2791. Experimental and Computational Study on Molecular Structure, Natural Bond Orbital Analysis, Vibrational and Electronic Investigations of 1h-1,2,4-Triazole-3-Thiol and 2-Amino-1,3,4-Thiadiazole |
P. Dinesh | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Physical Sciences | Sub Category : Computational Physics |
Experimental and Computational Study on Molecular Structure, Natural Bond Orbital Analysis, Vibrational and Electronic Investigations of 1h-1,2,4-Triazole-3-Thiol and 2-Amino-1,3,4-Thiadiazole
The experimental and theoretical study on the structure and vibrations 1h-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol and 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole have been carried out by DFT/B3LYPand DFT/LSDA method with 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. Utilizing the observed FT-IR and FT-Raman data, a complete vibrationalassignment and analysis of the fundamental modes of the title compounds were carried out. The vibrational frequencies which determined experimentally and compared with thosetheoretical frequencies from force field calculation based on B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) method. Stability of the compound arising from hyper conjugative interactions and charged localization has been analyzed using natural bond orbital analysis. The 1H and 13C nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) chemical shifts of the compounds were calculated by the gauge independentatomic orbital (GIAO) method and compared with experimental results.
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2792. Experimental Investigation on Effect of Fuel Injection Pressures in the Performance and Emission of a Single Cylinder DI Diesel Engine | ||
Muruga Ganesan.A, James Gunasekaran.E and Muthu Kumar.S | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Engineering | Sub Category : Mechanical Engineering |
Experimental Investigation on Effect of Fuel Injection Pressures in the Performance and Emission of a Single Cylinder DI Diesel Engine
This paper reports the results of the investigation carried out on a single cylinder DI diesel engine for the effects of fuel injection pressure (FIP) on the combustion, performance and emission characteristics. The experiments were conducted at constant speed (1500rpm) with four different FIPs Viz., 200, 400, 600 and 800 bar are used for the injection of fuel with a fixed start of fuel injection. With increased injection pressure the heat release rate increases and also the peak point is advanced in time. The results reveal that with increase in pressure at the full load condition the brake thermal efficiency increases by 11.8%, smoke density reduces from 86HSU to 70HSU. The HC emissions are reduced from 100 ppm to 50 ppm while the oxides of nitrogen emission increase from 960 ppm to 1160 ppm. The Carbon Monoxide emissions are reduced from 0.21 % by volume to 0.16 while the Carbon-di-Oxide reduced by 5.26 %. The brake thermal efficiency is increased by 12% with apparent reduction in smoke reduction by 18%. The cylinder pressure increases from 64 to 80 bar while Heat release rate increases from 112 to 148 kJ/m3 deg. This investigation establishes that switching to higher injection pressure improves fuel economy of diesel engines.
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2793. Exponential periodic attractor and exponential convergence of a class of functional differential equation with time-varying delays | ||
Yuanfu Shao, Guoqiang Tang and Wu Ai | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Mathematical Sciences | Sub Category : Applied Mathematics |
Exponential periodic attractor and exponential convergence of a class of functional differential equation with time-varying delays
By using Mawhin continuation theorem and comparison theorem, the sufficient conditions ensuring the existence of exponential periodic attractor and exponential convergence of a class of functional differential equation with time varying delays are established. The results are very different from some previously known results [1,19,28]. Finally, applications and an example are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the results.
