Evaluation of the quality of information by patients attending the Makelekele referral hospital, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
At the Makelekele base hospital in Brazzaville, the most neglected aspect of activities is hospital information management. Our study aimed to assess the quality of information by interviewing patients hospitalised or consulting at the Makélékélé base hospital between July 2020 and February 2021. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with a qualitative approach based on the quality criteria of the Delone and MacLean models. Our study population consisted of a group of patients, users of hospital information. The patients gave their consent to participate in the survey. Confidentiality and anonymity of the data were ensured. A total of 300 patients responded to the questionnaires, most of them with a satisfaction rate of over 60%. The satisfaction rate of the patients appeared to be satisfactory with regard to the comfort and cleanliness of the room (63.27%), the noise in the ward (60.20%) and the organisation of discharges. The responses (90-100%) regarding possible improvement of the quality of the data were maximum. The statistical results were significant. Our survey revealed a relatively positive patient satisfaction rate regarding the quality of care, the comfort and cleanliness of the room and the noise in the ward. Patients were satisfied with the organisation of hospital discharges. Most respondents were unanimous about the evolution of data quality. The measurement instrument used for this exploratory research concluded that the target population had a high level of satisfaction. Users were clearly satisfied with the current information system. This investigation revealed that there were significant gaps in data quality that should be prioritised in the management of the Hospital Information System. Our study has allowed us to understand the constraints that hinder information management in the hospital. There were specific elements of health information that need to be diligently applied (information quality) or improved and enhanced (information use).
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Evolving Eritrea-India Bilateral Relations: Opportunities and Challenges
The purpose of this article is to examine the broad contours of Eritrea-India relations in the past two decades, and in turn to stimulate further academic and policy researches with specific focus on the opportunities and challenges. To this end, secondary and primary sources have been thoroughly referred. Eritrea-India relation was formally established when Eritrea emerged as an independent sovereign state on May 24, 1993. Since then, both countries shared multi-dimensional relations, but with very limited results. India has provided manifold assistance to Eritrea in areas, such as agriculture, education, and science and Technology. India’s engagement with Eritrea also extended to technical assistance, training and capacity development under the framework of South–South cooperation. Recent development in trade and various investment initiatives are also a reflection of the new stride in the bilateral friendship. In addition, Eritrea has been hiring a great number of skilled labour from India. However, the bilateral relations is not always without estranges. Trade imbalance, restrictive monetary and fiscal policies and Eritrea’s more closeness to China are among other fault-lines. The balance sheet of the two states bilateral relations however proves the positive gains from the current diplomatic impetus. Finally, the researchers suggested to Eritrea and India to make more effort to bit back fences against the curve of evolving bilateral relation and avoid obsolete mechanism which is purely interest driven.
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Experimental investigation and optimization of parameters of a new designed flat plate cavity collector
This paper deals with the performance analysis and optimization of working parameters of a flat plate solar cavity collector. Cavity type configuration is an improved version of a flat plate collector. It is evident that every solar gadget need a little bit of improvement in order to perform well. Various experiments both theoretical and experimental are going on in various countries to achieve better performance of flat plate collector. Hence the better choice for the improvement of flat plate collector is the cavity collector. Usually the cavity type configuration is utilized for focusing, solar tower and Fresnel lens collectors. But it was experimented for the flat plate improvement and hence it is proved to be a one of the alternate solution for the flat plate collector. It also works more efficiently even at low radiation source for a certain period of time and at part cloudy days. Solar Cavity Collector (SCC) has been experimented with various working parameters like change of receiver material (Copper and Aluminum), various L/D ratio, change of inclination angle, change of mode of flow (parallel and serpentine), collector packed with pebble bed and metal chips to enhance the heat transfer phenomena in the collector, by increasing the number of cavities and Collector with end plates. End plates were welded at entry and exit of the receiver pipes to stagnate the water for a while inside the collector.
