The comparison of qualitative assessment of potential of soil surface attributes in land units of rangeland bozdaghy in North- Khorasan province
Soil, plant and indicators are the main criteria to recognize the function of natural ecosystems and evaluate their potentials. Rangeland ecosystem contains various patches with different functions. The structural and functional characteristics of fertilized patches in Bozdaghy rangeland, in North-Khorasan Province was measured and analyzed in this study. A group of measurable and simple indices of landscape function analysis (LFA) methods were used to evaluate these characteristics. The data were measured from seven land unit which is developed from overlaying of geology map on the dem and slope map. In this research the length and width of ecological patches by the forms of Grass, forb, shrub and bare soil with litter measured. Also we measured 11 soil surface parameters on three, 50 meters transects in the seven mentioned regions. These 11 parameters are belonging to 3 major attributes of soil: Stability, infiltration and nutrients. Statistical analysis of data using the software landscape function analysis, carried. Using multivariate analysis of variance and Duncan's test, functional characteristics associated with each of the land units were studied. Stability, infiltration and nutrients indices of Shrub, forbs and Grass showed significant differences in seven land unit (p<0.05). shrub was most important ecological indicators of areas.
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The Contribution of RAPID in making women sustainable Economic Development: A case study of NGO at Dharwad
It is said in Manu Samhita (Chapter II, Para 145) Upadhyaayan-dasacaryaacarryanamsatam pita; Sahasramtupitrnmatagauraveratiricyate, which means that - “A Guru who teaches Veda is 10 times superior to an ordinary teacher and the father is 100 times more than a teacher, but the Mother is 1000 times more superior to the father.” This vividly speaks how our ancient saints and culture held a woman in high esteem and recognised her not merely a mother but as a superior scholarly Institution. Unarguably, women are the nuclei of families; more so in rural India. They are not just confined to household chores but they play a very important role in grooming the children and shaping their future, upholding and preserving our traditions and culture. While everything about women in the past and in history is dark and dismal, women of late are seen in the forefront both in economic and social activities. Several NGOs, Voluntary Organisations, Training Establishments such as Rural Development and Self-Employment Training Institutions (RAPID) have been conducting customised and innovative skill-building training programs, Entrepreneurship Development programs (EDP's) which contribute to economic empowerment of women through self-employment. This paper studies various types of EDP's conducted at one of the RAPID in Karnataka, India to create economic, social and cultural opportunities for women in distress through skill development, employment and counselings.
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The correct analysis of theory of photon gas
The correct theoretical analysis of the generally accepted foundations of theory of photon (quantum) gas are proposed. The principle of the unity of formal logic and of rational dialectics is the correct methodological basis of the analysis. The new results – the correct quantum-statistical foundations – obtained within the framework of the formulated master equation taking into consideration both the quantum states of the radiating molecule and the quantum states of the photon gas in the isolated macroscopic systems “molecule + molecular gas + monochromatic photon gas” are as follows: (a) Planck’s, Einstein’s, and Bose’s works on the theory of photon (quantum) gas contain logical errors; (b) photon (quantum) gas being born by radiating molecule obeys “Gibbs statistics”: equilibrium photon (quantum) gas is described by Gibbs quantum canonical distribution; (c) Planck function (“Bose’s distribution”) is an consequence of Gibbs quantum canonical distribution; (d) Einstein coefficients (i.e. the coefficients of spontaneous emission, induced emission and absorption) are equal to each other.
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The effectiveness of Face-to-Face interaction in establishment of SME Brand personality
This study aims to determine on the effectiveness of face to face interaction in establishment of SME brand personality. It helps to extend the understanding on effectiveness of face to face interaction, and important element in establishment of SME brand personality. To date, there have been minimal studies conducted on brand personality of SME restaurant either brand personality has been acknowledged by several service marketing researchers to have a great influence on consumer behaviors in various aspects such as consumer favorite and usage. Therefore from the data presented in this study, it can be expected that the findings can benefit both the industrial community and the academia by giving a new source of ideas and information. This study also adopted the variables that were used in web interaction by Bernard Jaworski and Jeffry F. Rayport (2001) to implement it to the face to face interaction. Future research should focus on the similar study of effectiveness of face to face interaction in fast food industry and others service sectors.
