Relation between organizational culture and transformational leadership
Organizational researchers have long debated the meaning and consequences of organizational culture but the relationship between culture and organizational performance is still not well understood. Organizational culture is the collective behavior of humans who are part of an organization and the meanings that the people attach to their actions. Culture includes the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, symbols, beliefs and habits. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational culture on the relationship between transformational leadership among elementary school teachers. In present study, five organizational culture aspects devised by Hafstede are used and their relations with leadership are measured. This is a survey – type descriptive research and data collection method is field study by using questionnaire. On this basis, 150 questionnaires were used in analyses from total among elementary school teachers in Kermanshah. Canonical correlations indicated “a modernly high relationship between leadership and organizational culture. The author found that the cultural elements of accomplishment, recognition, and affiliation tend to be positively correlated with all aspects of transformational leadership. The findings supported that transformational leadership practices are positively correlated with a constructive organizational culture, and that transformational leadership practices predict organizational culture. The results of this study will ensure confidence in the practice of employing and developing transformational leaders so that an innovative and constructive organizational culture, vital for organizational survival in the 21st century, could be Accomplished. The advantages of a constructive organizational culture transcend financial outcomes such as return on investment and profitability.
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Relationship between Self Efficacy and Anxiety While Conducting Research at Postgraduate Level
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between students’ self-efficacy and anxiety while conducting research. The population of this study was postgraduate research students in Women University, Bagh, Pakistan. A sample of 100 students was selected using random sampling technique. A questionnaire was developed to take the data from sample of the study. The validity and reliability were estimated based on opinions of a panel of experts and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, respectively. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation. Results revealed that the respondents had a moderate level of research anxiety and high level of research self-efficacy. Overall, Women University students tend that there was a positive significant relationship between self-efficacy and self anxiety while conducting research.
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Role of brand name in purchase decision of passenger cars
Brand name play a vital role when people look for products to purchase, use and to evaluate before they buy or dispose of products and services in which they expect will satisfy their wants and needs. In the present scenario companies use consumer driven approaches to substantiate their abilities to satisfy the countless emerging needs and wants of the modern consumer. Amongst these consumer driven approaches, branding has emerged as one of the crucial activities required in the building of a loyal customer base and the creation of an effective brand image. Consumers want to associate themselves with certain brands and this makes a large influence on their buying behavior . Understanding consumers’ behaviour is a crucial factor in the companies’ success around the world. Brand is a combination of name, symbol and design. Brands represent the customer’s perceptions and opinion about performance of the product. The powerful brand is which resides in the mind of the consumer. Brands differ in the amount of power and worth they have in the market place .The purpose of this paper is to analyze role of brand name when people take a purchase decision, especially in the purchase of car. The objective is to identify if buyers of passenger cars consider the brand name as an important cue while evaluating different alternatives.
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Role of Entrepreneurship in Enterprises' Improvement
The word entrepreneur originates from the French word, entreprendre, which means "to undertake." In a business context, it means to start a business. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary presents the definition of an entrepreneur as one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. Many experts and researchers refer to today's world as the age of discontinuity. Age of discontinuity means that past experience and solutions to current and future problems are not entrepreneur anymore and should think for new organizational solutions with modern structure, so that could produce the goods and services with minimal cost and with superior quality tailored to customer needs and preferences as global markets be subdued and captured and in this great race to be victorious. Therefore in order to have successful economics there dire need to have prosperous enterprises in competitive environments. This requires powerful, self-reliance and empowered employees, the Personnel who possess the creative and entrepreneurial morale. As result entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and risky businesses, provide fuel modern economy that means in any enterprise if in any organization, the entrepreneurial context of a ewe be provided employment will be created and itself will be factor of technology transformation. Entrepreneurs are a factor to identify, create and expand new markets they have the ability to see market gaps and to identify opportunities perfectly. In other words, entrepreneurship is nothing but the opportunity recognition and optimum use of it. Therefore we consider the entrepreneurship as suitable strategy for development and improvement of enterprises in this paper and we believe that entrepreneurship has important role in productivity enhancement and to ease their innovative activities in order to implement the organization's success.
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Salivary duct carcinoma with rhabdoid features: a rare tumor in unusual location? A case report.
Ductal carcinoma is a rare tumor, which accounts for 1 to 3% of all malignant salivary gland tumors primarily affecting middle-aged men with a high potential for metastasis. In salivary gland neoplasms, rhabdoid cells are not commonly seen. We report the case of a 58-year-old man, who presented a mass of the left cheek evolving for 3 months, who underwent an exofacial parotidectomy, the extemporaneous histopathological analysis of the specimen revealed a ductal carcinoma with rhabdoid features. We completed by a total conservative parotidectomy of the facial nerve. Salivary duct carcinoma with rhabdoid features should be distinguished from malignant lymphoma, malignant melanoma, and myogenic sarcomas. Transformation to ductal carcinoma with rhabdoid features has occurred in metastatic lesions. Treatment was based on extensive carcinological resection with postoperative radiotherapy with regular follow-up.
