A study on barriers in distance learning of dairy and goat farming courses
A study was conducted to assess the barriers perceived by the learners in distance mode and to suggest the strategies for effective delivery of knowledge and skills to the learners, based on the data collected from 100 respondents randomly selected from each of 221 and 135 learners of dairy and goat farming courses of TANUVAS. The constraints perceived by the respondents of dairy and goat farming distance courses exhibited an overall mean score of 1.5 and 1.6 respectively, both ranging from ‘least constraint’ to ‘no constraint’. Lack of guidance from the local co-ordinators and lack of collaborations / co-operations with learning centres was perceived as constraint to more severe constraint. The factor - improper tracking of learners achievements – was given the score of 3.9 (by dairy course learners) and 4.0 (by goat course learners), implying it to be a severe constraint. The overall and individual constraints’ scores in social and economic barriers ranged between 1 and 2, as they were perceived not to be the constraints by the learners in both course categories.
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A traumatic luxation of the eyeball
The luxation of the eyeball is the dislocation of the globe outside its orbit associated with an incarceration of the eyelid by an orbicular spasm. We report a rare case of traumatic luxation of the eyeball. Patient of 70 years old, followed for heart failure, fell down from his own height and hit the forehead and the left orbital area against the concrete floor so he was transported to the hospital with a left orbital trauma in a context of anxiety. An orbital scan reveals orbital floor fracture accompanying medial wall fracture and a preseptal tissue thickening in the left orbit without damage to the optic nerve. The reduction of the globe was performed under general anesthesia, associated with antibiotic and corticosteroid. The evolution is marked by a complete recovery of ocular motility and normal eyelid function and Improvement in visual acuity.
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Adsorption of Oil Droplets from Oily Produced Water Using Chitosan
Treatment and disposal of oily wastewater, presently is one of the serious environmental problems contributors. Numerous methods have been used to remove residual oil from wastewater, such as adsorption, flocculation, electrocoagulation and flotation. The focus of this research was to prepare and investigate the using of chitosan as an oil adsorbent and coagulant of the excessive residue oil droplets from an oily wastewater. In this respect, shrimp waste (shell) was treated with 9% (w/w) NaOH at 65oC for 90 min to obtain a purified crab chitin, and then 1g of purified crab chitin was treated with (w/w) 50% sodium hydroxide solution at 136oC for 1h to obtain pure chitosan. The prepared chitin and chitosan were characterized by the FT-IR spectrometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The FT-IR spectrum shows three characteristic absorption bands of chitosan one of them was very strong and appeared at about 3306 cm-1 this for stretching vibration bands of (N-H and O-H), the second strong one appeared at about 1593.54 cm-1 that assigned for (-CONH-) and the third band at 1054.90 cm-1 for (C-O-C). The XRD patterns of chitosan show two characteristics crystalline peaks at 2? of 9.24° and 19.2° indicates the formation of chitosan from chitin. The surface morphology of chitosan before and after oil adsorption was examined using SEM. Then, the percentage of oil droplets removal was evaluated by HPLC.
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Aerobic treatment of raw dairy effluent using chemical & biological agents
Experimental investigations were carried out to treat industrial dairy wastewater and to minimize BOD and COD values to the required level as stipulated by the environmental standards by employing various surface-active materials like coagulants. This chemical pretreatment was followed by a biological treatment using a lab scale reactor with acclimatized and mixed consortia. Moreover the present study aimed to evaluate various parameters effecting the BOD and COD level mainly during the treatment. From the BOD and COD data for all samples, comparisons of various surface-active materials were carried to suggest the efficient surface-active material during chemical pre-treatment phase and thereby the optimum time of contact, dosage and pH were determined. In this present study chemical agents had been used as a pretreatment to the dairy effluent to reduce the BOD and COD whereas the biological treatment ensures rapid reduction in the BOD and COD values using the bacterial degradation process. The experimental results have been analyzed using Water Quality Index method to compare the efficiency of all the treatment processes.
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Alternaria species on Brassicaceae in eastern zone in Nepal and adjoining area of North Bihar
This paper deliberated to present future stance and strategy for variation of Alternaria brassicicola leaf spot of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.)was evaluated based on morphological, cultural and molecular parameters during Rabi season 2014 and 2015. Six isolates of Alternaria were cultured in vitro using different growth medium and the growth pattern of the fungi was studied. Maximum 86 leaf spots were recorded from different places followed and minimum 17 spots from CSA samples. The size of spots shown variations in different isolates collected from different places. The leaf spots were followed the reducing trend with the increasing number of spots. The maximum 0.5-1.9mm size of spot was noticed in CSA samples and minimum0.2-0.7mm from different places of northern Bihar and Biratnagar sub metropolitan city. The growth of A. brassicicola recorded maximum in host extract media followed by Potato Dextrose Agar while the growth observed minimum in Czapek’s medium. The variations also exhibited in protein profiling by using SDS-PAGE.
