Variation of tropospheric ozone residue along the west coast region of India
Tropospheric ozone is one of the key species in the atmosphere and it plays a vital role in the air quality, atmospheric chemistry, and climate change over a region. Being a secondary species produced from the photolysis of trace gases, ozone offers a good tracer to comprehend the atmospheric air quality. Economic liberalization in India began in early nineties which lead to a significant growth in industrial, energy and transport sectors in India. The advent of multinational industries in Indian cities could significantly increase the population. The rapid enhancement in industrial and anthropogenic activities in Indian cities could result a deterioration of air quality and this has influenced the rural areas as well. This work aims at the estimation of air quality in rural environment in Indian sub-continent before and after the economic liberalization in India. It shows an evidence of increase in tropospheric ozone over these hotspots lying along the coastal belt of the Arabian Sea which were mostly unpolluted prior to the period of liberalization.
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A case report of a right ventricle wound: Fatal complication of sternal puncture
The myelogram is an essential tool for the diagnosis of haematological disorders. The sternal puncture is the gesture that allows the extraction of the spinal cord. This invasive technique is achievable by practitioners outpatient but is not devoid of life-threatening complications. We report the case of a patient hospitalized for etiological assessment of a myelodysplastic syndrome, sent in cardio-respiratory arrest state after sternal puncture. The echocardiography performed concomitantly with cardiopulmonary resuscitation was able to demonstrate cardiac tamponade by hemopericardium. Following an unsuccessful xiphoidal puncture attempt, a rescue thoracotomy was performed. The thoracotomy revealed a wound in the anterior wall of the right ventricle. Complications of sternal punctures can be fatal. The choice of the material used, the learning curve of the gesture itself, the early detection of complications are necessary elements to consider.
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A comparative study of areawise socio-economic status and emotional fitness of senior citizens of Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh state of India
The main objective of the study was to compare the Area Wise Socio-Economic Status and Emotional Fitness of Senior Citizens of Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh State of India. The present researcher used simple random sampling method for the selection of 2000 subjects (Senior Citizens) for the present study. 100 Male and 100 Female Senior Citizens were taken together from each five district taken for the present study of Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh State of India. Kuppuswamy’s Socio-Economic Standardized scale and Gross & John Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) were used for data collection. The data collected was statistically analyzed by using Percentage and Chi Square was specially used to found the significance difference in between different socio-economic status and Emotional Fitness of Senior Citizens Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh State of India. Further Percentage, Average Percentage, Mean, Combined Mean, Average Mean and Chi Square were calculated. On the basis of above findings and conclusions it can be briefly concluded that senior citizens of Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh State of India differed significantly in respect to their socio-economic Status and Emotional Level.
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A comparative study of various color image segmentation methods
This paper has presented a review on different image segmentation techniques. The image segmentation; segments a given image into separate regions and objects. It is widely used in various vision applications like face detections, motion detection etc. The overall objective of this paper is to review various techniques of image segmentation. The short comings of image segmentation techniques will also be evaluated. This paper ends up with the analytical solution to overcome the problems of the existing techniques.
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A new reinforcement learning optimisation approach for capacitor placement in distribution systems
The problem of capacitor allocation in electric distribution systems involves maximizing energy and peak power loss reductions by means of capacitors installation. This paper presents a novel approach using reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm to determine suitable candidates' nodes in a distribution system for capacitor placement. The problem formulation considers two distinct objectives related to total cost of power loss and total cost of capacitors including the purchase and installation costs. The proposed method of this article uses RL for sizing and placing of capacitors in radial distribution feeders. The proposed method has been implemented in a software package and its effectiveness has been verified through a 9-bus radial distribution feeder, 34-bus radial distribution feeder along with 33-bus and 66-bus distribution systems. A comparison has been done among the proposed method of this paper and similar methods in other research works that shows the effectiveness of the proposed method of this paper for solving optimum capacitor planning problem.
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A personality trait and workplace deviant behaviors
Workplace deviant behaviors have caused organizations to suffer losses. As such this study explored the relationships between employees’ personality trait of emotional intelligence and workplace intelligences. One hundred and sixty-two participants completed the Self-Administered Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSREIT) and workplace deviance test. The findings showed a negative but significant relationship between emotional intelligence and workplace deviant behaviors. Also discussed were the level of respondents’ emotional intelligence and workplace deviance according to demographic factors. Possible implications for intervention and treatment efforts are discussed.
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A Perspective View of Monetary Policy Instrument On The Nigerian Economy
This paper tries to view monetary policy and national economy. Economic growth is simple defined as a positive quantitative increase in the country output of goods and services (Onwukwe 2003). Produced in a country within a specified period of time. Monetary policy is of importance to every developing nation. Every economy strives to achieve sustainable economic growth and development-explained in terms of positive sustainable increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) using the OLS Regression Analysis It was observed that the money supply (m2) contributed positively to the growth of the economy while nominal exchange rate and inflation have a negative impact on GDP which implies that inflation is a constrain to Exchange rate being negative implies that high rate of depression of naira is affecting production capacity especially as most production inputs are being imported and as such the paper recommends amongst others that a Persistent rise in general price level of goods and services must be controlled by the government in order to fight against inflation. This will boost the growth of the economy.
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A region based an adaptive color texture segmentation using similarity measure of symbolic object approach
Texture segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into regions with different textures containing similar group of pixels. Texture is an important spatial feature, useful for identifying object or region of interest. In texture analysis the foremost task is to extract texture features, which efficiently embody the information about the textural characteristics of the image. This can be used for the segmentation of different textured images. This paper presents a new approach for color texture segmentation using Haralick’s features extracted from color co-occurrence matrices. The originality of this approach is to select the most discriminating color texture features extracted from the color co-occurrence. Symbolic Object Approach is used for achieving texture segmentation.
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A Study on Customer Perception towards Kalamkari Products - Pedana, Andhra Pradesh
Kalamkari work is an art form of textile tradition, using modrants and natural dyes. Kalamkari started off during the Mughal dynasty and presently Andhra Pradesh is the largest producer of Kalamkari fabric. With the emergence of high quality machine looms and acceptance for printed textiles, Kalamkari art came on the verge of extinction. However, printed Kalamkari is a new craze among the current generation as it is a combination of traditional and modern trends. Present study is to analyse the perception of customers towards kalamkari products with respect to four marketing mix elements. Statements related to product, price, promotion and place were offered to customer and their responses, further analysed to summarise and draw inferences.
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A study on electromagnet operated piston engine
There is a growing demand for the need of alternative fuels for transportation. Increasing the efficiency and reducing the exhaust gases in engines have been dominant in the fields of research. The exhaust gases contain numerous pollutants that are extremely harmful though in chronic conditions. Hence, Electromagnetic engines were created that uses the combined power of an electromagnet as well as a permanent magnet. While these engines have already proven their worth as alternative sourced engines, non-polluting and eco-friendly, the current challenge is to make them more efficient, reliable and cost effective.
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