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Extent induction of students into school culture influence students’ discipline in secondary schools in Nandi County, Kenya
The purpose of the study was to determine the extent induction of students into school culture influence students’ discipline in secondary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. The study used systems theory by Ludngvan Bartalanffy. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The study sample consisted of 118 public schools’ principals, 108 teacher and 1534 student leaders. Each school provided 13 student leaders. Questionnaires for principals, interview guide for teachers and student leaders were used as instruments of data collection. Data was analysed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data then, tabulate and present data. The results generated were reported in tables. The study established that school culture defines the students, the school, the reputation, mannerisms and performance. Formal induction sets the rules, norms, expectations, behaviour patterns, the goals and objectives and the set school agendas. The study established that pairing of new students to older ones is not significantly related. It established that formal orientation, giving documents on school ethos, guest speakers who inculcate long lasting impressions on the students, introducing them to successful alumni of the school for inspiration give guiding principle to stay in the school. This impacts positively and the student discipline improves. The government should ascertain that Student leaders are inducted and due to its sensitivity the MOEST should devise a system of encouraging the formation of county bodies to specifically carry out induction of the chosen leaders in clusters of sub counties or the lower units. This will enhance the training and its impacts. The present scenario is national conference for a few students for three days and the sub county a day and this is grossly insufficient and will not make much impacts.
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Extra-curricular Activities Affect Students to develop Social Skills
This paper aims to examine how the extra-curricular activities affect the social skills of students. Social skills to be implemented here is communication skills and students; self-confidence. Student participation in co-curricular activities helps to promote students’ social skills in order to enter any field for the future prospect to produce skilled human capital in terms of academics and character. Mastering social skills is vital as it gives a good impact in generating positive relationships of a particular student. Active student participation in extra-curricular activities outside the classroom environment allows the students to interact with teachers and friends and to some extent act as a catalyst for social skills development of a student. In addition, through extra-curricular activities, the production of excellent human capital from the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual aspect can be developed. Involvement in leisure activities also leads to the interaction of students with environment, social and learning inside or outside of the classroom in order to produce excellent human capital development. It will also encourage the development of talent, creativity and students potential to the maximum level. Therefore, the direction of this concept paper seeks to unravel the relationship between extra-curricular activities and their impact on social skills because it could act as a catalyst for the development of students social skills. Therefore, extra-curricular activities should be given the ‘right’ in Malaysia education system.
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Feasibility study on Low Cost Method for analysis of Sulphur Dioxide in Ambient Air
Many advance colorimetric analytical techniques or methods are available to estimate/determine environmental pollutants like selenium, vanadium, thallium, iodine, sulphur dioxide, pentachlorophenol, carbon tetrachloride, mercury. Many researchers opined to make use of automatic or continuous air monitoring station. Central Pollution Control Board established many CAAQMS in all over India, but for operation of these stations is generally required skilled persons as well as a huge amount is required to install CAAQMS. According to CPCB the installation of CAAQMS approximately 1.1 crore rupees and 8 lakh rupees for operation and maintenance annually was met. Low cost method for estimation of sulphur dioxide (SO2) is being used right now in manual monitoring stations in India. The study applies the feasibility of the alternative low cost method; Rhodamine-B has been used as a simple and sensitive colorimetric reagent for the estimation of sulphur dioxide. The results have significantly indicated that the use of NCS method for the alternative to TCM method could able to save around 3.54 crores rupees per year from proposed 1352 manual Air monitoring stations in India.
