Growth and Productivity as Influenced by Nutrient Management Practices on Pigeon Pea [Cajanus Cajan (l.) Millsp.] in Upland Alfisols of Tripura
Pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is the rich sources of dietary protein, carbohydrate & certain minerals but its poor yield needs to formulate a nutrient management practices for higher productivity in upland alfisols of Tripura and to combat it, an experiment was conducted during three consecutive kharif seasons at College of Agriculture, Lembucherra, Tripura comprising of two levels of Lime (150 and 200 kg ha-1) in main plot and two levels of molybdenum seed treatment (0 and 4g kg-1 of seed) in sub plot and 4 levels of recommended doses, viz 0% of RDF ha-1, 50% of RDF ha-1, 75% of RDF ha-1 and 100% of RDF ha-1 (Recommended dose @ 20:60:40 of NPK). It was revealed that by the use of 100% RDF ha-1 with 150 kg ha-1 lime and 4g kg-1 of molybdenum seed treatment leads to higher yield and return per rupee respectively. But by the use of 100% RDF ha-1 with 200 kg ha-1 lime and 4g kg-1 of molybdenum seed treatment, return per rupee was recorded at 2.98. The investigation reflects that by the use of 75% RDF ha-1 return per rupee (3.78) was less compared to 100% RDF ha-1 but significant with saving the cost of 25% RDF ha-1 and soil health from the excessive use of fertilizer for sustaining the agricultural growth.
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Harnessing tourism potentials of Nigeria : The opportunities in the Niger Delta Region
The important role that the tourism sector as the main instrument in the socio-economic development of any nation cannot be overemphasized. The nation of Nigeria is a multi-religious and multi-ethnic state with over two hundred and fifty ethnic groups that are rich in diverse cultures, Nature has so blessed the country with vast land, beautiful climate and land formation, especially with the swampy coastal lands and beaches to the lush ram forests and the savannah. There are also the parks and games reserves in their natural habitat. The hills, the rocks, lakes, waterfalls, natural and warm springs serve to make the landscape so beautiful. This paper seeks to highlight the place of tourism in employment generation together with a succinct outline of tourism institutional evolution in the Nigerian context. There are so many natural endowments that are yet to be harnessed in full capacity and requiring attention (of the tourism industry) for maximum exploitation and benefits which, no doubt, will increase the economic fortune of the country. The inability to transform our beautiful natural features, land marks, historical sites and cultural heritage sites into tourism assets has been a major concern to stakeholders. This Paper contends that our rich cultural heritage and natural endowments remain as treasure mines to be developed for maximum national benefits especially if the tourism sector is developed.
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Hotel suggestion box and it’s influence on the upgrading of hotel services
Hotel industry is a people oriented service industry which rely on the abilities, behavior and the attitudes of the employees to stay and lead the game. However customers suggestion and feedback is one of the most key factor which would ensure the sustainability of the guest flow to the hotel itself remains. This study aims to examine the differences in consumer behavior among guest of hotels in Malaysians in terms of culture dimension, demographic factors and consumer feedback towards using suggestion box after and during their stay as a guest in the hotel. The findings of the study will provide evidence for hotel management to look into the importance of suggestion box and how it could upgrade the services rendered by the hotel to its guest. Survey method will be employed in this study. Questionnaires will be distributed to two hundred quest who stayed at three different hotels which is categotrized as a “four star hotel” located in Pulau Pinang, Kedah, and Perlis during the period of November 2010 till January 2011. Respondents will be randomly selected based on the interval of every five customers that check-in to the selected hotels. Samples will be controlled to eliminate inappropriate elements contained in the sampling frame.
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How masculinity can affect the patron decision while investing in Mutual funds with evidence to Moradabad?
The concept of mutual funds is generated in 18 century. It has become important investment instrument for many patrons. As it, provides a wide range of diversification within its products. Mutual funds, on Indian Securities markets have become a significant mechanism of price discovery, portfolio diversification and risk hedging in recent times. Knowing the perception of mutual fund patron can help these institutions to market their schemes in a better way. Many patrons understand that investing in the securities market can help put them on the path to their financial objective and what is the best time to be in investment. In this study we want to the gender differentiation while investing in mutual funds with special reference to B class cities line Moradabad (UP) and also the best phase of investment in it. Study includes time factor and awareness factor for ascertaining the view of investor.
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Identification of rheumatoid factors in sjogren’s syndrome and computational study on domain prediction
We have observed that the Immunoglobulin domain (IGv) is mainly present in all those sequences. These observations also suggests that the predicted values of IGv domain is predominantly present in all those sequences and slightly IGc1 domain and IG like domain is also present. On the basis of lower E-value IGv domain is highly conserved in the sequence, from position 17 to 98, and IGc1 domain from 147 to 220.Each sequence has consist of varied composition of CCP (Complementary control proteins), EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), EGFCA, VWA (Von Wille Brand type A domain), IG, IGc2, TSP1, TROVE, Calireticulin family, RING domain, BBOX, PRY, SPRY with different E-value. Finally, We have concluded that on the basis of lower E-value vWFA(97-214), TROVE(18-369), IGc(183-273), SPRY(86-220), La(13-48), MHC Class I An alpha 1, 2 (1-178) these listed domains are highly conserved.
