Combined Filter for Water Treatment
The adsorption characteristics of Georgian natural and acid-modified forms of clinoptilolite and laumontite have been studied in order to determine possibilities of their application in treatment of water contaminated by metals. It was found that natural clinoptilolite washed by diluted acid is the most effective adsorbent for barium, cobalt and lithium, while strontium, manganese, nickel and lead can be captured by modified clinoptilolite, but zinc, iron and copper – by modified laumontite. A combined filter (quartz sand + washed clinoptilolite + laumontite + clinoptilolite, both treated with 1.0N HCl solution) is offered.
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Comparative study on the number of nodulation of three legumes (peanut, soybean and cowpea) and the correlation with the level of fertilization of the Lwama I site, town of Kindu
The present work had as overall objective to make the comparative study on the number of nodulation of three legumes (peanut, soybean and cowpea) and the correlation with the level of fertilization of the Lwama I site, city of Kindu. To do this, an experimental device in randomized complete blocks, comprising three treatments and six repetitions, was set up; The results obtained showed that: - For the number of nodulation, groundnut had higher number with the average of 38 while the lowest number was observed in soybean with the average of 0 and the intermediate number was observed in cowpea with the average of 10; - For the number of active nodules, groundnut had a higher number with the average of 26 while the lowest number was observed in soybean with the average of 0 and the intermediate number was observed in cowpea with the average of 8; - With regard to the level of soil fertility in nitrogen, the work done in the laboratory proves that the soil sown with soy had given a very high quantity of nitrogen with the average of 3 mg N/l, while the lowest quantity was obtained in the soil not sown by a legume with a quantity of less than zero mg N/l and the intermediate quantities were obtained in the soil sown by groundnut with the average of 1.6 mg N/l and in the soil sown by cowpea with the average of 1.8mg N/l (Solia 2016).
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Consumer perception about quality and uses of flavoured palm oil zomi in Sounthern Benin
The present work has been done to emphasize the place of palm oil zomi in people diet at south of Benin. It has consisted in evaluating consumers’ perception and to record utilization of this oil in households of South Benin. On the basis of an inquiry questionnaire, 200 consumers (consumer’s producers (CP) and consumers non producers (CNP)) have been interviewed in six departments of South-Benin. Results have revealed flavored palm oil zomi was characterized by a deep red color (80%), a pronounced odor (10%), a good fluidity (67.14%) and an unsalted taste (93.55%). According to 99.14% of consumers, vegetable with tomatoes sauces were in their majority cooked with zomi oil. Beans according to 95.71% of consumers and boiled yam according to 89.15% of consumers represented foods largely consumed with zomi oil. Zomi oil supplying was frequently done in markets according to 50.7% of consumers. Totally, flavored palm oil zomi occupied an important place in Benin people gastronomy.
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Contempt of Court: The Interpretative Practice in East Gojjam Courts, Ethiopia
Administration of justice by courts requires a smooth and undistracted courtroom management. Parties to a case and any other individual in a courtroom are expected to comply with basic court demeanor standards. The concept of contempt of court is employed to represent violation of those courtroom standards set by the law. Contempt of court is criminally punishable under the Ethiopian Revised Criminal Code and Civil Procedure Code. Apart from the issue on how to make a balance between the right to free speech on the one hand and the right to protect the administration of justice on the other, contempt cases give rise to a natural justice objection against summary proceedings. This research aimed to examine the Ethiopian law on contempt of court vis a vis the practice of five purposively selected woreda courts in East Gojjam zone in relation to crime of contempt of court. The researcher employed a qualitative and non-doctrinal research approach. Judges, public prosecutors and attorneys were participants of the research. Contempt of court is found to virtually defy a precise definition because of the infinite number of ways in which the administration of justice can be prejudiced or abused. Courts use a summary procedure in which the contemnor may be convicted and sentenced for the contempt as it occurs. Despite its importance in regulating court room manners, the law on contempt of court is found to have impact upon the constitutional rights of the accused. Detailed courtroom management manual and mechanisms for respecting the right to be heard of the accused shall be crafted to limit discretionary powers of courts and protect due process rights of persons accused with contempt of court.
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Contribution of diagnostic laparoscopy (on a series of 113 cases): Experience of the Department of Visceral Surgery I Mohammed V Military Hospital RABAT.
