Assessment of genetic diversity among 60 sorghum accessions in Ghana using microsatellites
The study was carried out to assess genetic diversity among sixty sorghum accessions from the national germplasm collection using microsatellite markers. Genetic diversity and relationship among the sixty accessions were evaluated using 24 microsatellites. The 24 markers generated 64 alleles; the mean number of alleles was 2.773, indicating a medium range of diversity among the sixty sorghum accessions compared to other genetic diversity studies in sorghum using microsatellites, the average polymorphic information content (PIC) (0.575) gave an indication that the microsatellites are informative. Microsatellites cluster analysis resolved the sixty sorghum accessions into three major clusters. The percent similarity between the sorghum accessions ranged from 56% to 89%. Most of accessions clustered according to geographical site of the collection. Heterozygosity in the sixty sorghum accessions was very low .Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.0333 as against the expected heterozygosity of 0.4263 to 0.7708.
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Benefit Cost Analysis of Dredging Bonny Channel
A series of models were developed and analysed to determine the relative weight of local political, infrastructure, and economic gains to lake user as well as physical-natural characteristics of the lakes and their respective communities on allocation of dredging fund. The also estimated the benefits of dredging and performed cost-benefit analysis to compare the costs of dredging to benefits of dredging for Bonny channel. These estimates were then forecasted in order to view the benefit stream over time.
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Bladder Color Pencil Introduced by the Urethra in a 19-Year-Old Girl
We report case of a patient of 19 years who introduced a pencil in intra-bladder via the urethra. The urinary tract without preparation (AUSP) objectified and ultrasound had a strong allure foreign body. Cystoscopy diagnostic and therapeutic purpose was performed. Given the particular psychological profile of the patient, it came in psychiatry. This kind of disease is rare in the professional life of the urologist, he help of a literature review on its merits, its complications and its management
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Borehole disposal concept for radioactive waste disposal-the GAEC project
The most likely process that can lead to the release of radionuclides from a repository to the geosphere is transport by groundwater. Hence, waste disposal-related safety analyses must assess the possibility of the migration of radionuclides in the conservative assumption of leaching by groundwater after the destruction of the engineered barriers. The need to protect groundwater from possible radioactive contamination and the need to investigate radionuclide migration through soils and rocks of the zone of aeration into groundwater has become very urgent at a time when geological disposal of radioactive waste is being considered. This is why the Borehole Disposal Concept (BDC) is being implemented to address the problem. The BDC involve the conditioning and emplacement of disused sealed radioactive sources in an engineered facility of a relatively narrow diameter borehole (0.26 m). This concept is inherent with physical and chemical characteristics such as intrusion barriers, casing, lining materials, back-filling materials and stainless steel waste containers that prevent or delay the movement of radionuclides between components and inadvertent access to humans, animals and plants.
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Challenges facing teachers in the teaching of life skills-based education in high schools in kakamega county, Kenya
Life Skills-Based Education (LSE) is a subject newly incepted into the new curriculum Kenyan High school curriculum. The subject is meant to enhance the learner’s holistic growth in aspects such as their relationships with others, understanding of self and critical thinking in decision making. This study was set to investigate the challenges faced by teacher counselors in the teaching of Life Skills-Based Education in Kakamega County. The objectives of the study were; to establish teachers’ personal capability in handling the teaching of Life Skills-Based Education, and to establish the challenges facing the teaching of Life Skills-Based Education. The study sampled 27 high schools from the county. The study design was a descriptive survey. Data collection was made possible by the use of questionnaires and document analysis. Data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics and was presented by way of pie chart and tables. The findings of the study indicated that indeed teacher counsellors faced a number of challenges such as lack of adequate training, less time allocation for syllabus coverage, heavy workload in other teaching subjects and inadequate teaching and learning materials. The study recommended that the government organize to build capacity for the build Life Skills-Based Education teachers, employ more teachers to ease workload and put in evaluative measures for the subject so that it is taken seriously by both the teachers and the students.
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Characterization of Physiochemical Properties of Sudanese Petrodiesel Samples Produced From Khartoum Refinery in Sudan
Sudanese petrodiesel samples (S1, S2, S3 &S4) were collected from Khartoum refinery in Sudan. Samples were subjected to physicochemical investigation according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Tests include: density, kinematic viscosity, flash point, cloud point, colour, ash content, water content, sulfur content, carbon residue, copper strip corrosion, distillation and calculated cetane number. Results revealed that the physicochemical properties of petrodiesel samples were within the limits assigned by ASTM and Khartoum refinery except the water content for sample S1 was found to be 0.052% wlw. The cetane number was found to be 56.14, 54.72, 57.89 and 56.9 for S1, S2,S3 and S4 respectively, these values were found within recommended values to be used as fuels for diesel engines.
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Chronic esophagitis dissecans secondary to lichen planus
Chronic oesophagitis dissecans secondary to lichen planus is a rare and often unrecognized pathology. The diagnosis is based on clinical (recurrent dysphagia and presence of cutaneous or genital lesions of lichen planus) endoscopic (desquamative esophagitis with proximal or multiple stenosis) and histological features. The treatment is still not well codified and the long-term prognosis remains unknown. We report a case of a woman with this affection with a 5 years follow up.
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Clique Covering in Graphs
In this paper, we introduce the concept of clique covering of a graph. Every vertex covering set, which contains all isolated vertices, is a clique covering set in a graph. We consider the effect of removing a vertex from the graphs on the clique covering number of the graph. We also define well clique covered graphs and prove some related result.
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Cognitive disorders and pediatric medulloblastoma: About a case
Medulloblastoma is one of the most common type of pediatric brain cancer, it is a primary neuroectodermal tumor located in the cerebellum and 4th ventricle. The treatment is based on surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The survival rate of children treated for this brain tumor has improved significantly in recent years thanks to the progress of various therapies. The neurocognitive sequelae secondary to the occurrence of a medulloblastoma have been the subject of numerous studies. We report the case of a 12-year-old boy with medulloblastoma of the posterior fossa, he underwent surgery and received radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Subsequently, he began to present school difficulties and memory disorders for this reason his pediatrician sent us for management.
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Complement of the Boolean function Graph B(Kp, INC,?Kq) of a graph
For any graph G, let V(G) and E(G) denote the vertex set and edge set of G respectively. The Boolean function graph B(Kp, INC,?Kq) of G is a graph with vertex set V(G)?E(G) and two vertices in B(Kp, INC,?Kq) are adjacent if and only if they correspond to two adjacent vertices of G, two nonadjacent vertices of G or to a vertex and an edge incident to it in G, For brevity, this graph is denoted by?B4(G). In this paper, structural properties of the complement?B4(G) of B4(G) including eccentricity properties are studied. Also, domination number and neighborhood number are found.
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