Impact of Entrepreneurship Education in Graduation Business Start-up
The current interest in numerous studies focuses on deliberating the knowledge about entrepreneurship in graduating students around the world. Even the eminent role of education in the field of entrepreneurship redeem with opportunities to gain knowledge, skills and career aspiration needed for business start-up or new venture but somehow Indian education system failed on implementation. The study reveals a significant impact on graduates’ business start-up. In this study, we examine the knowledge of entrepreneurship amongst the graduating student of India. Moreover, a descriptive survey has been provided using the Chi-Square test. Further, data were analyzed with the help of descriptive statistics and logistic regression. In addition to this, testing of hypothesis is also given. Moreover, also recommend the need of role in entrepreneurship from government and tertiary institutions in shaping the strategy to assist students to start their venture while in school and after graduation through the incubator program. Hence, encouragement to aspiration towards business start-up helps in developing society towards self-employment.
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Impact of the shape of inner tie on the performance of double layered high strength concrete column under compression
Concrete columns confined by single layered stirrup are commonly used for increasing the strength and ductility in seismic areas. Recent experiments have developed hope in the use of double stirrup confinement technique in enhancing the strength and ductility of the columns. In the present study, 12 numbers of double confined concrete square column specimens of high strength concrete, of size 150x150x450 (mm), were cast and tested under uni-axial compression. The columns were reinforced with 6 mm and 10 mm diameter of 500 MPa grade as transverse and longitudinal reinforcements respectively. Varied shapes of inner transverse reinforcement such as square, diamond, circular and spiral with square shaped outer layer stirrup, have been studied. The findings reveal that variation in shapes, contributed to greater compressive strength and better ductility of double layered stirrup confined concrete columns.
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Influence of post harvest processing conditions on yield and quality of Curcuma longa (L.) ground rhizomes produced in Benin
Studies were carried out to evaluate the effect of post harvest processing conditions on yield and quality of Curcuma longa (L.) rhizomes infusettes. A material balance was determined for four production processes including or not peeling and blanching. Sliced and dried rhizomes were packaged on tea bags and the products quality was monitored using reference methods. Production yields ranged from 38.39 to 76.87% with higher values obtained from unpeeled and blanched rhizomes. The moisture content varyed from 3.15 to 3.75 % m/m with a significant difference (P< 0.05) between the peeled and blanched samples which got lower values compared to the others. Microbiological analyses revealed that all samples were of satisfactory quality. Phytochemical screening showed that the presence or absence of metabolites was not influenced by these processing conditions. Peel removal caused mass loss of 33% without blanching but the tea bags obtained from this process had higher intensity of yellow-orange color. Peeling, blanching and drying were operations that affect not only the yield but also the quality of Curcuma longa (L.) rhizomes infusettes.
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Influence of Terrorist Activities on Financial Markets: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange
This paper investigates the influence of terrorist activities taking place in Pakistan on KSE (Karachi Stock Exchange) for the period of 01/2005 to 12/2010 using the GARCH & GARCH- EVT to identify the relationship between these two variables, the study establishes that the terrorist activities adversely affect the financial markets and in case of KSE, it is highly significant relation. Reason for the negative relationship exists because of the foremost increase in number of terrorism attacks in Pakistan.
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Insights into the Interaction of SARS-COV-2 with ACE2 Receptor
The causative agent for the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2). SARS-COV-2 makes entry into host cell via ACE2 receptor. The binding interaction of SARS-COV-2 with ACE2 receptor has been presented along with the mechanism of viral infection. In addition to lungs, other tissues viz heart, brain, kidneys etc. become potential targets of SARS-COV-2 infection owing to the expression of ACE2 in them. Understanding of damage in such tissues has been addressed along with some preventive therapeutics.
