Study to establish machining route for metallic prosthesis through Conventional route
The hip replacement or hip arthroplasty is an orthopedic surgery in which a damaged or dysfunctional hip joint is surgically replaced with a suitable artificial hip prosthesis. During this surgical procedure, a stem is inserted into the patient’s femur for stability; and the head of the femur is replaced with a ball and socket joint is replaced by an artificial cup. Literature survey reveals that various types of methodologies were used by researchers for the development of the hip prosthesis and while after surgery different complications were arise with the patients like mismatch, aseptic loosening, improper load distribution, and discomfort due to change of morphology of human being. It is present status the availability of specific prosthesis for specific patients are very difficult. Due to the high complexity of customized hip implant results in low production rates. Hence it is understood that there is a requirement of machinablity study for manufacturing of customized hip prosthesis. The one part of study is to concern with the design of different types of hip prosthesis like solid, hollow (with and without internal rib structures) to reduce the effective stiffness and due to the hollowness of prosthesis, stiffness increases which will ultimately results in increase the strain at the proximal femur in comparison to solid femur as well as weight of hip prosthesis is drastically reduced. The machining of hip prosthesis is being carried out by taking the CT scan data of the patient using MIMICS software. The data then analyzed with suitable load in ANSYS after that the CAD model of femoral stem was prepared by using the measured data. The blank size of the prosthesis is first calculated. Then the critical profile machining of top and bottom stem is being carried out using 3-Axis CNC vertical milling machine “Mikron” CNC and the parting operation by using wire cut EDM machine by preparing the necessary programme based on the profile of the prosthesis. However, in this study the machining of hip prosthesis is being carried out through conventional route to stress on economical benefits for low cost manufacturing strategy.
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Supervision of Instruction in Special Education in Two Schools in the Philippines
With the institutionalization of the establishment of Special Education (SPED) centers in every school districts in the country through the Department of Education Order No. 26 of 1997, the role of instructional supervisors has become more challenging. In addition to the supervision of the conduct of instruction in the regular schools, the supervisors now have to oversee the SPED instruction as well. This qualitative study utilized the key informant interview technique, using an interview guide consisting of four (4) open-ended questions. Results of the study showed that supervisors and SPED coordinators used classroom observation, walk through and random visitation as primary means of supervising the SPED instructions in their respective schools. While the respondents were aware of the different requirements needed for SPED supervision, they reported that there was no difference in the way they supervise SPED from the regular schools. Further, the respondents also reported that they are mostly challenged by their lack of knowledge and training on the proper conduct of SPED instruction, constrained human and material resources, including the needed collaboration with the regular teachers and parents. For future development, the respondents reported that there is a need for professional growth and advancement as well as the development of supervision tools specific to SPED instruction. Thru these findings, the researcher proposes the CAST model for SPED instructional supervision i.e., Competency, Attitude, Structure and Tools. This indigenous instructional supervision model addresses the needs identified in order to advance as well as to enhance the supervision of instruction in SPED in Philippine schools.
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Test of Random Walk Hypothesis at the Indian Banking Industry
While capital markets play a pivotal role in promoting economic development, investors can be motivated to invest in the capital market only if securities in the market are appropriately priced, which, in turn, is governed by the market efficiency. Market Efficiency is closely related to the random walk hypothesis which states that a share price will follow a random walk. While there has been ample research to test the Random Walk Hypothesis at the capital markets in developed economies, very few studies have been conducted for capital markets in India. Further, even fewer studies have been conducted for the Indian Banking sector, represented by the Bank NIFTY Index. The current study examines Random Walk Hypothesis at the Bank NIFTY Index for the period from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2017. Normality tests indicate that the day-wise returns are normally distributed. In order to provide a better understanding of the data utilized in this study, the descriptive statistics are examined. Further, results from the Run test indicate that the Bank NIFTY Index does not follow a random walk for the period examined.
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The influence of heat transfer on MHD Peristaltic flow through a vertical asymmetric porous channel
MHD peristaltic flow of a conducting fluid with heat transfer in a vertical asymmetric channel through porous medium is investigated under long wave length and low Reynolds number assumptions. The flow is examined in a wave frame of reference moving with the velocity of the wave. The channel asymmetry is produced by choosing the peristaltic wave on the walls to have different amplitudes and phase. The analytical solutions have been computed for the axial velocity and temperature. The pressure rise and the frictional force are obtained. The effects of different parameters on the pressure rise, velocity, temperature and shear stress are discussed numerically. The phenomenon of trapping is further investigated.
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Traditional rational arguments for the existence of god (TAMUNO) In Ibani traditional philosophy
The aim of this paper is to adopt analytic-deductive method to examine some clues on the existence of the Supreme being in the beliefs and religion of the Ibani; the implication is that hasty generalization and superfluous assumptions, has led some scholars to maintain that the idea of the Supreme Being is of Western importation. Christianity and Ibani traditional philosophy play a major part in contributing to the debate, although the contribution of Christianity outweighs that of the traditional Ibani because Christianity has the epistemological advantage of supernatural revelation and also has the advantage of early documentation. Nevertheless, prior to Christianity, the raw materials for the philosophy of God were stored in oral tradition and highlighted by a highly evidenced and philosophical culture.
