Role of Multidetector CT in determining the variations in renal arteries anatomy and its clinical relevance
The advancements in surgical nephrology in the management of numerous renal pathologies in the form of vascular reconstruction, renal transplants, nephron sparing surgeries, etc and the indispensable use of non invasive MDCT technology in detecting the variations in renal arteries anatomy has validated the study. Assessment of the anatomical variants of bilateral renal arteries in Indian population cohort on MDCT angiography and its clinical implications. 110 subjects were included in the study. The subjects were in the age group of 20 to 50 years. There were 60 (55%) male and 50(45%) female subjects. Normal and variant anatomy of renal arteries was studied using a 40 slice multidetector CT scanner. 76(69%) patients had single renal artery on right side, two renal arteries in 32(29%) patients and three renal arteries in 2(1.8%) patients. On the left side 87(79%) patients have single renal artery, 19(17%) patients have two renal arteries and 4(3.6%) patients have three renal arteries. No correlation with respect to the sex of the subjects was found. Knowledge of the renal artery anatomy is crucial in attaining the precision in renal related surgeries and MDCT renal angiography is the ideal modality of choice as it is not only accurate but also provides a detailed anatomical road map of the vascular anatomy.
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Segurity and private surveillance - A good Business in Mexico
There is a terrible crisis faced by public insecurity at "Laja Bajío" region at the State of Guanajuato, Mexico; leading to shutdowns and investment cancellation. Given this scenario, businessmen are in need to hire security service companies to provide them surveillance at their installations. Receiving businessmen whom are not considered to be satisfied with contractors, have been seen short in training to be operative personnel -caretaker, guardian, etc.- and this is not compatible with standardized organizational quality standards, also this create a bad image to corporate visitors, moreover projecting further distrust. A study with business users of private services in this area has been carried out, to know the characteristics of a good supplier. It has contrasted with the study to lenders to propose a business model that allows the establishment of a security execution and surveillance service company that meets the requirements and needs of receivers. It is an alternate business and investment. It is an alternate business and investment
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Seismic Analysis of RC -Framed Building with and without provision of Bands at Different Level
Improperly designed cause undesirable effects below unstable loading in each bolstered concrete(RC) frames and masonry load wall structures. Doors and windows (openings) are inescapable parts in brick masonry in-filled RC structures and masonry load wall structures owing to its practical and ventilation necessities.The presence of openings in brick masonry walls reduces the lateral stiffness and strength of the enclose each RC and cargo bearing structures, that changes the particular behavior of structure.If these openings ar settled within the restricted zones like areas inside middle 2 thirds of a wall, then the wall has to be strong by providing necessary horizontal (bands) structural components like header or header bands around them. Lack of such structural components could cause the structure to endure severe injury throughout the earthquake event.In this paper, two case studies, (a) seismic analysis of RC framed building without provision of bands (b) seismic analysis of RC framed building with provision of bands at different level
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Simulation of Dynamics of a Compound Pressure Relief Valve
Pressure relief valves uncertainty and parameter variations are of major significance in the hydraulic system operations. The use of one such valve, a compound pressure relief valve is the subject of this paper. From the deduced differential equations, MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation model developed. The pressure response of a valve with damping spool pilot poppet has been investigated and compared with the experimental results. Also simulated the effects of some critical parameters on the valve dynamic performance.
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SLA assurance in cloud computing: a trust issue
Most of the organizations are running their applications in cloud due to reliability, scalability, high performance, low band width and trust on cloud service provider(CSP). The cloud service providers provide the services to the registered cloud users on payment basic across the glove. The cloud services are basically categorized as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS . The services are available to the users depending on cloud deployment and the SLA(service level agreements) between the service providers and the users. SLAs gives a transparent view to the cloud users which includes the delivery ability of a service provider, the performance target of the user’s requirement, the scope of guaranteed availability of the cloud services The main objective of this paper is to provide a clear idea about the cloud service level agreements and the cloud computing models.
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Square Wave Catalytic-Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Ultra trace Cobalt with Magneson Modified Carbon Paste Electrode.
A simple, reliable and selective square wave cathodic Adsorptive stripping (SWCAS) voltammetric method at modified carbon paste electrode (CPE) for determination of Cobalt(II) has been developed and evaluated. Square wave Cathodic Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetric (SWCASV) mechanism is proposed to interpret the amplified sensitivity. The procedure is based on the interfacial preconcentration of Cobalt (II) ion on magneson through a surface coordination effect. Different parameters such as medium, pH, accumulation potential, scan rate, accumulation time and ionic strength were tested to optimize the conditions for the determination of Cobalt(II) ion. The adsorbed form is reduced irreversible at optimal conditions viz; 0.15M Britton–Robinson universal buffer (pH~9.5). Linear concentration range 2×10-12 - 6×10-11 M (0.00012 – 0.00354 ng/mL (at 60s, can be determined successfully. The interferences of some common interfering species and some metal ions were studied. The application of the procedure in Lab tap water sample demonstrates that it is possible to determine Co(II) ion at a level as low as 5.13×10-10 mol/L (0.03 ng/mL) in real sample with a recovery of 103%, a standard deviation (triplicate measurements) of 3.08%, and a confidence level of 95%. The concentration of Co(II) in lab tap water sample was confirmed by analysis the sample by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer.