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Knowledge of Personal Protective Equipment Use of Senior Paramedic Students Before Graduation During COVID-19 Pandemic Period
This study is planned to determine the knowledge of personal protective equipment use of senior paramedic students before graduation during COVID-19 pandemic. The research is a descriptive study. The universe of the study consisted of 180 senior paramedic students studying at three universities in Izmir. When evaluating the study data, descriptive findings were expressed as percentage, mean, standard deviation and median. 38.1% of the students are between 18-20 years old, 50.0% are between 21-23 years old and 11.9% are 23 years old and above. 58.3% of the students participating in the study are females and 41.7% are males. In the study, 74.4% of paramedic students stated that healthcare personnel working in ambulance or patient transport vehicles should use medical masks, gowns, gloves and eye protection while transporting suspected COVID-19- (SARS-CoV-2) patients to the health institution. 78.5% of the students answered that an N95/FFP2 mask should be used while intervening and taking samples in a patient suspected o having COVID-19. As a result, it was found that during the COVID-19 pandemic period, the knowledge of personal protective equipment use of senior paramedic students before graduation is sufficient in some cases and not clear and sufficient in some cases. It is recommended that students should be given effective training on the use of PPE during the intervention of the patient with COVID-19 before graduation. It is known that the use of personal protective equipment is preventive in the transmission of the virus. There are studies supporting that the contact of healthcare professionals with patients with covid-19 increases their anxiety. In our study, it was thought that it would be helpful to determine whether paramedic students, who will be in the risk group to come into contact with covid-19 patients in the prehospital area, have sufficient knowledge about the use of personal protective equipment. In this direction, it is thought that it will contribute to the content of the training on the use of personal protective equipment during the covid-19 pandemic process.
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L2 Teachers' reasons and perceptions for using or not using computer mediated communication tools in their classroom
This study is an effort to explore Iranian EFL teachers’ perceptions about integrating Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) tools in teaching and learning English and reasons they choose or avoid utilizing such tools in the classroom. 100 male and female English teachers with BA, MA, or PhD degree participated in this survey. A questionnaire was used for the purpose of the study. The findings reveal that the majority of teachers were positive towards computer mediated teaching. They asserted that CMC tools are time, energy, and money saving; interesting for the students; reduces cultural barriers by facilitating exposure to the authentic materials; enables teachers to encourage students beyond the limit of time and space; and enables learners to learn at their own pace. The results of the correlational analysis shows that the better teachers were at working with computers the more they showed positive attitudes towards applying technology in their teaching practice.
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Lagrangian Mechanics on (2,0)-jet bundles
In this study, we concluded the Lagrangian equations on (J^((2,0) ) M,?_L,?) , being a model. Finally introduce, some geometrical and physical results on the related mechanic systems have been discussed.
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Leadership practice among technical and vocational teacher in facing current educational issues: a qualitative research
This study seeks to understand and explain the leadership practice among technical and vocational teacher of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Medan, Batu Pahat, Johor in facing current educational issues. A qualitative case study conducted among 4 teachers who teach the subjects of invention, life skills, trade and home economics in order to get their perception. The findings in this study demonstrates an understanding among teachers of technical and vocational fields regarding of leadership style and how a practice of leadership style facing the current educational issues. In conclusion, every teacher should diversify their leadership style in teaching so that, the students can increase their proeficiency in specific areas.
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Leaf Spot Caused by Alternaria Solani on Capsicum Annuum L. in Eastern Zone of Nepal & North Bihar, India
Collection of 13 leaves from Capsicum annuum L. was taken for the observation of symptoms caused by Alternaria solani on date 15/12/2020. Size of leaves noted between 6.88 sq. cm. to 31.96 and Maximum number of spots was 18. The other symptoms shoot out, half lamina absent (in leaf), swelling of green tissue along with yellow spot with white mycelium, giving powdery mass in some leaves were common. Anatomical study was done on Date 25/12/2020 at 2-3 P.M in the laboratory, Department of Botany, M.M.A.M.CAMPUS, BIRATNAGAR
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