Modelling of granule formation process of titan- Magnetite powdered materials by the method of rolling
The construction of complex model of titan-magnetite granule formation of powdered materials in drum granulators taking into account of anisotropy of structure and laminating on surface is considered. It has been noted that granule formation proceeds in some stages depending on relaxation time of embryo formation. On the base of model a graphic interpretation of process of laminating of powder on surface is cited. Rheological model of compact of granules under action of external deformation stresses allowing to estimate the change of porosity and density in time of arrive is presented. The comparison of calculation and experimental results for evolution of distribution of granules on sizes has been presented.
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Need for enabling an environment for management students to take up entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is the professional application of knowledge, skills and competencies and/or of monetizing a new idea, by an individual or a set of people by launching an enterprise. Given the increasing significance and visible impact of Entrepreneurship in wealth-creation and employment-generation, entrepreneurship is considered as critical to India’s growth and development (NKC-2008). This study was undertaken to explore factors that have advanced Entrepreneurship in youth of India. The paper highlights the perception of youth towards entrepreneurship as a career. The paper also points out the realities of gap between students’ learning about entrepreneurship in B-schools and ending up being entrepreneurs.
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Nickel: A Heavy Metal and an Essential Micronutrient
Nickel is a metal of widespread distribution in the environment: there are almost 100 minerals of which it is an essential constituent and which have many industrial and commercial uses. Nickel and nickel compounds belong to the classic noxious agents encountered in industry but are also known to affect non-occupationally exposed individuals. The general population may be exposed to nickel in the air, water and food. Inhalation is an important route of occupational exposure to nickel in relation to health risks. Most nickel in the human body originates from drinking water and food; however, the gastrointestinal route is of lesser importance, due to its limited intestinal absorption. The toxicity and carcinogenicity of some nickel compounds (in the nasal cavity, larynx and lungs) in experimental animals, as well as in the occupationallyexposed population, are well documented. The objective of this paper is to summarize the current overview of the occurrence and sources of nickel in the environment, and the effect of this metal and its compounds on living organisms.
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On the effect of raters’ personalities on the evaluation of students’ writing
The writing assessment has long been considered a problematic area for educational assessment professionals and TEFL practitioners in particular. Due to a significant growth in the number of language learners in the past two decades, fairness issues in ESL writing assessments have been of growing interest and importance and have given birth to a great deal of theoretical and empirical research which have been examining the effect of various factors on the evaluation of students’ writing. The result of such studies leads us to question the accuracy and the raters’ fairness in rating learners’ written works. Hence, the rater variable, affected by various factors, has always been an important issue in the literature of writing assessment. This paper aims at investigating the impact of raters’ personality traits on the analytic evaluation of the students’ writings, encapsulating the probable effect of the genre too. In order to measure the personality traits of raters, NEO FFI developed by Costa and McCrae has been applied. A group of language instructors rated an expository essay and an argumentative one based on Jacobs’ rating scale. The results of the study indicate that there is a relationship between the raters’ personalities and the score they have assigned to the students’ writing. The genre of the essay has also been significant in the process of rating.
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Onchocerciasis and Epilepsy in the City of Inga in the Democratic Republic of Congo
We report in this study the cases of epilepsy observed in the onchocerciasis focus of the city of Inga in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The aim of this study is to contribute to the search for a possible epilepsy-onchocerciasis relationship in the city of Inga. The average age of our patients is 39, 12 ± 15.71 years with a male predominance (sex ratio = 2, 62). Fishermen are the most affected by onchocerciasis with 44.85%. The length of stay of patients in the city of Inga is 24, 71 ± 9.5 years. The exsangual cutaneous biopsy was positive in 58 people out of 100, ie 58%. The mean parasitic load is 4.65 ± 2.6 microfilariae per biopsy. The presence of onchocerciasis in the city of Inga does not seem to be a determining factor in the occurrence of epilepsy: in our study the association of epilepsy and onchocerciasis has not been demonstrated (p = 0.075). Onchocerciasis could be, due to insomnia and the state of hyperexcitability that it causes, a factor favoring the onset of epileptic seizures and not a cause of epilepsy.
