Financial Model Building: Risk Return Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds
Growth prospects of Mutual fund is likely to improve in the coming months as measure taken by the government have contributed to arresting the rate of decline in stock index in the last few months. The two main categories i.e. equity diversified and sector specific in which all the 16 schemes have been divided for the present study. These schemes have been analysed on various parameters. Franklin Prima fund is the top ranked fund and UTI advantage is the lowest. HDFC, Reliance and ICICI funds have also faired well
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Formulation and evaluation of ciprofloxacin micro spheres for nasal drug delivery
The aim of the study was to evaluate ciprofloxacin-hydrochloride loaded microspheres using copolymers synthesized from acrylic and methacrylic acid esters as a the retardant material for nasal administration.. Microspheres prepared by emulsion solvent diffusion method using an acetone and dichloro methane system. Formulation parameters and processing parameters like ratio of drug to polymer (1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2 and 1:3) concentration of aerosol, volume of water and stirring speed were optimized. Aerosil was used as the inert dispersing carrier to increase the dissolution rate. The prepared microspheres characterized for their micromeritic propertics and drug loading, as well as Differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. The in vitro release studies performed in Phosphate buffer PH 7.4. The prepared microspheres should white, free flowing and spherical in shape. The drug-loaded microspheres showed 86-96% of entrapment and release contected up to 8-10 hr.
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Framework for analyzing Competitiveness of Primary Education in the Private Sector of Pakistan
This paper aims to develop and analyze a framework for measuring the competitiveness of a primary school. In order to evaluate the competitiveness the qualitative analysis has been adopted. The competitiveness of City School and Roots School System was evaluated using the developed competitiveness framework. Roots School was evaluated as more competitive. City School needs to focus more on grooming of students, faculty employment, retention and feedback mechanisms. The framework can be used to further improve the private sector primary schools.
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Gamma-Ray attenuation method for void fraction measurement in Liquid-Liquid flow
Void fraction measurements are made by the gamma radiation method in crude oil-water two phase flow. To measure the void fraction, the required gamma-ray source and the strength of the source is experimentally found for oil-water two phase flow using Cs137.This is achieved by the empty small plastic tubes were used for simulating the void fraction through the mixture. The obtained results show that, the void fraction value increase with the source count rate by the NaI (Tl) counter.
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Human impacts on macrophyte diversity, water quality and some soil properties in the madikane and dufuya wetlands of lower gweru, zimbabwe
This study investigated how the exploitation of wetlands, locally known as dambos, changes their vegetation composition, soil properties and how that in-turn affects the water quality. We therefore compared diversity and soil conditions between a protected (Madikane) and exploited (Dufuya) dambo impacted by communal agriculture and grazing in Lower Gweru, Zimbabwe. Species diversity was higher in Madikane (H’ = 2.52) than Dufuya (H’ = 2.14). Species that were present in Madikane indicated a permanent or semi-permanent wetness compared to species tolerant to arid conditions, reflecting disturbance in Dufuya. Dambo utilization also indicated a change in dominance from perennials to annuals and an increase in exotic species. There was no significant difference in the physical structure of the soil between the rather pristine and exploited sites (% clay and % silt, p > 0.05). A significant difference was recorded in the chemical properties of the soil (pH, phosphorus, nitrate-N, ammonium-N and organic carbon content). Water quality was good in the protected dambo than the exploited dambo as indicated by the differences in calcium ions and conductivity. The protection of wetlands is shown to be important in conserving biological diversity.
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Identification of Molecular Modelling and Structure Based Virtual Screening Approach
The present workflow was designed to identify potential inhibitors for HIV-1 protease that is essential for the life-cycle of HIV. The in silico binding affinities of existing inhibitors namely Atazanavir and Ritonavir were compared using Glide module in Schrodinger suit 2013. Atazanavir was found to have the highest affinity towards HIV-1 protease. The structure based virtual screening on the basis of the binding modes of best inhibitor (Atazanavir) was performed and best scoring hits were identified.
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Improving the message capacity by using CDMA Watermarking Scheme
In this paper ,We introduced a novel method DS-CDMA based watermarking scheme on the basis of orthogonal pseudorandom sequence subspace projection, In this paper a new idea to eliminate the correlation between the code sequences and the host images in the watermark extraction phase, and in watermarking scheme improve the hiding capacity of message sequence. In our proposed scheme implements the steps and performance checking under different attacks by a series of experiments. The results observe the Host image under different attacks and show the higher robustness and achieve the high capacity to hide the data. In our proposed scheme implements the steps and performance testing under different attack conditions by a series of experiments. The experimental results observe the Host image under different attacks and show the higher robustness and increase the message capacity and achieve the high capacity to hide the data.
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In wireless sensor network vis global snook armor demeanor privacy
In sensor network many protocols have been developed for the purpose of confidentiality, contextual information, providing security for the content of message and transferred over network .It become a complex session for sensor network (ie, locating target objects in monitoring application, as well as protecting information). There have been several recent works on location privacy. It will be concise for the adversary and can capture only network-traffic in small area. The proposing system is the location privacy in large sensor networks. The antagonist model, global eavesdropper has become real and vanquishes existing techniques. We also propose two techniques that protect the information: recurrent location and provenance bluff. It provides a extreme level of location privacy while the other provides trade-off between privacy, cost for communication, latency. The squander view method is used to monitor the attacker within a small time of sequence. These techniques are efficient and effective in sheltering location information from attacker.
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Incidence of Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and effect of culture media, temperature and pH on colony growth and sporulation: Study on tomato crop
Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. lycopersici is important tomato pathogen throughout the world, causing severe economic losses. The lower leaves of the potato plant usually turn yellow and die. One or more branches may exhibit such symptoms. The fungus can survive in the soil indefinitely even when no tomatoes are grown. In the experimental study, isolation, radial growth and sporulation of pathogen taken into consideration on different culture, temperature and pH ranges. The result shown that Potato dextrose agar medium was found to be most suitable medium for the growth and sporulation of Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and showed an average of 72.00mm of growth after 7 days of incubation at 28 ± 320C, closely followed by Czapek’s (dox) agar medium, Corn meal agar medium and Richard’s agar medium showed 69.34mm, 63.00mm and 61.34mm of growth respectively. It is observed that 300C was the optimum temperature for the maximum growth and sporulation of the pathogen followed by 250C respectively. Pathogen grew over a wide range of pH from 2.5 to 6.5 but the maximum growth and excellent sporulation was recorded at pH 5.5 followed by 6.5.
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Influence of Different Cultivation Forms of Mulberry Variety BM-3 (Morus alba) on Leaf Nutrition, Yield And Economic Traits of Silkworm
Present study was undertaken to find out the influence of different cultivation forms of mulberry variety BM-3 on leaf nutrition, yield and economic traits of silkworm. Leaf harvested from High Bush and Bush contains higher amount of Moisture 70.48%, 69.77% compare to Low-cut and Tree. Bush also contains high crude protein and minerals, 21.25 and 8.95 respectively compare to high bush, low-cut and tree. Nine yield contributing characters were evaluated and all shown significant difference among each other except 10 leaf weight per plant at p<0.05 with Duncan multiple range test. Shell ratio for low cut and tree was highly significant at p<0.01 similarly raw silk percentage was also found highest for tree (30.26) and second highest for low-cut (30.22). It can be suggested that Mulberry leaf from Bush and High Bush cultivation form is suitable for young age silkworm and leaves from Low-cut and Tree is suitable for late age silkworm.
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