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       9281. Modeling of Corona Effect in AC Transmission Systems
Muhammad Ahmed Dawood and Ghous Buksh Narejo
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics
       9282. Outerloop pipelining in FFT using single dimension software pipelining
K. Immanuvel Arokia James and M. J. Joyce Kiruba
Abstract | Pdf Category : Computing and Informatics    |   Sub Category : Information Technology
       9283. Preconcentration of trace Ni (II) using C18 disks nano graphene with aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES)
Ali Moghimi
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Chemistry
       9284. Predictors of interest in using Endosulfan by the farmers –An analysis using fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM)
K.Sivakamasundari and Smitha.M.V
Abstract | Pdf Category : Mathematical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Mathematics
       9285. Preparation, Characterization and Humidity Sensing Properties of nanocrystalline SnO2 thin films prepared by Spray Pyrolysis technique
R.S. Khadayate and S. R. Thosare
Abstract | Pdf Category : Materials Research    |   Sub Category : Materials Science
       9286. Reactive Power Correction using Distributed Static Synchronous Compensator
Mohammad Abdul Baseer and Hussam Habibeh
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics
       9287. Reasons of any delay in dam making projects in Iran
Nouredin Gandomi Jhdgandomi
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Civil Engineering
       9288. Second Order Field Dependent Lagrangian & It's Effect on Higgs Field
Zoalnoon Ahmed Abeid Allah
Abstract | Pdf Category : Physical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Nuclear and Radiation
       9289. Social capital and gender in the workplace
Reza Mohammadi and Yousef Amiri
Abstract | Pdf Category : Management    |   Sub Category : Organizational Behaviour
       9290. Social Capital as a Predictor of Delinquency in Adolescent Boys
Leila Fathi
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Social Sciences