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The impact of enterpreunerial motivation toward business performance among SMEs in creative industry
This paper explores the impact of entrepreneurial motivation towards business performance in SMEs in creative industry. The paper further identified four variables in entrepreneurial motivation that relate to the business performance, there are need for achievement, self-efficacy, locus of control and risk-taking. Entrepreneurial motivation is an asset especially for those who are involved in small and medium enterprises in the creative industry. Artists or business founder as the main player in the creative industry, where they should think entrepreneurially in a context of global challenge today. A good arts producers should not only think about the artistic value in their product, but they also should emphasize on how to utilize the strategic resources to fulfill consumer needs effectively in the competitive market. Entrepreneurial motivation becomes a crucial value to make a good business performance among arts founder of SME in creative industry.
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The Outreach of Islamic Rural Banks in Indonesia
This paper shows the empirical evidence about the outreach of Islamic Rural banks in the term of six aspects: depth, breadth, scope, worth, cost and length. This study reveals that the outreach of Islamic rural banks have already increased and better for four aspects: depth, breadth, scope and length. Furthermore, this study recommends several policies in terms of strengthening aspects of regulation, socialization, competitiveness and human resources aspect.
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Trading in the Volta clam, Galatea paradoxa in the Lower Volta Basin of Ghana
The study was conducted in Denu, Keta and Sogakope towns all in the lower Volta Region of Ghana to elicit information on the socio-economic status and constrains of fisherwomen involved in the Volta Clam, fishery. Majority of the respondents aged between 30 to 35 years. 26% had Junior School and 2% have had Tertiary education. Majority of the women in the clam business do not have access to credit facilities. Fisherwomen had difficulty in harvesting and processing because they use crude methods. Extension services should target women to help equip them with new knowledge and technologies in Clam trade.
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Using Integrated Geophysical Method in groundwater exploration in the Nkoranza- South District, Ghana.
Water resources development has been identified as crucial to the control and eradication of communicable diseases and more importantly the well-being of the population. Adequate and sustainable source of ground water can be obtained by geophysical methods. Integrated geophysical methods involving electromagnetic and electrical resistivity methods have been carried out to delineate groundwater potential and locate drilling sites for boreholes in four communities in the Nkoranza South District. The electromagnetic method was used for profiling to identify anomaly conductive sites for further investigation using the vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique. Interpretation of the VES data revealed a weathered/ fractured zone at a maximum depth of 25.5 m which are potential aquifer zones.
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Viewers opinion about soft drinks advertisements -an empirical study with special reference to Pepsi in Coimbatore city
An advertisement is a form of persuasive communication with the public. The communication is usually sided, in one direction from the advertiser and to the public. The member of the public are free to respond to it in their own way, the responses is at an individual or family level. There is little or no dialogue with the public, advertising forces itself upon the public. At the same time, especially in a democracy with a market economy, such communication is required so that intelligent choices are made. Advertising is the promotion of a product or service and is extremely pervasive in contemporary society. To maximize sales, companies will pay a premium for wide exposure through the mass media. Advertising space is common, but not restricted to these realms; billboards, public transportation, movies (product placement), schools, clothing, even bathroom stalls carry ads and the industry is constantly finding new ways to advertise.
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What an acute abdomen can conceal in children?
Cystic malformations of the biliary tract are rare congenital conditions estimated at about 1/2,000,000 births. It is a condition that can lead to serious complications such as angiocholitis, chronic pancreatitis, progressive biliary cirrhosis, portal hypertension or biliary lithiasis. Its spontaneous perforation is one of the few complications, first described by Weber in 1934. Reported to us the case of an 18-month-old boy admitted for sub-occlusive syndrome with biliary peritonitis. An ultrasound scan was performed showing abdominal effusion with communicating cystic formation of the biliary tract associated with a sub-capsular effusion of the liver confirmed by a CT scan. The procedure consisted of a peritoneal toilet with a redon drain at the perforation level and a subhepatic drain without excision of the cyst. The patient was readmitted 6 months after this incident for final treatment.
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