Effect of integrated nutrient management on selected soil physical properties and grain yield of maize in abakaliki, south eastern Nigeria
An experiment was carried out at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki to study effect of integrated nutrient management on some soil selected physical properties and grain yield of maize. The field was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design. There were five treatments namely poultry droppings mixed with burnt rice husk dust (PBRHD), cow dung mixed with unburnt rice husk dust (CURHD), goat dung mixed with saw dust (GSD) and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer and control replicated four times. The data obtained from the study were subjected to Statistical Analysis System for Agriculture. The result showed that poultry droppings mixed with burnt rice husk dust (PBRHD), cow dung mixed with unburnt rice husk dust (CURHD), goat dung mixed with sawdust (GSD) and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer had significantly (P<0.05) higher effect on total porosity, hydraulic conductivity, gravimetric moisture content (GMC) relative to control. The amendment of PBRHD showed significant (P<0.05) effect on hydraulic conductivity, gravimetric moisture content (GMC) and water retention (WR) when compared with control and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer treatment. Significantly (P<0.05) lower dispersion ratio was obtained under PBRHD amended plots relative to control and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer treatment. Furthermore, CURHD and GSD significantly (P<0.05) increased water retention relative to control and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer application. Total porosity, hydraulic conductivity, gravimetric moisture content and dispersion ratio were higher by 6, 13, 87 and 64% in PBRHD amended plots when compared with NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer amended plots. The texture remained sandy clay loam after cropping. There was significantly (P<0.05) higher effect of PBRHD amendment on grain yield of maize compared to control and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer treated plots. This was 22 and 20% increments of grain yield of maize in plots amended with PBRHD relative to control and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer treatment. Generally, the integrated nutrient management improved soil physical properties and grain yield of maize more than control and NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer treatment. The order of improvement is PBRHD>CURHD>GSD>NPK 20:10:10 fertilizer>C. Integrated nutrient management could be recommended for soil management and sustainable productivity in Abakaliki agro-ecosystem of Nigeria.
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Evaluation some affecting factors on John Deere Combine 955series losses during harvest by mathematical models (Case study Ahvaz city)
Wheat is the most important crops in Iran and study to reduce losses and costs related to this product are essential. Wheat like any other crop, have losses during harvest and trying to reduce losses in all the time is justifiable. Yet Combine John Deere 955 for harvesting operations is most used combines in Iran and study in order to reduce losses this combine is important. The aims of this study are assess these factors: combine forward speed, Grain moisture content (%, w.b.) and yield per hectare on combine losses John Deere 955 in Ahvaz city (Khuzestan province). One of the ways that reduces losses of combines is mathematical models based on survey and measurement of factors affecting on different combine losses. In order to perform this research was surveyed 28 combines in at different points of Ahvaz city and was calculated cutting platform, back combine, plots and natural losses. In this study, parameters such as combine forward speed, Grain moisture content (%, w.b.) and yield per hectare were considered as independent variables and cutting platform and back combine losses as dependent variables. To express the mathematical relationship between the dependent and independent variables was used multivariate regression test. Results of regression analysis of variance showed there is significant relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables. Finally was estimated most appropriate models to cutting platform losses (CPL) and back combine losses (BCL).
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Experimental Spectroscopic (FTIR, FT-Raman), NBO and NLO Studies of 4, 5-Diphenylimidazole by DFT Method
This work presents the quantum chemical calculations and spectral techniques of 4, 5- Diphenylimidazole (DPI). The spectroscopic properties were investigated by FT-IR and FT-Raman. The FT-IR spectrum (4000–400 cm?1) and FT-Raman spectrum (3500–100 cm?1) in solid phase was recorded for DPI. The optimised geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies have been investigated by DFT/B3LYP method with 6-31G (d) and 6-311G (d, p) basis sets. The difference between the observed and scaled wave number values of most of the fundamental is very small. Stability of the molecule arising from hyper conjugative interactions, charge delocalization has been analyzed using natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis. HOMO and LOMO energies were measured. The electric dipole moment (?D) and first hyperpolarizability (?tot) values of the investigated molecule were computed using ab initio quantum mechanical calculations. The calculated results also show that the DPI molecule may have microscopic nonlinear optics (NLO) behavior. Finally molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) also performed.
