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       401. Influence of trichoderma applied alone or in combination with organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) under pure organic cultivation
Lotis Gaye I. Ibay, Jonathan L. Galindez and Harry Jay M. Cavite
Abstract | Pdf Category : Agricultural Sciences    |   Sub Category : Agriculture
       402. Intermolecular interactions of Brompheniramine with 1-pentanol at various temperatures.
Sampandam Elangovan, Kumera Assefa and Yilak Alemu Abbo
Abstract | Pdf Category : Physical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Computational Physics
       403. Introduction of breeds (Local, Mixed, Large white) and valorization of nutrition (Local, Balanced Local Ration,Balanced) for an increase in pig production (Sus domesticus Erxleben, 1777) in Kindu and its surroundings, Province of Maniema, DRC
Christophe Myonge Lukusa, Didier Luvengo Ndarabu, Bondombe Wayalokombe and Jean Pierre Mukandama Ndolandola
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies
       404. Investigating sea water influence and water quality assessment for different purposes in densu delta wetland, Accra, Ghana
Dzifa Denutsui, T.T. Akiti, S. Osae, D. Adomako, S. Blankson-Arthur, A. O. Tutu, Achibold Buah-Kwofie and N.D.M. L. Palm
Abstract | Pdf Category : Agricultural Sciences    |   Sub Category : Agriculture
       405. List of articles published in the month of February 2020
Abstract | Pdf Category : Table of Contents    |   Sub Category : 2020
       406. Marketing practices of fertilizer producers in Haryana
P.R.Tyagi and Alok Goyal
Abstract | Pdf Category : Management    |   Sub Category : Marketing
       407. Mass media convergence through the ages and the challenges of modern radio broadcasting creative industry
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies
       408. Medullary thyroid carcinoma metastatic to the pancreas: an unusual site of metastasis
Basma Taibi, Habib bellamlih, Fz Iraqi, Youssef Omor and Rachida Latib
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy
       409. Mutual Funds in Financial Inclusion:An Indian Scenario
Prasanna Kumar Baral
Abstract | Pdf Category : Management    |   Sub Category : Finance
       410. New Approach for Landfill Site Selection Based on Fuzzy Logic
Mohammad Hossine Mohebi
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Civil Engineering