Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of mixed ligand complexes of Ni(ii) and Co(ii) 1,2,3-triazole with thiocyanate
The metal complexes of Co2+ and Ni2+ 1,2,3-triazole mixed ligand have been synthesized. The synthesized complexes in different ratios have been characterized by element chemical analysis, molar conductance and Uv-visible and FTIR spectroscopic studies. IR spectra data suggests the involvement of sulphur and nitrogen in coordination to the central metal ions. On the basis of spectral studies and elemental analysis, a tetrahedral geometry was assigned for the nickel complexes while dimerization was suspected for cobalt(II) complexes. The free ligand and metal complexes were tested in vitro against a number of microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) in order to assess their microbial properties. They are found to be proactive against fungi and bacteria upon the metal complexes, nickel complexes performed better than the cobalt complees.
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Taming women in National elective leadership positions. The case of Abagusii of Western Kenya
This study investigated the tactics used to curtail women participation in national elective leadership positions among the Abagusii of Western Kenya. Data for this study was collected from 15 Gusii women who were purposively selected because of their participation in the 2013 and 2017 national elections as contestants. The study found that women were unable to win any national elective seats which they competed with men. Their failure was attributed to the tactics male contestants used against them. These tactics were mostly based on moralistic codes of gender and sexuality. This study argues that policies that aim at enhancing women participation in elective leadership positions must first address the social construction of women sexuality in each community.
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The Business Leadership and Managerial Strategies of Successful Barbers Salons in Indiana
Many small businesses in the United States, including barber salons face challenges in succeeding during the initial years of business formation and establishment. The factors responsible for the low survival rate of salons may include factors such as the limited training and education levels mandated by state certification requirements. The purpose of this multiple case study was to identify business strategies that successful barber salon owners use to overcome the business management and staffing challenges associated with a small pool of skilled barbers and the high turnover in a low wage profession. The theory of transformational leadership served as the foundation of the conceptual framework. The data collection included interviews of 3 successful barber salon owners who met the study participation eligibility criteria of licensed, registered, operating a salon business in the Indiana region for more than 5 years, and over the minimum age of 25 years. The principal themes emerging from the interview data analysis were salon leadership and managerial strategies. The data analysis also involved the triangulation of the primary research data against secondary data from the Small Business Administration and barber industry reports. The expertise and knowledge shared by the interviewees could serve the quest of barber salon businesses in the Indiana region to overcome the profitability and financial sustainability challenges of this industry. The study findings may potentially contribute to positive social change by improving the economic standing and welfare of barber salon owners and professionals in the community.
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The course of fistulizing Crohn's disease excluding ano-perinéal lésions (APL) on biotherapy
Crohn's disease is a chronic disabling inflammatory disease affecting the entire digestive tract. The development of biotherapy, in the forefront of which are the anti-TNF alpha drugs, has led to changes in the management of this disease, particularly in terms of improving fistulising forms of the disease outside the anoperineal lesions. We report on the evolution of fistulising Crohn's disease excluding APL under biotherapy.
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The electronic cigarette: a new cardiovascular risk factor? About one case
The electronic cigarette is a product of common consumption which has known a remarkable commercial success. Its use is controversed by the doctors because of its toxicity, especially in the long term. A lesser toxicity of vaping compared to cigarettes is also an established fact. We report the case of a young electronic cigarette smoker, who arrived at the emergency department with a myocardial infarction. In the literature, a significant impact of electronic cigarette use on intermediate endpoints or markers of cardiovascular but it is not clear whether these changes have medium- and long-term clinical consequences. Few clinical studies have been conducted to specifically evaluate the cardiovascular effects of vaping. Thus, the electronic cigarette should never be used on a non-smoker or ex-smoker. Ideally, its use should be limited in time necessary for smoking cessation.
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The Influence of Human Resources on Strategy Implementation in Commercial Banks in Kenya
The main purpose of this study was to examine the influence of human resources on the implementation of strategies in commercial banks in Kenya. The focus groups were senior and middle-level managers of commercial banks in Kenya. A mixed research approach, which combined qualitative and quantitative methods, was adopted for this study. Specifically a correlation cross-sectional field data aimed at testing the research hypotheses was used. The researcher used proportionate stratified random sampling technique to obtain a sample of 200 managers. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The organized data from both the qualitative and quantitative sources were entered into the computer application package SPSS after which descriptive and inferential statistics were obtained. Descriptive statistics employed frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations while inferential statistics employed Pearson (product moment) correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis. The study found a statistically significant relationship between human resources and strategy implementation at 0.05 confidence level. The study recommended that commercial banks should continue investing in human resources through strategies like recruitment and selection, training and development, reward management in order to increases chances of strategy implementation success.
