Influence of trichoderma applied alone or in combination with organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) under pure organic cultivation
The study was conducted to determine the influence of Trichoderma applied alone or in combination with organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.). Four treatments were evaluated: T1 (Recommended Rate of Organic Fertilizer (RROF) at 4.5 t ha-1), T2 (Recommended Rate of Trichoderma (RRTP) at 250 kg ha-1), T3 (½ RROF + ½ RRTP) and T4 (Full RROF + Full RRTP), the experiment was laid out following the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replication. Results of the study revealed that application of full recommended rate of organic fertilizer (RROF) + full recommended rate of Trichoderma plus (RRTP) significantly influences the plant height of garlic at 30 DAP (38.95 cm) and at harvest (41.09 cm), bulb diameter (28.94 mm), number of bulb per kilogram (90.50) and the yield obtained per hectare (18.0t/ha). Based from this result, combination of full recommended rate of organic fertilizer and Trichoderma is effective source of nutrients for garlic production under pure organic cultivation.
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Intermolecular interactions of Brompheniramine with 1-pentanol at various temperatures.
Ultrasonic velocity (U), viscosity (?) and density (?), were measured for liquid mixtures of Brompheniramine and1-pentanol at 303,308 and 313K. Adiabatic compressibility (?), viscous relaxation time (?), free volume (Vf), free length (Lf), and Gibbs free energy (?G) were determined. Excess values of that parameters (?E, LfE , Vf E ,?E and ?GE ) also calculated and elucidated in terms of intermolecular interaction like hydrogen bond between selected liquid system. It was observed that homo and hetero association of molecules decreased with the temperatures.
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Introduction of breeds (Local, Mixed, Large white) and valorization of nutrition (Local, Balanced Local Ration,Balanced) for an increase in pig production (Sus domesticus Erxleben, 1777) in Kindu and its surroundings, Province of Maniema, DRC
Feeding piglets in the maternity ward is essential for late weaning at 45 days. The objective of this study was to verify the hypothesis according to which the ration and the breed can improve the zootechnical performances on the increase of the breeds of piglets at weaning. A sample of 45 piglets (15 piglets of the local breed, 15 crossbreeds and 15 Large white) were distributed between three batches: piglets fed only the local ration (lot 1, control), piglets having consumed an unbalanced local ration (lot 2), piglets receiving a balanced ration (lot 3). Individual weighings were carried out upon entry to the piglets to know the live weights and finally to find their growth weights. Piglets receiving the types of food gave better performances (p < 0.05) on live weight at 45 days of age (±8 kg to select a piglet) the daily feed consumption was (1.5 kg/d) and the average weight gain was (2.592 kg). In conclusion, the distribution of solid foods significantly (p < 0.05) improves feed intake and growth rate of piglets on the 45th day at 9 weeks. This study showed the need to distribute 1st and 2nd age foods in farms practicing late weaning. This practice opens up prospects for improving zootechnical performance on increasing weight in pig farming in the City of Kindu.
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Investigating sea water influence and water quality assessment for different purposes in densu delta wetland, Accra, Ghana
This study looks at the effect of the sea water is having on the Densu delta wetland. The objective of this work is to assess the hydro- chemical dynamics of the surface water from the Densu delta using hydro chemical parameters, stable isotopes- oxygen-18 and deuterium and also asses the quality of the surface water for purposes like irrigation using SAR, %Sodium and other modules. Samples of surface water were taken for physico-chemical analysis. The samples were analysed for physical and chemical parameters and the stable isotopes (18 O and D2O). The results from the stable isotopes have shown that the quality of the surface water is being affected by slight mixing with sea water. From the SAR calculation, 62% and 38% of the water was within the excellent and good category respectively and none were within the doubtful and unsuitable category respectively. Calculation of % sodium showed that about 5 out of 8 samples have high sodium percent (above 60%) and are not suitable for irrigation purposes as per classification of Eaton 1950. From the Richards diagram, approximately 12.5% fall within good category; 75% in the category of doubtful; 12.5% within unsuitable category. Approximately 50% of the samples were found to be good by RSC index; 37% fall within the doubtful category and 13% unsuitable. A high percentage was within permissible ranges for TDS. The results suggest that generally water samples are suitable for domestic and irrigation purposes under normal temperature and pH condition.