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First Among Equals: The United States in a Future World System
The world system is inclined to redistribution of capabilities within the international, state or even the individual levels, especially, in the aftermath of major events that necessarily alter the status quo. Power is fungible especially in the international system, so the US decline as a super power economically can be translated into a decline in other forms of power especially military might. Therefore, the claim that the US is becoming the first among equals becomes more realistic. The World system is witnessing the emergence of powers aiming at rearrangement of the world system into a multipolar framework, it is not possible for the United States to unilaterally exercise the world political decision as in the aftermath of the end of the cold war and the absence of the Soviet Union from the scene. The big powers have high political weight that cannot be ignored, surpassed, especially the "BRICS" group
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From Organisation to State: Palestine Liberation Organisation and Its Effect on Middle East
Middle East has been the major special area for the three major monotheistic religions for its religiously geopolitical aspect. Apart from this, the emergence of the old prophets at this area and being a cradle for the first civilizations made the place more important. During 20th century this area is like a new homeland for the Jewish people who faced with great oppressions as it was before. The foundation of Israel after the World War II in this area, Arab people especially Palestinians began to feel the heat from it. After this, we will witness many movements that will protect Palestine from Israel. One the most important of these movements is the Al-Fath Organisation. Although its main motto is the independence of Palestine, by getting affected from the scholars who affected the Arab world a lot, they decided to both adapt a new position and got into political fights with other rival organisations. Therefore, their effect on both politics and Middle East increased considerably. Among all the ideologies and the changing conditions of history, Al-Fath tried to express its own ideals.
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Goods and services tax in India –its concept, challenges and opportunities
Goods and Service Tax (herein after referred as ‘GST’) is a new revelation that is soon to make its appearance in Indian Indirect Tax Regime. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value added tax to be implemented in India, the decision on which is pending. GST is the only indirect tax that directly affects all sectors and sections of our economy. Goods and Services Tax -- GST -- is a comprehensive tax levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and services at a national level. In this paper we try to attempt to get detailed knowledge about GST , the reasons of introducing GST, know the challenges and threats in imposing GST, see the current status of GST in India, opportunities it will provide to economy, industry exporter, company and government and Shortcomings of GST. The analysis shows that GST is a necessary condition if the country has to go back to double digit GDP growth. GST is a better approach of charging tax on goods & service as problem which is present in the current indirect tax system can be avoided by adopting GST.IT is likely to improve tax collections and boost India’s economic development by breaking tax barriers between States and integrating India through a uniform tax rate. GST is an improvement over VAT & service tax but it is also having some flaws.
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Green chemistry: The need or necessity for environment protection
Manmade disasters wrap an ample range of events produced largely due to negligence, accidents, or sometimes even by human design and its errors. These also include the threats of nuclear, biological and chemical disasters. This emphasized the regular check and modification in current scientific solutions and to promote the quest of ‘Go Green’. Water source can be used for pioneering scientific solutions at laboratory level and to resolve the scientific & environmental issue. It is in abundant source on earth and versatile in nature to behave as a communicator for various chemical/biological reactions. This solvent is best green solvent for various chemical and biological processes the utility ad its superiority over others have been investigated and evaluated.
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Growth and characterization of high quality doped nonlinear optical crystals of L-Alanine Magnesium Chloride (LAMC)
Amino acids exhibit excellent nonlinear optical and electro optical properties. L-alanine magnesium chloride belongs to the amino acid group and has been grown by the slow evaporation solution growth technique (SEST) at room temperature. The grown crystals have been characterized by UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy; powder X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy. Second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency of the grown crystal has been measured by Kurtz perry powder technique. The SHG efficiency of LAMC is found to be 0.3 times that of potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (KDP).
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In-situ performance assessment of low volume roads in three districts of Andhra Pradesh
This study represents the largest of its kind to evaluate the Rural Road Pavement Performance (RRPPS) in Andhra Pradesh in co-operation with the National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA), for sponsoring the research project. Rural roads not only account for a major portion of national road networks, but also play a very vital role in the socio-economic growth of a country. Realizing this fact, in the present study an attempt has been made to assess the condition of rural road under varied climatic and environment conditions to assess their performance. To fulfill the objectives three districts namely Warangal, Guntur and Kurnool were selected for pavement evaluation study purpose. Based on the extensive field study and analysis it is concluded that rutting values over a season increases. This is due to the ingress of moisture content in base sub base and sub-grade layers. A correlation between the allowable number of Load repetitions to limit permanent deformation and compressive vertical strain on the top of the sub-grade was developed. Further it is observed that most of the roads have Pavement Serviceability Index (PSI) values below two indicating the need for immediate maintenance. Finally a model to predict the distress and condition ratings of the pavement was proposed.
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Issues in the Funding of Public Education in Nigeria: A Focus on Free Education Programmes
This paper is directed at highlighting the funding pattern of the federal government of Nigeria in relation to public education. It involves a review of relevant policy documents and research reports. The purpose is to stress the importance of adequate funding in relation to pertinent issues that affect the quality of free education programmes in Nigeria. This paper reveals that the adequacy of government funding of education has been adversely affected by inaccurate projection of target population for free education programmes due to poor statistical base and insufficient demographic information; the security situation in the country that compels government to spend increasing amount of money on security issues; and the weakness of the national currency against major international currencies like the British pound, the US dollar and the Euro that reduces the purchasing power of the naira in the international market. It recommends timely collection, collation, analysis and documentation of all demographic and institutional data relating to the funding of free education programmes. Keywords: Funding, basic education, national budget, expenditure.
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