Thermodynamic optimization of combined gas and steam power plant
Energy and exergy efficiencies of a of a combined gas and steam power plant under different ambient conditions have been studied in this paper. Irreversibility rate of the plant and its major components were examined at different weather conditions. The effect of condenser pressure variation was considered in the energy and exergy analysis to present a better approach close to the actual condition. It was found that as ambient temperature decreases, exergy efficiency decreases while the energy efficiency remains almost constant. Also the exergy analyses show that the most irreversibility occurs in combustion engine following by gas turbine and compressor. The analyses also show that the condenser pressure is an important parameter that affects the output power, thermal and exergy efficiency of the cycle. Results of this research may help optimization of energy consumption and decreasing the pollution of the environment.
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Treatment of chromium present in tannery wastewater using chemical & biological techniques
Experimental investigations were carried out to treat tannery wastewater effluent. Various surface-active materials were used to reduce the effect of chromium present in tannery wastewater. This chemical pretreatment was followed by a biological treatment. The aim was to evaluate and optimize the various parameters effecting the chromium removal during the treatment. Different coagulants were used to suggest the efficient surface-active material during chemical pre-treatment phase and thereby the optimum time of contact, dosage and pH were determined. In this present study chemical agents had been used as a pretreatment of tannery effluent to reduce the chromium (VI) whereas the biological treatment ensures rapid reduction in the chromium ions using the bacterial degradation process.
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Ultrasonic analysis of acoustic properties of binary mixture for extraction of Cerium Oxide (CeO2)
The ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity in the pure as well as in the binary mixture of Tributyle Phosphate (TBP) and Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) were measured. The variation of ultrasonic velocity and the other calculated acoustic parameters at temperature 300C for different frequencies shows significant information about the intermolecular interactions present in the binary mixture. The shifting of ?max in UV-visible spectra in the binary mixture agrees with the results of ultrasonic investigation of the binary mixture. The recovery of REE material like CeO2 with the help of this ultrasonic technique can be explained in terms of intermolecular interactions present in the binary mixture. Again the result provides an optimum value of the binary mixture for recovery of CeO2 which is well supported by other chemical treatments.
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Use of Internet in Rural Areas of India
Access to information and, more importantly, the internet is not evenly distributed in this world. But if they had it, would people in rural India want to use the internet? How would they use it and benefit from it? Will internet influence culture and how can communities prepare themselves when the internet comes in their village? To support the rollout of internet in more rural areas in India and to improve the effectiveness of ICT in rural environments, a clear view on the adoption and use of ICT and services was needed. This study aimed at providing this knowledge. Interviews in rural India taught us how people use the internet and the benefits they experience. We also spoke about their expectations and what they think is needed when the internet is introduced in a community. The study showed that people and communities in rural India do benefit from ICT both socially and economically. Basically, they use the internet for the same purposes as people in Western countries, such as to communicate, to search for information and to buy things. However, internet is even more important in rural areas because of lack of alternatives, such as telephone lines, libraries, newspapers, roads in good condition, and public transport. In this paper we would like to focus on the affect that Internet has on Rural India.
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Waddington’s model of translation quality assessment: a critical inquiry
To assess a translated work, just like marking a translation, is a highly subjective task. There is not any objective index according to which, reviewers can assess or mark a translation. So, many reviewers employ a holistic approach to translation quality assessment. Although, there are some models like Waddington’s (2001), which are less subjective, and translation is assessed according to some pre-set criteria. In this paper, Waddington’s model (2001) was applied on the Persian translation of George Orwell’s 1984, by Baluch. Twenty paragraphs were chosen randomly and compared and contrasted precisely with their parallel translations to assess the quality of translation. By close investigation of the model, Waddington’s model turned to be incomplete, regarding translation shifts and additions. Besides, the holistic method proved not to be sufficient as it should be and the model is more of academic contexts, rather than appropriate for general use for Translation Quality Assessment.
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Wage Determination and Differential among the Agricultural Labourers in India: An Approach Based Village Study
This study examined the wage distribution and differentials among the agricultural labourers in different crops both in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaire administered to a stratified proportionate random sample of 400 farmers consist of 50 farmers from each crop in both States. The data collected was analysed by operation wise wage distribution and wage differentials among the gender and using multiple regression analysis for estimation/predicting the mean values of dependent variable on the basis of known explanatory variables. The value of coefficients of all the crops reveals that the demand factors play a much more important role than its supply factors. man-land ratio, cropping intensity and proportion of non-farm workers to total work force found to be expected signs and statistically significant in Andhra Pradesh, whereas, employment opportunities from outside agriculture and cropping intensity engender wages in Tamil Nadu. The study was also found that the wage differences between male and female labourers is at higher level in wet crops than dry crops and this is not only from operation to operation but also from season to season. The study recommended that confirmatory action plan to be needed to trounce gender discrimination through promoting self-employment and expanding employment opportunities outside agriculture.
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“Pulmonary Agenesis” -embryological basis and its clinical importance
Deficiency of the lungs results from malfunction of the breathing bud to develop. Agenesis of one lung is more regular than bilateral agenesis, however both conditions are unusual. Unilateral pulmonary agenesis is compatible with life. The heart and other mediastinal edifices are shifted to the implicated side, and the present lung is stretched out. Lung agenesis is an uncommon but a severe condition which ought to be early diagnosed and followed up. Prognosis, apart from abnormal formation, is that of a single functional lung. Diagnosing a developmental abnormality of the lungs in adults is often challenging for clinicians.
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A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Europe`s Economic Crisis in the European and British Print Media
Looking at the print media of UK and Europe about the economic crisis, the present study aims to find out how the writers of the print media in UK and Europe use discourse tools to convey their ideas. In a comparative study of the two media with a focus on such grammatical tools like passivisation, nominalisation, thematisation, and word choice strategies, it was found out that the UK media exaggerate the problem while the European media depict a positive picture of the same crisis.
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A novel design of plannar antenna for UWB and WLAN applications with notched bands
A micro strip-fed monopole antenna for ultra-wideband antenna with triple band notched and WLAN antenna is presented and analyzed in detail. In the UWB antenna three different frequencies are notched by means of using E-shaped resonator. The three notched frequencies are 3.6 GHz (WLAN), 5GHz (WLAN) and 10 GHz (X- band) with a reference level of s11 > -10dB. The center frequency of the notched band is 7 GHz. The frequency band of the proposed antenna is 0 GHz-11GHz for voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) less than 2.Surface current distributions and transmission line models are used to analyze the effect of these slots. The antenna is successfully fabricated and measured, showing broad band matched impedance and good Omni directional radiation pattern. The designed antenna patch has a compact size of 17x13.8 mm2.
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A preliminary assessment of groundwater quality in Thrissur District, Kerala, India
Ground water quality assessment described with 46 samples collected from Thrissur district in Kerala, India. Groundwater samples were anylsed for water quality parameters using standard methods. For the better understanding and simple representation of water types, Piper plot and Schoeller diagrams were employed. Dominant water types in the groundwater are Na-Cl, Ca-HCO3, and Ca-Na-HCO3. Major quality parameters such as pH, EC, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO4, HCO3, CO3, NO3 and F were analysed. Results were compared with WHO standards. This inferred that the groundwater in the Thrissur district is extremely suitable for the drinking purposes.
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