Some aspects of energy efficient for refrigeration and air conditioning
Over the years, all parts of a commercial refrigerator, such as the compressor, heat exchangers, refrigerant, and packaging, have been improved considerably due to the extensive research and development efforts carried out by academia and industry. However, the achieved and anticipated improvement in conventional refrigeration technology are incremental since this technology is already nearing its fundamentals limit of energy efficiency is described is ‘magnetic refrigeration’ which is an evolving cooling technology. The word ‘green’ designates more than a colour. It is a way of life, one that is becoming more and more common throughout the world. An interesting topic on ‘sustainable technologies for a greener world’ details about what each technology is and how it achieves green goals. Recently, conventional chillers using absorption technology consume energy for hot water generator but absorption chillers carry no energy saving. With the aim of providing a single point solution for this dual purpose application, a product is launched but can provide simultaneous chilling and heating using its vapour absorption technology with 40% saving in heating energy. Using energy efficiency and managing customer energy use has become an integral and valuable exercise. The reason for this is green technology helps to sustain life on earth. This not only applies to humans but to plants, animals and the rest of the ecosystem. Energy prices and consumption will always be on an upward trajectory. In fact, energy costs have steadily risen over last decade and are expected to carry on doing so as consumption grows. This article discusses the potential for such integrated systems in the stationary and portable power market in response to the critical need for a cleaner energy technology for communities. Throughout the theme several issues relating to renewable energies, environment and sustainable development are examined from both current and future perspectives.
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Statistical Designs in Agricultural Research
Any experiment should be compatible with scientific approaches such as statistical reliability, rationality, internal and external validity, generalizability, and other specific criteria related to the subject, at the laboratory level or field level. Hence, planning a design to accomplish those approaches is critical, and selecting an appropriate model accordingly to acquire basic principles of design would make the experiment more precise. Straightforward designs of CRD, RCBD, and LSD, and complicated designs of IBD, Factorial experiments, Split-plot designs, and Lattice designs are discussed here. Consequently, the researcher can decide the appropriate experimental design.
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2723. Status of Women
G.S.Venumadhava and Vinod Naik |
Abstract |
Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Social Sciences |
Status of Women
A prominent scholar, depicting the picture of Women in India, today, has maintained: There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a great revolution in the history of women. The evidence is everywhere; the voice of women is increasingly heard in Parliament, courts and in the streets. While women in the West had to fight for over a century to get some of their basic rights, like the right to vote, the Constitution of India gave women equal rights with men from the beginning. Unfortunately, women in this country are mostly unaware of their rights because of illiteracy and the oppressive tradition. Names like Kalpana Chawla: The Indian born, who fought her way up into NASA and was the first women in space, and Indira Gandhi: The Iron Woman of India was the Prime Minister of the Nation, Beauty Queens like Aishwarya Rai and Susmita Sen, and Mother Teresa are not representative of the condition of Indian women.
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Steady plane poiseuille flow of viscous incompressible fluid between two porous parallel plates through porous medium
In this paper we have investigated the steady plane poiseuille flow of viscous incompressible fluid between two porous parallel plates through porous medium. We have investigated the velocity, average velocity, shearing stress, skin frictions, the volumetric flow, drag coefficients and stream lines.
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Stereochemical aspects and Reactivity of Carbonyl group, An overview
The most important aspect of organic chemical reactivity is the chemistry of carbonyl group (>C=O) .It directly undergoes nucleophilic attack by different substrates and yields a series of compounds.The prostereogenic carbon gets converted to stereogenic carbon by a nucleophilic attack on either side of the plane of carbonyl group. Different organic compounds containing >C=O group undergo photocyclisation or photoreduction reactions and result a variety of compounds of both chemical and mechanistic interest. ?-diketones an important class of carbonyl compounds afford stable ylides and Aldol adducts when interacted with different reagents under varying conditions.
