Flexural Strength and Deflection of Sawdust - Quarry dust - Plywood Composite Slab
This Paper studies the flexural strength and deflection of Sawdust–Quarry dust–Plywood Composite Slab. The materials used include Cement, Quarry dust, Sawdust, Plywood, Nails, and water. Laboratory test were carried out on this composite according to standard test procedures. They were tested for flexural strength and deflection. It was observed that for a 1200mm width of slab with thicknesses between 100mm to 175mm and Plywood Thickness 12.5mm to 20mm, the average flexural strength of this composite slab ranges from 1.32MPa to 3.30MPa. The deflection slab ranges from 106mm to 33mm while those of plain composite slab ranges from 20mm to 5mm
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Fracture traumatic luxation of the radial head associated with a diaphysary fracture of homolateral radius. About a case
The association of a posterior dislocation of the radial head with a diaphyseal fracture of the ipsilateral radius is uncommon condition. We report a rare case of a fracture-traumatic luxation of the radial head associated with a diaphysary fracture of homolateral radius in 52 old patient.
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From data to decisions: developing an innovative industry-wide statistical information system for credible pricing
In today’s globalised and competitive economic environment, insurance companies are continually faced with situation of risk where decisions are taken in the face of uncertainty. The variability of claim costs and the challenge of estimating the cost of insurance at inception of the policy make it necessary for companies to frequently assess the credibility upon which pricing, valuation and other product management decisions are made. The accuracy of estimated future claim costs plays a fundamental role in determining the underwriting profit of these insurers. This study proposed an industry-wide information based experience rating in a regulated and competitive Nigeria business environment for credible underwriting and profitability. The proposed structure incorporates various initiatives for having in place reliable, up-to-date, efficient and effective statistical system such as the Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics (MAPS), General Data Dissemination System (GDDS), Partnerships in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21), the Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa (RRSF), National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) and AFRISAT. It also integrates variation in expected claim costs from insurer to insurer in the industry, variation between expected claim costs from group to group for a given insurer, and variation from insured to insured within a group. Inferences can be made about the industry’s average, companies’ average and group-specific average.
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FT-IR and FT-Raman spectral analysis of 2-methylnaphthalene
The molecular vibrations of 2-methylnaphthalene was investigated by FT-IR and FT-Raman spectroscopies. Normal coordinate calculations of 2-methylnaphthalene have been carried out using Wilson’s FG matrix mechanism on the basis of General Valence Force field (GVFF) for both in-plane and out-of-plane vibrations. The potential energy constants obtained in this study are refined using numerical methods.
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Gamma-Ray radiation attenuated by barium sulfate–cement barrier
The new shielding using a mixed of Barium Sulfate (BaSO4) and cement accordingly to the ratio that desired which is from (1:99) to (20:80) respectively. The samples were in thickness of 1 mm, 5 mm and 10 mm with the ratio of BaSO4 are 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20%.The samples are examined with XRD. The mixture ratio of barium sulfate that has 20% in the sample shows that the absorption of the energy is high. A high mass density material of sample as barium, which has high atomic number is suitable to absorb the energy of radiation. Increasing the material density leads to increase the attenuation. The results have shown a significant protection for hazardous of gamma ray.
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Identification of Furfural in the Coconut Shell Extract and its study as Green Corrosion Inhibitor in acid media
The extraction from the agricultural waste like coconut shell using sulfuric acid and the identification of furfural in the extract treated as corrosion inhibitor. Extracted furfural was characterized by Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The inhibition efficiency of extracted furfural was studied on the corrosion of mild steel in 0.5M H2SO4 with different concentrations by weight loss method and Tafel plot techniques. The inhibition efficiency increases with also increase in the extract concentration. The effect of temperature on corrosion behavior was also studied over the temperature range of 30–45°C. The results indicate that the inhibition efficiency increases with increase in concentration of inhibitor and decreases with rise in temperature. Electrochemical polarization (Tafel plot) data explores the mixed mode of inhibition. The extracted Furfural follow Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Adsorption mechanism involves both physisorption and chemisorptions. The surface study of inhibited mild steel was performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
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Importance of emotional intelligence in the organisational context
The filed of Emotional Intelligence is attracting attention of researchers, journalists, academicians, and corporate trainers across the world. Emotional intelligence is quintessentially inseparable a component for success in career. Though considerable amount of research is done in the field of Emotional Intelligence all over the world, there is a paucity of research in this field in India owing to the fact that this field of study is still in the nascent stage in India. This article draws inputs from various scientific studies conducted in the field of emotional intelligence and its implication on career success of employees from Indian perspective. A conceptual model is proposed for measuring predictive ability of Emotional Intelligence for career success using simple regression.