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Organizational behavior barriers in implementing ISO 9000 within the Malaysian local governments
The Local Governments (LG) in Malaysia has certainly been accountable to implement, and subsequently achieve, the ISO 9000 accreditation. However, to date, most of the PBT organizations have still failed to accomplish this target. The purpose of this study is to identify the barriers of the main organizational behavior of ISO 9000 implementation in LG organizations. This study also seeks to determine whether or not these barriers are different between the types of LG organizations. The related data had been gathered through the questionnaire survey and was analysed using quantitative methods. As an output, the descriptive statistical analysis shows that there are three main barriers that have been faced by the LG organizations in implementing ISO 9000, those of which are the negative perception or attitude towards quality among employees, employees’ culture towards quality programmes and the lack of cooperation among internal departments. This study has also found two additional organizational behavior barriers that have never been discussed previously, known as the change of the Yang Dipertua/Mayor and the non-existence of proper quality management department, division or unit.
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Petrology and Geochemistry of Granites in and Around Nalgonda District, India
The granites of part of Nalgonda district is a metaluminous, high K-calc alkaline,I-type granite emplaced into the gneissic rock of the Peninsular Gneissic Complex of the Eastern Dharwar Craton. The thin section study clearly evidence that the granite is of pure magmatic origin. The deformation signatures were also noticed of brittle-ductile shear both in field and thin section studies in laboratory. Geochemically, the granite is rich in K2O+Na2O, suggesting it is an alkali granite with calc-alkaline magma. On a Yb vs Ta discrimination plot, the granites are falling mostly in the volcanic arc granite field. The REE pattern shows strong Eu negative anomaly, suggesting early separation of plagioclase. The enhance level of LL element relative to HFS element point to the subduction zone enrichment and/or crustal comtamination of the source region.
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Preliminary evaluation of Clerodendron phlomides against dengue vector mosquito Aedes aegypti L. (diptera: culicidae)
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the ovicidal and larvicidal activity of Clerodendron phlomides on Aedes aegypti. Maximum ovicidal and larvicidal activities were recorded in chloroform extract, followed by hexane and ethanol extracts of C. phlomides. The chloroform extract of C. phlomides at 1000 ppm showed an ovicidal effect of 15.6±1.30, 33.2±3.64 and 45.6±5.49 % on 0-6, 6-12 and 12-18 hr old eggs. The LC50 values for this extract were 10.21, 45.30, 235.06 and 335.51 ppm against the first, second, third and forth instar larvae of Ae. aegypti in 24hr. An increase in the concentration of the test extracts resulted in an increase in the ovicidal and larvicidal effects.
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Prof. Dr. C.P. Abdolrasoul Aleezaadeh joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 28th June 2019
We are very happy to announce that from 28th June 2019, Prof. Dr. C.P. Abdolrasoul Aleezaadeh has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Medicine. Prof. Dr. C.P. Abdolrasoul Aleezaadeh is working as Associate Professor, Pacific Albion University – the U.S.A. The appointment of Prof. Dr. C.P. Abdolrasoul Aleezaadeh as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal.
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QR Code based Passport Smart Card using an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm
The implementation of QR code based smart card has been becoming an ever increasing popularity in the traceability of products. This QR code smart card contains the Passport details, Pan card details, Aadhar card details.QR code helpful to store and process the information through black and white dots on the QR scanner which transmit by the reader. The QR reader reads the data present in the passport and sends the data by using QR Scanner through wireless network. As soon as the card shown, using QR reader, the details of the person appear on the computer screen and verify it using the data present in the system and if it matches then the details of the passport holder is displayed. It reduces the burden of documentation which thereby reduces the time consumption. This makes the system centralized by increasing the security.
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