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List of articles published in the month of February 2020
Table of contents for the month of February 2020
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Marketing practices of fertilizer producers in Haryana
Fertilizer is defined as any substance which is organic or inorganic, natural or artificial, supplies one or more of the chemical elements required for plant growth. Carbon, oxygen and hydrogen are directly supplied by air and water and therefore not treated as nutrients by the fertilizer industry. One of the vital industries for the Indian economy is the Indian Fertilizer Industry as it manufactures a very critical raw material for agriculture which is the major occupation of the country. The fertilizers especially like the ammonia urea plants are energy demanding in their operation. The fertilizer industry is passing through a critical phase which promises to significantly alter the future of the industry. The country needs to ensure smooth and timely availability of fertilizer to all parts of the country. The marketing divisions of the fertilizer industry will continue to handle millions of tonnes of fertilizer material. Greater responsibilities will be thrust upon the marketing personnel as they are among the limited gateways to rural India. New opportunities are likely to unfold in the rural sector which will encourage fertilizer industry to add new activities for their marketing divisions. The present study investigates the different aspects of the process of marketing of fertilizers. Specifically, an attempt has been made to study the marketing practices of the fertilizers producers supplying fertilizer to the farmers in Haryana.
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Mass media convergence through the ages and the challenges of modern radio broadcasting creative industry
This paper takes an apriori look at media convergence through the eyes and recommends that apostoriorily these convergences must continue to avert the death of some media even in our modern challenges of not only mass communication as a whole but broadcasting in particular with a focus on Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN).
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Medullary thyroid carcinoma metastatic to the pancreas: an unusual site of metastasis
Metastasis to the pancreas, are uncommon and usually sign of extensive disease ; they remain asymptomatic or are associated with nonspecific complaints . it may be difficult to differentiate a pancreatic metastasis from a primary pancreatic tumor, being the clinical presentation and the radiological characteristics similar for both primary and secondary neoplasms. The cytomorphology in combination with the clinical history and immunohistochemical findings can indicate a definitive diagnosis and avoid additional time-consuming diagnostic procedures for appropriate clinical management ; We aim to expose an exceptional case of a patient with a medullary thyroid carcinoma metastatic to the pancreas
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Mutual Funds in Financial Inclusion:An Indian Scenario
Abstract The recent past ongoing string of financial crisis across the globe resulted in rising inflation, slowdown in industrial productivity, layoff of industrial units and job cuttings leading to being shaken the financial markets; both equity and debt markets. The prevailing volatility in different financial markets all over the world lead to dent in the capital market performance, challenging mutual fund industries to show consistent performance against the prevailing adverse situation. Mutual Fund Industry was able to go ahead of the market trend. The increasing trend of Indian Mutual Fund Industry bears witness to the fact that it is attracting more and more investors and winning the confidence of the investors. The fund houses are coming with innovative and low-cost products to attract the common masses, so as to contribute towards financial inclusion. The present paper is divided into three parts; the first part highlights the financial inclusion in India, second parts explains the role of mutual funds towards achieving the financial inclusion and third part contains the challenges faced by mutual funds and the action plan necessary to be taken by mutual fund industry to bring financial inclusiveness. Keywords: Financial Crisis, Mutual Fund, Financial Inclusion, Layoff, Volatility.
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New Approach for Landfill Site Selection Based on Fuzzy Logic
Landfill site choice in an urban region is a perilous subject in the urban planning process because of enormous impact on the economy, ecology, and the environmental health of the region with the growth of the urbanization, larger amount of wastes are produced and unfortunately the problem gets bigger every day. A selection of appropriate waste discarding site is a function of many factors can be involved under the Environment, Planning & Social Functions. GIS based mapping and succeeding image analysis is projected to be done for each of the correlating criteria for each parameter. The fuzzy multi standards decision making (FMCDM) is used to rank diverse land fill sites based on decisions given by a group of experts. The selected site can be more confirmed through GIS request. This paper emphasizes the clarified approach.
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