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Identifying the reliable software using SPRT: An ordered statistics approach
Today software quality is an consequential parameter and to produce high quality reliable software and to keep a specific time schedule is a big challenge. There are many software reliability models that are based on the times of occurrences of errors in the debugging of software. To overcome the challenge many methodology and practices of software engineering have been evolved for developing reliable software. Improving algorithms of directing the manner of software development are underway. Order statistics are used in a broad category of exercised assignments their application in improvisation problems, determination of outliers, linear estimation. In this paper we proposed the detecting the exponential reliable software using SPRT on time domain data based on Ordered Statistics approach. The unknown parameters can be estimated using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE).
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Impact of financial reforms on banking sector in Pakistan: A critical review
Banking sector contributes 95% of the total financial sector in Pakistan economy and financial sector has a large share in overall growth of the country. For banking sector performance growth, State Bank of Pakistan has taken many significant steps. Banks involved in providing the financial needs of government and private businesses and neglecting the needs of small and medium enterprises, agriculture sector and consumer sector. Massive financial reforms as privatization, interest rate liberalization and banks restructuring and alike were introduced by Government of Pakistan in order to improve the performance of banking sector. The current study is designed to cater the need of financial reforms in banking sector, entailing the major financial reforms in banking sector by the Government of Pakistan and excogitate their impact on performance of banking sector in Pakistan. The outcome of the meta-analysis suggests that in this dynamic world of financial liberalization and global market integration the regulatory body must be vigilant and agile to cater the needs of every sector and introduce transformations on regular basis in order to create sound, healthy and competitive economy.
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Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Index (A Case of Pakistan)
The relationship between stock market and various macroeconomic variables has always been divisive. Studies indicate that stock market is influenced by changes in macroeconomic variables. Some of which affect the stock market returns and index positively while others have an adverse impact on stock market returns and index. This article examines the impact of four macroeconomic variables i.e. GDP per capita, gross domestic savings, inflation and discount rate on KSE index of Pakistan. It covers a period of 20 years from 1991 to 2010. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) is used to test the multiple regression model. Analysis results indicate that GDP per capital and gross domestic savings have a significant and positive impact on KSE Index. On the other hand, discount rate and inflation (being measured through CPI) posses a significant but negative impact on KSE Index. Explanatory variables under study accounted for 98% variation in KSE Index. Therefore, it is suggested that government should take remedial measures to control inflation. Also it should work on maintaining appropriate discount rate. There should be a balance between excessive high and low discount rate. It will boost investments in stock market and consequently stock returns and index.
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Impact of urbanization on biodiversity of Jhalana hills and around it in Jaipur city
India abounds in wealth of complex and diverse biodiversity, exhibiting a great deal of variation however, its documentation is necessary for its proper record and management. India with its vast geographical area of about 329 m ha ranks seventh largest in the world (Venu, 1998). Present studies were conducted on the foot hill, slope (middle hill) and top of the protected and unprotected hills of Jhalana at Jaipur (26? 49’ N, 75 48’ E, 436 m.s.i.). Land is always in a constant flux of continual change due to transformation, resulting either from natural processes or due to human activities. Large portions of land transformation have been witnessed in and around major cities of India e.g. Kolkata, Bangalore, Chandigarh etc. Some of these are dynamic and fast, particularly in the urban tassel. The main factors affecting the urban area and land transformation are growth of industrial, commercial and institutional activities. Secondly due to urbanization and increasing trend, migration towards urban areas for employment and other developmental opportunities.
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Implementation of School Plans and Regulations on Provision of Peace Education in Public Day Secondary Schools in West Pokot County, Kenya.
Peace education is about empowering and equipping students with knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to positive social change. West Pokot County in Kenya is a highly volatile region and is characterized by regular conflict between its inhabitants and communities in neighbouring counties and northern Uganda region. The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of school plans and regulations and its effect on implementation of peace education in public secondary schools in West Pokot County, Kenya. The study objective was to determine how school plans and policies affect provision of peace education in public secondary schools in West Pokot county. The study adopted a pragmatist research paradigm and a descriptive survey research design. The sample size of 30% of principals and teachers constituted 24 and 198 respectively from a total population of 81 principals and 661 teachers in the County. Based on Yamane formula for sample size calculation, 385 students were sampled from a total of 10,035 students in West Pokot County. The schools were selected using stratified random sampling technique and purposive sampling. Simple random sampling was used to select students and teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi square test while Qualitative data was analyzed thematically based on the emerging themes. The study established that schools had put in place measures within their plans and regulations to promote the implementation of peace education in the county. It is recommended that there should be enhancement of: parental involvement in the formulation of school plans and regulations within the county.
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