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2794. Factors Influencing Production of Sesame Seeds in Somalia (Case Study: Jowhar and Bal’ad District Farmers, Middle Shebelle Region) | ||
Hassan Mohamed Osman and Fridah Theuri | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Management | Sub Category : Production |
Factors Influencing Production of Sesame Seeds in Somalia (Case Study: Jowhar and Bal’ad District Farmers, Middle Shebelle Region)
Sesame seeds originated in India and neighboring countries. It is flowering plant in genus sesamum. It is widely grown in tropical regions around the world and it is cultivated for its edible seeds which grow. It has many species and wild species are found in sub-Saharan in Africa. Cultivated types Sesame is important oil crops in Somalia where sesame is grown Southern Somalia around rivers. This study tried to investigate the factors influencing on the production of sesame seed in Somalia. The study was guided by the following specific objectives that are the influence of a market, training and value addition on sesame seed production in village farmers of Jowhar and Bal’ad districts. This study took a descriptive research design and statistical analysis. The target population of this study was village farmers in Jowhar and Bal’ad districts while the study population was 85 sesame farmers. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample to be included in the study where a sample size of 70 farmers was chosen. The study employed a questionnaire to collect primary data. The questionnaire comprised of both open and close-ended questions which generated quantitative data. Quantitative data was coded and entered into statistical packages for social scientists (SPSS Version 20.0) and analyzed using descriptive statistics and statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics involved the use of absolute and relative (percentages) frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion (mean and standard deviation respectively).Quantitative data was presented in tables and graphs which the explanation to the same was presented in style. The study established that market influences on sesame seed production to a great extant and that train and value addition influence on sesame seed production to a very great extant. The study concluded that market, training and value addition influenced to a very great extant. The study recommended the Ministry of agriculture should improve market price and planning process in production in order to encourage sesame seed growers to increase production of sesame seeds and also should give training on prosper use of local organic manures and crop rotation that indicated high sesame seed production. The study recommended sesame seed growers should increase the use of sesame husks as animal feed over which it contributes farmers to increase sesame seed production. Analysis of variance showed that the factors influencing on sesame production include market, training and value addition which indicated statistically significant as shown by F (70)=12.193, p=0.009. Multivariate analysis was carried out and showed that T(70)=1.909 with value addition with a p=<0.005.
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2795. Formulation of ceramic crucibles for fire assays | ||
Brahima sorgho, Lamine Zerbo, Boubié Guel, Philippe Blanchart and Moussa Gomina | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Chemical Sciences | Sub Category : Applied Chemistry |
Formulation of ceramic crucibles for fire assays
The valorization of minerals requires physicochemical and thermal treatments, using various materials such as crucibles. They are refractory ceramics mainly based on clays. Crucibles must be resistant to chemical aggression by molten slag and metals at high temperature during repeated thermal cycles, to ensure the durability in use. Fire-assaying is extensively used in gold mining in Burkina Faso, needing a huge quantity of ceramic crucibles imported per year. In this study, we have characterized different clays to manufacture refractory ceramics for crucibles. Physical characteristics of laboratory made crucibles were compared to that of industrial crucibles. The behavior of an optimized composition with 25wt% of clay and 75wt% of chamotte (fired clay) was experimented to optimize the properties in use. Particularly, the adequate adjustment of all process parameters, as the paste plasticity, leads the control of the density and porosity of the fired ceramic. Fusion tests with copper and aluminum at temperature between 600°C and 1100°C proved the small penetration depth of the molten metal into the ceramic that reduce the corrosion phenomenon. Our work evidences the existence of both a scientific and a technological knowledge in the use of silico-aluminate mineral resources from Burkina Faso, for manufacturing refractory crucibles for the melting of both slag and precious metals.
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2796. Fournier’s gangrene of the penis: A rare case report and review of the literature | ||
Sumba Harrison,Nabil Jakhlal,Abdoulaziz Bilgo,Tariq Karmouni,Kadir El Khader,Abdelatif Koutani and Ahmed Ibn Attiya Andaloussi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Medical Sciences | Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy |
Fournier’s gangrene of the penis: A rare case report and review of the literature
Fournier's gangrene is a rare, fulminant, usually a localized disease of the external genitalia, anorectal and perineal region, with an occasional extension up to the abdominal wall. Mainly associated with men and those over the age of 50, Fournier’s gangrene has been shown to have a predilection for patients with diabetes as well as people who are long-term alcohol misusers. The usual organism is an anaerobic streptococcus synergistic with other organisms. Although considerable progress has been made in the treatment of this disease, it remains a serious and debilitating condition with a high mortality rate. Early therapy is the key, including hospitalization, debridement of the entire shaft of the penis distal to the devastated area, without excising the normal skin, parenteral broad-spectrum antibiotics, and skin grafting. We here-in present two clinical cases of Fournier’s gangrene of the external genitalia. Our case was unusual in that only the penis was involved, which is very rare.