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Status of dalit christians in India
Dalit Christian is not recognised as a valid social category in India. Hence, they are not covered under any compensatory measures such as reservations and special legal safeguards which are otherwise extended to Dalits who belong to Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist communities, though caste-based prejudices are strong in Christianity and Dalit Christians too face similar forms of discrimination and exclusion as other Dalits. Though there is enough evidence in social science literature on the identity issues and discrimination faced by Dalit Christians, there remains several other questions to be addressed alongside while examining the claim for group-specific policy interventions for Dalit Christians. The most important one possibly is the caste-religion interface of non-Hindu Dalits. This is significant in the context that religion is the primary criterion to officially define Scheduled Castes in India as per the Constitutional Order of 1950. As per the formal definition “no person who confesses a religion different from the Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist religious conviction shall be considered to be a member of Scheduled Castes.” This paper attempts to address some of the questions using the available literature and official data. The study is largely based on the historical and current social science literature on caste among the Christians in India.
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Strategic imperatives in heterogeneous marketer and customer cultures in the MENA Region
The 2014 precipitous fall in oil and gas prices by 50% or more set in motion cuts in the healthcare budget by some governments in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region by more than 30%. The aim of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies of international pharmaceutical companies in the MENA region after the 2014 decreases in the healthcare budgets, following the decline in oil and gas prices. The research involved interviews of 6 middle and executive managers working in 2 international pharmaceutical companies located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The cultural intelligence theory constituted the conceptual framework for this study and aided in gaining insight into the challenges associated with implementing marketing and organizational strategies by international pharmaceutical companies in the MENA region. Study participants were required to have 5 years of experience in planning and implementing marketing strategies in the MENA region. The findings from this study may reflect important internal organizational adaptation enacted by successful international pharmaceutical companies. in marketing to culturally diverse customers of the MENA region in the reduced healthcare budgetary environment. The important themes emerging from this study included: (a) recognition of culture and diversity, and (b) the importance of training and learning agility. The results of the study may advance the agenda of improving healthcare of the residents of this region as pharmaceutical and healthcare knowledge benefits the delivery of human health services.
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Structure and diversity of lianas in a tropical forest chronosequence in the Yoko Forest Reserve (Tshopo Province, DR Congo)
A study was conducted on the structure and diversity of lianas in a chronosequence of Congolese tropical forests in the Yoko Forest Reserve (Tshopo Province, DR Congo). The main objective was to study the dynamics of lianas after the abandonment of agriculture at our site. A chronosequence approach was used to carry out this study. Four forests were considered on the basis of their age: 5-year old forest, 12-year old forest, 20-year old forest and 60-year old forest. The mixed primary forest of unknown age was also retained for comparison. Inventories of lianas with a diameter at breast height (dbh) ? 1 cm on supports were carried out in three 40 m × 40 m plots (totalling 0.48 ha) set up in each of these five forests. The functional traits of the lianas were observed in the field and supplemented by the basic literature. The following results were obtained: - the number of species varied from the 5-year-old forest (i.e. 28 species/0.48ha) to a peak in the 60-year-old forest (i.e. 35 species/0.48ha). As for floristic diversity, the 12-year-old forest had the highest Fisher index value (? = 10.66) and the 20-year-old forest for the Shannon (H = 2.92) and Simpson (D = 0.923) indices. The most abundant families are Dilleniaceae (in the 5-year-old forest), Euphorbiaceae (in the 12-year-old forest and in the 60-year-old forest), Fabaceae (in the 20-year-old forest) and Dichapetalaceae (for the primary mixed forest). And the families with the highest importance value indices are Passifloraceae (5-year forest), Euphorbiaceae (12-year and 60-year forests) and Fabaceae (20-year forest and primary mixed forest). - The density of lianas was positively related to the age of the forest up to around 60 years, after which an older forest was associated with a decrease in the density of liana stems. Furthermore, the density and basal area of the lianas peaked at the age of 60, before beginning to decline. - Most lianas were voluble (49.88%), zoochorous (63.73%) and hemi-heliophilous (47.51%). This pattern emerged in all 5 chronosequence forests in this study. The relative dominance of functional traits changed with forest age, and functional diversity was higher than predicted by the null model framework of species richness (SES MPD > 0) in the 20-year-old forest and the mixed primary forest.
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Studies on Variations of Physico Chemical Parameters of Pond Water Samples Collected From Different Ponds at Tirunelveli Corporation, Tamil Nadu, India
The aim of the current study was to determine the common physico-chemical parameters ( pH, Electrical Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen content, Biological Oxygen Demand, Total dissolved solids, Hardness, Alkalinity, Acidity) of two different pond water systems - Nainaarkulam and Udaayarpatti kulam at Tirunelveli corporation were analyzed fortnightly from April to June 2019 and found that the water body that receives vegetable garbage, scrap, refuge and organic wastes from the main market of the town was more polluted than the other sites. Both water bodies varied according to the surrounding environments during the period of study. These results were used to inform the common people and decision-makers of the state environmental agencies.
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