Effect of Frying, Toasting, Boiling and Parboiling of Sheanuts on Fatty Acids and Phytosterols, Profiles of Manually Extracted Shea Butter
Shea butter is an under-utilized edible fat of nutritional importance in Nigeria. Research reports have not related it to the processing methods which vary from place to place. This work evaluated the effect of heat treatment methods on fatty acid and phytosterol profiles of manually extracted shea butters from fried, toasted, boiled and parboiled sheanuts pastes. Fatty acids and phytosterols profiles were determined using standard methods and they were affected by heat treatment methods. Fried sheanuts butter had highest percentage stearic acid (42.46 ± 0.12), parboiled sheanuts butter highest oleic acid (47.96 ±1.76) and boiled sheanuts the highest sitosterol content (117.31±0.11mg/100g).
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Effect of human resource workload management on project result
Successful project management depends upon practicing nine knowledge areas; managing project scope, time, cost, quality, time and workload management for human resources, stakeholder communication, procurement, risk and integration of all these. However, existing literature does not give primary importance to workload management for human resources. From July 2007 to April 2009, this study observes that in the IT industry working in Islamabad, Pakistan, workload management was considered as support or secondary function of human resource management. Focusing on workload management this study hypothesized that the quality of the workload management determines the project outcome. Adopting stratified sampling 70 heterogeneous IT projects from 24 different software houses were selected. Using a reliable instrument, data was about the quality of workload management by the project managers and the consequent results of the IT projects was collected in a cross sectional manner. The data was analyzed using frequency distribution, Pearson correlation and linear regression. The findings confirmed a strong correlation and dependency of project outcome on proper workload management. This study recommends good quality workload management a primary tool for determining the project’s scope, time and cost. The study contributes guidelines and templates to help project managers improve workload management skills and its role in project outcomes respectively.
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Effectiveness of Mentoring Indicators in Primary School Teachers’ Evaluation toward Professional Development
The study highlights the role of District Teacher Educators (DTEs) in the evaluation of primary teachers. The objectives of the study focus on the effective evaluation of primary teachers through the nine indicators discussed in the MVF (Mentoring Visit Form) form. The population of the study comprised all the primary teachers and District Teacher Educators in two districts (Vehari & Pakpattan) of Punjab province. The research was survey descriptive in nature. A questionnaire was used for the collection of data. Statistical techniques of mean score and standard deviation were used for the description of data. The study concluded that teachers maintain their diaries properly and make reflections on the written works of students in the form of feedback. The results of Mentoring Visit Form of DTEs tell us that majority of the teachers used activity based teaching in the classroom. DTEs make us known that majority of the primary teacher keep discipline in the classroom.
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Electricity produce by using sugarcane crushing machine an exprimental study of energy transformation by using turbine setup
This is innovative idea to produce electricity. Now a day’s world mostly depends up on the electricity, why means all industry machinery are run by source of electricity. In summer time don’t get the wind and water energy properly. So this time electricity demand are occur .so this kind of problem 50% satisfied the project. This system produces two outputs give one input. The system consists two circuits are primary and secondary circuits. To give input energy to the primary circuits and produced mechanical energy. This Mechanical Energy applied to the secondary circuit. The secondary circuits produce the two output energy. The two output energy is work and electrical energy. Finally DC generator produce 2kw and also work are done. This project using small scale industry means get many profits.
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Endoscopic aspects of gastric MALT lymphoma: about 25 cases
Gastric MALT lymphoma is a low grade neoplasia of slow evolution with a very low metastatic potential. It is strongly associated with Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection. The clinical presentation is poorly specific and its endoscopic aspects are varied, hence the advantage of carrying out systematic per endoscopic biopsies. The endoscopic ultrasound allows to accurately assess the infiltration of lymphoma in the gastric wall. HP eradication is paramount in the management of this type of gastric lymphoma. We studied the endoscopic aspects of gastric MALT lymphomas through a series of 25 cases.
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Energy-Efficient Adaptive Routing Mechanism for Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks
One of the most important and challenging issues in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is to optimally manage the limited energy of nodes without degrading the routing efficiency. In this paper, we propose an Energy-Efficient Adaptive routing mechanism (EE-ARM) for WSNs which saves energy of nodes by removing the much delayed packets without degrading the real-time performance of the used routing protocol. It uses the adaptive transmission power algorithm which is based on the attenuation of the wireless link to improve the energy efficiency. Integrated in PATH, the well known real-time routing protocol based on two-hop neighbourhood information, the results show that the proposed routing mechanism perform good in terms of energy consumption, Deadline miss ratio (DMR) and end-to-end delay.
