Implementing sustainable development goals in Kenya: Legislative and policy review
The Sustainable development goals are contained in paragraph 54 of the UN resolution A/RES/70/1 of September 2015. They were achieved through a collaborative process of 194 countries, civil society and other interested parties. They succeed the Millennium Development Goals. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were formulated following the principles agreed upon under resolution A/RES/66/288 which is also known as The Future We Want. The passing of the Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was a long process involving deliberations and consultative meetings starting from Rio+20 Conference in 2012. Kenya made a commitment to actualize the 17 SDGs. However, Kenya runs the risk of failing to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals and their 169 targets if the challenges that led to the failure to achieve MDGs are not addressed. The most notable challenge was the failure to anchor the policy goals within the legal framework. This paper examines the legislative and policy gaps in the implementation of SDGs in Kenya. It will also explore the challenges that Kenya is facing in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and propose possible solutions to those problems.
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Improvement of hyperglycemia in diabetic rats by Ethanolic extract of red date leaves
Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disorder that impairs glucose homeostasis. Hyperglycemia is the defining characteristic of diabetes mellitus. Chronic hyperglycemia is associated with damage to many of the body’s systems. Diabetes cases in the world are estimated to increase by 122% between 1995 and 2025. As diabetes prevalence increases so does the need for new and more effective therapies. Studies have indicated some herbal extracts have antidiabetic effects. However, rational prescription of effective medicinal plants for diabetes cure, requires precise information of action mechanism of these plants. Ziziphus jujuba, a member of the family Rhamnaceae has been used as a traditional medicinal herb and considered for thousands of years to affect various physiological functions in the body In present study, diabetes induced in rats, and then hypoglycemic effect of Ziziphus jujuba leaves hydroalcoholic extract was evaluated. Then results compared with glibenclamide effect.
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Inferences from Satellite Images for Locating Kimberlite: Mahabubnagar Area, Telangana, South India
Remote sensing data is used for mapping on regional scale and to delineate the structure of various tectonic belts, lineaments and fracture patterns. Lineaments and their intersections and contacts are favourable sites for localization of Kimberlite bodies, which are the main host rocks of Diamonds. The Eastern Dharwar Craton(EDC) is known for its Kimberilte pipes around Wajrakarur, Raichur, Maddur, Narayanpet etc. An IRS LISS-III image covering an area of 1440 west of Mahabubnagar town, which is located south east of Narayanpet Kimberlite field was processed and interpreted to bring out possible emplacement of Kimberlites. Kimberlite of Narayanpet is associated with ENE-WSW and E-W lineaments. By analyzing structure, geomorphology, drainage patterns derived from satellite imageries, structural zones favourable zones for Kimberlite rocks are demarcated.
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Integrated fire systems in intensivecare units- A comparative study
Critical care units require special space and equipment considerations for safe and effective patient care, staff functions, and family participation. Families and visitors to critical care units often wait for long periods, including overnight, under highly stressful situations. They tend to congregate at unit entries to be readily accessible to staff interaction. Not every hospital will provide all types of critical care. Some hospitals may have asmall combined unit; others may have separate, sophisticated units for highly specialized treatments. Critical care units shall comply in size, number, and type with these standards and with the functional program. Design shall address such issues as privacy, atmosphere, and aesthetics for all involved in the care, comfort of patients and fire protection in critical care units.
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Investigating the Impact of Task-based Instruction on Iranian L2 Narrative Oral Production
This study sought to test Robinson’s (1995a; 2003b) cognitive hypothesis by investigating the effect of task complexity on L2 narrative oral production. In order to homogenize the participants, Cambridge Placement was taken from among 74 students of the Iran Language Institute and 44 of them were chosen. Independent sample T-tests were used for between group comparisons. According to the hypotheses, Pre-task planning time allowed second language speakers to activate words and apply a series of problem-solving mechanisms prior to task performance and may take stress away from L2 speakers so that they can meet task demands and hopefully, stretch their interlanguage. The data can shed some lights on how production is affected by different degrees of cognitive complexity and also in pedagogic contexts can be easily manipulated to promote fluency and accuracy if planning time is provided.
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Knowledge Level on Cervical Cancer amongst HIV positive women in Makueni County, Kenya
Cancer of the cervix is a major cause of death in developing nations with low levels of screening uptake in Kenya. A descriptive study using interview administered questionnaire was used to determine the knowledge level on cervical cancer among 100 HIV/AIDS positive patients seeking care services at comprehensive care clinic (CCC) in Makueni county referral hospital. 97% of the respondents had heard about cancer of the cervix while barely 7% had been screened by papanicolaou (pap) smear. About 38% knew risk factors for cancer of the cervix with none mentioning HPV. 58% correctly mentioned ways of preventing it. Average knowledge level about cervical cancer was evident even though the HIV/AIDS positive women as risk population should be more informed.
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List of articles published in the month of August 2019
Table of contents for the month of August 2019
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List of articles published in the month of October 2020
Table of contents for the month of October 2020
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Management of bladder endometriosis
Deep pelvic endometriosis is a complex female pathology, of which it is necessary to understand the mechanisms in order to optimize their management. It is characterized by 3 types of lesion among which the deep lesions. These are defined by infiltration of the retroperitoneal space and / or pelvic organ wall [1]. Bladder lesions belong to this last category.Endometriosis can cause abdominopelvic pain and inconstant functional signs, the nature of which is often related to the localization of lesions [2].To optimize and progress in the care of patients, it is absolutely necessary to attempt to understand the physiopathogenic hypotheses aimed at explaining the birth and development of the disease.The first part of the assessment is based on the interrogation which must be targeted and on a thorough clinical examination.Then comes the prescription of complimentary exams, essential to exhaustive assessment of the lesions before developing a therapeutic strategy. The medical treatment has a suspensive purpose by an anti-gonadotropic effect. It is of little use in isolated bladder endometriosis. In case of failure of medical treatment, the surgical management of symptomatic deep endometriosis remains the reference treatment.
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Measuring Job Satisfaction in Hospitality Industry
This study examined the relationships between fringe benefits, job enrichment, and colleagues’ relationship to employees’ job satisfaction in hospitality industry. We predicted and found that all the variables were positively associated with job satisfaction. Even though the findings were consistent with prediction, fringe benefits and job enrichment however showed only a low degree of impact on job satisfaction. This may be due to the contribution of other factors such as job autonomy, working environment, financial rewards to job satisfaction.
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