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The Inheritance Rights and Procedures in Igbo Society; The Place of Women and Access to Property Inheritance
Patriarchal Societies like the Igbos of south East Nigeria is characteristed by unequal positioning of male and female off springs to inheritance. The males are regarded as heirs and apparent successors to economic and social powers, the right of females in this regard has been relegated to the background. The condition follows that economic situation or poverty level of a male child could be changed for better through inheritance. The basic assumption behind this discourse then is that the inheritance rights and access to property rules among the Igbos further deepens the already poverty situation of women in the society. It is against this background that this paper focuses on examining the interface between the inheritance rights and poverty situation among women in Igboland. This paper however substantiates that with the continued practice of the customary inheritance Igbo in society. The paper proffers suggestions on possible ways to improve the lives of the women through integration of the English and Customary laws as they relate to inheritance.
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The investigation of the relation between Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and Constant Development
Recently, Information and Communications Technology has played an important role in different aspects of human life. In particular, since mid-1990s ICT has increased Total Factor Productivity (TFP) in many countries of the world. ICT through capital deepening has the feature of the so-called knowledge commodity and can increase the factors productivity in the economy [1].The world in 21st Century is a world full of Competition development of markets, appearance and Circulation of superior technology and extension of Commerce. Condition for Success on this area is Profit of opportunities and Pacify of in front of challenges and these necessitate that the process of Social–Economic development with Strategic approach to definition of international new Condition and recognition Changes in Composition and relations procedure of economic, political, global and regional issues and also with an attitude towards the most important subjects and problems of national economy, rout of performance of technological–structural Changes and responsibility to necessities of Constant growing and development, Smooth the economy of Country away. Since the good of development is empower so con stat development is a development which focus on continuance development of peoples request and satisfaction with increasing of quality of human's life. Deny and threaten the ability of next generations for satisfaction of their own needs. Entering to third millennium and facing up to critical phenomena for becoming global and development of information and communication technology and using of these two phenomena have been Caused moving communities towards informational societies and this information technology has become the main motivation of world economy and constant development without reliance on application of ICI almost will be impossible. Mainly industry of information and Communication technology has created more revolution in human's life at new term than mechanics in industrial revolution period and this industry has wonderfully affected both private and social life. In this essay is attempted mean while defining development and Constant development is considered to information and communication technology for achieving constant development with a look at twenty years vision of Iran.
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The need to create a residential, tourism,( hotel )with a view to strengthen the infrastructure industry Tourists in plain Marvdasht
According to the country's needs in the tourism industry is trying to design a residential plan, in addition to tourism potential of this city.this city can satisfy a small part of the country's needs in this industry. In order to achieve these goals, the first it answers a series of questions in this area,What is for selecting site to build this collection site ? Can would we effective with the introduction of Marvdasht city in promoting the tourism potential of the city? Due to the increasing tourism demand and has a low cost, high income and health of the industry, to create a set tourist accommodations convenient to accommodate visitors with the history of the city is essential tourist attractions and values Because of better understanding the history of this area. The method in this article involves two basic steps. In the first in discriptive stage cross-based tools libraries and the Internet to check the location of Marvdasht city , and in the second phase of data collection for field studies in which to select the desired site, such as the position of the earth, the aesthetics, natural factors in site and their analysis is performed. The result is that by making this collection a major step in the development of tourist facilities and accommodation services to the region will has done.
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The nexus between cultural values and entrepreneurial innovativeness: a Nigerian study
Innovation is the process through which the entrepreneur converts market opportunities into workable, profitable and marketable ideas. It is the application of something creative that has a significant impact on an organization, an industry or the society at large. Innovation is critical not only to facilitate differentiation, but also to bring about sustainable competitive advantage. The study employed survey research using questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. Two hundred subjects responded to the questionnaire. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested using multiple regression, t-test, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Analysis of Variance. The study suggested, among other findings, that there is an association or relationship between cultural values and entrepreneurial innovativeness in Nigeria. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that entrepreneurs should consider their cultural values and ethnic dispositions in their business pursuits since they can go a long way in determining entrepreneurial innovativeness.
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