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An investigation into the impact of the storytelling technique on advertising effectiveness in the South African media landscape
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the storytelling technique on advertising effectiveness in the South African media landscape. The researcher adopted a qualitative research approach to establish whether the storytelling technique helps make advertising more effective in the South African media landscape. The methodology used in this research study was a case study approach which incorporated perspectives from the various marketing, advertising and media industries of South Africa, in the Gauteng region. A total of 12 in depth interviews were conducted. Respondents were recruited using the purposive sampling strategy. Two of the 12 respondents participated in the pilot study while the remaining ten participated in the actual research study. The research study found that storytelling advertising is indeed more effective than other forms of advertising due to it being more emotionally engaging therefore resulting in it being more enjoyable and memorable than functional advertising. The research study revealed that stories that are based on a universal human truth and are told in a simple and honest manner tend to resonate better with consumers. The study further revealed that advertising that is built around talking stories, which stir people’s emotions and pull their heartstrings, is more effective. It was also found that stories which are supported by a consistent use of distinctive brand assets such as characters, music and jingles, tend to be more memorable and therefore more effective. The results of the study led to the development of criteria marketers should employ when designing story telling advertisements.
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Analysis of extension services in forest conservation in ogun state, Nigeria
The study to analyze extension services in forest conservation was carried out in Ogun State, Nigeria. The objectives were to identify extension services in forest conservation, examine perception of forest officers on effectiveness of extension services in forest conservation and identify constraints hindered extension services in forest conservation. Multistage sampling technique was undertaken following the state ministry of agriculture delineation of forest reserves across the state. A total of 68 forest officers were selected for the study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Result shows that 83.8% of the forest officers were at their active age that fall between 31-45 years with high literacy level, 48.5% had between 11-15 years in service, 26.4% had between 5-10 years in service. Extension services rendered in forest conservation include education programme that emphasized forests officers knowledge related to forest conservation discipline with mean value of (2.73), create awareness through publication in relation to forest conservation with mean value of (2.60). Majority of the forest officer agree that extension services in forest conservation were effective, and major constraints to extension services in forest conservation were mentioned by forest officers. Therefore, the conservation of forests depends on how effective extension services are, for the forestry extension services to be effective the challenges facing the service must be seriously considered and funding of forestry extension programme should be such that has political will by given better materials and service as supportive provided for extension agents.
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Analysis of globalization-driven reforms in education: Critical Theory Approach (CTA)
This paper analyzes the impacts of globalization-driven reforms on higher education focused on them with reference to policy context, process and content because education and globalization are essentially interrelated to each other. Globalization is a multidimensional concept that involves economic integration; the transfer of policies across border; transmission of knowledge; cultural stability; relation and discourse of power; it is a global process, a revolution, and an establishment of global market free from socio-political control. Globalization is a phenomenon that encompasses all of these, however; it is significant that this term bring with it several hidden agendas too. We have used Critical Theory Approach (CTA) which is based on the Critical Theory. This social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as whole, on the contrary to traditional theory which is oriented only to understanding or explaining it. Critical theory aims to dig beneath the surface of social life and uncover the assumptions that help to discover and true facts about the real function of a system. A critical policy analysis is directed toward discovering links between policy context, process and content. This study is based on the hypothesis that Neoliberalism, globalization and higher Education are closely interlinked. The findings are based on the review of literature that reveals that the paradigm of the globalization is Neoliberalism. Therefore, the globalization-driven reforms (competitiveness-driven reforms, finance-driven reforms, and equity-driven reforms) all aim at achieving the goals of Neoliberalism. The governments need to keep their ideological, political and economic situation in view while formulating the educational policies because each government functions in different scenario.
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Analysis of the Structure, Vibrational Spectra and First-Order Hyperpolarizability of 1,2,4-Trichloro-5-Nitrobenzene: A Combined Experimental and Quantum Chemical Approach
In the present work, the vibrational spectra of 1,2,4-trichloro-5-nitrobenzene (TCNB) was studied to identify the various normal modes with greater wave number accuracy. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations have been performed to support the wave number assignments. Further, density functional theory (DFT) combined with quantum chemical calculations was implemented to determine the first-order hyperpolarizability. The calculated HOMO and LUMO energies shows that charge transfer occur within the molecule. Electronic excitation energies, oscillator strength and nature of the respective excited states were calculated by the closed-shell singlet calculation method.
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Analyzing tools of effective teaching for higher education
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of different teaching pedagogies used by teachers in context of higher education as effective teaching is reflected by effective learning among students. A total of 100 students (20 students in each group, thereby making five groups) in the age range of (18-20 years) studying Humanities stream from colleges of Chandigarh were chosen as sample for the present study. Students were taught the same topic but with different teaching pedagogies. Their opinion and reasoning regarding teaching methods, its effectiveness and understanding were noted down and teacher’s evaluation in terms of achievement test from five groups of students was prepared. Keeping in mind, both important parameters i.e. student’s perception regarding the most effective teaching method and correspondingly an evaluation from the teacher was taken into consideration.The results revealed multimedia method as the most effective where as case study as the least effective method of teaching.
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