A Study on JSON Web Services and Public Web APIs
Web Services describes an identical way of integrating Web-based applications. For satisfying users demands these services have higher probability. All these services are publicly offered as a web data in the web repository. Web Services are of two kinds likely SOAP and REST offer different methods to invoke a service. Mobile and cloud applications, social networking websites, and automated business processes are among the drivers fueling the need for RESTful Web APIs. A survey on approach that is to be applied for analyzing and selecting web services from the number available web service is be conducted.
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A study on lipid profile and anthropometric measurements in patients with hyperlipidemia
Hyperlipidemia is commonly ascribed to obesity. In the current study, the association of anthropometric profile with hyperlipidemia after adjustment for important confounding variables such as smoking, alcohol intake, and diabetes in volunteers with elevated lipoproteins was analyzed. Anthropometric assessment included measurement of weight, height, waist and hip circumferences. Serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), High- density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglyceride (TG) were measured. Low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) was calculated by the Friedewald formula. Statistical analysis was done to examine the associations between anthropometric variables and lipids. The mean age of the study population was 63.31±9.56 years (30-80 yrs). Majority of individuals (51.5%) were in the age group of 61-70 years. Nearly 75.7% and 64.7% of the male and female population of the study respectively had BMI >30 kg/m2. Overall analysis of data revealed that HDL-C and BMI were correlated negatively (r= -0.25, p<0.05), whereas other lipid sub fractions did not have any significant association with the markers of obesity.
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Abdominal localisation of an ectopic pregnancy : case report
Abdominal pregnancy is a very rare obstetric complication which is extremely dangerious to the mother as well as the fetus. The diagnose can be difficult using ultrasounds beyond the first trimester,even then a high index of suspicion remains necessary. In this report, we present a primigravida woman accounted for pelvic pain and late periods into the Emergency room.
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About unitary quantum theory and catalytic process theory
In article is considered approximately unitary quantum equation with oscillating charge for single particle. The Laws of the conservation are got after averaging on ensemble of the particles. Using of this equation allows with united position to explain many mysterious phenomenas of the catalytic processes and nature.
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Academic Achievement: Role of Need for Achievement and Anxiety
The study aimed to investigate the relationship between academic achievement, need for achievement and anxiety among 101 above average female achievers. The participants of the study were between the age range of 16-18 years. Academic achievement was assessed by previously passed examination, 65% being the cut off score. The A M Sn-dm (n-ach) by Deo & Mohan was used to assess need for achievement and IPAT Anxiety Scale by Krug, Scheier and Cattell was used to assess anxiety amongst the students. The average achievement score was 79%. The mean need for achievement and anxiety scores were 132 and 39 respectively. A positive but insignificant correlation was found between academic achievement and need for achievement. A negative but insignificant correlation was found between school achievement and anxiety. A negative but significant correlation at .01 level of significance was found between need for achievement and anxiety. The present study has implications in child rearing and teaching practices.
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Access of rural women to productive resources in a rural area of northern Nigeria
Access to resources is one of the elements of women empowerment and a base for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. The study examined the access of rural women to productive resources in Nassarawa Eggon Area, Nasarawa State. Data were collected from 100 women farmers that were purposively selected from five districts in the study area. Descriptive statistics and Likert scale were utilized to analyze the data. The findings indicated that 60% of the rural women farmers were between the age of 36 and 40 years, 62% of the respondents were married whereas 31% and 7% were single and widowed, respectively. About 43% of the respondents had primary education, whereas 62% had farming experience of between 1 to 10 years. Furthermore, 54% of the respondents had farm sizes of less than 1 to 2 hectares. The major income generating activities of the respondents are crop production, livestock production and tailoring. The respondents had better access to land (mean = 3.00), seed (mean = 2.95) and labour (mean = 2.86). However, access to rural institutions and capital were limited. The constraints faced by the respondent were high cost of inputs and inadequate access to credit facilities. It was recommended that rural women should be given the opportunity to have access and control over productive resource in the rural area through public enlightment, extension services and access to capital.
