A narrative approach for human face detection using ant colony optimization and genetic algorithm
This paper presents a novel method for detecting human faces in an image with complex backgrounds. The approach is based on visual information of the face from the template image and is commenced with the estimation of the face area in the given image. As the genetic algorithm is a computationally expensive process, the searching space for possible face regions is limited to possible facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth, and eyebrows so that the required timing is greatly reduced. In addition, the lighting effect and orientation of the faces are considered and solved in this method. Experiments demonstrate that this face detector provides promising results for the images of individuals which contain quite a high degree of variability in expression, pose, and facial details. Hybrid algorithm is proposed to solve combinatorial optimization problem by using Ant Colony and Genetic programming algorithms. Evolutionary process of Ant Colony Optimization algorithm adapts genetic operations to enhance ant movement towards solution state. The algorithm converges to the optimal final solution, by accumulating the most effective sub-solutions.
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A Review of Dental Biometrics from Teeth Feature Extraction and Matching Techniques
Biometric is a tool of identification that has been broadly used in many applications. A biometric identification system is based on physical characteristic. Dental biometrics has emerged as vital biometric information of human being on account of its stability, invariant nature and uniqueness. It utilizes dental photograph and dental radiograph for human identification because it provides information about teeth including tooth contour, relative position of neighboring teeth and shapes of dental work like crown, fillings and bridges. A biometric identification system is based on physical characteristics such as face, fingerprint, palmprint, fingerprint, eyes (iris, retina ) and DNA. However, many of those characteristics are only suitable for ante mortem identification when a person to be identified is still alive. They cannot be used for post mortem identification specially in such cases of decay or severe body damage caused by fire or collision, due to this dental biometrics plays an important role in human identification and post mortem identification. This paper address review of such different techniques used in dental biometrics.
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A review of the use of indigenous communication systems in development work: the case of drama, theatre and puppet shows
Communication is a very essential element for the reins of development. Indigenous communication systems have increased relevance in terms of their localized application in developing countries. The study aimed at unearthing the use of indigenous communication systems in development work with special focus on drama, theatre and puppet shows. Contrary to popular opinions that indigenous communication systems have lost their relevance, the study found that it is very effective for family life education, dissemination of information, sex education, extremely sensitive issues, increasing self-efficacy, development of pronunciation and interpretation skills, oral language proficiency, self-help communication projects. Notwithstanding the influx of modern communication systems, the study recommends a renewal of culture whereby Africans will do things according to their culture.
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A Robust Planning Model of Sustainable Energy for Remote Communities
This paper presents a novel long-term renewable energy (RE) planning model for remote communities (RCs). Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in assessing and deploying RE projects in northern remote locations. The model proposed in this paper adds to such efforts by creating a multiple-year community planning tool. This can be used to determine economic and technically feasible RE solutions, considering the current operating structures, electricity pricing systems, subsidy frameworks, and project funding alternatives under which RE can be deployed in RCs. The proposed model is implemented in a case study. The case study shows that RE projects can be feasible undercurrent operating conditions, for a set of funding alternatives that share the economic risks.
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A study on (q, l)-fuzzy ideals of a ring
In this paper, we study some of the properties of (Q, L)-fuzzy ideal of a ring and prove some results on these.
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A Study on Physico-Chemical Parameter Variations in Vellar Basin, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India
The present study was the suitability and quality of groundwater for irrigation and domestic purposes in premonsoon and postmonsoon. Groundwater samples were collected in seventy locations in both the seasons in the year of 2016. Various physicochemical tests were carried out and WQI was calculated based on pH, TDS, Ec, TH, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, So4, HCo3and F. The comparison between the premonsoon and postmonsoon reveals that very good range 27% and 6%, and good to permissible range in premonsoon 73% and in postmonsoon 94% of the water samples were fit for drinking.
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A survey on anomaly and signature based intrusion detection system(IDS)
Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks are evolving continuously. These attacks make network resources unavailable for legitimate users which results in massive loss of data, resources and money. Combination of Intrusion detection System and Firewall is used by Business Organizations to detect and prevent Organizations? network from these attacks. But this combination cannot prevent network from novel attacks as Signatures to detect them are not available. This paper presents a light-Weight mechanism to detect novel DoS/DDoS (Resource Consumption) attacks and automatic Signature generation process to represent them in real time. Experimental results are provided to support the proposed mechanism.
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Adsorption behavior and corrosion inhibition potential of extract of Baissea axillaries at hydrochloric acid- aluminium interface
The adsorption and inhibition of Aluminium corrosion in 1.0 M HCl using different concentrations of extracts of Baissea axillaris was investigated at 303 and 323K using weight loss technique. Weight loss and corrosion rate increased with increase in temperature both for the free acid and inhibited solutions, with marked reluctance to increase in both observable in for the presence of the extracts, varying with the extract concentration. Inhibition efficiency increased with increase in the concentration of the extract. The maximum inhibition efficiency of 86.3% was obtained for 10 µg/L extract but decreased to 68.4 % on increasing the temperature from 303 K to 323 K. The adsorption was best described by the Temkin and Langmuir adsorption isotherm from where negative Gibbs free energy change was obtained indicating spontaneous adsorption while negative heat of adsorption was obtained indicating exothermicity. Activation Energy was deduced from the Arrhenius equation while thermodynamic approach yielded the heat of adsorption.
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Alestes macrolepidotus: nutritional implications of the lipid profile of its skin and muscle
The levels of fatty acids, phospholipids and sterols were determined in the skin and muscle of Alestes macrolepidotus. Results showed crude fat varied from 0.488-5.46 g/100 g; SFA from 16.0-29.5 % of total fatty acids, total unsaturated fatty acids varied from 61.6-80.9 %, PUFA range was 33.1-37.4 % and PUFA/SFA ranged from 1.27-2.07.Skin and muscle had low levels of n-6 fatty acids but high in n-3 fatty acids. Correlation coefficient was significantly and positively high at r = 0.05 in the fatty acids. In the phospholipids, lecithin was highest both inskin and muscle with respective values of 734 and 313 (mg/100 g). The sterol values in the skin varied from81.6-81.7 mg/100 g and muscle was not detected (–) to11.4 (9.89±2.62) mg/100 g. Whilst 100 g skin would provide 3.82 g fatty acids, 100 g muscle would provide 0.342 g fatty acids.
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Alteration of quality attributes in yogurts as a function of natural fibers incorporation
Fortification of yogurt by dietary fibers from different natural sources has been used to improve its health benefits. However, this could lead to change the other quality parameters of the yogurt. Hence, it is necessary to have an idea about the effect of dietary fiber incorporation from different natural sources on the quality attributes of yogurt. This paper reviews the effect of dietary fiber incorporation to yogurt from different natural sources to its quality attributes.
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