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2797. Fresh graduates entrants to the working world | ||
Syed Mohammed AlHady, Azfahanee Zakaria, Maznah Wan Omar and Mohd Noor Mohd Ali | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Business and Law | Sub Category : Management Arts |
Fresh graduates entrants to the working world
Way back in 1990s having a degree or a diploma is basically a ticket for a fresh graduate to enter the working world successfully. However the scenario has changed with the number of graduates who completes their degree has increased year after year. This research aims to study the significant of soft skill and confidence level which a graduate has in securing a job. The findings of the study will assist academicians and students to seek ways to improve soft skills and confidence abilities in students before they graduate. Questionnaires will be distributed to three hundred students who have graduated from UiTM Perlis,UiTM Kedah and UiTM P. Pinang. Samples will be controlled to eliminate inappropriate elements contained in the sampling frame.
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2798. Geophysical Investigations of Nekede Mechanic Village Gully,Owerri, Nigeria | ||
Ikechukwu E. Nwosu | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Environmental Sciences | Sub Category : Earth Science |
Geophysical Investigations of Nekede Mechanic Village Gully,Owerri, Nigeria
This paper investigates the possibility of expansion of Nekede Mechanic-Village gully located in Imo State Nigeria using two Resistivity Survey methods (VES and ARS). The gully site is located on longitude 7o 2’ 6”E and latitude 5o 27’ 46”N. The analysis of the VES measurements showed that VES 3 and 4 are structurally week and susceptible to erosion due to their thick sand layers in their top sections while ARS measurements and analysis showed possibility of fractures and or major cracks in the NE – SW axis rooted to the depth of about 30m.These factors endangers the structural stability of the NE-SW region with reference to the ARS point and adjoining the VES 3 and 4 areas.
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2799. Globalization, Income Growth and Human Development Index: Experience of Iran | ||
Abdolmajid Arfaei Moghaddam, Marof Redzuan and Amaludin AB, Rahman | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Globalization, Income Growth and Human Development Index: Experience of Iran
This article is an attempt to answer this question that; does globalization process increase the income levels a country like Iran? And the impacts of economic globalization on human development index and its levels? Output generated from data’s of Iran revealed a rise of income in national levels (GDP), so a relativity improvement in HDI and also in two indices viz, means education and health index. Whereas, per income index of Iran to had improvement in the past three decades, but in comparison to per revolution (1979) there was no improvement. So, this study explored the poverty and inequality hasn’t decreased to scale of considerable in Iran.
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2800. Good Market Efficiency Panel Vector Error Correction Effects Analyses in Global Competitiveness Index on Asian Countries Economic Success | ||
Naghmeh Honarvar, Homayoun Ranjbar and Sara Ghobadi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Business and Law | Sub Category : International Business |
Good Market Efficiency Panel Vector Error Correction Effects Analyses in Global Competitiveness Index on Asian Countries Economic Success
Global competitiveness as a platform for economic success and access to higher levels of welfare and standards of living, has found a lot of importance among policymakers. Today, all developed or developing countries emphasize the importance of efficiency and productivity as one of the necessities of economic development and gaining competitive advantage in the international arena, because in the present world, competition in other world scenes has other dimensions and trying to achieve higher levels of efficiency and productivity is one of the main pillars of the competition. The purpose of this study is to analyze effects of good market efficiency as an important component of the Global Competitiveness Index on Asian countries economic success in the form of a Panel Vector Error Correction Model (PVECM) over the period 2008-2016. The results of this study indicated that: The positive shock of trade and technology (trade and technology improvement), in the short run, have little impact and in the medium and long run have positive impact on the good market efficiency. But the positive shock of investment (increase in investment), in the short run, has little impact and in the medium and long run, has a negative impact on the good market efficiency. In this model, the positive shock in good market efficiency (improving the good market efficiency) in the short, medium and long run, has a positive impact on the economic growth rate and has a negative effect on the unemployment rate. The most important factor influencing the good market efficiency is investment, which this variable has the most important effects on the good market efficiency in the medium and long run.
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