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Accessing Maternal and Child Health Care Services Utilization: an Application of Andersen’s Behaviour Model
According to WHO maternal and child health services can be defined as promoting, preventing, therapeutic or rehabilitation facility or care for the mother and child. In India and developing world, many women suffer from complications during pregnancy and delivery care. Utilization of maternal and child care services during pregnancy and delivery care will helps in reducing the mortality and morbidity of mother and her child. An effort has been made in this study to assess the maternal and child health care services utilization among the women. Third round of National Family Health Survey (NFHS-III) has been used in this study. The study selected 32,222 women age 15-49 who had at least one birth in five year prior to the survey. Empowered Action Group states and Assam has been selected to carry-out this study. In this study we illustrate the Andersen’s Behavioural Model of Health Care Utilization. The model describes factors that inhibit or facilitate access to health care, and how these factors are applied in the process of seeking and using health services. The result showed that only 19% of the women delivery takes place in health facilities while 31.7% received assistance during delivery from skilled provider in EAG states and Assam. Utilization of maternal health services was significantly low among rural women as compared to their urban counterparts. Result also showed that the educational status of the mother, household wealth quintile is found to be strong indicators of utilization of maternal health care services.
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Algorithmic approach to transmission line fault distance estimation using impedance based method
The necessity of power and its dependency has grown exponentially over the years. The tremendous demand has increased the focus on minimizing power losses. One of the major problems in transmission lines is the occurrence of fault that affects the quality of electricity supply. Fault location detection is therefore the key to reliable operation of power equipments and satisfactory service delivery with minimum interruption. This need has given rise to fault location techniques so that the economic impact of fault occurrences can be mitigated with appropriate corrective measures. A numerous methods have been developed and used over the years for transmission line fault locations. This paper opts for the applicability of impedance based fault distance estimation on transmission lines. This was achieved by modelling the transmission line and simulating it using Simulink while the algorithm was written using MATLAB codes. The experimental studies indicated that this approach is reliable for rapid and correct identification of various fault locations.
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An analysis of the extent to which the economic factors affect the academic performance of learners in Public primary schools in Matete Sub county, Kakamega County Kenya
Studies worldwide have revealed that economic factors do affect academic performance of pupils. In Matete Sub County, the performance of pupils at KCPE has been declining from the year 2012-2015, with a mean of 248. What was unknown the extent to which economic factors affect the academic performance of primary school pupils in public primary schools in Matete sub-county. The objective of the study was to establish extent to which economic factors affect academic performance of pupils in Matete sub-county, Kenya. A conceptual framework was used to show the relationships between the dependent variable and independent variables. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study population comprised of 49 head teachers, 49 senior teachers, 75 standard eight class teachers, 1759 class eight pupils, and 1 Sub County Quality Assurance Officer. The study sampled 44 head teachers, 44 senior teachers and one sub-county Quality Assurance Officer who were selected through saturated sampling technique. Sixty-three class eight teachers were selected through simple random sampling technique. It also comprised 525 Standard 8 pupils, who were selected through stratified sampling technique. Instruments for data collection were questionnaire, interview schedules, focus group discussions and document analysis guide. Face validity of the instruments was ascertained by experts in educational administration. Pilot study was carried out among 15 pupils, 5 head teachers, and 5 senior teachers. A Cronbach’s coefficient alpha of 0.7 was found; hence the instruments were reliable. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The qualitative data was transcribed and categorized on an on-going process as themes and sub themes emerge. The study showed that economic factors were rated at 3.81, hence, affect performance. The study provides the educational stakeholders with hints on the extent the economic factors affected the academic performance of pupils, hence should be given attention accordingly.
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An Integrated Model of Intensive and Extensive Reading in Teaching Reading For EFL University Students: Current Practice and Future Possibilities
The vast amount of information available on the internet makes Reading become more important than ever before. It is possible to say that reading is not a guarantee for someone success but success will be harder to come without becoming a skilled reader. Teaching Reading in EFL setting has always been problematic. This is due to the fact that most students have limited amount of vocabulary, limited opportunity to read, limited access to reading material for practice and low motivation to read. Meanwhile, most of Reading lessons resolved around reading passages and answering comprehension questions which looked more like testing Reading rather than teaching Reading. Moreover, most teachers were not concerned on promoting reading outside of the classroom as a means of practice and expect the students to be able to read without any difficulties. Fluency in Reading, as a matter of fact, is the result of thousands of hours of meaningful Reading. The problems mentioned above, lead the writer to develop a model that integrates intensive reading with extensive reading. The intensive reading is designed to teach reading skills and strategies which are needed to become skilled readers. The Extensive reading is designed as a means of practicing the skills and strategies that are taught in the classroom as well as to develop fluency, improve vocabulary and motivation to read. Therefore, this article will elaborate intensive reading, extensive reading and the integrated model of the two concepts as well as current practice and future possibilities
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