Laparoscopy (or laparoscopy) is considered in surgery as a non-invasive elective approach. It allows a shorter duration of hospitalization, fewer scarring sequelae, an improvement in morbidity and a reduction in the cost of the intervention. In our case study, we propose a retrospective study of about 113 patients, the aim of which is to underline the interest of laparoscopy in the discovery and/or confirmation of the diagnosis, in situations where the etiological diagnosis could not be established, despite morphological examinations.
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Contribution of High Resolution Manometry in dysphagia with normal endoscopy
Dysphagia is a frequent reason for consultation. High-resolution esophageal manometry (HREM) is the current reference examination for the exploration of dysphagia when endoscopy is normal with negative esophageal biopsies. This is a retrospective single-center study including 231 patients presenting dysphagia with normal upper digestive endoscopy and negative esophageal biopsies benefited from HRM. The diagnosis was retained based on the Chicago 3.0 classification. We used a HRM unisensor catheter and the MMS 9.5 sofware for interpretation. Our study included 231 patients, 126 (54.54%) of whom were women. Mean age was 43.9 years (extremes 18- 94 years). MHR was pathological in 186 cases (80.51%). It revealed achalasia in 121 patients (65.05%): achalasia type I in 25 patients (20.66%), type II in 86 patients (71.07%) and type III in 10 cases (8.26%). HRM showed others esophageal motility disorders corresponding to scleroderma in 20 patients (10.75%), ineffective motricity in 33 patients (17,7%), oesogastric junction obstruction in 7 cases (3.7%), jackhammer oesophagus in 2 cases (1,07%), oesophageal spasm in 3 cases (1.61%). HRM was normal in 45 patients (19.48%).High-resolution esophageal manometry represents an undeniable advance in the diagnosis of esophageal motor disorders in patients with dysphagia and normal endoscopy. The most common primary motor disorder is achalasia type II.
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Coping strategies among the Nandi rural households
This paper demonstrates various attempts by the wives of Nandi migrant labourers to devise household surviving strategies to cope with the prolonged absence of their spouses in the colonial period (1908-1963). The study utilised the concept of Agency and a qualitative design, purposive sampling, 40 wives and 15 relatives of the migrant labourers. The socio-cultural and economic strategies that they devised included utilising their husbands’ remittances, seeking additional employment, domestic trading, traditional beer brewing, cooperative cultivation, hired labour, gathering firewood, prostitution, concubinage, and elopement. They succeeded to a large extent and managed to expand plots, bought cattle among other benefits.
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CORONARY SPASM, Does it exist on healthy coronary artery?
The incidence of coronary spasm appears to be decreasing, probably due to the widespread use of bradycardia calcium channel blockers, statin, and reducing smoking also. Many studies have shown the pathological association of atheroma plaque and coronary spasm. The new imaging techniques: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and Intravasculaire ultrasound (IVUS), allows accurate analysis of arterial tunnels. In this article, we report a case of a patient who presented with refractory spastic angina, wich was complicated by acute coronary syndrome many month later.
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Corporate Governance of Private Limited Company in Ethiopia: Making Board of Directors Compulsory to Such Companies
In Ethiopia, the modern concept of corporation and principle of corporate governance is new and at its enfant stage even if the commercial code that governs company in Ethiopia has enacted since 1960. The corporate governance regime of private limited company in Ethiopia has many legal and practical problems. This article devoted on the legal and practical problems associated with the Ethiopian private limited companies. In doing so the researcher employed doctrinal research approach. The corporated governance problems associated the absence of governance board to the private limited company in Ethiopia is the main apprehension that makes the researcher to carry out a study on the corporate governance of PLC in Ethiopia. The study divulge that the absence of board of directors in the governance of private limited companies in Ethiopia as a big governance problem of PLCs that the researcher has tried to address.
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Corrosion resistance of znni/nanosilica alloy coating on carbon steel
In this paper, study on the electrodeposition of ZnNi/nanosilica alloy coating on carbon steel and in?uence of 5g/L nanosilica in the plating bath on some properties such as morphology, structure characteristics and corrosion resistance of the ZnNi/nanosilica coating were conducted. The results revealed that ZnNi/nanosilica composite coating contained 16.37 % Ni and 0.32 % Si. Only the phase ?Ni5Zn21 were observed in the ZnNi/nanosilica alloy coatings. The thickness of the ZnNi/nanosilica coating was 16.56 µm. The corrosion resistance on the ZnNi/nanosilica coating was evaluated by time for red rust appearing in salt fog test as 900 hours.
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