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Strategic planning practice and service delivery of Trans nzoia county government, Kenya
Strategic planning has always been used as an important management tool in organizations across the world. The use of strategic planning necessitates decisions to be made in order to achieve the intended objectives and ensure continuity and relevance. Organizations may have good strategic planning practices, but the extent to which they are successfully implemented influence service delivery. The aim of the study was to establish the influence of strategic planning practice on service delivery by Trans Nzoia County government. The study was guided by Survival-Based Theory which explains how organizations can come up with ways to ensure that they achieve their objectives. The target population included management staff, employees and citizens of Trans Nzoia County. Semi structured questionnaires and Interview guides were used for data collection. The instruments were checked for both reliability and validity by use of Cronbach’s alpha and construct validity index respectively. Descriptive, quantitative and qualitative designs were used to find out the relationship between the variables. Multiple Linear Regression model was used to explain how strategic planning practice influences service delivery of Trans Nzoia County government. With the values of the beta coefficients for the model = 3.648 and = 0.412 respectively. Setting of vision and mission statement had the most influence on service delivery and identification of objectives had the least influence. The findings are crucial especially to the management of the County government of Trans Nzoia and can also be emulated by other Counties.
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2727. Structural interpretation of the Afikpo sub-basin: evidences from airborne magnetic and Landsat ETM data
Opara, A.I, Onyewuchi,R.A, Onyekuru, S.O, Okonkwo,A.C, Nwosu, I.E, Emberga,T.T and Nosiri, O.P |
Abstract |
Category : Environmental Sciences | Sub Category : Earth Science |
Structural interpretation of the Afikpo sub-basin: evidences from airborne magnetic and Landsat ETM data
This paper presents the structural analysis of Afikpo sub-basin using aeromagnetic and Landsat imagery. It was carried out to determine depth to the magnetic basement, delineate the basement morphology and relief, delineate the structural features associated with the basin and to infer the effects of such structures to the general tectonic history and basin geodynamics of the study area. The aeromagnetic and Landsat data were subjected to various image and data enhancement and transformation routines. Results of the study revealed that the dominant structural trend direction of the study area is in the NE-SW direction. Other lineament trend directions are in the N-S and E-W directions. The lineament density map revealed the presence of high density fracture zone around Afikpo and Ezi-Alayi, 8km SW of Afikpo. Results of the 2-D spectral analysis revealed a two layer depth model. The shallower magnetic source (d1) has an average depth of 1.195km while the deeper magnetic source bodies (d2) have an average depth of 2.660km.The shallower magnetic anomalies is as a result of basement rocks which intruded into the sedimentary rocks while, the deeper magnetic anomalies is associated with intra-basement discontinuities like faults. Finally, the average sedimentary thickness of 2.660km estimated in the study area is unfavourable for hydrocarbon generation. The study area is rather favourable for quarrying and Pb/Zn exploration based on the presence of Dolerite Sill which has galena as an associated ore.
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Student teachers attitude toward computer in education influence on integration of computer technology into future teaching practices
The study sought to establish student teachers’ attitude toward computer in education influence on integration of computer technology into future teaching practices. The study was carried out in five public TTCs in the Rift Valley Province. The TTCs are five out of the 21 public and 41 private teacher colleges in Kenya. This study employed pragmatist theoretical perspective. The study established there was statistically significant influence of trainee teacher’s computer attitudes on integration of ICT. Trainee teachers who scored high on attitude towards computer use in education scored highly on intention to integrate ICT. Trainee teachers, who had a positive attitude towards ICT and its uses, had high intentions to integrate it in their teaching.
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Studies on synthesis and characterization of bio-active 1,3,5-triazine derivatives
Series of compounds containing s-triazine derivatives were synthesized. The synthetic strategy utilizes cyanuric chloride as a starting material to obtain the several Schiff’s base A(1-5), azetidinone B(1-5) and thiazolidinone C(1-5) viz. condensations and cyclizations. All newly synthesized compounds have been characterized by physical processes (melting points, Thin layer chromatography, elemental analysis, IR and NMR spectra) and have been tested for their antimicrobial activity against gram (+)ve and gram (-)ve bacteria and also on different stains of fungi in which some of these derivatives exhibited potential antibacterial and antifungal activity.
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Study of primary productivity of a fresh water pond of Great Indian Desert “Thar”
Water is a key feature in universe. Primary productivity gives information related the amount of energy available to support bioactivities of a system. The productivity of a small desert pond Sansolav was studied by the light-and-dark bottle method and by following the natural changes in carbon dioxide and oxygen.
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