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Transient Stability Improvment Analysis with UPFC in Nigerian Power System Using PSAT
This paper presents the impact of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) on transient stability improvement in the Nigeria 330KV transmission network. UPFC is a Flexible AC Transmission System controller (FACTS) that can regulate the Power flow through the Line by controlling its Series and shunt reactance. In shunt connection it has Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and in the series, Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is employed and can independently control the Line Power Flow in order to improve transient stability of the system. This network which consist of 17 generating stations, 41 buses and 40 transmission lines was modeled and simulated using PSAT and Matlab Version 7.5. Fault was initiated with and without UPFC and result showed that Transient Stability of the system is improved.
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Unusual cause of infertility
Genital tract tuberculosis is an unusual cause of infertility. It affects a young woman with an immunodeficiency. The increase in the level of the CA 125 marker can be found. Ultrasound, CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are not specific. We report a new case of fallopian tuberculosis revealed by amenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain.
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Urban Dry Residue locating interchange stations in Mashhad city using GIS
Population Increasing, garbage producing and land decreasing for burial is problems and issues of today's big cities that the need for recycling and waste reduction techniques in production and landfill and is increasingly considered Day-to-day accordingly. One of the most useful methods in the field of reuse of dry garbage is to segregate from origin by Citizenries and create incentives for their participation increases. For example, the daily productions of 15 tons of paper in Mashhad shows more and more need to review and develop appropriate strategies to encourage citizens and separation of garbage. one of the activities of Mashhad ' municipality is in the field of solid waste transfer station so that in addition to encouraging citizens provide the receive possibility of suitable use of municipal Incorruptible substance solid waste . Thus the present paper is discussed the locating of the stations with respect to the criteria of population, their accessibility, physical analysis of garbage and determine distance to other stations in municipality 's zooms by using GIS software. The results of this research suggest the 1,11,9 and 8 zones as appropriate places to create new stations to collect dry waste.
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Utilization of water power as a Eco-Friend Energy in Watermills, case of Iran, Dezful
Necessity is the mother of invention. The superiority of human over other creatures lies in the fact that he can make tools to satisfy his needs. To make bread, they needed to crush the wheat into powder. To achieve this end, the hard-working people of Khuzestan Province tried to use hydropower by building mill and operating it. The utilization of Eco-friend Energy plays the essential role in the environmental protection in the contemporary age, so that many countries have given the importance to such energies in their national programs. The study demonstrates that the issue has been considered in Iran from the early ages. The recognition of watermills utilization experience in the southwestern region of Iran and especially the northern part of Khouzestan province reveals that the use of water energy has been adapted with the daily needs of residents. With regard to the water power transmission mechanism in the studied local watermills known as Asyab, a same mechanism in all two types of Asyabs is recognizable. Based on the study main achievement, such a power transmission mechanism can be applied in the contemporary age even in other countries to replace the energies derived from the fossil fuels with the water energy as a Renewable and Eco-friend Energy Finally, not only, to preserve such valuable historic remnants is an aid to attract Iran and glob tourists and the people who are interested to know about them, but, Capitalizing on the rewarding continental conditions of Dezful city leads to take economical steps to make a steady progress in using modern technologies such as electricity power.
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Weather index based crop insurance using artificial neural networks
Climate change and climate variability and financial institutions’ unwillingness to give loans have resulted in many farmers losing confidence in dry land agriculture. Traditional crop insurance methods have also presented challenges due to the risk related to adverse selection and moral hazard resulting in high transaction costs for individual assessment. This study focused on developing a weather index based insurance model that uses artificial neural networks to estimate potential evapotranspiration (ETO) and consequently yield reduction due to moisture stress. Weather data from 2012 to 2015 for Kutsaga area in Harare was used for the study. Seasonal weather data were used as input data to the first model to predict the ETo. The output ETO and effective rainfall data together with the crop factor (Kc), yield reduction factor (Ky), root zone depth (RzD) and root zone moisture (RzM)were used as input data for the second network to compute % yield reduction. Data for maize for the 2012-13 growing season was used for training the network and validating the estimated ETO and % yield reduction. The estimated ETO compared very well with the calculated values with R2 values of above 0.84. The estimated yield reduction % indicated even high accuracies with R2 values of above 0.91. The 2014-2015 growing season resulted in crop loss due to mid-season dry spells and the model predicted a 100% crop loss which means the farmer had to be compensated for the value equivalent to cost of inputs. The model has got potential to be used by insurance companies using weather based data and, with mobile banking transaction costs can be reduced.Climate change and climate variability and financial institutions’ unwillingness to give loans have resulted in many farmers losing confidence in dry land agriculture. Traditional crop insurance methods have also presented challenges due to the risk related to adverse selection and moral hazard resulting in high transaction costs for individual assessment. This study focused on developing a weather index based insurance model that uses artificial neural networks to estimate potential evapotranspiration (ETO) and consequently yield reduction due to moisture stress. Weather data from 2012 to 2015 for Kutsaga area in Harare was used for the study. Seasonal weather data were used as input data to the first model to predict the ETo. The output ETO and effective rainfall data together with the crop factor (Kc), yield reduction factor (Ky), root zone depth (RzD) and root zone moisture (RzM)were used as input data for the second network to compute % yield reduction. Data for maize for the 2012-13 growing season was used for training the network and validating the estimated ETO and % yield reduction. The estimated ETO compared very well with the calculated values with R2 values of above 0.84. The estimated yield reduction % indicated even high accuracies with R2 values of above 0.91. The 2014-2015 growing season resulted in crop loss due to mid-season dry spells and the model predicted a 100% crop loss which means the farmer had to be compensated for the value equivalent to cost of inputs. The model has got potential to be used by insurance companies using weather based data and, with mobile banking transaction costs can be reduced.
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