physics and Computer Science are more likely to rely on WhatsApp messenger application for their day-to-day communications than any other social networking sites (SNSs). Because of some of the advantages WhatsApp messenger has like cost efficiency, effective, quick and easier mode of communication, confidential, and convenient usage are some of the major factors which might influence their decision to use it. Thus, the objective of the study was to investigate the impact of WhatsApp messenger on the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions (A study of Njala University Department of Physics and Computer Science, School of Technology) in 2014/2015 academic year. Both primary data and secondary data were used. A structured questionnaire was employed to collect data from a sample of 50 students in five different programs within the School of Technology in which 40% were male and 60% were female. The study revealed that majority of respondents used WhatsApp messenger for making friends and chatting. In addition, a majority of respondents experienced negative effects such as poor grammar and spelling, less study time and poor academic performance due to the heavy participation on social media networks. Furthermore, there was a high addiction rate among students in the usage of social media networks especially WhatsApp messenger. Nevertheless, there were cases where others experienced improvement in their readings skills as a result of participation on social media networks. Also, respondents shared ideas, discussed and shared examination questions among themselves on WhatsApp messenger. The study recommended the stringent enforcement of the administration of Njala University rule on electronic device usage in schools, promotion of social media usage for academic purpose, counseling for addicted students and the use of the right grammar and spelling when participating on social networks.
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Implementation of maintenance management discipline in a selected fertilizer plant
The manufacturing industries is becoming more competitive in recent decade, thus more concern about their operations and management, which makes industries interested in developing modern management system in order to stay competitive in managing their business operations. The present paper discusses the real time implementation of maintenance management discipline for the better performance and availability of the equipment. A particular section is selected, and analysis of OEE and maintenance discipline has shown a remarkable achievement. Six month continuous monitoring of plant by scholar has suggested implementing a maintenance management discipline for continuous performance improvement and maximum availability of equipments.
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Indigenous knowledge development as a way-out of unemployment in Nigeria: A case study of Ondo, Ekiti and Osun states
Indigenous knowledge is otherwise known as African science and knowledge. It was conceived, born, processed, disseminated but preserved through natural inheritance from succeeding generations without written document. This study was done to discover the various indigenous knowledge jobs available, the employment status, the challenges they encounter and suggest what government can do to help. Out of four hundred and fifty (450) copies of questionnaire that were distributed, four hundred and eighteen (418) copies (92.9%) were returned with usable responses, while thirty two (32) copies (7.1%) were not returned. Descriptive statistical method was applied for the study, Questionnaire, and observations were the research instruments used for data gathering. Data were analysed using the use of frequency counts and percentages method. Findings revealed that indigenous knowledge is the pivot of Nigerian economy. If indigenous knowledge is better funded by the three tiers of Nigerian government, it is capable of reducing unemployment syndrome that besieged the country. The various levels of government should intensify efforts to improve the adult literacy programme, public orientation and enlightenment, accreditation of indigenous knowledge practitioners, grant interest free loans and establish more indigenous knowledge skill acquisition centres nationwide.
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