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Enforced disappearances: An assault on the rule of law
The term enforced disappearance has been derived from the Spanish word “Desaparicion forzada ”which was coined in 1960s to signify a practice of abduction and secret detention used by security forces of Guatemala in furtherance of their counter insurgency measures. The idea of enforced disappearances was later applied by a lot of countries to deny the right of free speech to its citizens. According to the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) in the period between 1974 and 1995 more than 100 cases of forced disappearances were recorded in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Pakistan etc. Enforced Disappearances not only leads to a violation of the basic human rights of the victim but also leads to emotional abuse and economic marginalization of the family members. It also makes women and children vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation at the hands of the officials of the state. The Convention For The Protection of All Persons From Enforced Disappearances enjoins the state parties to make a special law on enforced disappearances in order to provide for such an offence in their penal code and also to provide a special mechanism for investigation, prosecution etc. However, a lot of state parties are yet to make a special law on it. The objective of this paper is to offer a critical insight into the developments in the International Plane for curbing this ghastly practice. The paper also conducts an analysis of the Convention and examines the loopholes present therein. In the end it attempts to suggest safeguards to prevent such a practice.
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Evaluation of Essential oil, Seed Extracts, of Carum Carvi L.
Carawey is biennial plant. It is a widely used and incredibly useful plant. The seeds are used for culinary purposes and medicinal treatment. It’s seeds oil was extracted by cold extraction method used two solvents, n-hexane and petroleum ether. Extracts has been investigated by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) technique. Total of 45 compounds were detected for n-hexane extract and 62 compounds likewise for petroleum ether. The two solvent extracts showed a chemical composition correlation. The most abundant compounds detected are hexadecanoic acid; Estragole; 9,12- octadecandienoic acid ; 9-octadecanoic acid; Stearatric acid, D-Limonene, octadecanal, Eicosanoic acid, 11-Eicosanoic acid, dodec-9-ynyl Cyclohexanecarboxylicacid, 7-hexadecanoic acid, 9- octandecanone, 10- nonadecanone and anethole . Besides there are some new compounds that have not been previously reported.
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Evaluation of Some Egyptian cotton (Gossypium Barbadense L.) Genotypes to Water Stress by Using Drought Tolerance Indices
The aim of this investigation was the ability of different indices to identifies drought resistant genotypes of cotton under normal and stress conditions. Thirteen drought tolerance indices i.e., stress susceptibility index (SSI), tolerance index (TOL), mean productivity index ( MP), geometric mean productivity (GMP), stress tolerance index (STI), yield index (YI), yield stability index (YSI), drought resistance index (DI), yield reduction ratio (YR), a biotic tolerance index (ATI), stress susceptibility percentage index (SSPI), harmonic mean (HM) and golden mean (GOL) were calculated based on seed cotton yield/plant under normal (Yp) and stress (Ys) conditions for 24 cotton genotypes over the two summer seasons (2015 and 2016) at Sakha Agriculture Research Station, Agriculture Research Center, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt. The values of mean performances showed that, most studied genotypes were better than the grand mean during Yp and Ys. Drought stress reduced the studied traits while other was tolerant to drought, suggesting genetic variability in 24 cotton genotypes for drought tolerance. According to drought tolerance indices, MP, GMP, STI, YI and HM under Yp and Ys as well as the other studied drought tolerance indices under Ys could properly distinguish drought tolerant cotton genotypes with high yield performance. Therefore, the indices of MP, GMP, STI, YI and HM were considered as a better predictor of Ys and Yp than the other indices. Screening drought tolerant genotypes using mean performances and drought tolerance indices showed cleared that the genotypes G.94, G.86, G.96 and G.89 were the most drought tolerant under Yp and Ys. Thus, they are recommended to be used as a parents for improvement of drought tolerance of cotton in breeding and hybridization programs in Egypt to produce and select a new recombination’s are more and more tolerant for drought to overcome the water shortage and reduce the water rating of the cotton crop. And the possibility of planting and expansion of those new recombination’s under the conditions of new lands that suffer from shortage of water and access to an economic crop. Cluster analysis based on all studied traits of 24 cotton genotypes into five and nine clusters under normal and drought stress conditions, respectively .The results for cluster analysis suggested that these genotypes could be used as a source of germplasm for breeding for drought tolerance and also cleared that the hybridization between clusters may increases variability and expected transgresive segregation to select the new germplasm had more and more drought tolerance.
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Experiential Learning as Active Learning Strategy in ESL Classroom
This article examines the effectiveness of experiential learning method in the educational environment. While training is often viewed as a means toward self-awareness and acquisition of knowledge and skills, its overriding goal is change. It is argued that experiential learning activities are critical to the mission of bringing in change in communicative capabilities of learners. It contains five-step model and illustrates how experiential learning activities contribute to each step. Conventional teaching and training are based mainly on knowledge acquisition and skills transfer, but this does not address specific issues related to individual growth. Experiential learning is a powerful way to address individual growth and potential. The present study proved that the use of experiential learning techniques helped students to gain exposure in a stimulating and interactive environment. It also provided students opportunities to talk and listen to each other’s responses to questions, and to the teachers.
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