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In Silico Putative Drug Target Identification of Proteus mirabilis by comparative analysis of Metabolic Pathways
Proteus mirabilis is a significant problem mostly to the vulnerable immune systems individual and cause of 90% Complex Urinary Tract Infections. The treatment is becoming more difficult because 48% P.mirabilis strain is resistant to broad-range antibiotics. Development of these drug resistant varieties have led to search for novel drug targets. We have performed an insilico comparative analysis of metabolic pathways of Homo sapiens with the pathogen P.mirabilis and found 97 unique, nonhomologus, essential proteins that are present only in P.mirabilis and absent in humans and presented as list of putative drug target.
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In-vitro study of antimicrobia activity of the cinnamomum cassia against the penicilium notatum and aspergillus Niger
The aim of the present study was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of the Cinnamomum cassia against the fungi, Penicillium notatum and Aspergillus niger. Cinnamomum cassia is the dried bark of an evergreen busy tree. It is commonly known as Cinnamon. Cinnamon bark is widely used as a spice. It is principally employed in cookery as a condiment and flavoring material. In the present study different concentration of the crude extracts samples of Cinnamomun cassia and media were prepared (i.e-10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) and one plate is maintained as Control which contains only MRBA(Martin Rose Bengal Agar) media and fungal culture, not the extracts of the Cinnamomum cassia, are poured onto the different petri plates. This was left to solidify for 20 minutes. With the help of cork borer one hole was made in the center of each petri plate. The Fungus cultures of A.niger and P.notatum with the help of cork borer were removed from the pure culture one by one. This was then inoculated onto the Petri plates containing different concentration of the Cinnamomum cassia samples. Petri plates were wrapped with paraffin and incubated .After incubation of 4days at room temperature with P.notatum and A.niger the growth of fungus was observed. It was observed that as increase in the concentration of the Cinnamomum cassia sample the growth is inhibited. The growth is very less at the 40% of the sample used. The growth was totally inhibited by the Cinnamon extract as 40% against the fungus P. notatum.
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Influence of prefects’ involvement in communication on conflict resolution in public secondary schools: A case study of Kisumu County, Kenya
Many schools have registered violent conflicts that have led to property destruction and disruption of learning activities in the affected schools. This is attributed to poor communication mechanisms between the students and the school administration. In the light of this, this study purposed to assess the influence of prefects’ involvement in communication on conflict resolution in public secondary schools. The study used descriptive survey design with a total of 33 public secondary schools that had 33 school principals, 33 Guidance and counseling teachers, a total of 292 prefects (head boys, head girls and class secretaries) and 1772 Form Three students. This gave a target population of 2130. A stratified sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 10 schools. Piloting was done in two public secondary schools. Split half method was used to ascertain the reliability and the results correlated using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. A correlation coefficient of 0.87 was obtained and this was used to ascertain the reliability of the instruments. The researcher applied content validity to measure the relevance of the research instrument. Data collected were coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). They were then analyzed using descriptive statistics and the results presented using frequency distribution tables and percentages. The study found out that involving prefects in communication enhances conflict resolution. This was supported by 60% of the principals who strongly agreed while the other 40% agreed to it. Similarly, 50% of the guidance and counseling teachers, 51.79% of the prefects and 35.14% of the students agreed. Based on these findings, it was concluded that involving prefects in communication enhances conflict resolution in public secondary schools. Therefore, it was recommended that prefects be actively and effectively involved in communication in the management and administration of public secondary schools.
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