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Screening of Diabetes Mellitus among the TB Clinic Attendees – A Short Survey
The noninfectious disease, diabetes increases the risk of the infectious disease TB. In developing countries TB remains a major cause of mortality and in these countries the prevalence rate of diabetes in increasing rapidly. In this study, totally 1200 number of TB clinic attendees were included and blindly screened for the diabetes. Random blood sugar was checked for the selected population. Blood samples were tested by glucometer. Out of 1200 TB clinic attendees, diabetes was diagnosed with 750 patients (63%). From our study, we conclude that the TB clinic attendees are at high risk and showing high percentage of DM. We also suggest that the danger of the co-existence of TB and DM should be explored and to be taught to the society especially to the TB clinic attendees to ensure the effective treatment.
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Secure grouping data transmission scheme for multiple applications in wireless sensor network
Data aggregation system is the majority sensible technique for wireless sensor networks. It reduce a large amount of communication. To screen announcement during aggregation homomorphism encryptions have been practical in previous be taught. So the enciphered data can be aggregated algebraically without decryption. Although data aggregation could considerably reduce broadcast, it is defenseless to some attacks. However, these schemes failed to satisfy multi-application surroundings. The main drawback of these scheme is that, it become insecure in case a number of sensor nodes are compromised. Also, these scheme do not provide secure counting. Thus, it is suffer due to unauthorized aggregation attacks. An alternative move toward for this problem is to collective encrypted messages in a straight line from SN, thereby avoid the forgery of aggregate result. To end these drawbacks, we propose a new hidden data aggregation system called CDAMA, provide CDA connecting multiple groups. It is extensive from homomorphism community encryption system. There are three contributions in the proposed system. First, it is intended a multi-application surroundings. Next, it mitigates the crash of compromising attack in single request environments. Compared with conservative schemes, CDAMA mitigates the collision of compromise SN from beginning to end the construction of manifold groups. It reduces the damage from illegal aggregations.
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Short term and long-term retention rate of English-Persian paired-associates: A comparison between key-word method users and rehearsal method users
The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of key word method on the retention rate of Iranian EFL learners. Thus far, the studies on the efficiency of key-word method, as a strategy of vocabulary learning, have indicated mixed results, and reached no conclusive findings. To carry out the study, 40 students were chosen from among university students registered for English classes in Isfahan University. They were all pretested to make sure that they did not know the target words that were supposed to be taught in order to find out their retention rates. All the learners were divided into two groups: one key-word method group (KWMG) and one rehearsal method group (RMG). The same set of words was taught to both groups. For the first group, we used key-word method and we let the students to choose and use their own key words, which would lead to deeper processing of information, in order to enhance long term retention. For the second group only rehearsing of the new words was used. At the end of experiment, two tests were administered: one immediate test to check out their short term retention and one delayed post test to measure their long-term recall. The results of the study have shown no significant difference in short term retention but with regard to long-term retention, the Key-word method group students outperformed the rehearsal group. In addition, in a semi- structured interview with key word method group students, it was revealed that they show a great interest in the method, and maintained that they would opt for the method when memorizing other words.
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Silver-clay polyethylene nanofilms effect on bread attribute
In this study, the effects of seven nanofilm types on organoleptic properties have been investigated and microbial counts of packed volume bread have been studied. Packed of volume bread has been evaluated due to 21 days at three temperatures. Microbial counting was done in 5°C, 20°C and 35°C in fourteenth day. The results analysis indicated that the main factors such as film type, storage temperature and duration had significant effect on the bread staling rate. The lowest and highest staling rate was observed at SC3 film and control regular respectively. With the increasing nanosilver percentage, the total number of microbes declined. In three temperatures greatest number of total germs and mold was related to the control regular. Lowest and the most number of total molds and microbes was found in 5°C and 35°C respectively. Therefore, the SC3 hybrid nanofilm, has been recognized as the best film for keeping bread more fresh.
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Soil quality assessment posed by industrial effluents in Bansbari industrial area of Morang District, Nepal
The menace of industrial pollution has been haunting the human world in the past several decades by causing different types of pollution. Agricultural sector in Nepal is severely affected by the direct discharge of untreated effluents on the agriculture land. This paper focuses to analyze the effect of industrial effluents on soil by measuring different physico-chemical parameters. Discharge of industrial effluents into the soil causes to change the physico-chemical and biological profile of the soil. Physico-chemical parameters like pH, electrical conductivity, alkalinity, acidity, moisture, organic matter, water holding capacity, specific gravity, texture, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were analyzed. The study revealed the negative impact of industrial effluents in the soil. Various parameters were found badly affected, which were different from the normal range of the fertile soil. Excessive accumulation of organic matters has changed the alkalinity of the soil. The alkalinity was found maximum in the soil near to soap industries. Irregular distribution of micronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) was found in the present study.
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