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Geostastistical Prediction of Turbidite Reservoir Heterogeneity and Quality of “AFUN” Field Deep offshore Niger Delta, Nigeria
Hydrocarbon assessment in deepwater settings is very challenging and expensive. Reservoir modelling through geostatistical analysis can be used for better prediction of deepwater facies as well as reducing uncertainties associated with field development. Geostatistical analysis of seismic and well log data was employed to predict reservoir heterogeneity and quality in deepwater turbidite systems of “AFUN” field. Biostratigraphic data and gamma ray log signature were interpreted for chronostratigraphic correlation across the wells. The static properties of the reservoir such as Porosity (?), Volume of shale (Vsh), Water Saturation (Sw), Net-to-Gross (NTG) and fluid type were generated. The subsurface structures and stratigraphy were interpreted with the extraction of seismic attributes from the generated time structure maps. The reservoir modelling involved the population of the reservoir architecture (structure and stratigraphy) with rock properties using stochastic algorithms. Four main petrophysical parameters with lithofacies were modelled in order to determine how these properties are spatially distributed within the subsurface. From the models, it can be deduced that synthetic and antithetic faults constitute the structural framework of the reservoirs in the study area. The faulting system therefore contributing to reservoir complexity. Also, the lithofacies model built for the reservoirs revealed three facies with the sandy turbidite ranging from 15- 45 %, shaly turbidite ranges from 9-24 % while shale ranges from 35-74 %. The model also showed that there are vertical and lateral changes in reservoir properties created by reservoir heterogeneity. The reservoir heterogeneity and quality in deep water turbidite systems could thus be accurately predicted using geostatistical analysis.
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Globalization and Iranian identity
Globalization, as a encompassing process all aspects of human life, individual and collective, in the range of identity, culture, politics and economy, has affected the complexity and ambiguity on this issue has increased. Since that globalization should be one of the main factors for renewed attention to the issue of national identity. After this process, a force for homogenization is not simple, through which a culture can destroy other identities. Iran, with the attainment of rich culture and civilization, the history of several thousand-year-old, joined the temporal sequence of their identity, respectively, and with that in different periods, different forms assumed, but never Iranian originality of the has not been altered. On the other hand, though changes in the surface layers of culture, and identity emerged, but never able to find a way into the depth of Iranian identity. The Iranian culture and civilization, with services to the development of the common heritage of human civilization, together with the various ethnic groups present in your neighborhood, your special identity that is created during extended times, and has evolved. In the process of globalization, in addition to the revolution in information and communication; two great event and important historical, in the last decade of the twentieth century, the question of identity for Iran before the Iranians raised, one of the Islamic Revolution and Islamist in new identity, after the 1980s, emerged and the collapse of the bipolar world, in the 1990s, which led to the disappearance of geopolitical balance in the political world. In this study, attempting, with descriptive - analytical method, and according to library resources and the Internet, explain Iranian identity, and to realize the opportunities and challenges of Iranian identity in the globalization process.
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How cost can be reduced by packaging design
In this study, identification of value on the basis of packaging design for products of Olmuksa International Paper Sabanci is explained. First, packaging and related concepts are introduced, then how a corrugated packaging manufacturer conceptualizes cost reduction is also explored. Finally, corrugated cardboard package design examples parallel to this conceptualization are provided. The authors conclude that cost reductions may be realized for companies that both produce and consume packaging.
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Hydrogeophysical Approach in Aquifer-Trend Determination around the Western Part of the Lower Imo River Basin Southeastern Nigeria
This geophysical investigation of groundwater is aimed at delineating the aquiferous units around the western part of the Lower Imo River Basin by determining their depths, thicknesses, resistivities and the potential borehole depth at various locations within the area employing the technique of Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) using the Schlumberger array. Twenty two sounding stations were established. Four to six geo-electric layers comprising the top soil, clayey sand, dry sandstone, saturated sandstone, shaley sand and sandy shale were delineated with the later usually occurring as the last layer. The third and fourth layers underlying dry sandstone form the aquiferous unit. This unit was found to have an average resistivity value range of 10.7–6060?m and an average thickness of 32 m. Longitudinal Conductance increases towards the Southeast with a high closure around Umuduru Egbe Aguru. Conversely, Transverse Resistance increases towards the Northwest with a very high closure around Dikenafai and Mgbee axis. These confirm the difficulties often experienced during ground water exploitation in these localities. The Northern part of the study area has high thickness of aquifer units ranging from 50-80m. Similarly too, high depth to water table and consequent high possible Total Drill Depth (TDD) were mapped within the Northern part of the area. The reverse is the case for the South being dominated by the highly prolific Benin Formation. It was advised that care ought to be taken in drilling and casing at shallow aquiferous areas to maintain proper sanitary condition so as to reduce the risk of groundwater contamination.
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