“Latah” phenomenon: a review within Malay Culture and Islamic Spiritual
This paper discussed regarding latah phenomenon in communication practice. The objectives of this review is to identify the causes and the implication to the people who having it, either it is a Malay culture or in Islamic practice. Modern studies viewed latah phenomenon as a emotional behavior that happen involuntarily .A serious form of this behaviour can gave a deep impact till they can do abnormal thing extremely. Latah behaviour are belief to be associated with neuron function, psychology and cultru-bound.Varies definition by Psychologists and Physician to define latah for example psychosis, hysterical psychosis, arctic hysteria, reactive psychosis, startle reaction, fright neurosis, hypnosis state and psycho dramatic shamanic. Latah behaviour did not show the true personality of the effected person. Studies showed latah behaviour found in south east Asian especially in Malays. Islamic prospective describes latah as syatahat. Syatahat phenomenon happened to Sufism experts such as Mahyudin Ibnu Arabi, Al-Hallaj dan Abu Yazid Bustamitr had created a polemics among Islamic religious. The Islamic experts’ from Sunnites member did not accepts this Sufism views due to latah problem.
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“Left superior vena cava”- embryological basis and its clinical significance
The term Coarctation can be defined as the stricture or narrowing of the aorta, it affects both child and adult, but is seen mostly in children. Coarctation can be either be preductal or postductal. Depending on the severity of the condition and the time of diagnosisthe treatment can be determined in an individual.Identifying this condition very early in life is also beneficial to the patient even though there would be a few complications that would be faced depending on the form of treatment one choses. The present study aimed to understand the embryological basis and its clinical significance.
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A case study of Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
The purpose of this research is to classify sentiment of Twitter messages. We present a novel approach for automatically classifying the sentiment of Twitter messages. These messages are classified as either positive or negative. This is useful for consumers who want to do research on the user sentiment for products before purchase, or companies that want to monitor the public sentiment of their brands. Known supervised learning algorithms as support vector machines and Maximum Entropy are used to create a prediction model. Before the prediction model created, the data has pre-processed by using some properties of data such as username, hyperlink, and multiple occurrence of character in order to reduce feature space and achieve high accuracy.
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A Comparative Study of Scheduling Algorithms for Resource Management in Cloud Computing Environment
Cloud Computing (CC) is emerging as the next generation platform which would facilitate the user on pay as you use mode as per requirement. It provides a number of benefits which could not otherwise be realized. The primary aim of CC is to provide efficient access to remote and geographically distributed resources. A scheduling algorithm is needed to manage the access to the different resources. There are different types of resource scheduling technologies in CC environment. These are implemented at different levels based on different parameters like cost, performance, resource utilization, time, priority, physical distances, throughput, bandwidth, resource availability etc. In this research paper various types of resource allocation scheduling algorithms that provide efficient cloud services have been surveyed and analyzed. Based on the study of different algorithms, a classification of the scheduling algorithms on the basis of selected features has been presented.
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A double dual slope analog divider
A Novel type of analog divider is described. The circuit enables division of a dc voltage with another dc voltage. The constant of division is dependent upon two resistor values. Employing precision resistors, an acceptable level of accuracy can be obtained in the division. Verification of the feasibility of the circuit configurations are established by way of test results on a proto type.
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A Novel and Modern Comprehensive Theory to Create an Anthropocentric Architecture Based on Laws of Chaos (Part V): Learning in the System
It’s as if the child we have conceived is now born to interact hereinafter with the world and the people in it. In the Chaos Chapter, we explained how natural systems learn. Since chaotic system are flexible and able to adapt to the super-systems and are also able to self-organize and optimize, they are capable of surviving and even promoting through the process of negative feedback and change in generative information by being placed in different conditions and dealing with turbulences. How to confront the conditions and decide is recorded in the memory of the system and would lead to next mutations and irreversibility of the system.
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A study of balanced transportation problem and use of object oriented programming
In this paper, the south east corner [ SEM ] procedure is successfully coded and tested via many randomly generated problem instances . Based on the results we can conclude that the correctness of the newly coded SEM is promising as compared with the previously coded one.
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A Study on Patient Satisfaction in Karpagam Faculty of Medical Sciences and Research at Coimbatore
To measure the quality of health care services patient satisfaction is used as one of the most important indicators. The study aims to identify factors affecting patient's satisfaction at primary health care clinics. In evaluations of health care quality, patient satisfaction is a performance indicator measured in a self-report study and a specific type of customer satisfaction metric. This study deals with the customer satisfactions based on primary data such as general medicine, general surgery, gynaecology and orthopedics etc., which are collected from patients in private hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. It was also found that reputation of hospitals is influencing factor along with extra facilities, available in the hospital. There was significant influence of age and visits of the respondents on patients? loyalty.
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A survey analysis of factors while implementing Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices in manufacturing companies
The present research paper has examined the factors which a company must consider while implementing Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices. Manufacturing companies nearby Bhopal will be examined in their approach to be more sustainable. The research method employed is a case study analysis through Semi-structured interviews held with relevant managers. This research correspond with the Strategic and operational planning, Structure, systems, and decision making Management of people and company culture; Relationships with supply chain members. Top-management support is crucial for effectively working GSCM practices. A flat hierarchical structure might be helpful for successful GSCM, but therefore the inherent advantages of a flat hierarchy have to be exploited. Employee involvement is recognized as another crucial element of GSCM. An environmentally friendly company culture is beneficial and should be derived from the companies’ environmental vision and/or mission. Collaborations with suppliers are perceived to be productive and essential to develop innovative products. Other tools, like supplier questionnaires, can help to improve the environmental impact of the whole supply chain.
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Agroforestry: a panacea to food insecurity in Nigeria
This paper examines agroforestry as a panacea to food insecurity in Nigeria. Agroforestry is defined as a combination of agriculture and forestry, resulting in better management of natural resources and sustainable use of land. It is the planting of trees among crops so as to help sustain environments and livelihoods. The practice of agroforestry is a dynamic, ecologically based, natural resources management system that, through the integration of trees on farms and in the agricultural landscape, diversifies and sustains production for increased social, economic and environmental benefits for land users at all levels. It has some characteristic features which could either be intentional or interactive. Intentional agroforestry is designing and managing combinations for a planned result. Intentional agroforestry can be intensive or integrated. In practice of intensive agroforestry, components are managed to maintain production and environmental benefits. Integrated agroforestry is a blend of agriculture, forestry and environmental science. Interactive agroforestry is designed to minimize negative and maximize positive interactions between trees, other crops, livestock and humans. The goal is to enhance the production of more than one component at a time while providing for environmental benefits. The paper discusses some characteristic features of agroforestry as either intentional or interactive. Silvopastoral, agrisilviculture and agrisilvopastoral are discussed as types of agroforestry systems while alley cropping, forest farming, riparian buffer strips and windbreaks or shelterbelts are described as the most common or popular agroforestry practices. Some limitations to agroforestry practices are also mentioned in the paper.
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